U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I watched the CBS webcast after the debate, and they interviewed 'Jo the plumber' they were talking about

He was reasonably well spoken, but there's no doubt he's voting Republican. I should imagine McCain and co got wind of that news, and hence why they had this particular 'Jo 6 pack' be the ordinary American they'd focus upon tonight

I think my biggest problem with McCain tonight is this. He'd attack Obama on a particular policy or stance, and he did it forcefully and fairly impressively. But then Obama would succinctly refute the allegation, and clearly yet in a detailed manner, explain precisely what his policy / stance really was. Then it'd turn back to McCain, and he'd have nothing. He'd continue trying to make the same attack, even though it had just been effectively refuted. And when his approach for the night was mainly an anti-Obama one rather than pro-himself, I think it left him looking weak. I don't think its a co-incidence the commentators are saying he started strongly but faded towards the end

The snap polls have it for Obama by a decent distance. I just can't see where McCain builds his momentum from to overhaul Obama now these debates have passed. And frankly we could have another 20 debates, it wouldn't matter. For all that is said, McCain looks old, snappy and snarly. Obama looks calm, considered and presidential. I think its the classic Nixon vs Kennedy scenario, although I'd question whether even radio listeners think McCain was winning these debates
Is it working?

Ummm no... not working.

When I heard that Obama would draw McCain into the Bill Ayers discussion... I knew exactly where he would take McCain. - Obama took him straight down the path of the 'KILL HIM' and 'TREASON' shouting and laughing, at the McCain/Palin rallies.

That was the political version of a body-slam from the top rope. <- This analogy goes out to all the dumb rednecks.

Obama is so squeaky clean and so even tempered... McCain is finished. I'm already making plans for January 20th when Bush leaves and Barak Obama takes the White House.
Ummm no... not working.

When I heard that Obama would draw McCain into the Bill Ayers discussion... I knew exactly where he would take McCain. - Obama took him straight down the path of the 'KILL HIM' and 'TREASON' shouting and laughing, at the McCain/Palin rallies.

That was the political version of a body-slam from the top rope. <- This analogy goes out to all the dumb rednecks.

Obama is so squeaky clean and so even tempered... McCain is finished. I'm already making plans for January 20th when Bush leaves and Barak Obama takes the White House.
Agreed. McCain committed suicide the moment he brought up an Ayers discussion.
McCain started well but he's lost it in the last half hour. Liking the questions but once again the answers have been evasive.

Btw, is McCain using makeup?

Yes, McCain uses tons of makeup. He actually has a large scar on the left side of his face from cancer. He uses a make up artist from American Idol at $5,000 a pop.
Just watched the debate, and looking at a broken and defeated John McCain on the split-screen and to see his face light up with pride when Obama nodded along to his arguments, I can with certainty say that I am 95% sure that McCain will vote for Obama.
Just watched the debate, and looking at a broken and defeated John McCain on the split-screen and to see his face light up with pride when Obama nodded along to his arguments, I can with certainty say that I am 95% sure that McCain will vote for Obama.

:lol: I'm waiting for McCain to break down and concede by saying something like, 'I've given it my best, but this campaign is futile. I support Sen. (soon to be Pres.) Barak Obama.'
I think my biggest problem with McCain tonight is this. He'd attack Obama on a particular policy or stance, and he did it forcefully and fairly impressively. But then Obama would succinctly refute the allegation, and clearly yet in a detailed manner, explain precisely what his policy / stance really was. Then it'd turn back to McCain, and he'd have nothing. He'd continue trying to make the same attack, even though it had just been effectively refuted. And when his approach for the night was mainly an anti-Obama one rather than pro-himself, I think it left him looking weak. I don't think its a co-incidence the commentators are saying he started strongly but faded towards the end

The snap polls have it for Obama by a decent distance. I just can't see where McCain builds his momentum from to overhaul Obama now these debates have passed. And frankly we could have another 20 debates, it wouldn't matter. For all that is said, McCain looks old, snappy and snarly. Obama looks calm, considered and presidential. I think its the classic Nixon vs Kennedy scenario, although I'd question whether even radio listeners think McCain was winning these debates

agreed. I didn't watch the whole thing but I seem to have caught the best parts.
McCain had that weird toothy grin or was it a grimace, hard to tell.
he was negative most of the time I saw him which was off putting. I wished that Obama had dealt him a knockout blow but sadly no.
Ummm no... not working.

When I heard that Obama would draw McCain into the Bill Ayers discussion... I knew exactly where he would take McCain. - Obama took him straight down the path of the 'KILL HIM' and 'TREASON' shouting and laughing, at the McCain/Palin rallies.

That was the political version of a body-slam from the top rope. <- This analogy goes out to all the dumb rednecks.

Obama is so squeaky clean and so even tempered... McCain is finished. I'm already making plans for January 20th when Bush leaves and Barak Obama takes the White House.

..agree Bob...that was an amazing moment....with the history this country has with assasinations, that must have resonated with many especially with Obama being a black candidate....

....I dont want to count the chickens...but I have taken Nov 3rd and 4th off to help with the local Campaign office...and Nov 5th to celebrate...just in case :)
Incidently, how can anyone watch American TV usually? There's more advert than actualy program, it's infuriating

Only watch football because it's 45 minutes without commercials then a 15 minute barrage while you are out of the room. Or watch public service stations.
I think my biggest problem with McCain tonight is this. He'd attack Obama on a particular policy or stance, and he did it forcefully and fairly impressively. But then Obama would succinctly refute the allegation, and clearly yet in a detailed manner, explain precisely what his policy / stance really was. Then it'd turn back to McCain, and he'd have nothing. He'd continue trying to make the same attack, even though it had just been effectively refuted. And when his approach for the night was mainly an anti-Obama one rather than pro-himself, I think it left him looking weak. I don't think its a co-incidence the commentators are saying he started strongly but faded towards the end. For all that is said, McCain looks old, snappy and snarly. Obama looks calm, considered and presidential. I think its the classic Nixon vs Kennedy scenario, although I'd question whether even radio listeners think McCain was winning these debates

Obama is so squeaky clean and so even tempered... McCain is finished. I'm already making plans for January 20th when Bush leaves and Barak Obama takes the White House.

I had the same overall feeling. It felt like McCain was trying so hard to make Omama look bad that he didn't make much of an impression of himself, and Obama cleared up all of the stories about his "associates." I liked the split-screen because you could see how each candidate reacted to the other's points. Obama would either smile or nod while mccain talked, and mccain would usually grimace and shake his head when obama was talking. I don't know if it's just me, but Mccain looked visibly angry/overly emotional at times. I don't know if that's just the stress or if mccain is trying to push his "fighting man" personality. I'd say obama won the debate and will probably win the election.
Now the debates are over, what sort of things will the candidates do to gain momentum before election day?

..continue campaigning in battleground states of course...staying in view of voters.....and as much advertising as they can afford....

Obama is buying Half hour slots a week before election night I understand...which is unheard of...as he has huge amounts of campaign finance available.

He has said he is not taking anything for granted....no matter what the polls say.
Elections don't change after the final debate. It's over.

interesting. both gore and kerry held leads after the last debate and both lost.

its not over all you have to do is look at those folks in the video. the sad truth is those folks will flock to the polls while many of the youth of this country who back obama have a history of not going to the polls
Now the debates are over, what sort of things will the candidates do to gain momentum before election day?

Get drunk and hang out with undecided voters; also late night television
interesting. both gore and kerry held leads after the last debate and both lost.

True, but I believe that the Republican cheating can only overturn a few percent. If the defeat is too overwhelming, they can't do anything after the election booth closes. Gore and Kerry only won their elections marginally (Gore by 500.000 votes)
True, but I believe that the Republican cheating can only overturn a few percent. If the defeat is too overwhelming, they can't do anything after the election booth closes. Gore and Kerry only won their elections marginally (Gore by 500.000 votes)

:rolleyes: Both parties cheat.

That aside, this campaign has been over for quite a while really. Obama will and win easily I think. His platform and delivery resonates with more American right now. I'm not a fan of many of his positions but hopefully he will make a good POTUS. I just think in the end he'll be another Washington politician. Anyone catch the Alfred E Smith dinner speeches? I missed McCains but Obamas was very funny. I heard McCains was pretty good too. Nice to see both take a lighter note.
:rolleyes: Both parties cheat.

That aside, this campaign has been over for quite a while really. Obama will and win easily I think. His platform and delivery resonates with more American right now. I'm not a fan of many of his positions but hopefully he will make a good POTUS. I just think in the end he'll be another Washington politician. Anyone catch the Alfred E Smith dinner speeches? I missed McCains but Obamas was very funny. I heard McCains was pretty good too. Nice to see both take a lighter note.

both were magnificent....absolute belly laughs....in the end they are both great Americans....
Gore and Kerry were never in the position Obama is in right now - debates wrapped up and leads in every key swing state.
And with a realistic chance of huge victory if his upward trend continues and McCain's slide isn't halted. Gore and Kerry never dreamed of that prospect, they were bracing themselves for a fight down to the wire.

They also didn't face an opponent whose campaign was falling apart, who seemed more and more erratic practically every week, and less equipped to handle difficult issues despite having spent 25 years in Washington to Obama's...four. Palin can fire up the base with her winking, empty rhetoric, and that "America, Yay!" crap, but she and her running mate look like caricatures right now, empty (pant)suits. Every time now that McCain says "Hooray for Joe the plumber!" with that awkward, jittery, shit-eating grin on his face, he drops another quarter point in the polls. And I think he's using it at every rally he attends, so...I'm not good at math, my friends, but Joe McCain and Bill Kristol are right, he should fire his entire campaign staff and start over.
I think it was funny when McCain accused Obama for being too pro-government, and soon after, accidentally (or intentionally?) called him Senator Government. I have no clue what good would that sort of attacks would come out to. Especially later on, McCain also admitted himself as a "federalist".
Hehe. Turns out Joe the plumber doesn't have a plumbers license. Nor does he earn anywhere near $250,000 annual, meaning McCain chose to focus during the last debate on a person who will see a tax reduction under Obama's 95% plan. Which is good news for him, because he apparently owes $1,200 in back taxes. Oops!

Here's perhaps the bizarrest quote I've heard for some time, made by Obama:

"I was not born in a manger. I was actually born on Krypton and sent here by my father, Jor-el, to save the Planet Earth"

Goodness only knows the context. Should be careful though, one thing you don't want to come across as at this stage is arrogant and having already assumed victory