Film Lion king - live action adaptation

My point was more that it looks drab, washed out and more like an Animal Planet doc than a fun, vibrant cartoon for kids, with expressive anthropomorphic animals and silly songs. I don’t really see the point in a down to earth, photorealistic remake of the fecking Lion King! personally...

I mean...

It’ll definitely be good, or at least watchable, because Favreau is a very good film maker and the voice cast is excellent, but it doesn’t strike me as very interesting, or remotely in keeping with the actual appeal of the original (which was for kids, remember) as much as a technical excersize aimed at nostalgic adults...

At least Aladdin looks colourful and silly. It’s a Disney film.

Exactly! It's well animated and whatnot, but it has nothing on the original hand-drawn animation. The scenery alone in that brought so much life to the screen.
Are there songs in it or no? I guess not but the songs are great and add a lot.
Exactly! It's well animated and whatnot, but it has nothing on the original hand-drawn animation. The scenery alone in that brought so much life to the screen.

Lets just wait and see. It could quite possibly turn out to be a classic in its own right.
It just looks so very weird

Agreed. I couldn’t really make out the personalities of any of the animals.. there was zero cute factor. Think they needed to dial it down on the realism aspect and make it more Toy storyish.

Gosh that trailer above of the song confirms my worst fears. Looks like a nature documentary with a Disney soundtrack which is a awful combo.
I wish Disney would stop remaking all these movies and go back to creating original films about some plucky underdog who goes on an epic journey with their animal companion filled with musical numbers to fulfill their destiny.
It just looks so lifeless.
I wish Disney would stop remaking all these movies and go back to creating original films about some plucky underdog who goes on an epic journey with their animal companion filled with musical numbers to fulfill their destiny.
They just don’t hit right anymore, do they? Is it animation style being more ‘developed’ nowadays? Everything about the 90s Disney; Lion King, Aladdin, Hercules, Mulan etc. just felt perfect. Maybe it’s nostalgia bait from my childhood, I don’t know.
It just looks so lifeless.

They just don’t hit right anymore, do they? Is it animation style being more ‘developed’ nowadays? Everything about the 90s Disney; Lion King, Aladdin, Hercules, Mulan etc. just felt perfect. Maybe it’s nostalgia bait from my childhood, I don’t know.
Personally, it's why I feel numb watching modern movies that use CGI. Before if you wanted something fantastical, like The Thing or Alien, you had to make a practical effect. Or if you wanted some big epic environment you had to build all of the objects, use hundreds of extras or get creative with some camera trickery. Now, that amount of planning doesn't need to happen because "meh, we can get a CG company to make it for us". I feel that the lack of time thinking about how to design something just means we get visions that aren't fully realised.
It just looks so lifeless.

They just don’t hit right anymore, do they? Is it animation style being more ‘developed’ nowadays? Everything about the 90s Disney; Lion King, Aladdin, Hercules, Mulan etc. just felt perfect. Maybe it’s nostalgia bait from my childhood, I don’t know.
Member Hercules? Yeah I member.
Personally, it's why I feel numb watching modern movies that use CGI. Before if you wanted something fantastical, like The Thing or Alien, you had to make a practical effect. Or if you wanted some big epic environment you had to build all of the objects, use hundreds of extras or get creative with some camera trickery. Now, that amount of planning doesn't need to happen because "meh, we can get a CG company to make it for us". I feel that the lack of time thinking about how to design something just means we get visions that aren't fully realised.
True. Miniatures, costumes, matte paintings, even stop-motion ... it all had so much more soul to it. I would watch the Terminator over Avatar any day.

One exception though in that regard for me. The Planet of The Apes reboot. For some reason that just felt perfect.
Personally, it's why I feel numb watching modern movies that use CGI. Before if you wanted something fantastical, like The Thing or Alien, you had to make a practical effect. Or if you wanted some big epic environment you had to build all of the objects, use hundreds of extras or get creative with some camera trickery. Now, that amount of planning doesn't need to happen because "meh, we can get a CG company to make it for us". I feel that the lack of time thinking about how to design something just means we get visions that aren't fully realised.
Am I the only one who sees the old star wars as a visual mess? Humans evolve in every way, no need for the amount of effort needed for some shit effects anymore.
Am I the only one who sees the old star wars as a visual mess? Humans evolve in every way, no need for the amount of effort needed for some shit effects anymore.
It goes both ways, the CGI battles in LoTR looked dated for instance, but the practical effects like the orcs make-up still holds up and looked fantastic.

It’s about having the right combination.
I wish Disney would stop remaking all these movies and go back to creating original films about some plucky underdog who goes on an epic journey with their animal companion filled with musical numbers to fulfill their destiny.

Movies in general seem so unimaginative in general. I love my super hero movies, but between them and sequels and remakes of old movies there is a real shortage of new cinema. Assume it's because they can be so expansive to make now and studios just like playing safe.
It just looks so very weird

It's why I constantly bash the action in Marvel/Disney live action stuff. Good action is not how loud it is, how big it looks or how powerful your CGI algorithms are. Good action is in the quality of movement. And Disney animation is based on fundamental principles of movement. It's a mystery why the live action divisions seem so at odds with the Walt Disney - or just plane cinema - basics.

It's not just about the raw animation, or the different limitations between a cartoon and a more realistic presentation. From the brief clips you can see how the toons editing has greater storytelling clarity (sense of character for one), as well as being more dynamic.
It's why I constantly bash the action in Marvel/Disney live action stuff. Good action is not how loud it is, how big it looks or how powerful your CGI algorithms are. Good action is in the quality of movement. And Disney animation is based on fundamental principles of movement. It's a mystery why the live action divisions seem so at odds with the Walt Disney - or just plane cinema - basics.

It's not just about the raw animation, or the different limitations between a cartoon and a more realistic presentation. From the brief clips you can see how the toons editing has greater storytelling clarity (sense of character for one), as well as being more dynamic.
It's the difference between watching Iron Maiden live, with a big stage show and some rocking Skull coming from above covered in flames, and some X Factor winner who just stands there whilst flashy scanners and performance lights dart around behind them.
In the trailer the animals don't move their mouths. Is this a pre-Babe aninal movie, 1995?

A lot of reviewer complains that the lions are really lacking in expression, I don't know why the movie chose this route, I mean the lion from Narnia looks amazing with tons of human-like expression.
By all accounts it is apparently almost a literal shot for shot remake, which makes sense (since TLK is easily the tightest and most well regarded of the Disney Renaissance films) but also completely bonkers to me. With Aladdin & the other human centric ones, I can at least somewhat understand the interest in seeing these characters “brought to life” so to speak... And indeed imagine some kids of Disney film watching age (which these are still supposedly aimed at, remember) plausibly finding Will Smith’s modern rapping Genie, or Hermoine Blandwitch’s feminist Belle, preferable to their sensibilities, and thus tentatively worthy on their own terms...

With this however, I just cannot fathom why anyone - be they child or nostalgically stunted adult - would need to see a shot for shot realistic Lion King, done in the style of a nature documentary. With all the psychedelic colour and anthropomorphic expression washed out in favour of ..”Look! It’s this scene, only with real lions, kinda!”... It sounds more like an interesting YouTube technical experiment than a film. At least with Jungle Book they were adapting (and extending) an imperfect film from the 60s....

Though in a way it’s kind of fitting that the apex of Disney’s remake experiment, prestige wise, should also be the one that’s so aggressively a remake as to highlight just how pointless the whole thing still is.... since Gus Van Sant did it in the 90s.
Heading off to see this now in 4DX

Really looking forward to it! All time favourite childhood film.
I've just finished watching it, I liked it more than I thought I would, mostly the CGI was well done, I've now seen the theatre version, the original and now this one. This is the first Disney live adaptation I've felt inclined to see.
I've just finished watching it, I liked it more than I thought I would, mostly the CGI was well done, I've now seen the theatre version, the original and now this one. This is the first Disney live adaptation I've felt inclined to see.
I guess the most important question is; does Pumba fart?
I guess the most important question is; does Pumba fart?
Wouldn't be a true movie if he didn't

Heading off to see this now in 4DX

Really looking forward to it! All time favourite childhood film.

How I saw it (4dx). It's not needed but it's awesome especially towards the end

I've just finished watching it, I liked it more than I thought I would, mostly the CGI was well done, I've now seen the theatre version, the original and now this one. This is the first Disney live adaptation I've felt inclined to see.

Yeah seen all three too now and all have been awesome. The music just remains great in all formats
I absolutely loved it. Brought back so many childhood memories as I loved this film when I was a kid. Just simply brilliant! The special effects when watching it in 4DX made it even more entertaining. It was one of them that it could easily have been a major flop as both the original animated and live theatre versions of Lion King are superb. This definitely didn’t disappoint me!

One of, if not Disney’s greatest films ever made.
I absolutely loved it. Brought back so many childhood memories as I loved this film when I was a kid. Just simply brilliant! The special effects when watching it in 4DX made it even more entertaining. It was one of them that it could easily have been a major flop as both the original animated and live theatre versions of Lion King are superb. This definitely didn’t disappoint me!

One of, if not Disney’s greatest films ever made.

It's a frame by frame remake of an anime, but let's forget that and give Disney credit.
It's a frame by frame remake of an anime, but let's forget that and give Disney credit.

It didn't need changing imo
Dumbo and jungle book needed changing and probably for the better
The animated was a masterpiece imo but seeing it like this was great
It didn't need changing imo
Dumbo and jungle book needed changing and probably for the better
The animated was a masterpiece imo but seeing it like this was great
By anime he meant Kimba the White Lion, presumably.

To be fair though what made Disney Renaissance great wasn’t originality, but rather quality of production, both in animation and music/voice acting.
Saw this last night. Was expecting to be disappointed but it's really incredible.

Couldn't tell what was real and what was CGI for the most part. They've nailed it.
Saw this yesterday. I still prefer the original, but this wasn't bad. I think Kids will love it.
Hated it to be honest. Only things I enjoyed were due to nostalgia of the original. The completely butchered the be prepared song, dropped the ball on things like "can you feel the love tonight" all being shot actually in the day for some reason and emotion was the big thing. Also many of the voice actors sound like they are barely trying.

Only good thing was timon and pumba. Everything else is significantly better in the original.
By anime he meant Kimba the White Lion, presumably.

To be fair though what made Disney Renaissance great wasn’t originality, but rather quality of production, both in animation and music/voice acting.
Ah gotcha, and reading it again, it sorta makes more sense :lol: