Television Game of Thrones TV Series | Season 2 | NO book talk!!

Spoiler: Speculation. Content: How Robb can keep Lord Frey happy
Just marry both girls! Doesn't Lord Frey have about 5 wives himself? He never said his daughter had to be Robb's only wife! Though somehow I'm sure this won't be the solution!

Somehow I don't think Rob's new wife would be happy with that. Isn't she a noble of some sort? Its not like she's some generic village woman that can be one of many for a King.
I think it might be best to close this thread now because I can't see how the discussion is going to progress without book information being used or at the very least information not discernible solely from watching the TV show.

What thinks you Caftards?

I'm certainly temped to stop using the thread, the Caf population seems unable to keep from mentioning book information.

I'd rather see it left open, if people want to talk about the show they shouldn't be punished for those who can't follow the rules. Surely someone will want to keep up with the news about the up coming series.

I'd be more interested in a thread for Books 1 & 2, so that those that are caught up with the TV show can discuss the differences, and discuss the books, without having books 3-7 spoiled because they're discussing 1& 2 in the thread for the entire series.
Somehow I don't think Rob's new wife would be happy with that. Isn't she a noble of some sort? Its not like she's some generic village woman that can be one of many for a King.

Spoiler: Speculation. Content: Westeros Marital Norms, re: Robb Stark
But we can probably safely assume Lord Frey was married first to a 'lady', and since women of this world have little power, she was forced to put up with it. In Robb's case, he'd only be doing it for the sake of making a treaty, he wouldn't have to sleep with her. And besides, Chaplin's granddaughter knew he was enaged when she jumped him! She's in no position to complain.

But of course that won't be a solution, a writer wouldn't go to the trouble to create a problem like that just to let it be easily solved. It will certainly be interesting to see where Robb goes from here.
I think it might be best to close this thread now because I can't see how the discussion is going to progress without book information being used or at the very least information not discernible solely from watching the TV show.

What thinks you Caftards?

I've got the other thread to post in, but this seems like a nonsensical thing to do. What is the point of this thread if not to discuss a tv series? I am sure people are interested in discussing what everything means. So if anything, the rules should be laxed from now on, where you don't have to spoiler pure speculation.

Obviously anything book-related (or otherwise actual knowledge that doesn't come from the TV series) should just stay out, full stop.
I've whizzed through every episode of this now and am fully up to speed...just in time for the wait for season 3.

I probably shouldn't have watched so much in such a short period of time as I'm starting to really hate characters I imagine I'm supposed to like. Namely Jon Snow.

The wait is going to be long though as next season will surely be great. Especially as by the looks of things dragon girl will finally be on the same continent as the rest of the bloody characters. I can only hope that the desert will be a distant memory and that we'll never see the opening credits zooming across to Qarth again.
I've got the other thread to post in, but this seems like a nonsensical thing to do. What is the point of this thread if not to discuss a tv series? I am sure people are interested in discussing what everything means. So if anything, the rules should be laxed from now on, where you don't have to spoiler pure speculation.

Obviously anything book-related (or otherwise actual knowledge that doesn't come from the TV series) should just stay out, full stop.

The spoiler policy won't be relaxed because the potential for direct or indirect spoiler info that couldn't possibly be known from watching the TV show alone increases now that we won't have any more info until the new series starts next year.
I don't see the issue. I repeat, what is the point of a forum if not to discuss? Now that people can no longer simply comment on a new episode, it makes perfect sense to allow idle speculation to become the main focus of this particular thread. With a blanket ban on any and all book talk already in place, what's the problem then?
Some people "speculate" even having read the books. Which makes no sense at all.
I don't see the issue. I repeat, what is the point of a forum if not to discuss? Now that people can no longer simply comment on a new episode, it makes perfect sense to allow idle speculation to become the main focus of this particular thread. With a blanket ban on any and all book talk already in place, what's the problem then?

The problem is that I have already deleted quite a few posts that couldn't possibly have come from watching the TV series and as there is nothing new in the TV series to discuss my guess is that things can only get worse. Those who have read the books can go to the book thread but bored poster tend to come in here and make mistakes when discussing the TV series even if they don't mean to post spoilers.
Well let's make a GoT TV show speculation thread. Spoiler everything and have heading for the posts like we find in here, open spoilers at own risk. Makes sense, because there's no way I'm not going to be not talking about it for a whole 9 months.
Wow what an episode!!! Absolutely fantastic! Damn now we have to wait 10 months for the next bloody season!
The two Stark kids are in trouble. They are heading north while the 'things' beyond the wall are also marching towards it from the other end. The dragons are ready. Daenaryes is coming back home. I really do feel for the Starks. Sansa is in Kings Landing. Arya is in the middle of nowhere. Robb and his mother are fighting a war. The two kids are heading away from them. Can their family more apart and in a bigger mess?
I still don't understand why people feel the need to speculate at all. Why can't we just discuss how good each episode was and how much we all hate Jeff?

I was a little bit disappointed with the final episode. It was a bit of an anti climax after last weeks.
How awesome is Jager (or however you spell it), the Bravosi assassin?

I hope he makes a return somewhere else alone in the story.
If spoilers start being thrown about I'll just not come in this thread. I'm tempted to read the books myself but until I do I have no reason to want to spoil my enjoyment of any part, of what is probably the best series I have ever watched
Man Men is, and Breaking Bad is close behind.

GoT is a great show but underneath it all it's still heavily reliant on its gore and tits to pull the viewers in.
Man Men is, and Breaking Bad is close behind.

GoT is a great show but underneath it all it's still heavily reliant on its gore and tits to pull the viewers in.

Agree. GoT is a lot of fun, but its nowhere near the top tier of dramas.
I'd put Game of Thrones above Breaking Bad, as whilst Breaking Bad is fantastic TV it isn't ground breaking in the same way that Game of Thrones is in my opinion. I haven't watched Mad Men.

Whilst Game of Thrones could obviously be bigger and better, as long as you respect that it has a budget to adhere to I can think of nothing better.
It's not even the budget for me. The writing isn't *that* good and neither is some of the acting (though a lot of it is brilliant). The plot is good but a bit all over the place at times, no surprise giving the sheer size of the material it's being taken from. But mostly, they just rely on gore, tits and funny foul language to keep the majority of the viewers interested in it.

I love GoT but as an actual drama it's got nowt on Mad Men, never mind The Wire and The Sopranos!
The Sopranos has to be one of the most overrated show of all times. Don't get me wrong it's a great show. Just not *that* great.

Talking about Sopranos. No Spoilers just an overview.
The first seasons in particular are rather slow and drawn out, and when the big moments do appear in them they seem so quickly over that tts rather anti-climatic.

Compare that to Ned Stark getting his head chopped off. Only 9 episodes in, but it was ridiculously climatic, monumental and provoked a massive range of emotions.

GooDevil is a twat who's reading the books and therefore is not allowed to speculate because that's spaculated

I haven't discussed anything from the first half of book 1, the part that I've read, so I don't see how I could give anything away.

But, if someone wants to make a rule that says anyone that's read any part of any of the books can't speculate, that's fine. It would probably make the thread better, since those people in general seem to be having a problem.

However I'm not one of those whose posts have required deletion by a mod.

Though you make a cogent argument, to be sure.
Which will flood the thread with nothing but spoilers and replies to spoilers. Thus making the thread unusable. Sorry but the strict rules are there for a reason and I'm glad for it.

Like someone above mentioned, knowing that Stansa didn't leave with the hound took some of the magic away for me this week. Stansa's storyline interests me as

I think she'll play a bigger part later maybe with Daenarys (don't know why - good girls sticking together and all that) and obviously the dwarf's partner.