Video games have become shit

I think games these days are fecking quality.

Classics have their place, I still run through FFVII every now and again, but games like Dead Space, Fallout 3, Crysis, FEAR, BioShock, Mass Effect... loved them all. Some games can be samey but there is still room for innovation and creativity, just look at Little Big Planet.
Games nowadays are far too generic. Too much time is put into the graphics and everything else is an after thought. As someone who is striving to get into the industry, I'm aware that game companies strive to make as much money as possible, as game production costs increase the demands of sales become even more important. As a games company its a big risk to stray away from convention and make a dud as it could put the company in jeopardy. Hence why games nowadays tend to stick to popular formulas.

It's sad for the industry as the gamers are part of the reason for the downfall. Buying endless SIMS expansion packs and the yearly installment of football games and COD games. I've only bought 1 EA game in 3 years since the shambles of BF2 (Crysis). There are a few diamonds that are released that break convention and do well. But those you can count on one hand.

We also seem to be stuck with these types of games and features for the next few years until the next generation boom begins. As the console market is simply too popular for companies to make pc only titles. Therefore we're doomed to play skinned versions of COD/BF for the next few years.

If you really want to play something different, then you guys need to start playing mods for HL2/Unreal and Crysis. Thats where the real good games can be found but unfortunatly not enough people play them!
I just wish that Nintendo could pull their fingers out their arses and stop milking money with all these shit wii sports games and produce some quality games instead.
I still play Halo 3 two years after it's release. Probably the best competitive multilayer ever.
GTA IV was wank, if anything it'll be GTA III that people fondly remember as that was really groundbreaking.

GTAIII was and still is the best GTA out of any of them, it took the top down view out and didnt remove any of the character of the originals, truly was groundbreaking at the time, followed up with Vice City which still had the best city and storyline imo.

I don't care to much for IV, on first play it was incredible and then on each play through my interest gradually wained until the point that the missions were just done to get it over with.
GTA IV was a more mature game. I hate the "gangsta thang" as well, give me New York mafia over that shite any day.
GTAIII was and still is the best GTA out of any of them, it took the top down view out and didnt remove any of the character of the originals, truly was groundbreaking at the time, followed up with Vice City which still had the best city and storyline imo.

I don't care to much for IV, on first play it was incredible and then on each play through my interest gradually wained until the point that the missions were just done to get it over with.

Vice City is my favourite, brilliant soundtrack and some very good characters.
You tried Forgotten Hope 2 btw?

It's a free mod for BF2 and bloody good. Well worth playing if you need a change from BF2. - Give it a go, I'm downloading it tonight.

I can never be bothered with mods for BF2 - the only one that people from my clan play is Project Reality, and that sucks giant salty nutsack. That said I might give it a look in.

That said a lot more people have been playing because of the release of 1.50 - although as per usual most of the maps are a bust (Taraba Quarry, Op Smokescreen, and Op Road Rage are horrible). Operation Harvest is a gem though!
You tried Forgotten Hope 2 btw?

It's a free mod for BF2 and bloody good. Well worth playing if you need a change from BF2. - Give it a go, I'm downloading it tonight.

I used to play forgotten hope 1 to death on battlefield 1942. That, along with Desert Combat, Eve Of Destruction and BF: Pirates. I just couldn't get away from those mods.

Never really got into BF2 somehow. I still remember my heroics on a capture the flag game in Eve Of Destruction. Got on my own in a boat, drove all the way to the enemy base avoiding mass amount of gunfire. Got out, killed like 5 people somehow without getting killed myself, took the flag then nicked their own plane to fly back to my own base for the point. Probably my proudest gaming moment that was.
I'll let you guys know if its any good. Woodzy, BF2 isn't a bad game tbh, some of the mods are pretty damn good too. Project Reality being one of them has apparently got alot better and obviousally Forgotten Hope 2.

I only ever played bf1942 with bots on my network with my old man, still was alot of fun back then!
I think a lot of the fun came because we were kids or teenagers at the time. Nostalgia amplifies this. I get if you picked up a highly rated game that you never played when you were young, and played it now on an emulator, the basic reaction would be "meh". Put in a game you played at that time however, and it still seem great.
I get if you picked up a highly rated game that you never played when you were young, and played it now on an emulator, the basic reaction would be "meh".

That happens when I play any game on an emulator :p

Over the last year I've got a lot of NES, SNES and Megadrive games off eBay I missed before and enjoyed them just as much as any new games. They're just my kind of games :D

That's one of the reasons I play my DS so much. Castlevania, Contra, Yoshi's Island, Kirby etc. Now I just have to wait for one of the Addams Family games and I'll be set :cool:
Its very hard to bring new ideas to the video game world, because they're already there. As video games got bigger in the 90's, the games catalogue got bigger and bigger, as did the genre's and now games have hit a peak that its near impossible to surpass. Simply a case of fine tuning, developing graphics and a story line.

In saying that, the new Batman is simply amazing. Story line along with everything else, it just does it. I felt GTA IV was a fantastic game. Niko's character has an extreme amount of depth to his persona. Something that many games fail to acknowledge.

Racing games have come a long way. In fact, we're entering a golden generation, as with Football games. Many games have had their time to shine 'COD etc', but, at the moment, its all about racing titles and Football games.