U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You might aswell just go and kill yourself Flawless. You'll do it eventually working in advertising

:lol: I've found I have passion so I hope I will survive. I did a year in the Market Rsearch industry when I was on placement and it has to be better than that. Although I did have a good time there.
I do lighting for them. I don't know how it is where you live, but my advice is not make a huge deal of the fact you went to school for it. Keep your head down and work your socks off. You'll probably start off getting coffee for everybody. Make sure you get the right coffee.

EDIT: nevermind what I said about not making a big deal of going to school for it if you want to work at an ad agency. They like school there.

Cheers mate, I have known I wanted to work for an ad agency for over a year now.
Essential Beauty

In frames as large as rooms that face all ways
And block the ends of streets with giant loaves,
Screen graves with custard, cover slums with praise
Of motor-oil and cuts of salmon, shine
Perpetually these sharply-pictured groves
Of how life should be. High above the gutter
A silver knife sinks into golden butter,
A glass of milk stands in a meadow, and
Well-balanced families, in fine
Midsummer weather, owe their smiles, their cars,
Even their youth, to that small cube each hand
Stretches towards. These, and the deep armchairs
Aligned to cups at bedtime, radiant bars
(Gas or electric), quarter-profile cats
By slippers on warm mats,
Reflect none of the rained-on streets and squares

They dominate outdoors. Rather, they rise
Serenely to proclaim pure crust, pure foam,
Pure coldness to our live imperfect eyes
That stare beyond this world, where nothing's made
As new or washed quite clean, seeking the home
All such inhabit. There, dark raftered pubs
Are filled with white-clothed ones from tennis-clubs,
And the boy puking his heart out in the Gents
Just missed them, as the pensioner paid
A halfpenny more for Granny Graveclothes' Tea
To taste old age, and dying smokers sense
Walking towards them through some dappled park
As if on water that unfocused she
No match lit up, nor drag ever brought near,
Who now stands newly clear,
Smiling, and recognising, and going dark.
Obama.....woaah.....Obama.......his Da's from Africa, he doesn't wear a bra.....Obama......woaahh....Obama......the lad he's got a brain, unlike John McCain
:lol: I've found I have passion so I hope I will survive. I did a year in the Market Rsearch industry when I was on placement and it has to be better than that. Although I did have a good time there.

I'm involved in selling advertising on behalf of a number of magazines and online websites. I pretty much manage my lot. I hate it.

I hate sales. I hate marketing departments. I hate hearing that someone is away from their desk when they are clearly avoiding you. I hate the lingo marketing departments use. I hate the bullshit they make up about having no budget. It's all a load of bollox

That's my 2 pence worth :D
I dont get it at all with advertising. I find it hard to believe companies get value for the amount of money they throw at it. They must do, I guess, or they wouldnt do it. But I dont feel like they have much of an impact on me. Even with ads I really like, I never associate the advert with the product in the shop - it is rarely (I cant say never) a factor.
Obama, wo-oh
Obama, wo-oh-oh-oh
He won't tell you no lies
And doesn't sell oven fries

Obama, wo-oh
Obama, wo-oh-oh-oh
He is a Democrat
And not a ****ing prat

Obama, wo-oh
Obama, wo-oh-oh-oh
He always looks well chilled
Let's hope he isn't killed
I dont get it at all with advertising. I find it hard to believe companies get value for the amount of money they throw at it. They must do, I guess, or they wouldnt do it. But I dont feel like they have much of an impact on me. Even with ads I really like, I never associate the advert with the product in the shop - it is rarely (I cant say never) a factor.

I think a lot of it is in the sub-conscious. you may buy certain brands or products without even knowing why. or not.
Yeah, I guess there must be an element of that. I probably find I want things because of adverts, without really noticing it. On a concious level though it feels like I punish companies for bad ads much more than rewarding others for good ones. I do actively get annoyed with adverts I see as misleading, which come up with some bullshit statistic like "shampoo x gives your hair 37% more vitality." But then I always think those ads are probably quite effective at ensnaring people who are... how should I say it? Stupid fecking twats.
Minnesota Result

Norm Coleman(R) - 42.0% [1,211,627]
Al Franken(D) - 42.0% [1,210,901]
Dean Barkley(IP) - 15.2% [437,308]

You certainly couldn't drive a bus through that gap.

Franken is citing some potential voting irregularities in the Minneaplois area, while on the other hand the Associated Press could be about to call it for Coleman.

The BBC just went round some European capitals to see their reaction and one German said "He's the kind of guy you'd watch on youtube and that's waht you want in a leader". Okay then....

Maybe something we should bear in mind when thinking of the German electorate. lol

I am disappointed to hear ;) that my fellow Europeans have left Britain to be the last bastion of healthy cynicism, expect better than that.
Does anybody know if a reporter has got any kind of official stance from Obama [aka PBO] on the situation in the DRC right now? I probably missed it in all that has been going on in rcent days. Quite understandable really, a unique moment.
no idea nick.

btw: CNN still haven't called MO, NC and IN.
so that's a potential extra 37 votes for Obama.

edit: I see that WETA has called Indiana for Obama (winning by a 22,00 margin out of c. 3M votes). so that's another 11 to him if it stays so 349 now.
Are Missouri and North Carolina going to have to have recounts now? What with there only being a 0.2% difference according to the BBC.
I think less than 1% triggers an automatic recount.
or is 1/2 %. In either case it looks like it.

they won't have one in Hawaii or DC ;)
I think less than 1% triggers an automatic recount.
or is 1/2 %. In either case it looks like it.

they won't have one in Hawaii or DC ;)

But that means we don't have a proper final result for ages. Can they not just split the difference to keep me happy?
it shouldn't take too long. probably tomorrow for the intial recount to finish. paper ballots slow the whole thing down.
in Virginia most people I saw were using the electronic ballots. not sure what they use in the contested states.
I assumed jesse was crying last night because he wasn't the first african american president.


:lol: he said he wanted to cut Obama's balls off a couple of months ago and now he's crying cos he knows that Obama's security will make it much harder for him to do that.

as for "jump on the bandwagon Sharpton" :rolleyes:
I see that CNN has called Indiana for Obama.

only two left now: MO (show me ffs!) and NC "1st in flight - last in vote counting".
I'm not sure he's all front.

Though Reagan was mostly front, and he was arguably the best president the US has had for a long time.


Reagan stated the ridiculous deficit spending that Bush has continued....so I will dispute your claim about Reagan.
Congrats to the President-Elect.

Now it is the time to govern. Lets see what happens from here.

He's going to need to stand up for the middle of the country if he really wants to be a success in the short/medium term, rather than overreaching to the left like the Clintons did in 1993.

As well as bringing in Clinton advisors over the summer, supposedly his people have been pouring over both the day-by-day reportage of Clinton's first cycle and also the papers released from the Clinton library.

Clinton didn't become a hugely popular and successful president until after his move to the centre in 1995. Obama's people will be all too aware of that.
Congrats to the President-Elect.

Now it is the time to govern. Lets see what happens from here.

He's going to need to stand up for the middle of the country if he really wants to be a success in the short/medium term, rather than overreaching to the left like the Clintons did in 1993.

As well as bringing in Clinton advisors over the summer, supposedly his people have been pouring over both the day-by-day reportage of Clinton's first cycle and also the papers released from the Clinton library.

Clinton didn't become a hugely popular and successful president until after his move to the centre in 1995. Obama's people will be all too aware of that.

You'd expect any new president to come into the middle a fair bit, so would expect so of Obama.
Congrats to the President-Elect.

Now it is the time to govern. Lets see what happens from here.

He's going to need to stand up for the middle of the country if he really wants to be a success in the short/medium term, rather than overreaching to the left like the Clintons did in 1993.

As well as bringing in Clinton advisors over the summer, supposedly his people have been pouring over both the day-by-day reportage of Clinton's first cycle and also the papers released from the Clinton library.

Clinton didn't become a hugely popular and successful president until after his move to the centre in 1995. Obama's people will be all too aware of that.

I agree with this.

That makes me feel dirty.