Martial has got to remain at United | No, he hasn't been unfollowing United players on Instagram

Mourinho has a Trump-like effect on some people i swear. They won't open a dialogue and are astonishingly quick to throw insults.

Brainwashed into thinking losing Martial would be acceptable. He'll go on to be an absolutely brilliant player.

Well this is quite ironic.
Jaysus, the hyping over Martial in this thread is a bit OTT. Look, Martial is a talented player, I'd like it if he stayed, but the way this thread is going, it's as if he is bang on to be the next Ronaldo/Messi. I can't recall the last player we had to be as overhyped as Martial. Seriously, what has he done to warrant such a big reaction? Yes, he has some flair, has potential to be an exciting player, and possibly has a high ceiling, but guess what? So does loads of other players too!

I remember when we were linked to Sanchez, if I recall correctly, the Caf were pretty much agreeable on the signing. But now it sounds like signing an instant star in Sanchez is a bad move, because it hinders Martial's progress. :wenger:

What's even more ridiculous in this thread is that the narrative is it all boils down to Jose. Relax guys, Martial is still young, he should show some patience and keep his head up, as it is with all young players. I don't even know where all these rumours of him leaving started in the first place. If he's good enough, he's old enough. If he leaves, good luck to him, as I doubt he will be an absolute world class star as many believe him to be. If he stays, then fair play to him for being patient and continue to fight for a place.

I'd be more gutted to lose Rashford tbh, and not just because he's "local". :rolleyes:

I couldn't agree more with you, to me Martial sooner or later will go to another club, I just don't see Martial becoming the star many hope to see, If he leaves that'd be understandable and we'll be fine, actually it would be better to Rashford, who I see as a more comitted player to Man Utd than Martial.

Sorry for bad english
Am at the stage now where I'm not really arsed about what he does. If we sell him and get good money then that would be good and if we loan him out that could also be worthwhile, he has allot of talent but I'm not sure he has the attitude to be a top player for us. It is strange the massive amount of love he gets on here when you actually weigh up what he provides. The whole situation reminds me of Nani a bit, would have the odd good game but was anonymous for a few matches in a row. As soon as he was dropped people talked about him like he was the Messiah but when he was eventually sold he never really did much else at club level.

Bottom line is there is always a reason for a player being on the bench and I think it's pretty clear that Mourinho isn't a huge fan of players with ability who can't really be arsed to work hard with it and show desire on the field. Look at the example of Lingard who I would pick ahead of him every time, he was nowhere near a starting place before Mou but shows huge desire to improve and work which a manager loves. If martial did that I'm sure he'd be playing more.
Martial is a great player, I can see him leaving this summer though and I can live with that.

Wherever he goes Martial will make a huge impact, especially if he’s not expected to do much off the ball work.

However, if selling Tony means being able to get Malcom to play right wing it might be better for the team.

I don’t get the desire to talk down Tony Martial. He can be really good and yet not entirely needed. Those two statements don’t cancel each other out.
Martial is a great player, I can see him leaving this summer though and I can live with that.

Wherever he goes Martial will make a huge impact, especially if he’s not expected to do much off the ball work.

However, if selling Tony means being able to get Malcom to play right wing it might be better for the team.

I don’t get the desire to talk down Tony Martial. He can be really good and yet not entirely needed. Those two statements don’t cancel each other out.

Great players do work off the ball.

Martials biggest problem is his lack of work when the ball is not at his feet.
He needs to give the opposotion something to do...somwthing to think about.
His attitude and work rate are terrible. Meanwhile his dribbling/close control and finishing are quite good. But is he that good that he should be rid of defensive duties? No.

Regarding his potential, while I do think he will be a good player in a top team, talks of Balon Dor potential is just too much.

I think (ideally) the best case scenario for both parties is that he goes on a 1/2 year loan, and then we can assess him after that. But then again, that's more of what I hope than what will actually happen.
Great players do work off the ball.

Martials biggest problem is his lack of work when the ball is not at his feet.
He needs to give the opposotion something to do...somwthing to think about.

I would love it if he succeeded here but I agree it will all come down to work ethic. Our problems the last few seasons has been about attitude as much as ability. Generally speaking the squad is now working its balls off again to be successful. Its noticeable the difference in attitude and workrate when Martial steps on the pitch.

We need fighters. Ball is in his court.
I would love it if he succeeded here but I agree it will all come down to work ethic. Our problems the last few seasons has been about attitude as much as ability. Generally speaking the squad is now working its balls off again to be successful. Its noticeable the difference in attitude and workrate when Martial steps on the pitch.

We need fighters. Ball is in his court.

Totally agree. Its not la liga.
Great players do work off the ball.

Martials biggest problem is his lack of work when the ball is not at his feet.
He needs to give the opposotion something to do...somwthing to think about.

I think it depends on the system.

In Van Gaal’s positional play system Martial didn’t need to do much ahead of the ball. Van Gaal preached that the ball should do all the work, so the players could take up positions relative one another without much movement.

Jose’s system requires more running, more work without the ball to open and close spaces. It requires a different mindset and maybe Martial just hasn’t got that sense of spatial awareness?
I completely agree. The manager wants you to do something, you do it. And it’s not a mug of a manager, Jose is one of the best and has won loads. So Martial should just knuckle down and listen. End of.
United comes before a Manager's short termism. This isn't Mourinho FC.

Find one person in this thread who thinks Martial is as good as Neymar in his prime.

Mourinho is a short term manager. I don't think anyone can argue against that. In his short term thinking he can't afford to nurture Martial or Rashford just as he wasn't able to nurture KDB, Salah and Lukaku. If Mourinho had 18 year old messi or ronaldo they would have been on the bench as well in favour of established players. Mourinho's short term success is built on established players following his game plan. Now Martial and Rashford might turn out to be complete duds but the point is they don't stand a chance with Mourinho because of his short term thinking. If we can send our young players (who the club thinks have a chance) out on loan we will be in a much better position when Mourinho inevitably leaves in a year or two.

You won't have managers staying long term now anyway, not in the same way as Fergie and Wenger. The game has changed so much financially that it's about the here and now - people might not agree with it but it's the reality. Look at the list of all the managers in all the main football leagues and the biggest list is under 365 days! Apart from Wenger and Tisdale at Exeter you can see that a managers life is a merry-go-round of chop and change! In January it was reported that Mourinho had used Academy products for over 3500 minutes of Premier League action with Spurs second 800 minutes behind. Manchester City had managed just 7 minutes. So this idea that he hasn't used youth is not true.

I think there is more going on with Martial that the manager and coaches know about and we don't.
I think it depends on the system.

In Van Gaal’s positional play system Martial didn’t need to do much ahead of the ball. Van Gaal preached that the ball should do all the work, so the players could take up positions relative one another without much movement.

Jose’s system requires more running, more work without the ball to open and close spaces. It requires a different mindset and maybe Martial just hasn’t got that sense of spatial awareness?
No one did much running off the ball in LVG's system and it led to tumescent attacking play that struggled pathetically against a low block. I can't really see that style of football working nowadays, you look around at any top club and they have a more dynamic attack than what he implemented. I do think if you have a few players who are willing to sacrifice for the team and run themselves into the ground, you can afford 1-2 the luxury of being mostly on the ball and creating for others.

Under LVG he used to give one player the freedom to do whatever they wanted on the ball, whereas other players were given very strict instructions. That player was first Di Maria, then Martial. It was the player the team depended on to create when facing a stubborn defense. The question is whether Martial is (or can become) consistent enough to shoulder that kind of responsibility. For a big club you need to be one of the best in the world to deserve that.

In a system where all the players are required to work off the ball and for one another, you can't afford any player such luxuries, but at the same time the team's attack is more dynamic and can function even if a star player is unavailable or has an off day. At the moment, for whatever reason, Martial is not adapted to such a system.
I don't think he'll be much of a loss tbh. When it comes to young players people always get it into their heads that they could become world class, when it reality it rarely happens. People on here were adamant Janujaz was going to be great with some even refusing to write him off even when we sold him. Depay another to a lesser extent. Even a nobody like James Wilson used to get hyped up as having the potential to be our striker for the next decade. There's too many people refusing to accept reality when it comes to Martial and that reality is he just hasn't been that great for us. A few fancy dribbles every now and then doesn't make a great footballer and it certainly doesn't make him indispensable to our club.
He has potential and it is there for everyone to see but I don't think he is cut out to be playing under a manager like Mourinho or in the EPL.

I can imagine him settling well in a big club from the Serie A
I don't think he'll be much of a loss tbh. When it comes to young players people always get it into their heads that they could become world class, when it reality it rarely happens. People on here were adamant Janujaz was going to be great with some even refusing to write him off even when we sold him. Depay another to a lesser extent. Even a nobody like James Wilson used to get hyped up as having the potential to be our striker for the next decade. There's too many people refusing to accept reality when it comes to Martial and that reality is he just hasn't been that great for us. A few fancy dribbles every now and then doesn't make a great footballer and it certainly doesn't make him indispensable to our club.
I'm a fan of his but I know what you mean. Young players at this club regardless of whether they've been brought in or have come from the academy always get a lot of backing from the fans, rightfully or wrongfully.
City have changed the landscape of football in the prem and we were already playing catch up prior to this season. For this reason, we know need players that are ready to deliver and do that consistently and that's why even Pogba's position in the clubs been questioned by some. Martial isn't consistent enough and naturally doesn't work hard or track back. Martial is now maybe even fifth or sixth choice depending on where he plays Jesse or Mata.

Bit premature but don't be surprised if we don't see Chong on the bench too next season which is maybe why they'll let Martial leave...,
If he wants to go then so be it. I have complete trust in manager and know we will replace him with a more effective player. No way martial plays the way Sanchez played yesterday and no way does he take the role Rashford agreed to take in late game. He would have sulked at 1-0 down and we have beaten most of the top teams without him. He needs to be happy with a squad player role for now, if he isnt then he can leave while we get a better right winger(hopefuly left footed) and be more balanced.
City have changed the landscape of football in the prem and we were already playing catch up prior to this season. For this reason, we know need players that are ready to deliver and do that consistently and that's why even Pogba's position in the clubs been questioned by some. Martial isn't consistent enough and naturally doesn't work hard or track back. Martial is now maybe even fifth or sixth choice depending on where he plays Jesse or Mata.

Bit premature but don't be surprised if we don't see Chong on the bench too next season...
He wasnt even the best players at reserve level last year. Yes he is flashy but he will need time. For all we know he might just reach level of richardson, i hope he does well but expecting him to be close to first team is a bit too much for now. Hopefully a good loan spell (i think its early even for that) and he can push on.
He has potential and it is there for everyone to see but I don't think he is cut out to be playing under a manager like Mourinho or in the EPL.

I can imagine him settling well in a big club from the Serie A

I rate him very highly despite my criticisms. His contributions can be game winning. But as you say a low'ish workrate doesn't cut it in the Premier League.... the league needs fighters.

If he moves to the right team in La Liga or Seria A he could be a utilised perfectly, but again you would not see him at a team like Athletico.
How much would we realistically be able to get by selling him? He's still just 22, which is crazy to think about.

He's not a bad option for a club like PSG if Neymar sulks his way out of their club.
Yea he is well known for being somewhere long term and how the heck you know that on the first place.

Based on everything he’s said about wanting to stay here long term, everything Woodward has said, and based on the overall success and improvements he’s provided in the short space of time.

If you think he’s leaving in a year for a fresh challenge when he’s done all the hard work here for somebody else to come and claim all the glory then I can’t take you seriously
He wasnt even the best players at reserve level last year. Yes he is flashy but he will need time. For all we know he might just reach level of richardson, i hope he does well but expecting him to be close to first team is a bit too much for now. Hopefully a good loan spell (i think its early even for that) and he can push on.

Was Scott last year (?) Was Rashford when he came through to play for first team (?) and that would have been hard anyway as Chong wasn't even in the reserves last year. This season came through the back end of the season from an excellent U18 team and easily has been the best U23 player and was outstanding against some of the best teams in that league. Also close to the first team (?) he's already been training with them. Not suggesting anything other than the potential is there and I wouldn't be surprised if he made the bench which is where Martial is more times than not currently anyway...
Based on everything he’s said about wanting to stay here long term, everything Woodward has said, and based on the overall success and improvements he’s provided in the short space of time.

If you think he’s leaving in a year for a fresh challenge when he’s done all the hard work here for somebody else to come and claim all the glory then I can’t take you seriously
He said all the same stuff at Chelsea.
Martial would never have worked as hard as Sanchez today. He would have sulked about at 1-0 down.

After a performance today by Sanchez, it really makes you realise how much improvement Martial needs to do. He's nowhere near that level of hard working, and it's costing him his place in the side, rightfully so on todays evidence.

Yet Martial wouldn't have done half as much as Sanchez did on the pitch today. And I actually like Martial. But this effort, or lack thereof, has nothing to do with Jose or his tactics or his coaching -- it is everything to do with Martial's mentality.

Let's face it, we wouldn't have won the SF if Martial started, as even if he scores, he doesn't do much for the team like Sanchez. Of course, its' a shame losing one of our potentials, but not all of it is Jose's fault alone since his job demands instant success.

I’m enjoying today and a number 7 who, in the mould of Robson, Cantona, Beckham & Ronaldo, can make a huge difference in the biggest games.

I’m delighted today as a United fan, rather than a massive fanny who seems to care more about a half arsed but talented 22 year old.

If he wants to go then so be it. I have complete trust in manager and know we will replace him with a more effective player. No way martial plays the way Sanchez played yesterday and no way does he take the role Rashford agreed to take in late game. He would have sulked at 1-0 down and we have beaten most of the top teams without him. He needs to be happy with a squad player role for now, if he isnt then he can leave while we get a better right winger(hopefuly left footed) and be more balanced.
Lies or short memories?

This was the semis of the FA cup we won two 2 years ago. Martial was busy assisting the first goal and ending up scoring the winning goal himself while being younger and playing in a worse team than Sanchez.

Sanchez had a good game yesterday but Martial had managed a better one at the same level.

Martial has rejected a new contract. If we've offered him one, it means Jose and the board want him to stay. If he rejected it he wants to leave. So have a go at Martial, he is deciding not to play for Utd, he is deciding not to fight for his place in the team.

If a player wants to go let him go, and Martial wants to go.
Martial has rejected a new contract. If we've offered him one, it means Jose and the board want him to stay. If he rejected it he wants to leave. So have a go at Martial, he is deciding not to play for Utd, he is deciding not to fight for his place in the team.

If a player wants to go let him go, and Martial wants to go.

Problem is, Martial doesnt seem to want to leave the club. He wants to leave the manager who dropped him right after earning 3 player of the month awards for a new arrival who performed awfully.
He doesnt feel the situation is going to change.
How would you feel if you performed in your job as your teams best employee, get awarded, but never appreciated by your own manager and even pulled off important projects for no reason?
Whiny and bad mentality some say? Young Ronaldo wouldn't have survived under Jose.
Fergie would have loved Martial.
Martial must stay. He can own the LW with guidance. Mourinho should just switch Sanchez to the RW. Rotate Rashford/Martial on the LW. Mata/Lingard rotate no.10. It would allow every player to get more game time.
Problem is, Martial doesnt seem to want to leave the club. He wants to leave the manager who dropped him right after earning 3 player of the month awards for a new arrival who performed awfully.
He doesnt feel the situation is going to change.
How would you feel if you performed in your job as your teams best employee, get awarded, but never appreciated by your own manager and even pulled off important projects for no reason?
Whiny and bad mentality some say? Young Ronaldo wouldn't have survived under Jose.
Fergie would have loved Martial.
All this. Why some people can't see this is just baffling.

I just wish the club had someone with some vision who wouldn't let the manager make these crucial decisions. It's bloody depressing especially as Mourinho won't be hanging around.
People need to understand that sometimes clubs let great players leave.

Pep Guardiola sold Samuel Eto’o to Inter and Toni Kroos to Real Madrid. Both world class, both immediately won the Champions League. Bad decisions? Depends on your point of view. In both cases Pep’s teams were better able to execute his vision without them.

Martial is a top talent and he won’t go downhill if he leaves United, say that United replace him with a bona fide top class wide right though? Given that we have Alexis to play wide left might it not work out best for the squad as a whole?

Team building is about more than stockpiling the best players. Every season I can remember Juve seem to have sold a quality from Roberto Baggio going to Milan to Pogba going to United. Yet every year they replace those players and keep winning. Was Nedved better than Zidane, is Pjanic better than Pogba? Maybe in a vacuum no, but in practice Juve’s still winning.

Losing Martial in abstract seems crazy, yet depending on what United do in response, we can’t say it’ll set us back in reality.
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Its just sad really. Here with Martial we have a proven talent who needs to be nurtured into the next best thing. As a club we should be looking to keep these dembele, martial, dybala and mbappe-esque players....and not be in the position where we are considering letting him go because the development process isn't as quick as you'd like it to be. Martial has a longer lifeline in comparison to Sanchez and people tend to have very very short memories...furthermore its not like theres a plethora of players with potential for us to continue flicking through. Very dissapointed at the current state of affairs and will be devastated if Anthony leaves.
Based on everything he’s said about wanting to stay here long term, everything Woodward has said, and based on the overall success and improvements he’s provided in the short space of time.

If you think he’s leaving in a year for a fresh challenge when he’s done all the hard work here for somebody else to come and claim all the glory then I can’t take you seriously

Wait you believe in everything he says publicly?! Anyway, when it comes to my part, i never expressed my thinking about the matter of one year, i just said all kinds of shit can happen, nothing is set in stone. Looking at your posts, i rather you not taking me seriously, so please dont.
Problem is, Martial doesnt seem to want to leave the club. He wants to leave the manager who dropped him right after earning 3 player of the month awards for a new arrival who performed awfully.
He doesnt feel the situation is going to change.

How would you feel if you performed in your job as your teams best employee, get awarded, but never appreciated by your own manager and even pulled off important projects for no reason?

And why should it change? Jose has won the League Cup, Europa League, 2nd in the Prem, and FA Cup final. The team are doing better then at anytime since SAF retired.

Whiny and bad mentality some say? Young Ronaldo wouldn't have survived under Jose.
Fergie would have loved Martial.

We'll never know because it never happened. Plenty of young players didn't work out under SAF too.

All this. Why some people can't see this is just baffling.

I just wish the club had someone with some vision who wouldn't let the manager make these crucial decisions. It's bloody depressing especially as Mourinho won't be hanging around.

SAF let plenty of players go in his time because they didn't fit what he wanted, world class players too (Stam, Beckham, RvN as examples). It is the managers job to provide the vision for the team and players need to fit that vision.

But that's all still irrelevant though because the fact is Jose does appreciate Martial because he has offered him a new contract. As part of that contract offer I'm sure Jose and Martial/Martials agent have had discussions about what is wanted/expected of Martial in the future. And Martial has turned it down. Fine, then move on if you've decided you don't want to do what the manager is asking of you.
Its just sad really. Here with Martial we have a proven talent who needs to be nurtured into the next best thing. As a club we should be looking to keep these dembele, martial, dybala and mbappe-esque players....and not be in the position where we are considering letting him go because the development process isn't as quick as you'd like it to be. Martial has a longer lifeline in comparison to Sanchez and people tend to have very very short memories...furthermore its not like theres a plethora of players with potential for us to continue flicking through. Very dissapointed at the current state of affairs and will be devastated if Anthony leaves.

If you remember, when we signed Martial he wasn't a proven talent. Everyone was like 'Who the feck is he?', and the media were questioning why we paid so much for him.

As for comparing Martial to Mbappe, I love Martial as a player I do, but the reality is Mbappe socred more goals in less games then Martial while at Monaco. At Utd, Martial is averaging a goal every 3.5 games. At PSG Mbappe is averaging a goal every 1.7 games. Martial has played for France 18 times and scored once. Mbappe has played for France 12 times and scored 3 goals. Mbappe is a level above Martial right now. And that is reflected in their respective transfer price too. Same with Dybala, averages a goal every 1.7 games at Juve.

Dembele is having fitness issues at present so hasn't really had a fair crack at Barca. But even at Dortmund he only averaged a goal every 5.3 games.