wishes he could watch Arsenal games with KM
Anyone following the insanity that's come from that tweet by Emily Thornberry?
Anyone following the insanity that's come from that tweet by Emily Thornberry?
How Labour has managed to make the story this evening about themselves is ridiculous. She's resigned from the Shadow Cabinet now. Complete and utter incompetence all round.Anyone following the insanity that's come from that tweet by Emily Thornberry?
The divisions within the party right now are worthy of many face-palms. The media reaction to it has been just as bizarre, I read somewhere earlier (might've been on the guardian ffs) that it may turn out to be "Labour's 47% moment". Sense has just disappeared entirely.How Labour has managed to make the story this evening about themselves is ridiculous. She's resigned from the Shadow Cabinet now. Complete and utter incompetence all round.
He looks almost exactly how I imagined he would
Never. I am a man of the people.Resign! Resign!
What do UKIP actually stand for other than taking Britain out of the EU? I don't like single-policy parties, because once they've achieved those aims, what plans do they have for actually, y'know, running the country?
This seems to be the majority opinion that people have, but it's unlikely to be the case. Latest poll from Ipsos Mori has a) 56% in support of staying in the EU against 36% wanting out, and b) This gap being at its highest level for 23 years. Not to mention that there's no way a business-backed politician like Cameron would get away with supporting an exit, despite what the backbench of his party screams about in the DM.That said, I fully expect the UK to have left the European Union by 2020. There will be a referendum on the topic after the next election, and it'll pass with an overwhelming majority.
David would have won the upcoming election but largely because he is another Blair-lite (see Cameron and Clegg). Then we'd have a Labour government implementing Tory policy all over again.I really worry that Ed Milliband pipping his brother could turn out to be one of the most damaging moments in the modern history of the Labour party. Bananas aside, David was a fine politician and, tellingly, the one the Tories didn't want.
David would have won the upcoming election but largely because he is another Blair-lite (see Cameron and Clegg). Then we'd have a Labour government implementing Tory policy all over again.
One thing that clearly differentiates the left from the right in the UK is that the left would rather stay in opposition than compromise their political purity, while the right happily defer to pragmatism to stay in power.
The result - the Tories rule the country, while Labour give them a brief holiday every now and then.
Tony Blair and New Labour doesn't exactly fit into that theory, does it?
If they can't persuade most of the electorate who would benefit from a left-wing government to vote at all then that's what will increasingly happen.A true left Labour party finds itself unelectable.
If they can't persuade most of the electorate who would benefit from a left-wing government to vote at all then that's what will increasingly happen.
Yes the turn out at general elections dropped below 60% in 2001, needs to go back to the 80% level of the early 50s.Increasingly? Was it ever different?
Yes the turn out at general elections dropped below 60% in 2001, needs to go back to the 80% level of the early 50s.
Does that only affect the left?
More so for sure, as the missing electorate are the young, who are overwhelmingly left skewing. The old and right wing have never stopped voting. Consistently about 75% and up.
If the same percentage of 18-30s had voted in 2010, and assuming the majority would not have voted Tory, they could've scuppered a Coalition. So, basically, feck off Brand.
Peter's point was that Blair was merely implementing Tory policies. Many in the left believe the same. That Blair is responsible for almost half of the time Labour has been in Government since the second WW merely illustrates my point. A true left Labour party finds itself unelectable.
One thing that clearly differentiates the left from the right in the UK is that the left would rather stay in opposition than compromise their political purity, while the right happily defer to pragmatism to stay in power.
The result - the Tories rule the country, while Labour give them a brief holiday every now and then.
Gordon Brown has confirmed that he's stepping down as MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath. As one of his constituents I'm sorry to hear that - did very well here. Also, despite the negative press, he's a top bloke. Met him a few times due to my work and he always had a moment to chat when the cameras weren't pointing at him.
Which I could say the same about Darling. Fecker hogged both of the arm rests on a flight once.
Brown's got a very good history as a politician but I find his timing a bit bizarre from a Scottish perspective when he was talking about how important increased Scottish powers were and how he'd hold Westminster to account etc if they weren't delivered. Not to mention that he was banging on about how we'd effectively be getting home rule when what's on the table is nothing of the sort.
Yeah, I agree. Reeks of him getting out before the whole thing implodes.