Racism incident in PSG v Istanbul match

Yes, there is.

Not even one page before people are defending the official. Un-fecking-believable.

just for balance. And I’m not defending anyone - but have we seen/heard the official say why he’s been accused for?

edit. I’ve just seen the reaction, rather than the incident.
20:46: PSG 0-0 Istanbul
Dialogue from the isolated pitch microphones:
Referee: "Care a fost?" (Which one was it)
4th Official: "Era bărbatul negru" (It was the black man)
Referee: "OK OK"
this seems to be a mix of mild racism and miscommunication more than vile racist abuse, no?
I dont understand, you cant describe someones physical appearance? I live in New York and dont refer to everyone as african-american because most of my football friends arent American. What term would be accepted?

I hope he did not call n word bc that is an absolute disgrace.

He has a name! Specifically to help identify him as a person!

What planet are you living on where you think it's okay for officials to ignore that and identify players/officials by their skin colour instead? I mean jesus fecking christ, this isn't difficult stuff.

Edit: Edited for accuracy.
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this seems to be a mix of mild racism and miscommunication more than vile racist abuse, no?

Not sure I totally get the point here?

Just because someone isn't being lynched in the street, it doesn't mean that what has been directed their way is acceptable.
Yes, there is.

Not even one page before people are defending the official. Un-fecking-believable.

How? If there's a group of people and one is black, someone asks who transgressed a rule or asks which one is Dave because they have a parcel for him then what's wrong with saying he's the black guy?

The same if there's only one white guy somewhere or one Chinese guy, to easily point them out you'd refer to their race or ethnicity.

That's assuming that's what's happened and not something else.
It seems the incident in question was the referee asking the 4th official who should be booked from Instanbuls bench, referring to one of the staff, not a player, the 4th official then said 'the black one' or 'the black guy' in what people seem to think was his native tongue of Romanian, and someone has heard that, like Demba Ba.
If it were the only white person among a group of blacks, then surely you would do that? I've literally heard Robbie from AFTV say "the black one" when he could think of an opposition player's name.

Let's just wait until the facts are clear. The players were clearly incensed so he may have said worse.
“A group of blacks”

Leave. Now. They’re not pack animals.I can’t believe you just said that.
Man, this is so hard to judge.

The whole issue exists due to English speakers fecking up by using a completely racist term that sounds like a word other languages use for a term that isn't meant to have the same negative connotations.

I'm not comfortable seeing English as this higher language but it's certainly crass to refer to him as 'black guy'.

Good to see solidarity though. If in doubt, walk out.
He's speaking in Romanian.

He says "ala negru", which means "the black one". There is nothing racist about that.

Why doesn't he say assistant manager why the f say "black one". Nothing rascist my backside.

Lazy rascism call him by colour because I can't be bothered to describe him any other way.
Been refered to as the white/pale one in a predominantly black environment many times. So what Demba Ba says isn’t true. I know it’s not the same because of the understandable sensitivities so fully understand why they leave the pitch but it’s not true white people are never refered to by their skin. Happened to me many many times.
How? If there's a group of people and one is black, someone asks who transgressed a rule or asks which one is Dave because you have a parcel for him then what's wrong with saying he's the black guy?

The same if there's only one white guy somewhere or one Chinese guy, to easily point them out you'd refer to their race or ethnicity.

Good to know you would, cos I bloody wouldn't.
Just in theory, if the match was in Africa and most of the players were black, and there was one white player - if the white player is called "the white one", would that be considered racist?
I'm raising my kids not to use that sort of descriptors, bu apart from that: looks like he didn't say 'the black guy' (with those English words), but something including the Romanian word 'negru'. I have no idea about the connotations in Romanian, but certainly the close relatives I know (English 'negro', French 'nègre', Dutch 'neger') are not used anymore and would all be seen as condescending, if not insulting. Certainly a ref should know better than speaking like this, whatever language he uses.
He definitely shouldn't have said it and he should apologize, but I can somewhat understand him doing it more out of obliviousness than out of malice.

I'm not defending what he said, but he should get a chance to at least apologize and explain himself.

Edit: apparantly this ref refused to stop a match after the crowd made jungle sounds against a black player a few years ago. So maybe the intent was as bad as the words after all.
He's speaking in Romanian.

He says "ala negru", which means "the black one". There is nothing racist about that.

Apparently it's a term of endearment on the streets of Bucharest. Get the t-shirts out.
I dont understand, you cant describe someones physical appearance? I live in New York and dont refer to everyone as african-american because most of my football friends arent American. What term would be accepted?

I hope he did not call n word bc that is an absolute disgrace.
Kinda off-topic, but this confuses me. Are you suggesting African Americans are not American's? It kinda reads that way now.
In English, especially the U.S., 'black person' or 'black' as a descriptor is used in common language inoffensively all the time. In the same way blonde, ginger and asian are. 'Coloured, negro, and the n*** are outdated and offensive.

We have to be especially careful of what that word the official used before condemning. Of course it should be investigated.
This is absolutely mental to watch. For anyone with the BT Sport App- 13 minutes until 20 minutes.

After it has been said and the players are rightfully furious, it cuts to the racist 4th official and he only says ‘negro is black player’ again. You can see the horror in the other guy’s face. I don’t care what language he speaks, you only have to have read a newspaper or seen the internet in the last few decades to know this language is completely unacceptable.

No wonder the players are absolutely fuming. Ba states to the guy “why not say the black guy or point me out, why say the negro?”

It’s an absolute joke and disgusting events and I hope that guy is seriously punished for this. It’s 2020 ffs.
He's speaking in Romanian.

He says "ala negru", which means "the black one". There is nothing racist about that.

I need context here. Was it Ba he referred to as "the black one" because that would be out of order as he clearly knows Ba's name as we heard in the video.
“A group of blacks”

Leave. Now. They’re not pack animals.I can’t believe you just said that.

What? Seems you should take a step away from the keyboard. I have no idea how I could have possibly worded that differently.

The point of my post is that referring to him as "the black one" and not giving every player the same treatment is singling him out due to the colour of his skin and is therefore racist.
If the guy is looking at the bench without knowning names and without seeing number at first glance I don't see referring him as negro as racism, if his skin colour stands out from the rest. Objectively how would you refer to him in this case? "Who? - Uh it's that guy over there. - Which? uh wait, let me get closer and find the number on his back..."

Now if it's the n word is a different story.