U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
...my friend...I mean that seriously.....McCain would Never have said that to a white opponent.....


I don't know if I'd go that far. I think it was just a slip. I wouldn't start calling McCain a racisit and if he'd said it to a white opponent no one would give it a second thought.

Now consider the current presidential candidates who are also members of the CFR. These include Christopher Dodd, Bill Richardson, John McCain, and Fred Thompson. Hillary is not a member of the CFR, but her husband, Bill, is. Plus, she has a plethora of advisors who are CFR members. And even though Mike Huckabee is not on this list (neither is George W. Bush), it is obvious that he will carry water for them in much the same way as the current President has done. Barack Obama has spoken at least once for the CFR. John Edwards has appeared before the CFR several times. Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney both wrote for the CFR and have numerous advisors who are CFR members, as do Edwards and Obama.

This also explains why independent-minded candidates such as Ron Paul are forever cast in terms such as "fringe," or "extremist," or "nutty." The same CFR elite that controls the Washington political establishment also controls the New York media and financial establishments. And they hate outsiders! Of course, outsiders are those who do not share the globalist, utopian, New World Order machinations of the CFR.

Until the American people--and especially people within the Christian Right--begin to awaken to what is really going on, nothing will change. Absolutely nothing. As one person said, "The height of absurdity is to continue to vote for the same thing and expect a different result."

A vote for just about every major presidential candidate from either party is a vote for more of the same thing. Of the Presidential candidates in serious contention, Ron Paul, and Ron Paul alone, stands for change. Ron Paul, alone, would truly obey his oath to the Constitution and would work to restore freedom and liberty to the American people. Ron Paul, alone, would kick the globalist elite out of power in Washington, D.C., and restore this country to constitutional governance.

But, once again, the Christian Right just doesn't get it. So, they will continue to support establishment, CFR-backed, globalist candidates who will, in turn, continue to do the bidding of the international elite.

One would think that Christians--more than anyone else--would understand the devilish nature of globalism. One would think that their study of the Sacred Text would lead them to resist any attempts at building modern-day Towers of Babel. One would think that Christians would love liberty enough to recognize its enemies. One would think that they would recognize that Washington, D.C., is a far greater threat to their freedom than either Baghdad or Tehran. But, alas, the Christian Right just doesn't get it.

That is the difference between the Christian Right today and the Christians of 1776. They understood that "when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a DESIGN [emphasis added] to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security." (Declaration of Independence)

When the Christian Right finally awakens to the "Design" behind the "long train of abuses and usurpations," they will then be able to "throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security." But, alas, these people I love and am pleased to call friends, the good people of the Christian Right: they just don't get it.

© Chuck Baldwin
Excellent posts man.
I don't know if I'd go that far. I think it was just a slip. I wouldn't start calling McCain a racisit and if he'd said it to a white opponent no one would give it a second thought.

...McCain actually hates Obama....even if Palin is just doing her 'job' smearing Obama....

...race is a factor imo.....

more importantly it depends on what the American people think though.....

on another matter....McCain's proposal to buy up the toxic housing loans was very unpopular with Republicans.....crazy....

Refusing to shake Obama's hand afterwards

Calling him 'that one'

Skulking in the background whilst Obama was speaking

It's a shame, because I've seen lots of McCain on TV chat shows, and he has a sense of humour, and always struck me as a reasonable, conviction politician. But its becoming more and more clear desperation is setting in. I don't think he genuinely hates Obama, what he hates is that this man is going to prevent him becoming president. In a debate where relatively little new was said, most are claiming it to have been somewhat dull... things like this will matter. To be honest, I think it was all over for McCain before this debate, but I can only see him suffering again in the polls after this, and its just too big a gap now. Obama looks and sounds presidential, McCain doesn't. That's the bottom line of this election
so is this what mccain meant when he said that he would 'take the gloves off'

Refusing to shake Obama's hand afterwards

Calling him 'that one'

Skulking in the background whilst Obama was speaking

It's a shame, because I've seen lots of McCain on TV chat shows, and he has a sense of humour, and always struck me as a reasonable, conviction politician. But its becoming more and more clear desperation is setting in. I don't think he genuinely hates Obama, what he hates is that this man is going to prevent him becoming president. In a debate where relatively little new was said, most are claiming it to have been somewhat dull... things like this will matter. To be honest, I think it was all over for McCain before this debate, but I can only see him suffering again in the polls after this, and its just too big a gap now. Obama looks and sounds presidential, McCain doesn't. That's the bottom line of this election

Is that a word for looking old or did you mean sulking?

Refusing to shake Obama's hand afterwards

Calling him 'that one'

Skulking in the background whilst Obama was speaking

It's a shame, because I've seen lots of McCain on TV chat shows, and he has a sense of humour, and always struck me as a reasonable, conviction politician. But its becoming more and more clear desperation is setting in. I don't think he genuinely hates Obama, what he hates is that this man is going to prevent him becoming president. In a debate where relatively little new was said, most are claiming it to have been somewhat dull... things like this will matter. To be honest, I think it was all over for McCain before this debate, but I can only see him suffering again in the polls after this, and its just too big a gap now. Obama looks and sounds presidential, McCain doesn't. That's the bottom line of this election

Refusing to shake Obama's hand afterwards

Calling him 'that one'

Skulking in the background whilst Obama was speaking

It's a shame, because I've seen lots of McCain on TV chat shows, and he has a sense of humour, and always struck me as a reasonable, conviction politician. But its becoming more and more clear desperation is setting in. I don't think he genuinely hates Obama, what he hates is that this man is going to prevent him becoming president. In a debate where relatively little new was said, most are claiming it to have been somewhat dull... things like this will matter. To be honest, I think it was all over for McCain before this debate, but I can only see him suffering again in the polls after this, and its just too big a gap now. Obama looks and sounds presidential, McCain doesn't. That's the bottom line of this election

If true, its absolutely pathetic and will probably make him look like an angry old man. Its one thing to lose, its another to be perceived as a sore loser.
If true, its absolutely pathetic and will probably make him look like an angry old man. Its one thing to lose, its another to be perceived as a sore loser.

To be fair to McCain, in the immediate aftermath of the debate, he did indeed shake hands with Obama:

Doesn't change the fact he clearly snubbed the handshake second time round. The tapping him on the wrong shoulder isn't too impressive either, we all remember doing that as a childish playground prank to make the person look foolish. Obama nails the correct direction instantly!

These should be distractions and laughable points rather than deal breakers for voters. But McCain has given off the air of genuine hatred these last few days, and when you couple that with the instances of disrespect ("that one", as I called at the time, will be horrific for him), it makes him out to be a sore loser. And as I say that saddens me. Whilst I would vote Obama if I was American, the respect I had for his rival pre campaigning has evaporated
To be fair to McCain, in the immediate aftermath of the debate, he did indeed shake hands with Obama:

Doesn't change the fact he clearly snubbed the handshake second time round. The tapping him on the wrong shoulder isn't too impressive either, we all remember doing that as a childish playground prank to make the person look foolish. Obama nails the correct direction instantly!

These should be distractions and laughable points rather than deal breakers for voters. But McCain has given off the air of genuine hatred these last few days, and when you couple that with the instances of disrespect ("that one", as I called at the time, will be horrific for him), it makes him out to be a sore loser. And as I say that saddens me. Whilst I would vote Obama if I was American, the respect I had for his rival pre campaigning has evaporated

Why would Obama want shake his hand twice though
Its not about whether he shook it once or twice but of the perception of being petty about not shaking Obama's extended hand.
I think Obama turned around to shake Cindy's hand, not McCain's. No big deal.

And McCain looked shockingly old. Far too old to be president.

To be fair I wouldnt be surprised if he lasted a while with modern medicine, the man is clearly a fighter.
I think Obama turned around to shake Cindy's hand, not McCain's. No big deal.

And McCain looked shockingly old. Far too old to be president.

That's one thing that stood out to me as well. I think he would be taken a bit more seriously if he were 52 rather than 72. He just looks like a dinosaur of generations passed when he's next to Obama.
To be fair I wouldnt be surprised if he lasted a while with modern medicine, the man is clearly a fighter.

:lol: The fact that we're discussing how to keep McCain alive for a Presidential tenure probably suggests he's a bit too old to be President.
:lol: The fact that we're discussing how to keep McCain alive for a Presidential tenure probably suggests he's a bit too old to be President.

I would put good money on him making it till 1/2013 tbh
Quite a few "fighters" have gone down to cancer and dementia.

McCain hasnt gone down to cancer yet, and I reckon with all the monitoring he has with his wealth he would easily make it 4 years; as for dementia come on he is only 72 he seems pretty coherent to me, that said it seems as though Sarah Palin already has dementia
McCain hasnt gone down to cancer yet, and I reckon with all the monitoring he has with his wealth he would easily make it 4 years; as for dementia come on he is only 72 he seems pretty coherent to me, that said it seems as though Sarah Palin already has dementia

McCain has been making too many mistakes out on the trail. Reporters who have known him for years have been making comments about it. All you have to do is go look at a video of McCain from 2000 and compare it to this debate and the difference is startling. He's begun to deteriorate mentally.

And Cancer doesn't care about how good your health care is. Statistically, he has a 25% chance of it returning and a 10% chance of dying.
McCain has been making too many mistakes out on the trail. Reporters who have known him for years have been making comments about it. All you have to do is go look at a video of McCain from 2000 and compare it to this debate and the difference is startling. He's begun to deteriorate mentally.

And Cancer doesn't care about how good your health care is. Statistically, he has a 25% chance of it returning and a 10% chance of dying.

He actually has a 100% of dying he isnt a cyborg
And the KGB. That was fecking ridiculous. He thinks he's scoring a big point, but it only makes him look old. Who else should we be worried about? The Hittites?

Tbf, he is dead on about Putin, nail on the head
I kinda liked it what was it, "I shook Putin's hand and looked into his eyes and saw three letters K-G-B" hahaha
Still worried about the Ruski's huh?

Did anyone catch the channel 4 report last night. They interviewed some redneck out hunting wild boar with a cross-bow and he said that as Obama is a muslim he 'couldn't turn his country over to the people that flew jets into the twin towers' and wouldn't be voting for him because of that.

Seriously. I know it's hard to gauge but what sort of numbers of voters will be carrying the same insane prejudice?