U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
(Repeat of my post from another thread)

His skin colour, is ash in the eyes of people who voted for "Change". Hence, the extended use of this fact by the media.

I was hoping for McCain to be elected, albeit even the Republican heads did not. It really is not a good thing that someone who is rhetorically gifted is president of the US.

With Bush as president people, especially the average hypnotized American, realised that a man as dumb could not be the decision maker of the country (and the ruler of the "free world").

I suppose even those who have been woken up from their deep reality hypnosis will now be put back to their sleep of ignorance and blind acceptance.

People with true power will carry on their agenda and Obama is the perfect front to eloquently cover their clandestine actions.
I'm not sure he's all front.

Though Reagan was mostly front, and he was arguably the best president the US has had for a long time.

You're giving them too much credit. 54 million of them voted for McCain.

Granted, 61 million (so far) voted for the right guy, and either way it's a step up from Bush.

Yeah, but that's a healthy return for one candidate. Best for decades, I think. No?? I really believe he'll be a good president. The man ooozes class, and because he's black he's probably got soul. And that's gangsta in my book.
The speech was moving, Obama is such a good speaker. Hopefully he will be the one who can deliver a change in the current trough of the wave
Had a great time in DC...

Didn't get home until 4:30 am. Got tons of pictures and great video of the Party outside the White House.

It was raining most of the night... up until about 10:30. The Linconln Memorial only had about 500 people. Still it was a festive night.

Here is a photo that is fit for the history books.


Link to a couple videos that I've downloaded from scenes in DC...


More to come, after I get some rest.

Flickr photostream of DC Nov 4th into the 5th...

To put a downer on things Bush is still President for another 2 and a half months. Then it's Obama-time! Really glad the Americans chose well, least the majority/
Oh, shit... My family and I are quoted in the Washington Post. (From the Washington Post)

Emotional Day Ends in Jubilation for Some, Stoicism for Others
By Bill Turque
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, November 5, 2008; Page A45
When history landed, it was with car horns, tears and echoes from historic corners of the city.
In a heavy drizzle shortly after midnight, several thousand people filled a barricaded segment of Pennsylvania Avenue between 15th and 17th streets in front of the White House, dancing and chanting "O-ba-ma!" and "Whose house? Obama's house!"
At 14th and U streets NW, hundreds of Sen. Barack Obama's supporters chanted, "Yes, we can!" People danced on bus shelters. Strangers hugged.
"Hope! Change!" Rashod Winn, 19, shouted as he danced through the crowd, his arms raised above his head in triumph.
Greg Rhett, 50, a consultant who lives in the District's Ward 7, walked out of the Madison Hotel ballroom pumping his fist as tears welled. His wife, Candace, 43, was behind him, jumping in jubilation and screaming at the top of her lungs, "President Obama!"
Rhett said he had memories of growing up under Jim Crow segregation in Charlotte. "Now the healing begins. Now I can tell my 4-year-old you really can be whatever you want to be," he said. "We're going to get it right this time."
It was an election night that ended an extraordinary day in the Washington region, one charged with deep emotion and a vivid sense of history. Older African Americans wiped away tears as they cast ballots, overwhelmed by the reality that in their lifetime a man of color was at the threshold of the presidency. Some went to the polls with icons linking them to loved ones: a poll-tax receipt, photos of long-dead relatives. Many brought their children to bear witness.
For Sen. John McCain's backers, the evening was a more sobering affair. In a half-filled room at Westwood Country Club in Vienna, Republicans watching Fox News took the returns with stoicism and perspective.
"What do I think? The sun will come up tomorrow," GOP volunteer Linda Schmidt said. "I hope there will be a level of coming together. It's a challenging time for all of us."
There was also bitterness. "What language do they speak in Kenya? Maybe I should get a book," said Ed Sellman of Falls Church. "I'd sure like to see his birth certificate."
"I guess there're not too many plumbers in Ohio after all," said Robert W. Farquhar of Burke. With McCain's prospects ebbing, Republicans in Fairfax County turned their hopes to keeping Democrats from winning a filibuster-proof majority of 60 seats in the Senate. "No 60 votes!" Del. David B. Albo said. "Then you know you're reaching low for a reason to party."
But the emotional center of gravity last night was with Obama supporters.
In numerous neighborhoods across the District, an outpouring of celebration included guns being fired into the air, but police said there were no injuries. Police also closed off U Street between 13th and 15th streets to contain the celebration.
In the hours between the closing of the polls and the projection of Obama's victory, residents sat vigil in living rooms, bars, church basements and hotel ballrooms.
Clubs and cafes on U Street were jammed with revelers, erupting at each scrap of news about states awarded to Obama. At Busboys & Poets on 14th Street, where a racially mixed crowd stretched down the block, there wasn't a McCain supporter in sight.
"I never thought I would live to see this day," said Audrey Ross, 55, of Clinton.
The entire crowd at Reggiano's in Landover rose and applauded when CNN gave Ohio to Obama. "This is over. The rout is on," said Orland Johnson of Bowie, a member of Obama's national finance committee.
About 100 members of Union Temple Baptist Church in Anacostia began their CNN vigil with a prayer. Many cried and clapped, shouting "Hallelujah!" and "Thank you, Jesus!" when early returns showed Obama ahead. Valerie Morrison, 59, of Landover, Juanita Perry, 74, of Temple Hills and Mary Satcher, 71, of Southeast Washington call themselves the "Obama Mommas."
"This is the day Dr. King talked about," Satcher said. "I'm just glad I'm still here to witness it."
As the polls closed in the District, a small crowd of Democrats gathered in an anteroom at the Madison Hotel, where Denise Wright, an Advisory Neighborhood Commission member and a D.C. schools psychologist, grabbed the TV remote control, making the volume louder over the din. She seemed barely able to breathe watching while McCain showed early strength.
"Now it's okay to exhale a little," she said as Obama pulled ahead. "I will still stay up tonight until they declare him the president of the United States." In the main room, dozens cheered and screamed, "Yes, we can! Yes, we can!" as news of Obama's projected win in Pennsylvania was broadcast.
Grace Brune, 11, stood with her parents, Robert Brune and Janine Colmoletti, who decided to bring her to the Lincoln Memorial to capture the significance of the night.
"We were watching TV last night. Grace saw an Obama sign and said, 'Look -- it says, "Hope," ' and that's how we feel," Colmoletti said. Just then, someone shouted that Obama had won Pennsylvania. Colmoletti, holding a mini TV, looked at the screen and the states that had been counted.
Brune said: "I think the healing between races will leap forward tremendously. In psychology, they call it a paradigm shift."
The family stood near the marble columns waiting and watching the television for updates. Robert Brune looked out over the Reflecting Pool. "It stopped raining," he said. "The sky has parted for Obama."
In the Arlington County community of Nauck, founded in 1844 by former slaves, yesterday dawned as a day of wonder. The line to vote at Drew Model Elementary School started shortly after 3 a.m. and ran through the parking lot and into the street.
"There were some older folks waiting in line who'd never voted before in their lives," said John Lett, Nauck precinct captain for the Arlington Democratic Party.


The reporter that hung out with us the entire night happened to be the Style reporter, assigned to the Lincoln Memorial... She deserves lots of credit for this story, it was wet and cold, poor girl was freezing. Her name is Assistant Reporter Deneene Brown.


Now that it's 6:45 am ... maybe I'll try and get some sleep.:boring:
Wibble: Obama 396 (378) McCain 142 (160)
p_ps_sock: Obama 367 McCain 171
Red Dreams: Obama 364 McCain 174
Raoul: Obama 364 McCain 174
Frosty: Obama 364 McCain 174
AlwaysRedwood: Obama 360 McCain 182
niMic: Obama 353 McCain 185
Surf: Obama 352 McCain 186
Rahul: Obama 350 McCain 188
CapeTownRed: Obama 344 McCain 194
Utdalltheway: Obama 343 McCain 195
Brad: Obama 341 McCain 197
Cali Red: Obama 340 McCain 198
SiYuan: Obama 338 McCain 200
Crappycraperson: Obama 335 McCain 203
Spinoza: Obama 333 McCain 205
Manufanatic: Obama 328 McCain 210
ooeat0meoo: Obama 328 McCain 210
Afrocentricity: Obama 320, McCain 218
Sincher: Obama 311 McCain 226
Plechazunga: Obama 306 McCain 232
RedKaos: Obama 300 McCain 238
DanH: Obama 300 McCain 238
DoctorEvil: Obama 291 McCain 247
Nistelrooy10: 287-251 for Obama
RapidRed: Obama 286 McCain 252
Rednev: Obama 280 McCain 258
M160RA: Obama 280 McCain 258
WeWonItTwoTimes: Obama 269 McCain 269


The possible results are now 349, 360, 364 or 375 for Obama. The most likley result now is 364 which would make Frosty, Raoul and Red Dreams the most accurate.

And WeWonItTwoTimes the least thus living up to his name.
Yeah, but that's a healthy return for one candidate. Best for decades, I think. No?? I really believe he'll be a good president. The man ooozes class, and because he's black he's probably got soul. And that's gangsta in my book.

Honestly, I agree with you. I'm pretty excited about Obama. He's definitely better than Kerry would have been, though I'd like to have seen Gore given a shot at it. It really goes to show how polarized the US is, though, that even in absolute landslides the difference in the popular vote isn't usually that big. Hell, Mondale, who carried two states (his homestate and the ever Democratic DC), got 40% of the votes.

But yeah, things are looking up. I hope he delivers.
Am I really the only one who thinks this guy isn't going to be around in 4 years time?? Just remember what kind of a country we are talking about..
Am I really the only one who thinks this guy isn't going to be around in 4 years time?? Just remember what kind of a country we are talking about..
I have a few friends who are 100% certain he'll be assassinated(and in case anybody in charge of security is reading this, I by no means am plotting to do anything, I am just saying what my friends believe).

I'm not saying Obama won't bring about change and that's why he was elected, I just wonder if some people voted for him because he is a much better public speaker than McCain. While I'd like to believe everybody who voted got all the facts first, I know there are some who only vote because of who has the better appearance.
The thought had crossed my mind too

but im sure his security are aware of that increased threat and take the appropriate steps to protect

or they could always hire Jack
I never knew terrorism stopped for commercials.

In America, everything stops for commercials. Like yesterday with CNN when they said they would let everyone know that a state had projected its vote after the break. But everyone knew it was Ohio
I'm not saying Obama won't bring about change and that's why he was elected, I just wonder if some people voted for him because he is a much better public speaker than McCain. While I'd like to believe everybody who voted got all the facts first, I know there are some who only vote because of who has the better appearance.

It sounds like a shallow reason to elect someone, but actually it's fundimentally important to the job. You can have all the best intentions in the world, if you can't communicate your message, and you don't have the charisma to bring to the table in cross nation discussions, you're not going to be able to perform your duties properly. Look at Brown and Blair. Ok one is more 'new' labour than the other, but they essentially believe in the same ideals, or they wouldn't both have shared power at the top offices of British governance for so long. And yet who is the better Prime Minister? Blair by light years, and much of that has to do with his powers of communication, and his demeanor. The great and promosing thing about Obama is that he has all that, but he also seems to have his heart in the right place. Time will tell how genuine he is in all that, but I see no reason why anyone should doubt him. It says a lot that the Republicans had to turn to such desperate tactics as claiming he was a socialist muslim terrorist to try and defeat him

I thought the crowds at the concession and victory speeches last night summed it all up. The Republicans booed the mention of Obamas name, while the Democrats politely cheered when McCains name was mentioned. This is the change of outlook we'll be seeing in the White House now
Do you? What areas and whereabouts do you work if you don't mind me asking. I'm in my final year at University and have been applying to advertising firms.
I do lighting for them. I don't know how it is where you live, but my advice is not make a huge deal of the fact you went to school for it. Keep your head down and work your socks off. You'll probably start off getting coffee for everybody. Make sure you get the right coffee.

EDIT: nevermind what I said about not making a big deal of going to school for it if you want to work at an ad agency. They like school there.
The thought had crossed my mind too

but im sure his security are aware of that increased threat and take the appropriate steps to protect

or they could always hire Jack

Just keep him away from Texas and he should be ok.

I'm trying to think up of a song for Obama but I can't get beyond a few lines.....something like:

Obama.....woahhhh Obama.....his Ma's from Kenya. She doesn't wear a bra ?

Maybe ? :nervous:
It sounds like a shallow reason to elect someone, but actually it's fundimentally important to the job. You can have all the best intentions in the world, if you can't communicate your message, and you don't have the charisma to bring to the table in cross nation discussions, you're not going to be able to perform your duties properly. Look at Brown and Blair. Ok one is more 'new' labour than the other, but they essentially believe in the same ideals, or they wouldn't both have shared power at the top offices of British governance for so long. And yet who is the better Prime Minister? Blair by light years, and much of that has to do with his powers of communication, and his demeanor. The great and promosing thing about Obama is that he has all that, but he also seems to have his heart in the right place. Time will tell how genuine he is in all that, but I see no reason why anyone should doubt him. It says a lot that the Republicans had to turn to such desperate tactics as claiming he was a socialist muslim terrorist to try and defeat him

I thought the crowds at the concession and victory speeches last night summed it all up. The Republicans booed the mention of Obamas name, while the Democrats politely cheered when McCains name was mentioned. This is the change of outlook we'll be seeing in the White House now
Being a good speaker is certainly a major thing to have. I just wonder if people are placing too much onto it because we've had 8 years of someone who couldn't speak well to save his life. Maybe I'm too much of a cynic.
Just keep him away from Texas and he should be ok.

I'm trying to think up of a song for Obama but I can't get beyond a few lines.....something like:

Obama.....woahhhh Obama.....his Ma's from Kenya. She doesn't wear a bra ?

Maybe ? :nervous:

you think Barak Obama is a common name in Kansas ;) his Da's from Kenya.
Ah yes ok. My bad. Ok so.....

"Obama......Woooaaahhh Obama.....his Da's from Kenya....he'll feckin MURDER ya!.......Oooobaaama...
Ah yes ok. My bad. Ok so.....

"Obama......Woooaaahhh Obama.....his Da's from Kenya....he'll feckin MURDER ya!.......Oooobaaama...

:lol: it's coming together nicely.

btw: edited my location to include Virginia. so happy that the state went to Obama. 1st time for the Dems in 44 yrs.