U2 360 Tour


New Member
May 13, 2008
I know its not trendy to own up to listening to U2 but has anyone seen the 360 show live? They are in Tampa tomorrow and the wife wanted to go so I just bought a couple of tickets. The weather forecast is great for the show, 30c at 7:00pm clear skies, and the seats are near the party deck in the stadium.

So anyone want to own up to seeing them live.

BTW - last time I went to a show for the Mrs it was shite.....Elton John FFS.
the people that call it not trendy an all that, would die for a smidgen of talent so feck em :)

you'll enjoy it
Muse is the opening band I believe. Enjoy!


Hey it will be 30c, the sun will be setting during the opening act, and the party terrace has a great view and lots of bars. Tampa events usually have a fair few scantily clad ladies as well...damn right i will enjoy it.
Awesome atmosphere, amazing stage/set, and enjoyed some of the older tunes but the sound quality and Bono's voice were average. Oh yes, and the place was cramped with chicks.
U2 are fecking unreal in concert seen them twice and been in awe twice, not their biggest fan but they bring it, and are a great fecking band regardless
They certainly put on a show. That stage is insane, the effort that goes into transporting and setting it up is crazy.

One interesting thing though: the environmental impact of the massive production, which has been estimated to be up to 65,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide; approximately the same amount that would be emitted in flying a passenger plane to Mars.[10][22] Most of the carbon emissions are a result of transporting the three stage structures across Europe and North America
Haha I know that is one of the reasons that I am even leveled on U2, I have doubt in their class as a band, but Bono is a hypocrite if I have ever seen one, ummmm usually when you champion a cause you should get behind it. It'd be like Cheech and Chong starting an anti marijuanna campaign.
I couldn't give a shit what sort of people they are. They always bring it.
Not many stadiums have Palm Trees :cool:


I was very happy with the seats considering they were under face the day before the concert. Technically we were back of the stage but it hardly mattered with the 360 setup. The people with the same row alongside the stage paid four time what we did.

BTW - I tip my hat to both bands performing with that intensity in the Florida heat. On the way to the way to the stadium it was 36c, and it is usually a few degrees hotter in side Raymond James after a full day of sun on the concrete. Then you have to factor the humidity, which was adding 5c on the heat index yesterday.

Muse's drummer looked like he was going to explode, and their set was only 30 minutes. Bono must wear some sort of cooling vest because he ran around for two hours with a leather jacket on.

Quite a few people were wheeled out by the medics pre-show. Intense heat and alcohol is not a good mix.