Transfer Tweets - 2019/20 | Check the OP for blacklisted sources before posting

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Site admin. Manchester United fan
Jun 1, 2000
Dublin, Ireland
There is NO strategy, yet people lap up the 'we are now doing background checks on players'.

The whole club is a farce from top to bottom.
I disagree. I think we have a strategy from ole and his team. They have chatted about Eriksen months ago for example and they have asked around about player characters. They’ve drawn up their list.

Where it falls apart is when it gets to Matt Judge, Ed and anyone else on that side. Concentrating on one deal at a time when time is so short is crazy. Not sewing some of these talks up before the window opens is crazy. In my opinion the window should be about signatures and those last minute opportunities that arise on players you never expected to be available


Full Member
Nov 6, 2017
I think people need to learn from the past and stop being optimistic. This is exactly as last season when we were chasing a CB with names of Toby and Maguire coming up and then an Ed Woodward briefing. Its the same trick, get the fans hope up, then use some bullshit excuse to show that there was money to spend but couldn’t complete the signing in time.

Close the window and lets get behind Ole and the players that are here


New Member
May 5, 2018
Our Club's fascination with wanting players that have the great desire to play for the badge is ridiculous. If a player is hesitant or weighs out the risks of leaving to a side that has been for over 6 years- who are we to judge them? Ole, not everyone is a man utd fan!

I would rather a player who sets their aims high and only want to play for the best team, and getting him after a struggle would great. Why? The person we will get is quality.

Dyabala and Erikson are in different career paths to Maguire and Bisakka. The latter won't have any reservations as they trying to get a leg up in the world.

I just hope we don't just have running merchants who 'play for the badge',a while top class players choosing clubs who are more likely to win trophies.


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
I'm surprised we were unable to get any deal for RW or CM/AM over the line this summer. It's disappointing for sure but not the end of the world. If Ole's three signings improve and he develops our existing players well (including the younger ones), then I'll have confidence in the squad being genuinely stengthened over the coming windows.

Red devil69

New Member
Jan 30, 2013
We had months to prepare and now we’re scrambling to bring in a midfielder/attacker. What a joke.
Looks like the media were spot on when they said Woodie was only working on the Maguire deal. Looks like it dragged on to late and he has missed the boat


Full Member
Jun 17, 2011
I disagree. I think we have a strategy from ole and his team. They have chatted about Eriksen months ago for example and they have asked around about player characters. They’ve drawn up their list.

Where it falls apart is when it gets to Matt Judge, Ed and anyone else on that side. Concentrating on one deal at a time when time is so short is crazy. Not sewing some of these talks up before the window opens is crazy. In my opinion the window should be about signatures and those last minute opportunities that arise on players you never expected to be available
If we have chatted about Eriksen for months, why have we decided (1 day to go), that he doesn't want to come.

It's a farce, completely inept from top to bottom, and I include Ole in that.


Full Member
Feb 18, 2007
Our Club's fascination with wanting players that have the great desire to play for the badge is ridiculous. If a player is hesitant or weighs out the risks of leaving to a side that has been for over 6 years- who are we to judge them? Ole, not everyone is a man utd fan!

I would rather a player who sets their aims high and only want to play for the best team, and getting him after a struggle would great. Why? The person we will get is quality.

Dyabala and Erikson are in different career paths to Maguire and Bisakka. The latter won't have any reservations as they trying to get a leg up in the world.

I just hope we don't just have running merchants who 'play for the badge',a while top class players choosing clubs who are more likely to win trophies.
No offence to James as he is still very young but he looks exactly that. Seems to lack basic technical skills. Hope he proves us wrong of course.


Full Member
Oct 8, 2011
Our Club's fascination with wanting players that have the great desire to play for the badge is ridiculous. If a player is hesitant or weighs out the risks of leaving to a side that has been for over 6 years- who are we to judge them? Ole, not everyone is a man utd fan!

I would rather a player who sets their aims high and only want to play for the best team, and getting him after a struggle would great. Why? The person we will get is quality.

Dyabala and Erikson are in different career paths to Maguire and Bisakka. The latter won't have any reservations as they trying to get a leg up in the world.

I just hope we don't just have running merchants who 'play for the badge',a while top class players choosing clubs who are more likely to win trophies.
I stopped reading there.


Might have a bedwetting fetish.
Jan 11, 2015
Rojo and Sanchez were obviously terrible decisions at the time but we must have given Darmian even more ridiculous money 4 years ago if we still can't shift him, probably holding out for a free transfer now.


Full Member
Feb 11, 2014
So we want and think it's vital to gey a proven number 10 with high potential and a clear desire to join us, a club that has been mostly on decline for the past 6 years. Just so silly.

Someone unexpected will have to step up massively this season otherwise we are very much fecked, especially with the amount of games and our, quality wise, paper thin squad.


Mar 17, 2010
Keep a clean shit tomorrow, United is my final bus
More fool anybody that didn't think this was a distinct possibility. Every summer we top our past achievements in looking completely unorganized and incompetent in the transfer market. It's like we concoct ideas of how to screw things up completely in a completely new and different way. Woodward is an absolute liability. He's spent many weeks negotiating for Maguire and AWB and, in the end, paid pretty much the asking price.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2012
Sir Alex Ferguson Stand
Our Club's fascination with wanting players that have the great desire to play for the badge is ridiculous. If a player is hesitant or weighs out the risks of leaving to a side that has been for over 6 years- who are we to judge them? Ole, not everyone is a man utd fan!

I would rather a player who sets their aims high and only want to play for the best team, and getting him after a struggle would great. Why? The person we will get is quality.

Dyabala and Erikson are in different career paths to Maguire and Bisakka. The latter won't have any reservations as they trying to get a leg up in the world.

I just hope we don't just have running merchants who 'play for the badge',a while top class players choosing clubs who are more likely to win trophies.
You mean Dybala and Eriksen, one who has been told to leave and is up for sale, the other who has rejected contract offers at his current club? How is it ridiculous we want players who want to play for the club? You'd rather we had more players like Di Maria and Sanchez, who don't want to play for the club and we spent ridiculous amounts of money on?

Falcao, Schweinsteiger, Di Maria, Sanchez, all great quality players, how did they do for the club?


New Member
Aug 5, 2019
I am an ex football journalist; have written for many national newspapers, both tabloid and broadsheet - as well as online (where my career was leading me until I landed a publishing deal and now write literature, non-fiction and fiction).

There seems to be lots and lots of posters on here concerned with journalists; who is top tier? who is a bullshitter? who is properly ITK?

Let me explain, if you don't mind.

NOBODY is ITK. Not anymore.

When I started in football journalism about twenty years ago; there were - of course - journalists working the Premier League beat who were ITK. They would have trusted sources at football clubs; sometimes even footballers themselves or managers or (in a lot of cases) the press officer at a football club who was asked to drop a story to a journalist etc.

The reason for this was simple: If Manchester United (for example) wanted to reach us guys (the fans) by telling us some news; this is how they would go about it. The manager would give a nod and a wink to our press officer, the press officer would pick up the phone to a couple of journalists or indeed write a press release if it was something formal and then those journalists would write up their article for you and I to read in the newspaper the next day. Very simple: that is how you would reach your fan base to let them know something. Source - press officer - journalist - fan.

But these days; the game has changed. It was in 2008 that the game really changed and I become disillusioned by being a football reporter (though I didn't leave until 2013).

Because these days; if Manchester United want to reach you and I (the fan base), they no longer need the middle man in order to do that. Social Media has changed the game. United can reach us without the need for a journalist. Print journalism is dead and has been dead for a decade now in terms of being useful.

NOBODY at Manchester United or any major club uses ANY print journalist to let them know of any news that is occurring within the football club. Those days are long gone.

So, when Johnny Cross or Andy Mitten or James Ducker or Charlie Wheeler etc etc are linking Man United with players, I guarantee they are just making it up. I've ben there. I know it happens. It happens all the time. And it is happening more and more now, for one simple reason.

Manchester United are the biggest football club in the world by a mile. I know some like to argue that we're not bigger or better than Real Madrid yada yada.. but the truth is that the world is much more transfixed and obsessed with Manchester United. If a journalists drops Manchester United's name into a headline in modern media, it is going to reach a massive audience. This is why we are constantly linked to numerous players. Because journalists and editors know that they will get more revenue from advertising on a page if the name 'Manchester United is a key part of the SEO for that page.

I PROMISE you I know this because I was asked - and carried out - to use that tactic for years by some top sports editors. (Be happy to show any of the mods my credentials for proof in this regard).

It's not just Manchester United by the way who no longer use print media journalists. No club does.

Look at yesterday's jaw-dropping news for proof.

Wayne Rooney signed for Derby yesterday. DERBY!!! And this was after a summer of him talking to half a dozen clubs in England. He was speaking to Derby before Cocu was named manager. Now; how on earth did the print media only find out about Wayne Rooney's move to Derby 12-hours before his reveal press conference?

All these journalists who pretend to beITK on deals, didn't have one darn clue about the biggest transfer of the summer. Not one iota! Even though Rooney and his reps had been talking to many clubs over a two month period?

These journalists haven't one darn clue what is going on because clubs no longer use them to break news.

So, please stop with all this 'Mitten reported this' and 'Wheeler reported this'.

These guys know as much as you do.

No British-based sports journalist gets any heads up from Manchester United or any other club.

James Cooper is the only reporter who follows the Manchester United beat who gets any heads-up from the club and that's because the club know the Sky Sports news channel is the quickest broadcast way to reach their fans. So yes.. Cooper does get a phone call from Karen Shotbolt (our press officer) every now and then, and he does have a source or two on the inside. But he only gets information when the club want a bit of information put out there... such as the decision to walk away from the Dybala deal.

That's it. If you want a trusted source; James Cooper is the nearest you will get to a trusted source.

Not one print journalist attached to any of the main newspapers is ever passed on information. It doesn't work like that any more.

A lot of posters on here need to take heed of this: Stop getting your knickers in a twist over which journalist reported what.. Whatever they are reporting is a nonsense. They are only interested in generating money for their newspapers by getting people like you to click on their stories. Fact: United have been linked in the British press with 79 players this summer. That tells you all you need to know.

The journalists know nothing! Trust me. I used to be one.
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Good Craig got his c'nuppins
Feb 1, 2010
Love is Blind
That looks like all business is done anyway. Hopefully some of the academy players get integrated into the first team and we manage to shift some of the deadwood over the year, because there isn't much else to look forward to with that squad. Not Solskjaer's fault so hopefully we get behind the team this season as a negative and gloomy Woodward / Glazer shaped shadow will coat Old Trafford.


New Member
May 5, 2018
You mean Dybala and Eriksen, one who has been told to leave and is up for sale, the other who has rejected contract offers at his current club? How is it ridiculous we want players who want to play for the club? You'd rather we had more players like Di Maria and Sanchez, who don't want to play for the club and we spent ridiculous amounts of money on?

Falcao, Schweinsteiger, Di Maria, Sanchez, all great quality players, how did they do for the club?
You are comparing Dybala and Erikson who are in their prime to them? Furthermore, each player you listed there had their own reasons why it didn't work out. Falcao just had knee surgery; Di Maria actually had great impact on the team but LVG f'd him over; Schweinstiger was old and slow; Sanchez was performing bad before he came to United and Mourinho did help.


Full Member
Oct 10, 2009
Our business is done with the exception of outgoings.

What I don’t understand is why you go from being in talks with a player (dybala) to replace an outgoing striker, to “being happy with the squad”.


Full Member
Oct 20, 2013
Levenshulme, MCR
Jesus. The board had 6 months to plan everything.
I never expected our squad to be fixed in one windows but 2 (first teamer) are not enough.
Clearly, no planning has happened regarding our midfield and attack. We took a opportunistic punt on Dybala and when he rejected us, we took another chance on a player for whom we had spent no time laying the groundwork.

If we wanted forwards or midfielders, why didn't we start the communication early in the window or even before? This stinks of Ed and his impulsive purchases and it makes us look desperate and disorganised as a club.


No longer at risk of being mistaken for a Scouser
Oct 2, 2013
Our business is done with the exception of outgoings.

What I don’t understand is why you go from being in talks with a player (dybala) to replace an outgoing striker, to “being happy with the squad”.
Ole is not Jose.
He is toeing the party line.
I can only imagine he is not happy at all after his comments last season


Full Member
Sep 5, 2013
Our business is done with the exception of outgoings.

What I don’t understand is why you go from being in talks with a player (dybala) to replace an outgoing striker, to “being happy with the squad”.
also saying that you will replace Lukaku if he leaves, to not really being bothered in the end.


Full Member
Aug 24, 2013
Good to see United aren’t signing players just for the sake of it. Looks like they learnt their lesson from Di Maria.
yeah good to miss out on Erkisen, who want a player like him in his team. Well done Ed.


Full Member
May 4, 2010
left wing
Our business is done with the exception of outgoings.

What I don’t understand is why you go from being in talks with a player (dybala) to replace an outgoing striker, to “being happy with the squad”.
You don't. There is absolutely no chance that Ole is happy with this squad. He has now learned what successive managers since Sir Alex have learned: Ed Woodward is an utter moron.


Dagestani MMA Boiled Egg Expert
Mar 4, 2017
“We tried”

And some of our top reds will lap that ship up. It will be music to their ears.
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