U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Definitely Barack Blair on show in that speech.

Lots of platitudes, let's see hwo the policies stand up.

Wow, you are a cynic!!!

I've got Obama fever! He's a brilliant speaker, and he looks so at ease. And he looks, as he always has, presidential. This is what you want from your leaders. I'm filled with pride at what has been achieved tonight. I'm only left wondering what it must take for 48% ish amount of voting Americans to come round to this ideal...

p.s did Dimbleby just say that Obama loved his wife Michelle above all others? Surely the Republicans should have played on this illegal polygyny...
Well guys this has been epic, been nice to share a piece of history with you all, but now it is time for some sleep.

Night all

p.s did Dimbleby just say that Obama loved his wife Michelle above all others? Surely the Republicans should have played on this illegal polygyny...

:lol: Took about 5 minutes to get it, that is what 5.30am does to your head.
I share a bit of Nick's cynicism - although I'm still glad Obama won the presidency. He's still inexperienced, and there's still a danger of poor Democrat policies getting passed...but the next four years can't possibly be as bad as the last eight, can they?
I know one thing for sure, he'll never live up to the hype.

Candidates never do. A campaign is like any other form of advertising - it involves a lot of bullshit. People will undoubtedly expect too much, and they will inevitably be disappointed in six months time when the economy really slows down and their job gets shipped to China.
Wow, you are a cynic!!!

I've got Obama fever! He's a brilliant speaker, and he looks so at ease. And he looks, as he always has, presidential. This is what you want from your leaders. I'm filled with pride at what has been achieved tonight. I'm only left wondering what it must take for 48% ish amount of voting Americans to come round to this ideal...

p.s did Dimbleby just say that Obama loved his wife Michelle above all others? Surely the Republicans should have played on this illegal polygyny...

Well, there's got to be at least one at a time like this surely. :)

Oh he's persuausive and a top quality speaker no doubt, and if he chooses to go the diplomaitc route on issues, it is quite a plus. But he's still only the first among many in a great political machine, and we cannot forget our wits simply because Barack is here. He will improve things absolutely, but whether he meets the demands of the time at the rate required, only time can tell us.

And i guess it too means that the Doha Round is getting comfortable on that backburner, which won't please a fair few.

Didn't see that with Dimbleby, the Repsublicans missed quite the trick.

Congrats to Barack and the Americans who voted for him out there!!
Minnesota Update -

78% reporting and Coleman leads Franken by .5%, only 18,000 votes and they've been chaning places a fair bit.

We could be looking at a statewide recout here.
This feels a lot like when Labour first took over from the conservatives back in the 90s. Blair was an amazing speaker also and a lot of promises were made. But, nobody keeps all of their promises and there will be some bitter people in about a year or two's time. I'm glad that Obama won because I think he's the best person for the job but my expectations are realistic. I'm not expecting miracles.
Ah, well that's still a bit of time at least. Got to be at the airport two hours beforehand i suppose.

Where are you going? You got a lot to pack?


Two hours?? I thought it was an hour (non international flight)

And just back home (isle of man) for a few days, no not much to pack..
Congratulations to all the US residents on the cafe. Obama's speech was very impressive indeed. A great day in the history of not only the US but the rest of the world in my opinion.

Two hours?? I thought it was an hour (non international flight)

And just back home (isle of man) for a few days, no not much to pack..

Ah, no you're probably correct, never flown on a domestic flight myself. And i always try to be there earlier than i need to be, like to get the fuss and the queues of the security checks out of the way.

Well, safe trip!
Minnesota Update -

78% reporting and Coleman leads Franken by .5%, only 18,000 votes and they've been chaning places a fair bit.

We could be looking at a statewide recout here.

85% reporting.

The lead's now down to 9,000 votes, possibly up to half a million still to play for and likely Democratic precincts still awaited.

As it is, there'll be an automatic recount.
Lieberman is a good senator tbh, we need more senators that are open like him to other parties ideas
From an American to the rest of the world:

We're sorry about the last couple of years. Let this be the first step to making things better. While I don't believe that Obama can achieve all of the things he promises, I'm glad to see that he's going to actually try. Good luck to all of us.