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Also, in the run up to christmas, the purchase of a second hand 360 become dubious? Clever move by microsoft.
That doesn't make any sense. 1) If you get caught online, all that is going to happen is that you are restricted to offline play, so you don't really gain anything by having 2 xbox's, in that respect.
2) Up until now, as long as you used stealth patched games, it was unheard of being caught.
You use pirated games then do you?
In that case the thieving shits have got off lightly.
Yeah my mate got banned from it, serves him right tbh. He's getting a PS3 now.
He does know that you can't chip it doesn't he?
That we did.
Still MS have had a nice bit of money off me while it lasted.
Hypothetical question: if it wasn't for the dvd feck up, and efforts were concentrated at the core instead, do you think it would have held out til now?
and I never did get those guns off you.....
He does know that you can't chip it doesn't he?
How do the fellas who hack/mod these things even go about it? I don't mean if I pay a fella 20 quid, what will he do, I mean the blokes online who create the original hacks. Where do they even begin?
Conspiracy Alert!
When the time is right, a guy at MS/Sony/etc. leaks the info regarding a back-door or 'intended' security flaw.
Then it's acted upon by 'the scene', proliferated through the internet, and abused by pirates.
Not to the same extent though.
Well, it's 3 years in, it's still not been cracked. Neither has the XB360 at its core, they just made this DVD drive feckup.
Do you mean one fella acts by himself to smuggle it out, or the company sanction this? And if the latter, for what purpose?
It doesn't need to be to the same extent though does it. If a million people are downloading games instead of buying them and even only 20% of them would actually buy the game if downloading wasn't an option then that's affecting the companies involved.
And I would wager a damn sight more than 20% would actually buy the games if it was the only option - as PS3 games seem to do OK.
Mine was downgraded from Gold to Silver, even though our Gold was yet to be expired.
We've not done piss all to our xbox, but it has been professionally repaired... any way they may have fecked it up?
Look at it like this. A good portion of the banned subscribers will just carry on playing offline. Of the rest, some will:
Switch to PS3,
Buy another box, hack it, and continue as normal.
Buy another box, buy a handful of legit games, probably preowned. (some people just can't afford a lot of games.)
Say 'thanks for the memories' and get a social life.
Either way it won't make a huge difference to the developers IMO.
And not trying to score points here, but are the majority of PC users really happy to leave their operating systems exposed to similar feck ups, which MS have less motivation to sort out?
I'm talking about hackability in its entirety, not just for online gaming.
Weaste knows a lot more about this stuff than me, but I was under the impression that hardware didn't make much if any money for them?
So what are these chipped Xbox360 going for in the UK?
They make all the money on the software. I don't if this is still the case, but they were making a loss on the hardware.
What do you mean? Do they get a percentage of each titles sales or something?
They make all the money on the software. I don't if this is still the case, but they were making a loss on the hardware.
If by sarcastic you mean retarded then yes.
I understand that but are you saying it's a significant percentage... I figured it was just that, a royalty fee.
I think that it's as high a 10%+
so you only lose achievements? your gamertag is fine to use in the future?I'm hearing that banned 360s cannot be used to get achievements from backups without corrupting your profile.
"Your Gamertag may be corrupted. This does not mean your gamertag has been banned, you can recover it using any live-capable 360, however ANY ACHIVEMENTS YOU HAVE EARNED SINCE BEING BANNED WILL BE LOST. Your gamertag will be corrupted EVERY SINGLE TIME it is used on a banned console. This means you cannot use your banned console to play backups offline just to get achievements - it wont work, the second you put your profile back on a good 360, it will be corrupted and all progress lost. There is no way around this.
The same applies to game saves - if you access a game save on a banned 360, it too will be corrupted when accessed on a legit/unbanned 360! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! There is no way around this, either."
This would only be the consoles banned in the latest wave. My old one got banned over 2 years ago and I continued playing it until about 2 months back when it packed in.