"I'm half the player under LvG"

I said I would wait for LVG's fate then decide. If you want to be part of the crowd at least get your fact straight before contributing your part

Ah, apologies. Your patience does you credit. And you're right to insist on precision - it's important, more than ever these days.

I wish you luck in your future deliberations. But keep my suggestions in mind - as I understand it, you don't rule out a change of pasture, so to speak, and it's important to keep one's options open.

Chester (man of the crowd).
1996 is probably his DOB tbf. Just a kid and we'll be losing kids as fan in their droves if this shit goes on much longer. Not a fecking hope of picking up new fans, that's for sure.

You know what, I've never really considered the impact the post Fergie era would have in regards to our fanbase.

It's an interesting point.

I agree that our brand of football isn't exactly exciting at the moment, so I can certainly see the younger generation swaying towards other clubs. E.g. City.

I remember falling in love with United during the 90's, Beckham, Giggs, Scholes, Cantona, etc - combined with attacking football, was a joy to watch.

Anyway, this could potentially be a hinderance to us down the line, especially when it comes to the commercial side of things.
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As soon as I saw the thread title, Mata was the first name that immediately came to mind.
Same for me, I wouldn't be surprised. He often looks like he has no idea what he's supposed to be doing out there.
Same for me, I wouldn't be surprised. He often looks like he has no idea what he's supposed to be doing out there.


Some on here may state (correctly) that Mata has seen plenty of gametime under LVG, so it can't be him, but that's not really the issue here.

The question is whether Mata, or whoever this mystery player is, feels they are being utilised to the best of their ability.
Ok, your threat of going off to support another club is stupid. Why? Because it's about as hollow a threat as you're ever going to see. A club with millions of fans isn't going to be moved by your false bravado, ergo it's a stupid post.
It is not a threat. In the real world, just to get your head clear, there are millions of fans who have discontent about the direction of this club (including the Goldman Sachs veteran banker O'Neill). So to call me all sort of names because I simply express my personal view is indeed very intolerant and immature that shows your narrow view and lacking knowledge about the real world
It is not a threat. In the real world, just to get your head clear, there are millions of fans who have discontent about the direction of this club (including the Goldman Sachs veteran banker O'Neill). So to call me all sort of names because I simply express my personal view is indeed very intolerant and immature that shows your narrow view and lacking a knowledge about the real world

Would you choose another club or just stop following United?
I said I would wait for LVG's fate then decide. If you want to be part of the crowd at least get your fact straight before contributing your part

You do realize that you are on a Manchester United Forum, what you did is the equivalent of a guy walking into a church and telling everyone that if the mass wasn't good enough he might take his chance at the mosque.
I don't think that anyone has something against you personally but for United fans that's not a thing to do or say.
If I do not have some loyalty left over my 19 years of supporting this club, I would not wait 2.5 years and more to count (with this daft current manager) or even bother showing up in this forum to make my point.

Unlike many glory hunters who lack courage to get the stick from this highly loyal forum, the fact is I still show up, I seriously try to fully express my opinion that United should move on with a better manager, and I still have my faith on the management to make some change when the season ends regarding the manager situation.

I dont understand to be honest every United fan I know has concerns right now and there's no shortage of critiscm on here either.

Honestly mate it goes without saying things could be a hell of alot worse :lol:.

Guess we just have to both respect the fact some people are more emotionally attached to the club than others.
It is not a threat. In the real world, just to get your head clear, there are millions of fans who have discontent about the direction of this club (including the Goldman Sachs veteran banker O'Neill). So to call me all sort of names because I simply express my personal view is indeed very intolerant and immature that shows your narrow view and lacking knowledge about the real world

Now, now @fan1996 I've only called you a hypocrite, in a roundabout way and with evidence. Something you haven't responded to. I request you retract your comments above lest I become angry and use my great powers abusively.
Would you choose another club or just stop following United?

I'm not even sure what's involved in changing the club I support. Maybe kick things off with a group email to all my friends?

"So listen, lads, to avoid any awkward questions I just wanted you to know that I'm going to be cheering for City in this weekend's Manchester derby..."

I wonder how long it takes to feel genuinely happy watching Aguero smash one past De Gea? If you really really try could you do it overnight?
So your loyalty is worth about 12% of the time you've put in, then? Glad I'm not your friend, buddy.
Specifically my admiration to SAF is the main reason why I support United. LVG is like the opposite to SAF in term of almost everything (except the arrogance), there goes my discontent, get it?
Specifically my admiration to SAF is the main reason why I support United. LVG is like the opposite to SAF in term of almost everything (except the arrogance), there goes my discontent, get it?

Seems an easy decision, then. No SAF, no reason to support United.
Would you choose another club or just stop following United?
I will just watch football less than I used to. I enjoy Barca's football but they are just too good for anyone to support as a die-hard fan.
Such bullshit tbh, it's such a vague statement which Burt could easily make up just to make a news story.

Was about to say. That´s like multiple sources reporting Barcelona player believes he´s good at football. :lol:
Now, now @fan1996 I've only called you a hypocrite, in a roundabout way and with evidence. Something you haven't responded to. I request you retract your comments above lest I become angry and use my great powers abusively.
I only argue points by points, unlike you I don't call people names. So if you need a reason why I ignored your previous post, there you go
That is not exactly what I said. I expect the next long-term manager to be 80% as great as SAF I would totally be happy


Specifically my admiration to SAF is the main reason why I support United. LVG is like the opposite to SAF in term of almost everything (except the arrogance), there goes my discontent, get it?

So, is there some kind of lingering admiration or what? Maybe it's a language thing but anyway in nearly 20 years you should have noticed that the majority of supporters don't switch clubs. If your club hits the skids and is terrible you deal with it.
I only argue points by points, unlike you I don't call people names. So if you need a reason why I ignored your previous post, there you go

Again, I didn't call you names. C-3PO's chair is beginning to lift off of the raised walkway of the Ewok village....
You know what, I've never really considered the impact the post Fergie era would have in regards to our fanbase.

It's an interesting point.

I agree that our brand of football isn't exactly exciting at the moment, so I can certainly see the younger generation swaying towards other clubs. E.g. City.

I remember falling in love with United during the 90's, Beckham, Giggs, Scholes, Cantona, etc - combined with attacking football, was a joy to watch.

Anyway, this could potentially be a hinderance to us down the line, especially when it comes to the commercial side of things.
Nah it won't happen. LVG has a year and a half at most left. Plus football fans and young people are fickle. No doubt we get back to the top again and they'll be back. And I'm sure we'll be back at the top - with or without LVG.
I'm not even sure what's involved in changing the club I support. Maybe kick things off with a group email to all my friends?

"So listen, lads, to avoid any awkward questions I just wanted you to know that I'm going to be cheering for City in this weekend's Manchester derby..."

I wonder how long it takes to feel genuinely happy watching Aguero smash one past De Gea? If you really really try could you do it overnight?

I suspect it's possibly something you could do under the age of 8 - follow a different club. But as an adult? Perhaps that poster(fan1996) never really truly loved the club in the first place.
Sounds to me like yet another of these vague bullshit quotes which have been popping up all season because the press know there will be no repercussions from it the same way van Gaal apparently hated Rojo and Powell was supposedly considering retirement when in fact he was working harder than ever to try save his career
I suspect it's possibly something you could do under the age of 8 - follow a different club. But as an adult? Perhaps that poster(fan1996) never really truly loved the club in the first place.

He's had enough people piling on him so I'll cut him some slack. Different strokes and all that. It's just a kind of mad and intriguing concept. You'd have to choose very very carefully. Gutting if you hitch your wagon to a club that ends up doing worse than United for the next few years. Maybe you just switch back then? Kind of like a no fault money back guarantee?
Yeah but you'd hardly be classed as a die hard jumping from club to club.
What a terrible post from you, who I suspect might be a terrible person in real life

Which club did I support prior to United? Which club did I say I will support? What a terrible and unnecessary attack
He's had enough people piling on him so I'll cut him some slack. Different strokes and all that. It's just a kind of mad and intriguing concept. You'd have to choose very very carefully. Gutting if you hitch your wagon to a club that ends up doing worse than United for the next few years. Maybe you just switch back then? Kind of like a no fault money back guarantee?

I suspect it's more common than we'd like to believe. Especially in countries that are new to football (that's racist...).
What a terrible post from you, I expect would be a terrible person in real life

Which club did I support prior to United? Which club did I say I will support? What a terrible and unnecessary attack

I think you'd be a causal fan of your new club. I don't think I'm been particularly unfair though. Do you?

PS I'm not that terrible in real life.
Herrera has been great? Can't say I agree with that, he's been okay to good. I know he's a fan favorite but I personally expect to see more from him, and I think he's capable of putting in better performances than what he has done.
Yeah, you're probably right. Hopefully the money men are aware of this and feck Van Gaal off if we keep producing this shite all season. Big money to be made in those emerging markets.
Well yeah we're no more than whores thesedays. So, the money men will probably be thinking along the same lines as you.
I think you'd be a causal fan of your new club. I don't think I'm been particularly unfair though. Do you?
PS I'm not that terrible in real life.
I was not a casual fan, and you have no basis to make such claim.
You do realize that you are on a Manchester United Forum, what you did is the equivalent of a guy walking into a church and telling everyone that if the mass wasn't good enough he might take his chance at the mosque.
I don't think that anyone has something against you personally but for United fans that's not a thing to do or say.
There are a lot of non United fans in this forum. So your church-mosque comment is completely irrelevant to this argument.

Like I said I do expect a lot of sticks but that doesn't mean I would not fight to make my point