U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Won't matter to McCain supporters. Powell is Judas, as far as they're concerned...and he's only voting for Obama because he's black. :wenger:

you right...the current McCain supporters are the core of what the Republican party has become...a receding confederate party.

After this election the Republican party will have to take a good hard look at itself to become an inclusive party again....or become a regional party that it is fast becoming.
Won't matter to McCain supporters. Powell is Judas, as far as they're concerned...and he's only voting for Obama because he's black. :wenger:

Do you really believe the majority of these God Lovin' USA is #1 middle American people are going to continue to settle for the dire circumstances that we've found ourselves because of the, too far, right-wingernuts?

And to say, he's voting for Obama because he's black - is retarded & racist. You sir, have achieved the 'Dumb-fecker of the Month Award'. Congrats;) (<- Jason you can't tag me with a Yellow because I did include the winky):p

Absolutely magnificent. He's gone right back up in my estimation after the abyss of that UN speech.

Thank feck that finally someone of stature has had the guts and the simple decency to say what needed to be said about the flagrant prejudice of the Republicans in this campaign. It's not enough to reassure racists that he's not an Arab or a Muslim. Someone had to stand up and say "So what if he was"? Obama and his campaign couldn't afford to, pragmatically. But Powell's stepped up and done it.

That he's done it with great eloquence, with measured, reasonable, arguments, with a story to take the headlines and an image to crystallize the story, makes it so much the better.

fecking brilliant.

Here's what he said afterwards:

Also nice to see someone pointing out that raising taxes to provide revenue doesn't make you a socialist. On the same principle as the Muslim thing, it would also be nice if someone pointed out thateven if he was a socialist, that also wouldn't make him some sort of evil Stalin-like monster whose views are automatically beyond the pale. But we might have to wait a while for that...
And to say, he's voting for Obama because he's black - is retarded & racist. You sir, have achieved the 'Dumb-fecker of the Month Award'. Congrats;) (<- Jason you can't tag me with a Yellow because I did include the winky):p

I guess you missed George Will on the Powell endorsement on ABC this morning:

WILL: Some impact. And I think this adds to my calculation -- this is very hard to measure -- but it seems to me if we had the tools to measure we'd find that Barack Obama gets two votes because he's black for every one he loses because he's black because so much of this country is so eager, a, to feel good about itself by doing this, but more than that to put paid to the whole Al Sharpton/Jessee Jackson game of political rhetoric.

And I guess you missed this Fox News headline:
Hip-Hop-Dancing Colin Powell Fuels Speculation He'll Endorse Obama

But, yeah, Republicans don't think that, except when they keep saying it.
And to say, he's voting for Obama because he's black - is retarded & racist.

I agree.

You sir, have achieved the 'Dumb-fecker of the Month Award'. Congrats;) (<- Jason you can't tag me with a Yellow because I did include the winky):p

Thanks! But I think we should share the award seeing as we both agree with each other.
you right...the current McCain supporters are the core of what the Republican party has become...a receding confederate party.

After this election the Republican party will have to take a good hard look at itself to become an inclusive party again....or become a regional party that it is fast becoming.

The thing is, they still have a pretty good base in the so-called swing states. I don't know if we'll see a dramatic shift in their approach if McCain loses.
didnt someone shout during palin's speech that kill obama becasue he's a muslim and a terrorist ?
The way this election is heading is pleasing me, Obama is expected a clear and almost landslide victory meaning the GOP cant get away with cheating as they had done so in the last 2 elections which were very close.
I guess you missed George Will on the Powell endorsement on ABC this morning:

I don't get George Will's referrence to Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson, as to how they have anything to do with Barack Obama.

Obama has intelligence and an education on his side of political perspective.

Sharpton and Jackson are blathering spokesmen of the down-trotten. Throughout the years, the media have taken advantage of the spectacle that is made by these two men of colour. As opposed to, Obama who definately sees things with his eyes wide open, whilst taking in the full landscape to the needs for a world that is starving for new leadership in the USA.

These are historical times we are facing. I would recommend that any world leader that feels it plausible to direct the world in more positive ambition; they should speak out in support of Barak Obama to extend encouragement to new ideas (beliefs), new solutions, and a better world for all.

Momentum of this will only gain if the world shows the courage to be the extraordinary people that they were appointed to be...
What an endorsement... In the space of only a couple of minutes he managed to absolutely devastate almost every argument the McCain camp has had against Obama, and made them look very foolish indeed.

Thumbs up for the part about muslims in america. By far the most substance-filled couple of minutes I've ever heard from any politician.

Cue the far right spinning this into some kind of race thing.
Heres the picture he was talking about

In news elsewhere ''Joe the Plumber'' has popped up on Huckabee's new show on Fox.

Obama's tax plan is the key issue Republicans need to focus on until election day.

Anyone with an ounce of intellect will know that if you tax the wealthy by a disproportionate amount you give everyone else less incentive to reach that level which in turn hurts the economy.

We've seen this before of course, it's called SOCIALISM, and it just doesn't work.
Powell was fecking brilliant. It won't change the mind of the McCain base, but that's not what's needed, neither side's base is going to change their mind now no matter what. But having a four-star general who also served as Secretary of State under Dubya seriously undermines the Republican claims that Obama is a dangerous radical, an anti-American, someone who pals around with terrorists and can't be trusted to defend America. The longer this campaign goes on, the more people see that that's complete horseshit, and that in fact, Obama may be better equipped to fit the office than McCain.
Powell was fecking brilliant. It won't change the mind of the McCain base, but that's not what's needed, neither side's base is going to change their mind now no matter what. But having a four-star general who also served as Secretary of State under Dubya seriously undermines the Republican claims that Obama is a dangerous radical, an anti-American, someone who pals around with terrorists and can't be trusted to defend America. The longer this campaign goes on, the more people see that that's complete horseshit, and that in fact, Obama may be better equipped to fit the office than McCain.

Powell totally destroyed the Republican's numb skull campaign....anyone who is even half intelligent is not going to buy the Ayers smears and the idiotic accusations of socialism......

the real GOP base...the ignoramus will still vote against OBama but that is not going to be enough....the fact is the military families and moderate Republicans will either vote Obama or just stay home.

I loved how Powell slapped down that crazy Bachmann.

of course the morons will accuse Powell of racism...but who cares.
Powell's endorsement will definitely help sway more votes over to Obama. The fact that McCain and his surrogates are scrambling to minimize its impact speaks volumes about how significant it is.
That def might have been a nail in the coffin, I think it will sway a good number of people but another part of me thinks Powell lost all clout when he absolutely embarrased himself at the UN
That def might have been a nail in the coffin, I think it will sway a good number of people but another part of me thinks Powell lost all clout when he absolutely embarrased himself at the UN

He did lose his talismanic luster at the UN, but he's still sufficiently respected to where his endorsement will make a big difference among people still on the fence two weeks out.
Anyone with an ounce of intellect will know that if you tax the wealthy by a disproportionate amount you give everyone else less incentive to reach that level which in turn hurts the economy......We've seen this before of course, it's called SOCIALISM, and it just doesn't work.
Prefacing questionable, and arguably misleading statements with phrases like "Anyone with an ounce of intellect will know" is more than a little bit arrogant. Personally I don't care for this rhetorical device, or what it implies about, say, me. Because I do not accept your statement that taxing the wealthiest 5% of Americans a bit more means that they will pay a disproportionate amount. In my opinion, and the opinion of many others, the wealthiest 5% pay a disproportionately small amount in taxes, and are often able to avoid paying them altogether. And under President Bush, their taxes have gotten lower and lower. Getting this 5% to pay a somewhat larger share, a more proportionate share, a FAIR share of the tax burden is not socialism mate. Calling it that is complete nonsense. If I remember correctly, that 5% would actually be paying in taxes about what they did under Ronald Reagan.

But don't take my word for it. The most successful capitalist in the country, Mr. Warren Buffett, has been saying for years that his taxes and those of people in his income bracket are too low. Perhaps Mr. Buffet is a socialist as well? Yes, and perhaps there are terrorists hiding out in the corridors of Berkshire Hathaway, and Mr. Buffett "launches financial dealings" from their offices. Look, I'm obviously just an internet gimp with relatively meager earnings, and I don't have the years of experience in complicated financial dealings that someone as qualified as, say, Governor Mrs. Palin. So let's have Comrade Buffett weigh in on the issue. You may be the judge, if you like, on whether or not he is in possession of "an ounce of intellect".

Buffett blasts system that lets him pay less tax than secretary

Speaking at a $4,600-a-seat fundraiser in New York for Senator Hillary Clinton, Mr Buffett, who is worth an estimated $52 billion (£26 billion), said: “The 400 of us [here] pay a lower part of our income in taxes than our receptionists do, or our cleaning ladies, for that matter.”

Mr Buffett said that he was taxed at 17.7 per cent on the $46 million he made last year, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 per cent. Mr Buffett told his audience......that US government policy had accentuated a disparity of wealth that hurt the economy by stifling opportunity and motivation.

Buffett slams dividend tax cut

Renewing his criticism of the dividend tax cut laid out by the Senate last week, Berkshire Hathaway's Warren Buffett called the proposal "voodoo economics" that uses "Enron-style accounting." ......

Through his 31 percent ownership of the company, Buffett said he would receive an additional $310 million in income that would reduce his tax rate from about 30 percent to 3 percent, while his office secretary would still have a tax rate of about 30 percent. "The 3 percent overall federal tax rate I would pay -- if a Berkshire dividend were to be tax free -- seems a bit light," Buffett wrote.

Instead of the Senate's tax cut plan, Buffett proposed that it provide tax reductions to those who need and will spend the money in the form of a Social Security tax "holiday" or a tax rebate to lower-income people.

"Putting $1,000 in the pockets of 310,000 families with urgent needs is going to provide far more stimulus to the economy than putting the same $310 million in my pockets," Buffett added. He closed the piece by saying that the "government can't deliver a free lunch to the country as a whole. It can, however, determine who pays for lunch. And last week the Senate handed the bill to the wrong party."
Anyone with an ounce of intellect will know that if you tax the wealthy by a disproportionate amount you give everyone else less incentive to reach that level which in turn hurts the economy.

We've seen this before of course, it's called SOCIALISM, and it just doesn't work.

Before you go around explaining what people with an ounce of intellect would do, you should actually look up the definition of Socialism. Because you have no idea what it means. Not in the slightest.

Again, quite an embarrassing post.
All jokes aside Obama really doesnt have anything to know really, it has worked for him here, but I do question what this guy is like really. I mean the I for one dont like his talk in reference to Pakistan, people would be screaming about McCain if he was saying those same things in regards to Pakistan imo
You might broaden your world view by not watching Hannity's America.

He forgot to mention that much of Hannity's information in that show came from a notorious anti-semite. So, Hannity is palling around with anti-semites and we, obviously, should know more about that.

Please, ask Sean Hannity to tell us his full relationship with anti-semites.
All jokes aside Obama really doesnt have anything to know really, it has worked for him here, but I do question what this guy is like really. I mean the I for one dont like his talk in reference to Pakistan, people would be screaming about McCain if he was saying those same things in regards to Pakistan imo

But you seem unconcerned about McCain's language regarding Russia and Iran. Please explain the difference.
Russia and Iran are far more aggressive towards us, plus he isnt saying that he is going to go into either of those places
He forgot to mention that much of Hannity's information in that show came from a notorious anti-semite. So, Hannity is palling around with anti-semites and we, obviously, should know more about that.

Please, ask Sean Hannity to tell us his full relationship with anti-semites.

Written by John "Otto" Cleese:

Ode to Sean Hannity
Aping urbanity,
Oozing with vanity,
Plump as a manatee,
Faking humanity,
Intellectual inanity,
Journalistic calamity,
Fox Noise insanity,
You’re a profanity,
Russia and Iran are far more aggressive towards us, plus he isnt saying that he is going to go into either of those places

Please give examples of Iran and Russia being aggressive towards the United States.

I know Palestine has been shooting at our troops and helicopters. I love some examples of Russia and Iran doing the same.


And his language toward Iran has been just as bad as Obama's language toward Palestine.

Also, saying you will make Georgia a member of NATO is basically declaring war on Russia - at least according to Russia. And McCain's aggressive language toward Russia is borderline retarded. So, I would say McCain's statements are far more reckless. Not that I condone Obama's statements of Pakistan. It's just that Obama is poking a squirrel and McCain is poking an elephant.

Pakistan became a Muslim theocracy the minute George Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. It's already happening and it's a slow process. But it's over. Just as Bush Srs little desert war one led to more war and the eventual unraveling of the entire area. These things all create blowback and it takes a while. Pakistan is gone and they will be one of worst enemies very soon.
They are being aggressive to the West, and US interests; what have Pakistan done
They are being aggressive to the West, and US interests; what have Pakistan done

Russia are not in any way being aggressive toward the west. They are acting on the interest of people who have requested it. Georgia was foolish, they attacked a separatist movement in one of their states, knowing the consequences.

Pakistan has been aiding the Taliban. They aided them before 9/11 and after. They continue to aid them today. Their leading nuclear scientist gave nuclear secrets to North Korea and tried to give them to Syria. Look into Pakistan intelligence and you might learn something about what is going on.
Obama's stance on Pakistan is identical to the policy already in effect under the current administration. Namely, if we have actionable intelligence about the location of high-value Al-Qaeda targets inside Pakistan, we may strike at these targets without first seeking approval from the Pakistani government. McCain has never said he wouldn't do so, on February 19 what he said was that saying so in advance was "naive". Undermining this claim was the fact that on that very same day, it was first reported that we had already done exactly what Obama said he might do if elected.

"In the predawn hours of Jan. 29, a CIA Predator aircraft flew in a slow arc above the Pakistani town of Mir Ali. The drone's operator, relying on information secretly passed to the CIA by local informants, clicked a computer mouse and sent the first of two Hellfire missiles hurtling toward a cluster of mud-brick buildings a few miles from the town center. The missiles killed Abu Laith al-Libi, a senior al-Qaeda commander and a man who had repeatedly eluded the CIA's dragnet. It was the first successful strike against al-Qaeda's core leadership in two years, and it involved, U.S. officials say, an unusual degree of autonomy by the CIA inside Pakistan. Having requested the Pakistani government's official permission for such strikes on previous occasions, only to be put off or turned down, this time the U.S. spy agency did not seek approval."

So much for not tipping our hand. By the way, Governor Mrs. Palin has also stated in public a position that sounds very similar to Obama's. But that, we were later told, was not only a simple misunderstanding but also the media's fault, although the spin was enough to make even a seasoned astronaut dizzy. McCain has been trying to paint Obama as a dangerous radical who can't be trusted on important issues like national security for months, but it's rubbish, and often completely dishonest.