V starts tonight


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
I loved the original but modern effects should make this worth a look. Those silly reptile costumes were always bad. I wonder if they'll still eat gerbils.
Its got some ridiculously good reviews from critics as well who are calling it the best new show on TV. I'm all for aliens taking over the world especially if Juliet (from Lost) is somehow involved. :drool:

If anyone knows any good streams or good quality download links, please pm me because this show is likely to be shown around where I live for a long long time.
This is the 1st I have ever heard of this. I loved the original series

Just reading about it on Wiki. For any Irish lads it is on TV3 tomorrow.

UK does not get it until next year (on sc-fi)


Oh the memories....

Watched the opening episode of the new series and was impressed....could be well worth sticking with although the break until March 2010 will be a major pain after just 4 episodes.
I hope the Beastmaster, Freddy Krueger and Michael Ironside get cameos.

Do any tit pics of the original Diana exist?
Anybody watched the first episode yet? Not got round to it myself, gonna take a look later this evening.
Loved the original but noticed that the actor who played Bailey Salinger on Party of Five has a lead role. If there's one actor that I would like aliens to wipe off the face of the earth, it's him. I will not be watching.
I don't believe this, watch out if you are downloading this series, I downloaded an episode with the password being wareznet.com and after watching the episode I felt very confused. At certain points it would jump to another scene, and I just assumed it was sloppy editing when they were removing the adverts, it turns out the entire episode has been chopped and changed so the story moves completely differently to how it was aired.

I'm download another episode now to confirm this is definitely the case, but I just read a full re-cap of the episode, and none of that related to what I saw, in the same order.

It's a fecked up thing to do.
Seen a bit of it last night, Decent enough. And there are some preety hot lady reptile aliens in it too. Who was the blondie ?
Just watched the second episode and enjoyed it - well worth watching
I take it the remake is scheduled to have more eps than did the original?

BSG, V, what next i wonder? Six Million Dollar Man or the Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea?

And next year for a proper release in the UK? :( There are ways to jump the gun of course.
Seems to be going in the same direction as Flash Forward :nervous: worth watching a few more though to see if it picks up.
I take it the remake is scheduled to have more eps than did the original?

BSG, V, what next i wonder? Six Million Dollar Man or the Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea?

And next year for a proper release in the UK? :( There are ways to jump the gun of course.

:D Classic TV
Seems to be going in the same direction as Flash Forward :nervous: worth watching a few more though to see if it picks up.

There is no way it could get that bad haha, missed the episode tonite, just will watch it on ABC.com this weekend
It's better than FF...but it's still stuck in it's light entertainment Sci-Fi mould. It's not quite at the level of a Lost or a 24, it's still got that Soap Opera feel about it. But it's not trying to be anything above that (which FF seems to be) and so it's alright. It's quite enjoyable actually...and the story is moving forward, which FF seems to be struggling with