U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Some very funny stuff from McCain there, clearly outshining Obama.

The comeback starts here. ;)

I actually think that you are way too biased to be objective. I think you would see McCain as outshining Obama if he confessed to being a mass murderer whilst Obama was revealed as the Son of God.
And with a realistic chance of huge victory if his upward trend continues and McCain's slide isn't halted. Gore and Kerry never dreamed of that prospect, they were bracing themselves for a fight down to the wire.

They also didn't face an opponent whose campaign was falling apart, who seemed more and more erratic practically every week, and less equipped to handle difficult issues despite having spent 25 years in Washington to Obama's...four. Palin can fire up the base with her winking, empty rhetoric, and that "America, Yay!" crap, but she and her running mate look like caricatures right now, empty (pant)suits. Every time now that McCain says "Hooray for Joe the plumber!" with that awkward, jittery, shit-eating grin on his face, he drops another quarter point in the polls. And I think he's using it at every rally he attends, so...I'm not good at math, my friends, but Joe McCain and Bill Kristol are right, he should fire his entire campaign staff and start over.

McCain is a month away from the wheelchair..we will than call him McWheels.....as he wheels away to...one of his 13 or 14 homes with shoot me up Cindy.
High Court Rejects GOP dispute in OHIO voting dispute.

Oh Oh.....the only GOP strategy in OHIO is gone...

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court is siding with Ohio's top elections official in a dispute with the state Republican Party over voter registrations.
The justices on Friday overruled a federal appeals court that had ordered Ohio's top elections official to do more to help counties verify voter eligibility.

Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat, faced a deadline of Friday to set up a system to provide local officials with names of newly registered voters whose driver's license numbers or Social Security numbers on voter registration forms don't match records in other government databases.

Ohio Republicans contended the information for counties would help prevent fraud. Brunner said the GOP is trying to disenfranchise voters.

Hurrah for ACORN :D
Some very funny stuff from McCain there, clearly outshining Obama.
I had it scored the other way around, although the writers gave Obama better material to work with. Christ another Joe the Plumber joke, your average halfwitted newbie in The General could have written that.
I thought they were both excellent actually. Some of the references I didn't get, but they both had me laughing for most of their 10 minute spots. McCain is actually quite a funny guy, willing to take the piss out of himself, given what I've seen on chatshows previously. That's why I've been so dissapointed with his campaign. The worst thing for an old candidate to do is appear grouchy and hateful

I've never heard Obama in this kind of a jokey environment, but you just knew from his manner he'd be good at it
I actually think that you are way too biased to be objective. I think you would see McCain as outshining Obama if he confessed to being a mass murderer whilst Obama was revealed as the Son of God.

Interesting you haven't said the same with the Obamanics (can I call you guys that? ;)). They are just as biased to be fair. Both were outstanding at the dinner.
I thought they were both excellent actually. Some of the references I didn't get, but they both had me laughing for most of their 10 minute spots. McCain is actually quite a funny guy, willing to take the piss out of himself, given what I've seen on chatshows previously. That's why I've been so dissapointed with his campaign. The worst thing for an old candidate to though is appear grouchy and hateful

I've never heard Obama in this kind of a jokey environment, but you just knew from his manner he'd be good at it

The best joke of the night was Obamas talking about Bloomberg. He delivered the Clinton line perfectly.
Best joke of the night goes to Obama...

NYC has changed the rules enabling Bloomberg a chance to retain his position as Mayor for a third term. Bill Clinton's response to this news was, 'YOU CAN DO THAT!?'.

See that Cali Red... we can agree on something.;)
The funny thing is that a lot of people were sick of Clinton by the then with all the bullshit of the Lewinsky etc., that said he certainly would have beat Bush.

That's a big dilemma, I am all for having a Presidency of 3 years, where 3 consecutive terms are allowed. that way it limits the damage for poor presidents and gives the very good ones an extra year(not saying CLinton was great but times sure were better then)
Senator Barack Obama says that Fox News Channel's coverage of him and his campaign has knocked two or three percentage points off his lead over John McCain. In an interview to appear in Sunday's New York Times Magazine, reported by TVNewser.com Thursday, Obama remarks: "If I were watching Fox News, I wouldn't vote for me, right? Because the way I'm portrayed 24/7 is as a freak! I am the latte-sipping, New York Times-reading, Volvo-driving, no-gun-owning, effete, politically correct, arrogant liberal. Who wants somebody like that?" In response, Fox News exec John Moody said, "Senator Obama's comments about Fox News are misdirected. If he is uncomfortable with tough questions, it may be because he has faced so few from the news media. The McCain campaign also complains when we make them squirm. We will continue to do hard, honest reporting and let American viewers decide if we're being fair." He did not indicate which Fox News reports had received complaints from the McCain camp.


No way, FOX News is politically fair and balanced, right? :)
It's always about Obama to Obama, honestly they havent knocked anything off his percentage points, they just have improved McCains
Surely only dyed in the wool republicans watch Fox news anyway so where is the damage?
Surely only dyed in the wool republicans watch Fox news anyway so where is the damage?

Fox News and the 700 club.

Bible-thumpers won't vote for Obama because he pro-choice - he's not Christian enough.
Rednecks won't vote for him because his middle name is Husain.
Lowlifes won't vote for him because he's black.

I think the outcome of the election will reflect just how screwed up the United States is. If Obama wins, there's still hope for the country.
The electoral map seems to be shaping up nicely for McCain....

The "Pro-America" parts, as Palin called them the other day. Unlike the other parts, who obviously hate America and pal around with terrorists every chance they get.
Gore and Kerry were never in the position Obama is in right now - debates wrapped up and leads in every key swing state.

raoul before we think its all over bush and gore were deadlocked until the last debate and then began polling with an even larger lead after the obama has. nearly 11 points for likely voters. that evaporated and we all know what happened in the end. gore won the popular vote but lost the election

i will believe it when it happens. most likely it will come down to florida or ohio again

you just cant change some peoples minds.

did you all see letterman go at mccain for his ties to g gordon libby who is another domestic terrorist..

about 3 minutes in

The "Pro-America" parts, as Palin called them the other day. Unlike the other parts, who obviously hate America and pal around with terrorists every chance they get.

California is pro-Mexico
raoul before we think its all over bush and gore were deadlocked until the last debate and then began polling with an even larger lead after the obama has. nearly 11 points for likely voters. that evaporated and we all know what happened in the end. gore won the popular vote but lost the election

i will believe it when it happens. most likely it will come down to florida or ohio again

you just cant change some peoples minds.

did you all see letterman go at mccain for his ties to g gordon libby who is another domestic terrorist..

about 3 minutes in


There's no reason for Obama supporters to be overconfident. That said, the numbers are definitely heavily in his favor at the moment. He's leading in virtually every swing state that Bush won in 04. That means McCain would need to win all of them to barely win the election.

For example: Bush won Missouri and Colorado in 04. Right now, Obama has substsantial leads in both states. Bush won Ohio and Florida as well and Obama is slightly in front on those states as well. You can add Virginia, North Carolina, and even North Dakota to that list. If things stand as expected Obama will win by nearly 200 electoral votes. Even if they don't, McCain is facing an uphill task to even keep it close.
There's no reason for Obama supporters to be overconfident. That said, the numbers are definitely heavily in his favor at the moment. He's leading in virtually every swing state that Bush won in 04. That means McCain would need to win all of them to barely win the election.

For example: Bush won Missouri and Colorado in 04. Right now, Obama has substsantial leads in both states. Bush won Ohio and Florida as well and Obama is slightly in front on those states as well. You can add Virginia, North Carolina, and even North Dakota to that list. If things stand as expected Obama will win by nearly 200 electoral votes. Even if they don't, McCain is facing an uphill task to even keep it close.

Colorado has seceded from the Union
Colorado has seceded from the Union.

Originally Posted by ooeat0meoo
Have they joined up with Alaska?

Originally Posted by Alex
With Texas

Originally Posted by Chris H
Couldn't resist its pull.
Oh come on, I'm setting you all up for the obvious punchline here. Will no one deliver it? Cretins, the lot of you.

Maybe I spend too much time in this thread. Nail, head, etc.
that story by Powell of the mother weeping over the grave of a muslim American soldier was very telling.....

no matter what our religion is....we are all Americans......

the Republicans will lose because they cannot get beyond their evangelical base.
Interesting you haven't said the same with the Obamanics

You're absolutely right.

It's just that WWITT stands out because there don't seem to be so many Republicans posting.

His posts just stand out for some reason. That may, or may not, be a compliment. :)
Won't matter to McCain supporters. Powell is Judas, as far as they're concerned...and he's only voting for Obama because he's black. :wenger: