Weekend Football

Is there a normal looking player in this Liverpool side?

Must be one of the most ghastly in the land, what with that goofy looking cnut Suarez, dopey twat Carroll, the Hunchback of Notre Dame Kuyt, Stevie "No Forehead" Gerrard, Craig "No Neck Umpa Lumpa" Bellamy, the test tube baby Jay Spearing and that fat lipped frowning faced Skrtel. Even Agger looks like a smack head.

Have I missed anyone?
Cmon fecking Cardiff. Make this a wonderful footballing Sunday. ou have the entire red army of Manchester behind you.

You can do this!!!!!
Who would have thought that Kuyt falling over twice would lead to a goal scored and a goal conceded.
How brilliant must it be for those kids supporting Cardiff. I'm jealous.
They need to stay focused now, come on Cardiff
Kuyt - the striker more influential on his backside than on his feet.