U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No, I'm independent and dislike both Obama and McCain, naturally I stand against many Democratic policies but also a decent amount of Republican ones; I just find it amusing how all these foreign countries love, Obama when in the end he is the status quo, just a different shade of color

Except for the "talking to our enemies" and pulling the troops out of Iraq. So, totally not the status quo.
Except for the "talking to our enemies" and pulling the troops out of Iraq. So, totally not the status quo.

I for one am not up for this talking to our enemies, especially in terrorist states, did we ever talk to Libya after the shit they pulled, and pulling troops troops out of Iraq to put into Pakistan worsens the problem
Your hilarious. Now ACORN are the victims? The very first sentance of the CNN piece tells you ACORN is filing the fraudulent voter registration cards.

Really, genius? Did you know that ACORN is legally obligated to turn in all registration cards, regardless of what is on them or if they are even completely filled out? No? Did you miss that part in all your extensive reading? I didn't.

And gee, let me think, hmmmm, how would they be trying to fix the election? Do you think they are filing fake voter registrations just to file file them?

Uh, let see. They are a nationwide community organization that hires low income people to work for them. For each card, these people are paid a certain amount of money. Turns out, some people are scumbags and fill out cards just to make cash. ACORN tries very hard to weed these people out because IT'S FRAUD AGAINST THEM. Got that? It's not a hard concept. They are paying people who are ripping them off by not working. See how that would make them the victim?

On top of that, ACORN must BY LAW turn in all registration cards to the state election office. To prevent fraud, ACORN verifies every card themselves and FLAGS those that are fraudulent. So, all the screaming the fecking retarded right wing is doing is because ACORN is turning in flagged registration cards. They would throw them away, but they are legally obligated not to. Only a fecking complete retard would call this fraud.

Oh, and in Nevada, ACORN was working with law enforcement and had sent them three letters and flagged all registration cards. I know this because I read.

You don't think it's a reasonable assumption to conclude they might actually want to take these fake registrations and then do something with them?

I think it's one of the dumbest fecking assumptions of all time to think that Johnny Crackhead who just ripped off a community organization for a couple hundred bucks is going to then go vote a hundred times in one day.

If this problem was in one office or in one state I could say there are just a couple scrupulous characters up to something but we're talking about 7 fecking states. They will then take all these registrations and use them to vote. You might read but you don't understand what you're looking at.

Feel free to show me election fraud in just one state. Just one. One example of a person SHOWING UP TO VOTE who has wrongfully registered to vote. This is what led to the Attorney General scandal. It's why ******* Myers and Karl Rove refused to appear before Congress. It's why Alberto Gonzalez might lose his license to practice law. It's why the White House is in contempt for destroying emails.

But you keep thinking you got this all wrapped up in your little brain, genius.

DUMBEST SCANDAL EVER. Anyone who believes this should have what is left of their brain removed.
The only question I have about it Vida is whether he is already dead, he had bad kidneys apparently prior to 911 certainly living in caves has helped them in no way

Oh, they don't live in caves. Try villas.
The SAS had Bin Laden's position in Afghanistan but they were told to back off because the Americans were supposed to apprehend him. They pull out, and when the Americans arrive Bin Laden is gone. Could be bull, but it sounds true. Amanpour or what her name is (the CNN international correspondent) said on Real Time last week that Bin Laden is living in a villa in Pakistan, not a cave. Is she reliable? I don't know, when you have as many informants as she has, she is bound to have some faulty info. Besides, if she knows it I'm sure trillion dollars of military insurgents know as well. However, his apprehension could be strategically timed for the election.
Laws is mainly practiced by state, you get banned in one you go to another, especially in the big ones
I just find it amusing how all these foreign countries love, Obama when in the end he is the status quo, just a different shade of color
Good lord man, you just keep at it. More complete nonsense. Up is down. Night is day. Fat, unemployed, uninsured drug addicts are buying $65k Lexi and hogging all the good health care. Sweet Jebus.
the 65k lexus was just an example, but with all bs loans going on you bet ya to some degree, although it was more likely some 30k car, that is still fecking a drain on society if you cant see that you are blind;purchasing anything on loan u cant pay for is
The SAS had Bin Laden's position in Afghanistan but they were told to back off because the Americans were supposed to apprehend him. They pull out, and when the Americans arrive Bin Laden is gone.

Amanpour...said on Real Time last week that Bin Laden is living in a villa in Pakistan, not a cave.
I'm skeptical about both. Anyone can just make those stories up, and we're so in the dark that anything can sound believable. We don't know, and we're probably never going to know. Other than that in general, we screwed it up and let many Al-Qaeda types escape over the border into Pakistan.
He is Pakistan Chris get over it, doesnt mean we need to go over there though, would make it all the better if the Pakistanis got him and turned him over to the UN or INTERPOL
The only question I have about it Vida is whether he is already dead, he had bad kidneys apparently prior to 911 certainly living in caves has helped them in no way
Yep, kidneys. Rumors were that he had undergone dialysis even before 9/11. He could easily have been dead for some time now.
No, I'm independent and dislike both Obama and McCain, naturally I stand against many Democratic policies but also a decent amount of Republican ones; I just find it amusing how all these foreign countries love, Obama when in the end he is the status quo, just a different shade of color

if you had to choose between Liverpool winning the league or Everton, who'd you go for?
the 65k lexus was just an example, but with all bs loans going on you bet ya to some degree, although it was more likely some 30k car, that is still fecking a drain on society if you cant see that you are blind;purchasing anything on loan u cant pay for is
That's it, keep digging in deeper. No need to admit to the numerous pieces of nonsensical gibberish you've dropped in this thread.

Wait a minute. "you bet ya"? British Columbia is awfully close to Alaska, could you be...no, it couldn't be. Could it?
Really, genius? Did you know that ACORN is legally obligated to turn in all registration cards, regardless of what is on them or if they are even completely filled out? No? Did you miss that part in all your extensive reading? I didn't.
They were in the same fecking hand writting for christs sake. It doesn't take much to understand some idiot is sitting filing out cards thinking no one will know. ACORN is joke run by idiots.

Uh, let see. They are a nationwide community organization that hires low income people to work for them. For each card, these people are paid a certain amount of money. Turns out, some people are scumbags and fill out cards just to make cash. ACORN tries very hard to weed these people out because IT'S FRAUD AGAINST THEM. Got that? It's not a hard concept. They are paying people who are ripping them off by not working. See how that would make them the victim?

If people they are paying do illegal work it's fraud by the the company. That would be like saying Bush is a republican and runs the country but republicans don't run the coutry.

On top of that, ACORN must BY LAW turn in all registration cards to the state election office. To prevent fraud, ACORN verifies every card themselves and FLAGS those that are fraudulent. So, all the screaming the fecking retarded right wing is doing is because ACORN is turning in flagged registration cards. They would throw them away, but they are legally obligated not to. Only a fecking complete retard would call this fraud

ACORN isn't turning them all the bad ones in. Many are being caught in voter registration offices. Look past moveon.org when you're reading it'll help.

Oh, and in Nevada, ACORN was working with law enforcement and had sent them three letters and flagged all registration cards. I know this because I read.

I think it's one of the dumbest fecking assumptions of all time to think that Johnny Crackhead who just ripped off a community organization for a couple hundred bucks is going to then go vote a hundred times in one day.

Feel free to show me election fraud in just one state. Just one. One example of a person SHOWING UP TO VOTE who has wrongfully registered to vote. This is what led to the Attorney General scandal. It's why ******* Myers and Karl Rove refused to appear before Congress. It's why Alberto Gonzalez might lose his license to practice law. It's why the White House is in contempt for destroying emails.

But you keep thinking you got this all wrapped up in your little brain, genius.

DUMBEST SCANDAL EVER. Anyone who believes this should have what is left of their brain removed.

fecking hell. You can't see past the end of your nose. The registering of dead people and football players from another state. Cards filled out in the same handwritting and yet somehow, someway you convince yourself this is some scandal created by repubs. You're really delusional.

BTW, I'm not saying repubs don't do the same sorts of things but this is clear cut left wing nutties making sure their guy gets in.
They were in the same fecking hand writting for christs sake. It doesn't take much to understand some idiot is sitting filing out cards thinking no one will know. ACORN is joke run by idiots.

If people they are paying do illegal work it's fraud by the the company. That would be like saying Bush is a republican and runs the country but republicans don't run the coutry.

ACORN isn't turning them all in. Many are being caught in voter registration offices. Look past moveon.org when you're reading it'll help.

fecking hell. You can't see past the end of your nose. The registering of dead people and football players from another state. Cards filled out in the same handwritting and yet somehow, someway you convince yourself this is some scandal created by repubs. You're really delusional.

BTW, I'm not saying repubs don't do the same sorts of things but this is clear cut left wing nutties making sure their guy gets in.

Honestly, I'm really fecking amazed at your stupidity.

And, not a member of Moveon. Give it another shot.
And I by yours.

Here's a question, since you have this all worked out.

Anyone who believes that an organization who is forced by law to turn over registration cards they believe are fraudulent and flag as so, is committing fraud, is a complete and total retard. That would be you.

Also, missing the entire point of my last paragraph is fecking hilarious. Use your brain, not your cnut.

And finally: Nevada: 300 out of 80,0000.

The Nevada office of ACORN had planned a potluck dinner at its Las Vegas office Tuesday night to celebrate the 80,000 newly registered voters its staff had signed up in Clark County as part of its work with low-income communities nationwide.

Instead, their office was raided Tuesday morning by agents of the Nevada Secretary of State and Attorney General who alleged in an application for a search warrant that ACORN had hired 59 felons through a work release program as canvassers and submitted nearly 300 apparently fraudulent voter registration cards as part of the drive.

CORN officials said they were stunned by the search because they had unilaterally identified and flagged suspicious voter registration cards to the county elections board starting in July and had been cooperating with authorities to cull bad information and fire workers who collected that information, said Brian Mellor, senior counsel for Project Vote.

Project Vote relies on staff from ACORN, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, to do field level voter drives.

Oh No! Stop The Poor People From Voting!
The chairman of the Republican Party in Macomb County, Michigan, a key swing county in a key swing state, is planning to use a list of foreclosed homes to block people from voting in the upcoming election as part of the state GOP’s effort to challenge some voters on Election Day.

“We will have a list of foreclosed homes and will make sure people aren’t voting from those addresses,” party chairman James Carabelli told Michigan Messenger in a telephone interview earlier this week. He said the local party wanted to make sure that proper electoral procedures were followed.

Please, pay no attention to what we are really doing...
Oh, God, Acorn!
Tens of thousands of eligible voters in at least six swing states have been removed from the rolls or have been blocked from registering in ways that appear to violate federal law, according to a review of state records and Social Security data by The New York Times.

The actions do not seem to be coordinated by one party or the other, nor do they appear to be the result of election officials intentionally breaking rules, but are apparently the result of mistakes in the handling of the registrations and voter files as the states tried to comply with a 2002 federal law, intended to overhaul the way elections are run.

Still, because Democrats have been more aggressive at registering new voters this year, according to state election officials, any heightened screening of new applications may affect their party’s supporters disproportionately. The screening or trimming of voter registration lists in the six states — Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Nevada and North Carolina — could also result in problems at the polls on Election Day: people who have been removed from the rolls are likely to show up only to be challenged by political party officials or election workers, resulting in confusion, long lines and heated tempers.

But, but, but there were 300 cards filled out and flagged as being fraudulent in Nevada...
I expect McCain to make a late push before election day. The negative ads may make a dent in the national polls but Obama is quite comfortable in Ohio, Flordia, Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado etc. He just needs to win one of them and he may well win all of them. Not looking good for McCain at this point.
It's funny how the election works with the electoral college, love it though
McCain is toast in Florida :)

Intrade is quoting 69.8 for an Obama win.
The online betting site, for those unfamiliar. Polls have Obama 3 points ahead in Florida. 11% down with white voters, but five weeks ago he was 27% down.
The 'KILL HIM' thing has McCain taking a sharp U-turn on the attack tactics. He has been debating the attendees of his own townhall rallies. Sen. McCain has now been forced to defend Obama's character.

I, almost, feel sorry for McCain... how embarrassing. I bet he wishes he could just go back to Arizona and forget this whole Presidential race.
I feel sorry for McCain because of the shit he he went through doesnt mean he should be president doesnt mean i rate Obama either
It was good but also a bit sad to see McCain take the mike away from the old lady who was telling him that Obama was an Arab. Its almost as if McCain realized that all of the negative ads his campaign launched against Obama have only stoked anger and ignorance and haven't made much of a dent in the polls. His demeanor was of someone who is preparing to unite his supporters into a more civil discourse in the lead up to a likely Obama win.
I bet he wishes he could just go back to Arizona and forget this whole Presidential race.
No sir, my friend. My friends, Senator John McCain is running for this office because he puts the country first, politics second. This country needs a strong hand on the tiller in such desperate times my friends, and that hand belongs to John McCain.

My friends, John McCain has showed his willingness to put country first at nearly every stage of his political career, and indeed his life. From coming fourth from last in his class at the Naval Academy, to crashing three planes outside of combat over the skies of this great nation, to choosing a half-witted woman who doesn't read newspapers and whose expertise comes in one single area, energy, in which she is an expert in the same sense that the King of Saudi Arabia is an expert, since they both sit on top of large quantities of oil and have had to figure out how best to distribute the profits generated from their sale, and this despite the fact that as a 72 year old man who has had four melanomas he would make Palin statistically one of the most likely vice-presidential candidates to have to take over the office of the Presidency, my friends, I have gotten lost in the overly complex structure of this sentence.

So I'll go from my gut. I trust my gut. If there's one thing America is known for around the world, it's the size and strength of our guts. And my friends, my gut says that John McCain believes in America, and is running for office out of a profound sense of duty. A duty to you, the American voter. And to you, the spastic overseas Caf reader. And even to you, Senator Obama, his very honorable opponent who just happens to pal around with terrorists and hate America. But it is out of a duty to us all that John McCain is running for this office my friends, and to suggest that he return home to Arizona now would be to send him home in disgrace, with no honor, and therefore disrespect the sacrifice of our brave men and women handling out buttons at campaign events, and distributing fliers even if they state that his opponent is "an Arab", and shouting out threats (clearly unsolicited!) and accusations about Senator Osama, I mean Obama. In any case, John McCain knows service, and he would not dishonor the service of our brave men and women fighting this honorable campaign. That's just plain silly my friends, and I tell you this from my gut, and with tremendous certainty - John McCain doesn't do silly. If you search your own gut, I'm sure you will see that I am right.

Finally my friends, I feel obligated to point out that Senator John McCain is a Maverick, as is his running mate, Mrs. Governor Palin. For they truly are, in all but the most maverick sense of the word. And would a Maverick return home in a defeat without honor? Certainly not my friends. So to Mr. ooeat0meoo, who has so underestimated the character and moral courage of both Senator McCain and his loyal campaign staff, I say this: You are wrong my friend. Dead wrong.
:lol: very good

Nice article here from William Buckley's son (!) about why he's turned Obama

Polls are looking good, but I'm still worried. The Ohio poll is good news for McCain. And you just get the feeling everyone's so scared that a lead like this could be wiped out with one news headline or gaffe.
I dont feel any sympathy for McCain....he sees the Presidency as a prize....not an opportunity to serve.....and this has nothing to do with ambition...you better be ambitious if you want to run for President.

McCain would be a lot closer if he had followed his feelings of picking someone he felt he could work with...Pawlenty or Lieberman...instead he picks this git from the woods....well now he has the only type of voters such a moron would energize....the base of the Republican party.....the racists.

btw Plech...Obama does not need Ohio....but he will win it anyway....McCain is only leading in one poll there..even the Republican poll has Obama up by 5 and it is a newer current poll.
No sir, my friend. My friends, Senator John McCain is running for this office because he puts the country first, politics second. This country needs a strong hand on the tiller in such desperate times my friends, and that hand belongs to John McCain.

My friends, John McCain has showed his willingness to put country first at nearly every stage of his political career, and indeed his life. From coming fourth from last in his class at the Naval Academy, to crashing three planes outside of combat over the skies of this great nation, to choosing a half-witted woman who doesn't read newspapers and whose expertise comes in one single area, energy, in which she is an expert in the same sense that the King of Saudi Arabia is an expert, since they both sit on top of large quantities of oil and have had to figure out how best to distribute the profits generated from their sale, and this despite the fact that as a 72 year old man who has had four melanomas he would make Palin statistically one of the most likely vice-presidential candidates to have to take over the office of the Presidency, my friends, I have gotten lost in the overly complex structure of this sentence.

So I'll go from my gut. I trust my gut. If there's one thing America is known for around the world, it's the size and strength of our guts. And my friends, my gut says that John McCain believes in America, and is running for office out of a profound sense of duty. A duty to you, the American voter. And to you, the spastic overseas Caf reader. And even to you, Senator Obama, his very honorable opponent who just happens to pal around with terrorists and hate America. But it is out of a duty to us all that John McCain is running for this office my friends, and to suggest that he return home to Arizona now would be to send him home in disgrace, with no honor, and therefore disrespect the sacrifice of our brave men and women handling out buttons at campaign events, and distributing fliers even if they state that his opponent is "an Arab", and shouting out threats (clearly unsolicited!) and accusations about Senator Osama, I mean Obama. In any case, John McCain knows service, and he would not dishonor the service of our brave men and women fighting this honorable campaign. That's just plain silly my friends, and I tell you this from my gut, and with tremendous certainty - John McCain doesn't do silly. If you search your own gut, I'm sure you will see that I am right.

Finally my friends, I feel obligated to point out that Senator John McCain is a Maverick, as is his running mate, Mrs. Governor Palin. For they truly are, in all but the most maverick sense of the word. And would a Maverick return home in a defeat without honor? Certainly not my friends. So to Mr. ooeat0meoo, who has so underestimated the character and moral courage of both Senator McCain and his loyal campaign staff, I say this: You are wrong my friend. Dead wrong.
