X Box 360 - anyone get kicked??

Did you get caught? I dont play online that much, and was contemplating getting my 360 modded, but its always handy for demos/updates/etc. I know a couple of my friends have theirs modded, aint been speaking to them today though.
Did you get caught? I dont play online that much, and was contemplating getting my 360 modded, but its always handy for demos/updates/etc. I know a couple of my friends have theirs modded, aint been speaking to them today though.
don't do it - anyone i know has been kicked
Aye, must ask around when i get out of work see what happened to the fellas i know. Im assuming you'd need to have been online at the time? What if you weren't caught last night/yesterday? They doing it in batches?
Yeah they ban the MAC address of the console, which is just the identifier of the machine itself. I got done a few months ago but opted to upgrade my PC instead of getting a new console, which I will do after Christmas in the sales.
I'm still thinking of getting mine modded, mainly because I hardly ever play on XBox Live and I wouldn't be that arsed if I got banned.

But playing online is basically that guy's life, so why the feck did he get it his console modded if he wasn't prepared to suffer the consequences? Sounds like he's about to off himself. :lol:
Kudos to Microsoft. They have pretty much stamped out piracy for the console in one day. My consoles banned. Better get a new one tomorrow. Glad they banned the console and not the gamer tag.
Kudos to Microsoft. They have pretty much stamped out piracy for the console in one day. My consoles banned. Better get a new one tomorrow. Glad they banned the console and not the gamer tag.

They've seemingly stamped out online game piracy, but you'll just get a new one for playing online and keep your old one for playing pirated games offline.
Well done Microsoft. And thats not sarcastic, I am glad they are banning people who get their consoles chipped.

Less money going into the industry results, in the main part anyway, in less great titles coming out. Less loans from major companies to minor ones to get fantastic unique games out.
Something finally done about it, about time. PS3 sales to rise then? People are thickle and guys that are used to playing stuff for free will probably think I had a 360, now try a PS3 to get back at Microsoft.

It's a good thing this though.
They've banned 1 million XBoxes from LIVE. :lol:

Microsoft bans up to 1 million Xbox Live users - Games - msnbc.com

Was piracy really that widespread on the Xb360?

Yes, when i was living in the City Centre in my student place, i knew quite a load with them chipped (well, about 6 or 7) had the Xbox's chipped it was unbelievable. Me and my flat mate even had the offer of it being done for around £20, we took 2 or 3 days to finally decide it was a silly idea.

I had my PS2 chipped towards the end of its life, for about a year or two, and i can admit that although i had about 80 odd games for it, i rarely played any of them for more than 5 minutes, only a few Sony exclusives. When your not paying for a game (or more of a case of when you have free access to any game you want at will, i'd take a free legit game any day see) you lose your appreciation for that game i found.
Yes, when i was living in the City Centre in my student place, i knew quite a load with them chipped (well, about 6 or 7) had the Xbox's chipped it was unbelievable. Me and my flat mate even had the offer of it being done for around £20, we took 2 or 3 days to finally decide it was a silly idea.

I had my PS2 chipped towards the end of its life, for about a year or two, and i can admit that although i had about 80 odd games for it, i rarely played any of them for more than 5 minutes, only a few Sony exclusives. When your not paying for a game (or more of a case of when you have free access to any game you want at will, i'd take a free legit game any day see) you lose your appreciation for that game i found.

Exactly what I find, I had my psp running custom firmware when I first got it and had a shit load of games and never played any of them more than a couple of times, its like the enjoyment comes from getting something for free instead of the game itself. I installed the proper firmware not long after getting my PS3 just so I could sit on the bog and watch some trailers (I have to be doing something on the bog other than thinking about being on the bog, weird innit).
So what's going to happen when unsuspecting people buy these boxes second hand? I'm not quite sure that Microsoft has thought this through.

Thats a good point man, but i'd say Microsoft will do this only once as a warning & they'll advise anyone thats had their consoles modified to unmodify them & anyone buying one second-hand to have it checked for modification & have it unmodified immdiately!

But what the feck would i know :lol: :wenger: :lol:
That's not really Microsoft's concern though is it?

Not directly I suppose, no, but it's not going to do their brand image much good, nor their technical support when one million people start phoning up, jamming their exchanges, and getting told "sorry, not our problem".

The console is still usable offline to play pirated games, so it's only solving half of the problem anyway.
I'm sure cracking down on pirating won't adversely affect their brand image too much, and most people buying a second hand console will surely be aware of what's happened and just get them from game or similar rather than ebay so they have some come back on it.

True about only solving half the problem, but its a step in the right direction.
I've never had any of my consoles chipped. Don't really see the point. I don't mind paying 40 quid a game to be honest, good value for money considering the replayibility you get out of most of them.