Television The Propgropthrop

I want to know as well. Did a quick Google but didn't find anything. Nothing on wiki either. Don't want to search too deep into Child molesting. Can you just bullet point it?

Anyway, this is the first wrestling event I've seen in years.

Roman Reigns is so much better as a bad guy. That match was fun, but the ending was not so great. Always love KO.

Goldberg :lol: he couldn't even wrestle in his prime, now he just feels like someone spamming the special moves on Tekken.

The woman's rumble was boring. I liked the look of Ruby Riot. She's a jobber? Thought she looked like a star. Is the girl that won any good? Alexa Bliss went out quicker than I thought.

Men's rumble was ok. I thought Riddle was a rapist or something? Surprised he's still here wrestling. Where were Bray Wyatt and Finn Balor? AJ went quick, is he not in the championship race any more? Thought Edge and Orton being so present and the last two was a bad decision. Come on man, these guys had their time... Even the final 4 was uninspiring, so obvious who would win. That Priest guy was awesome.
I want to know as well. Did a quick Google but didn't find anything. Nothing on wiki either. Don't want to search too deep into Child molesting. Can you just bullet point it?

Anyway, this is the first wrestling event I've seen in years.

Roman Reigns is so much better as a bad guy. That match was fun, but the ending was not so great. Always love KO.

Goldberg :lol: he couldn't even wrestle in his prime, now he just feels like someone spamming the special moves on Tekken.

The woman's rumble was boring. I liked the look of Ruby Riot. She's a jobber? Thought she looked like a star. Is the girl that won any good? Alexa Bliss went out quicker than I thought.

Men's rumble was ok. I thought Riddle was a rapist or something? Surprised he's still here wrestling. Where were Bray Wyatt and Finn Balor? AJ went quick, is he not in the championship race any more? Thought Edge and Orton being so present and the last two was a bad decision. Come on man, these guys had their time... Even the final 4 was uninspiring, so obvious who would win. That Priest guy was awesome.

Think hes talking about the party Riccochet threw at new years where marty scurrl was there. Scurrl and an inebriated 16 year old several years ago is the story
Was about to lose my shit when I thought the charisma vacuum that is randy Orton was going to win. Happy now though! Damien priest is a star in the making
Regarding Ricochet, he got called out last year for using the gym of a convicted child sex offender. He DM'd people saying he didn't know, but it's pretty difficult to believe that tbh

Here's the link, mooses initial response makes it seem like they knew and didn't care.

And has been hosting maskless parties during covid and dumb enough to post them on Instagram.

feck the guy.
WWE refs, the only refs worse than Premier League refs...

Thought this was one of the worst rumbles in terms of line ups I've seen. Edge, Bryan, Big E, Riddle and Priest looked ok but some of the other wrestlers were poor, even Christian looked better than them. No idea why Kane and Hurricane were in it, even if they were past stars. AJ's appearance turned into some joke with his bouncer catching him and simply felt the other wrestlers were not good enough.
Thought this was one of the worst rumbles in terms of line ups I've seen. Edge, Bryan, Big E, Riddle and Priest looked ok but some of the other wrestlers were poor, even Christian looked better than them. No idea why Kane and Hurricane were in it, even if they were past stars. AJ's appearance turned into some joke with his bouncer catching him and simply felt the other wrestlers were not good enough.
The hurricane grabbing lashley and big E for chokeslams was a nice throw back to 2001 when he did it to austin and hhh
Regarding Ricochet, he got called out last year for using the gym of a convicted child sex offender. He DM'd people saying he didn't know, but it's pretty difficult to believe that tbh

Here's the link, mooses initial response makes it seem like they knew and didn't care.

And has been hosting maskless parties during covid and dumb enough to post them on Instagram.

feck the guy.

Ah ok. So thats also the guy who AEW were renting a ring from for one of the first shows iirc before they knew of his history before they got blowback from it
The hurricane spot has already been done more than once and recently. Should have let him actually chokeslam someone this time. Kane was so bad, all just for a hug with Bryan? He also eliminated 2 guys. Should have had Joseph Parks instead.
I wonder if it was more difficult for them to get special appearances this year with the covid situation.

I enjoyed the whole show. I think we got the correct winners and it was fun.

KO/Roman was great, but two things annoyed me. 1, when the replacement ref started counting Roman down, why did he start at 1? The previous ref had already got to 9...

Then (due to Heyman not being able to get the handcuffs loose) the ref just stopped counting... why did they even send a second ref?? It just made it ridiculous, then for the quick finish straight after, it took the shine off a great match
Was happy with the PPV tbh. Drew got the rub, Reigns/Owens was a banger, and the rumbles were fun. They're meant to chaotic, somewhat cheesy, and nostalgic, and a platform to push superstars. People get upset about a hurricane spot being done again, yet we watch Kofi and now Naomi do the same spot every year and enjoy it.

Now granted, they don't always use it to push superstars and I think that's wrong, but Edge gets a pass IMO.

It's different to say if Orton or even Rollins won.
Imagine thinking Alexa bliss' sideboob would garner more interest than the woman's royal rumble.
I wonder what the virtual crowd gets up to whilst she’s having a costume change. Or do only the televised audience see these pre recorded transformations.

Surely if you want to keep the feud alive with Fiend, Alexa and Orton you’d have her cost him in the Rumble other than what they’ve done now. While we are at it who is Randys plastic surgeon as he does good work.

Secondly so beat Askua, away to beat Askua if not for Orton. Get mugged in the Rumble then have a face Cross. Surely she should now be the one in the line up to face Askua at mania now because it’s so clearly going to be Banks vs Belair at Mania.

The character Pain needs a bit more showing than the Character Play although the hopscotch to kick was a nice touch if Cross had got up sooner.
Thought this was one of the worst rumbles in terms of line ups I've seen. Edge, Bryan, Big E, Riddle and Priest looked ok but some of the other wrestlers were poor, even Christian looked better than them. No idea why Kane and Hurricane were in it, even if they were past stars. AJ's appearance turned into some joke with his bouncer catching him and simply felt the other wrestlers were not good enough.

Exactly this. There wasn't enough star power. It's a cliched criticism but it's very true that the booking supresses people actually getting over. However, I'm starting to believe the problem runs deeper. I'm wondering if the PC/NXT development pathways are actually fit for purpose. They tend to recruit lots of 'good workers' but there's not enough with true star potential. At the risk of sounding like old man yelling at cloud, back in the 80s and 90s everyone looked like they could genuinely kick the average person's ass, mostly everyone had charisma, most people were decent on the mic and so on. The balance is too heavily weighted to in ring ability and playing to the Reddit crowd rather than what attracts casual fans.
Questions (from someone that only watches Royal Rumble and no other events):

I thought AJ Styles was one of the biggest names in the company? Why was his showing in the rumble so shit?
Is Seth Rollins still relevant? I quite like him as a bad guy but like Styles, he didn't seem all that good.
Why was my main man Samoa Joe on commentary? Is he injured or something?
The Fiend, and mostly everything about the fiend is the drizzling shits.

I think there have been maybe 3 good Fiend things since his debut... and that includes his debut.

Questions (from someone that only watches Royal Rumble and no other events):

I thought AJ Styles was one of the biggest names in the company? Why was his showing in the rumble so shit?
Is Seth Rollins still relevant? I quite like him as a bad guy but like Styles, he didn't seem all that good.
Why was my main man Samoa Joe on commentary? Is he injured or something?

AJ is basically now just one of those guys that they see at that top/just below top level who's basically bullet proof because he's entertaining and his ring work is so good... so he doesn't have to have a good rumble showing to stay over/relevant.

They know he's one of those guys where if you you wanted to heat him up/put him in a title match at short notice, people will buy it.

Seth is still relevant and one of the main guys - this was his return after a month or two away after having a kid. He's basically in exactly the same spot as AJ Styles, but probably with a bit more focus on his matches/feuds as he's one of their guys.

Joe did commentary when he was injured and he's kinda just stuck there at the moment (because he's quite good at it), even though he's now clear to wrestle. Think they like him in the roll, but will probably pull him away from it if a story comes up.
The Fiend, and mostly everything about the fiend is the drizzling shits.

I think there have been maybe 3 good Fiend things since his debut... and that includes his debut.

AJ is basically now just one of those guys that they see at that top/just below top level who's basically bullet proof because he's entertaining and his ring work is so good... so he doesn't have to have a good rumble showing to stay over/relevant.

They know he's one of those guys where if you you wanted to heat him up/put him in a title match at short notice, people will buy it.

Seth is still relevant and one of the main guys - this was his return after a month or two away after having a kid. He's basically in exactly the same spot as AJ Styles, but probably with a bit more focus on his matches/feuds as he's one of their guys.

Joe did commentary when he was injured and he's kinda just stuck there at the moment (because he's quite good at it), even though he's now clear to wrestle. Think they like him in the roll, but will probably pull him away from it if a story comes up.
thanks mate, good to get caught up.

Fiend... I remember the crazy hype he had when he came in and was kicking out of every move and looked unbeatable until he came across the dread jackhammer :lol:

Are his days over? He wasn't in this even at all.
I love the fiend.

thanks mate, good to get caught up.

Fiend... I remember the crazy hype he had when he came in and was kicking out of every move and looked unbeatable until he came across the dread jackhammer :lol:

Are his days over? He wasn't in this even at all.

He doesn't need to be in the rumble. He's a character that doesn't need the title, putting him in the rumble would ruin him or the rumble if not both. Needles.

And his days certainly aren't over, despite what some on the IWC say. Love it or hate it, people talk about it, and he's a shoe in for mania with Randy it seems.

I've quite enjoyed the story line thus far. When he comes back I expect him to absolutely destroy Randy Orton in the lead up to mania.
Was happy with the PPV tbh. Drew got the rub, Reigns/Owens was a banger, and the rumbles were fun. They're meant to chaotic, somewhat cheesy, and nostalgic, and a platform to push superstars. People get upset about a hurricane spot being done again, yet we watch Kofi and now Naomi do the same spot every year and enjoy it.

Now granted, they don't always use it to push superstars and I think that's wrong, but Edge gets a pass IMO.

It's different to say if Orton or even Rollins won.
How I felt, I enjoyed it especially having just read Raw results for the most part and watching stuff like Edges promo

Edge and Christian were my fav tag team so was awesome to see them together
Rumble was well done despite no fans

Exactly this. There wasn't enough star power. It's a cliched criticism but it's very true that the booking supresses people actually getting over. However, I'm starting to believe the problem runs deeper. I'm wondering if the PC/NXT development pathways are actually fit for purpose. They tend to recruit lots of 'good workers' but there's not enough with true star potential. At the risk of sounding like old man yelling at cloud, back in the 80s and 90s everyone looked like they could genuinely kick the average person's ass, mostly everyone had charisma, most people were decent on the mic and so on. The balance is too heavily weighted to in ring ability and playing to the Reddit crowd rather than what attracts casual fans.
Lack of star power is on wwe. They just don't let anybody look like a star.

People in nxt look great, built strong, then brought up and made to look like idiots

Keith Lee, riddle are recent examples
Priest will be next