U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
One way of looking at it is that Obama is the only of the two candidates who has a realistic chance of delivering his policy agenda since the Congress is likely to remain in Democratic control and the Dems have a realistic shot at achieving a 60 seat filibuster proof super majority in the Senate. This means that Obama will likely be able to move forward with the policies he is campaigning on. If in the unlikely event McCain wins, he will likely be met with stiff resistance by the Democratic congress and we will see four years of uneventful Gridlock. Thus, Obama offers the only realistic chance for "Change".
Raoul is right. It looks as though the next 4 years is going to all demos all the time. Any policy they have been dreaming about they should be able to get through with relative ease. It's actually going to be pretty scary that a party will have pretty much unchecked power (and I'd be saying the exact same thing no matter what the party was). The thought of Pelosi, Frank, Dodd and Kucinich along with Obama all running this country scares the living shit out of me.
Raoul is right. It looks as though the next 4 years is going to all demos all the time. Any policy they have been dreaming about they should be able to get through with relative ease. It's actually going to be pretty scary that a party will have pretty much unchecked power (and I'd be saying the exact same thing no matter what the party was). The thought of Pelosi, Frank, Dodd and Kucinich along with Obama all running this country scares the living shit out of me.

Whoever gets elected is not going to have the money to do jack.
I reckon Obama will win, and be out in 4 years, and probably make Bush look intelligent
I reckon Obama will win, and be out in 4 years, and probably make Bush look intelligent

That would take some doing, it would make you Americans look pretty retarded too as you are the ones that would have elected him :smirk:, who next? Barney Rubble?
I doubt, Bush had pretty high approval ratings through 2004, Bush was also smart enough to fix the elections, something I dont think Obama has the cunning to do; 4 and out guaranteed
I doubt, Bush had pretty high approval ratings through 2004, Bush was also smart enough to fix the elections, something I dont think Obama has the cunning to do; 4 and out guaranteed

Bush had low approval ratings until 9/11. His first months in office were not going well, then America rallied around him. A retard would have had high approval ratings. We know this, because Bush had his approval ratings.

Then he slowly returned to his shitty approval ratings and now he has the worst approval ratings of all time.

Republicans won't have control of the Justice Department, which is key to fixing elections, so they won't be able to do so with such effectiveness in 2012
Whoever gets elected is not going to have the money to do jack.

Money can generated through raising taxes.

Republicans won't have control of the Justice Department, which is key to fixing elections, so they won't be able to do so with such effectiveness in 2012

Considering ACORN is trying as hard as they can to fix this election I have a hard time believing you're brining up repubs fixing an election.
Considering ACORN is trying as hard as they can to fix this election I have a hard time believing you're brining up repubs fixing an election.

Would you mind explaining (or linking an article) this to a confused brit?
Would you mind explaining (or linking an article) this to a confused brit?

Here's one from Neveda.
LAS VEGAS (AP) -- Nevada authorities seized records Tuesday from a group they accused of submitting fraudulent voter-registration forms - including for the starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys.

"Tony Romo is not registered to vote in the state of Nevada, and anybody trying to pose as Terrell Owens won't be able to cast a ballot on Nov. 4," said Secretary of State Ross Miller, referring to star players on the pro football team.

Here's another in case some one tries to say it's an "isolated" case.

CROWN POINT, Indiana (CNN) -- More than 2,000 voter registration forms filed in northern Indiana's Lake County by a liberal activist group this week have turned out to be bogus, election officials said Thursday.

The group -- the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN -- already faces allegations of filing fraudulent voter registrations in Nevada and faces investigations in other states.

And in Lake County, home to the long-depressed steel town of Gary, the bipartisan Elections Board has stopped processing a stack of about 5,000 applications delivered just before the October 6 registration deadline after the first 2,100 turned out to be phony.


I believe the investigation into ACORN has now moved into at least 7 states. I heard on the radio on my way into work today that in Indiana there 105% of the eligible registered voters regeristered in Indiana. Also of note one of the presidential candidates has a pretty close relationship with this organization. But they'll tell you it doesn't matter. :rolleyes:
I find it funny that Republicans are afraid that too many people will vote. It's like they think that everyone who votes, votes Democratic. It resembles the great Florida recount train of thought "If the votes are counted, we lose". It's ridiculous. I don't understand it. Why are Democratics urging people to register for voting? What's the mentality behind that? Do the Repubs start with a 50 point handicap or what?
While I agree that lower voter turn out does tend to help repubs this is about voter fraud. I wish a larger portion of Americans cared enough to vote and pay attention to what's going on their country. But apathy is the norm here. That is of course until a gallon of gas is 5 bucks. :rolleyes:
Um, you do realize Obama has only stated he will continue the current policies of attacking al Qaeda inside Pakistan, right? Are we are war now?

Ummmm you do realize the tension is building and MushMush isnt the prez over there anymore
Considering ACORN is trying as hard as they can to fix this election I have a hard time believing you're brining up repubs fixing an election.

Oh, please explain how ACORN is trying to fix this election. PLEASE. EXPLAIN IN DETAIL.

Here's one from Neveda.

Here's another in case some one tries to say it's an "isolated" case.

I believe the investigation into ACORN has now moved into at least 7 states. I heard on the radio on my way into work today that in Indiana there 105% of the eligible registered voters regeristered in Indiana. Also of note one of the presidential candidates has a pretty close relationship with this organization. But they'll tell you it doesn't matter. :rolleyes:

Right, so you just explained how ACORN is the victim of fraud. Now please explain how ACORN is committing fraud.
I find it funny that Republicans are afraid that too many people will vote. It's like they think that everyone who votes, votes Democratic. It resembles the great Florida recount train of thought "If the votes are counted, we lose". It's ridiculous. I don't understand it. Why are Democratics urging people to register for voting? What's the mentality behind that? Do the Repubs start with a 50 point handicap or what?

I find it even weirder that they are worried about something that won't lead to a single fraudulent vote and at the same time try to take people who lose their homes to foreclosure off voter rolls.

Maybe I'm missing something. But then, I have a tendency to read.
Ummmm you do realize the tension is building and MushMush isnt the prez over there anymore

Yep. I'm just wondering why you aren't so upset that it's happening now and you are worried about something that hasn't happened yet.
Well because of Obama's stance on Pakistan, all his talk of change is bullshit really, it's page right out of the fecking Bush Doctrine ver batim
No, I'm independent and dislike both Obama and McCain, naturally I stand against many Democratic policies but also a decent amount of Republican ones; I just find it amusing how all these foreign countries love, Obama when in the end he is the status quo, just a different shade of color
Oh, please explain how ACORN is trying to fix this election. PLEASE. EXPLAIN IN DETAIL.


Right, so you just explained how ACORN is the victim of fraud. Now please explain how ACORN is committing fraud.

I find it even weirder that they are worried about something that won't lead to a single fraudulent vote and at the same time try to take people who lose their homes to foreclosure off voter rolls.

Maybe I'm missing something. But then, I have a tendency to read.

Your hilarious. Now ACORN are the victims? The very first sentance of the CNN piece tells you ACORN is filing the fraudulent voter registration cards. And gee, let me think, hmmmm, how would they be trying to fix the election? Do you think they are filing fake voter registrations just to file file them? You don't think it's a reasonable assumption to conclude they might actually want to take these fake registrations and then do something with them? If this problem was in one office or in one state I could say there are just a couple scrupulous characters up to something but we're talking about 7 fecking states. They will then take all these registrations and use them to vote. You might read but you don't understand what you're looking at.
Another thing that bothers me is the term "swing-voters"... shouldn't all voters be swing-voters?

Are you kidding, Osama bin Laden could be a candidate and the hardcore party members would vote for him without a second thought
I'm pretty sure Obama said he would sit down and talk with Pakistan, but would only go in if it's confirmed that Bin Laden is in there and Pakistan refuses to do anything about it. Basically he covered all the bases but he didn't say he favored aggression towards Pakistan.
Of course he is in Pakistan, there is no doubt about it, but the political climate of Pakistan becomes more and more anti American by the day, this could end badly if proper tact is not used
No, I'm independent and dislike both Obama and McCain, naturally I stand against many Democratic policies but also a decent amount of Republican ones; I just find it amusing how all these foreign countries love, Obama when in the end he is the status quo, just a different shade of color
Because he most certainly isn't the status quo.
One way of looking at it is that Obama is the only of the two candidates who has a realistic chance of delivering his policy agenda since the Congress is likely to remain in Democratic control and the Dems have a realistic shot at achieving a 60 seat filibuster proof super majority in the Senate. This means that Obama will likely be able to move forward with the policies he is campaigning on. If in the unlikely event McCain wins, he will likely be met with stiff resistance by the Democratic congress and we will see four years of uneventful Gridlock. Thus, Obama offers the only realistic chance for "Change".
Of course he is in Pakistan, there is no doubt about it, but the political climate of Pakistan becomes more and more anti American by the day, this could end badly if proper tact is not used

The only question I have about it Vida is whether he is already dead, he had bad kidneys apparently prior to 911 certainly living in caves has helped them in no way