U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Back on topic - this is an excellent site to explore different electoral colleage combinations that either candidate might use to win.


Ummmmm, us Americans know what the electoral college is, and the people that dont can feck off, especially those who arent Americans. And a lot changes on election day.

I have to say I think someone is after Obama atm, 3 plane problems in 2 months that is more than a coincidence imo, I hope not but I have to say I find it odd that his planes keep having to land early because of malfunctions
Back on topic - this is an excellent site to explore different electoral colleage combinations that either candidate might use to win.


It's hardly the pride system of the world, with all the gerrimandering.

The parties have created a social segragation that has benefitted the conservatives.

Busy on a big project... no time to explain. Maybe, Raoul or Alex might be able to better describe this problem.
Obama's ship is sinking atm, wonder what he does in Denver
The parties have created a social segragation that has benefitted the conservatives.

How so? If anything the system is set up to completely benefit 2 parties and make it near impossible for anyone other than democrat or republican. And social segragation or not (which I think is complete BS) people can vote for who they want so I don't see how it's set up for one party over another.
How so? If anything the system is set up to completely benefit 2 parties and make it near impossible for anyone other than democrat or republican. And social segragation or not (which I think is complete BS) people can vote for who they want so I don't see how it's set up for one party over another.

Yeah I dont see where he is getting that at all
As much as these poll numbers will creat headlines [Fox will be all over it], it is the situation in a few swing sttes or holding on wavering ones that is most vital no?

As for Denver, i saw a pundit say the other week that many of Hillary's activists [rather than her former staff necessarily] are looking for a fight as goes the VP. Is that still likely? How do those of you Stateside view that?
As much as these poll numbers will creat headlines [Fox will be all over it], it is the situation in a few swing sttes or holding on wavering ones that is most vital no?

As for Denver, i saw a pundit say the other week that many of Hillary's activists [rather than her former staff necessarily] are looking for a fight as goes the VP. Is that still likely? How do those of you Stateside view that?

It will be interesting I don't know what will happen to be honest, could see it going either way, it could really feck up Obama's chances if shit hits the fan, however a show of unity could really help him
Not a chance on Hillary's activists disrupting anything. There are many who think Hillary will get the VP because of the speakers scheduled to speak at the convention - Bill Clinton being the most notable. Obama will probably come out of the convention with a surge in the polls since he is strong at speeches and McCain isn't.
Not a chance on Hillary's activists disrupting anything. There are many who think Hillary will get the VP because of the speakers scheduled to speak at the convention - Bill Clinton being the most notable. Obama will probably come out of the convention with a surge in the polls since he is strong at speeches and McCain isn't.

You kidding there has been more military exercises in Denver these pasts few months than I have there in 20 years, they are certainly preparing for some sort of disturbances
You kidding there has been more military exercises in Denver these pasts few months than I have there in 20 years, they are certainly preparing for some sort of disturbances

Its perfectly fine for there to be demonstrations outside the event. The distinction being that the Obama's nomination will go ahead without credible challenge - particularly if he selects Hillary for VP.
Its perfectly fine for there to be demonstrations outside the event. The distinction being that the Obama's nomination will go ahead without credible challenge - particularly if he selects Hillary for VP.

Personally, i think he would look like a fool if he choose Hilary at this point
Personally, i think he would look like a fool if he choose Hilary at this point

He would definitely pick up votes in the Democratic base, but might also alienate some of the independents who are interested in him since some find the Clintons to be polarizing figures. I think it would benefit him more to choose a Tim Kaine or Evan Bayh since either of those could help him land a key state. If Virginia or Indiana go to Obama then he will definitely win. Of course he could still win with neither, but those two states will be key battlegrounders this time.
He would definitely pick up votes in the Democratic base, but might also alienate some of the independents who are interested in him since some find the Clintons to be polarizing figures. I think it would benefit him more to choose a Tim Kaine or Evan Bayh since either of those could help him land a key state. If Virginia or Indiana go to Obama then he will definitely win. Of course he could still win with neither, but those two states will be key battlegrounders this time.

Come on Virginia and Indiana, both would be good, but one of them doesnt mean anything

They're both criticial for McCain. If Bush would've lost either in 2000 or 2004, Gore and Kerry would've won the election. If Obama pics Evan Bayh (Indiana) or Tim Kaine or Mark Warner from Virginia, its going to be an uphill struggle for McCain to win. Obama already begins election day with California, Illinois, New York, and probably Pennsylvania already in the bag. Thus McCain has to win the aforementioned two states. If he doesn't, Obama will likely win the election by as many as 100 electoral votes.
They're both criticial for McCain. If Bush would've lost either in 2000 or 2004, Gore and Kerry would've won the election. If Obama pics Evan Bayh (Indiana) or Tim Kaine or Mark Warner from Virginia, its going to be an uphill struggle for McCain to win. Obama already begins election day with California, Illinois, New York, and probably Pennsylvania already in the bag. Thus McCain has to win the aforementioned two states. If he doesn't, Obama will likely win the election by as many as 100 electoral votes.

There are going to be plenty of importan staes this time around if the polls are to be believed. Another thing I've always thought was a bit overplayed was the VP pick. I can't see people going out and voting, or not voting based on the pick of veep. Really, it's a nothing position. I mean being from California, if either picked Arnold (which can't happen) that wouldn't sway me in any way, shape or form.
Polls are done based on 'likely voters'...these are voters who voted in 2004 and 2000 etc....they ignore newly registered voters...Obama has spent vastly more money on the ground campaign...registering new voters....dont be surprised about Virginia,Colorado,Indiana...and North Carolina....all going Blue....African American have normally voted about 50 to 55 percent of those registered to vote....of course of those voting...overwhelmingly vote Democrat...the difference is Obama is registering a vastly greater percentage....putting states with high AA populations into play....and AA are voting more than 90% for Obama..

but it is not just AA voters...as I said his main effort is with getting new voters registered....also Ohio has a peculiar loophole...a peculiar law allows voters to register same day...And vote between Sep 30th and Oct 6th...this favours Obama greatly and will affect that state....

Obama has been working hard on the ground game.....and has not really stopped since the primaries ended....

the current polls reflect Republicans coming back to the party....look I'm not saying this will be a landslide for either side....it will be close...
Come on Virginia and Indiana, both would be good, but one of them doesnt mean anything

If Obama wins the same states as Kerry plus he Will win Iowa...then he is at 259...he is short 11...he only needs one of Virginia or Indiana....and he will take New Mexico now...Colorado and Nevado are also not out of reach....

Even if he reaches 269...it will be a tie...and it goes to the congress...and Obama will still win...
If Obama wins the same states as Kerry plus he Will win Iowa...then he is at 259...he is short 11...he only needs one of Virginia or Indiana....and he will take New Mexico now...Colorado and Nevado are also not out of reach....

Even if he reaches 269...it will be a tie...and it goes to the congress...and Obama will still win...

No no, it will be like that new Costner movie, they will pick some hick from the middle of nowhere to decide the race
The difference between Obama and Gore/Kerry is that there appear to be several red states in play this time. Ohio, Indiana, Colorado, Virginia, North Carolina etc. That's a lot of votes swinging the other way. McCain is barely ahead in those states and if Obama makes him spend his own money to defend those states then it will allow Obama to attack in yet other ones.
The difference between Obama and Gore/Kerry is that there appear to be several red states in play this time. Ohio, Indiana, Colorado, Virginia, North Carolina etc. That's a lot of votes swinging the other way. McCain is barely ahead in those states and if Obama makes him spend his own money to defend those states then it will allow Obama to attack in yet other ones.

thats the plan....McCain will have to defend his own turf....

...but hey he will save money by staying in one of his houses in each state ;)
Obama VP announcement is imminent......Biden, Hillary, Kaine, Bayh, Warner...or a surprise ?
Hey Raoul...

Hope all is well with you...

Still livin' in hell, are you?

Or back in paradise?

I've packing up and getting ready for the move back to Los Angeles in January.

Wonder why anyone is actaully bothering with this thread...

Obama is going to slaughter McAin't.
Wonder why anyone is actaully bothering with this thread...

Obama is going to slaughter McAin't.

One would think that after eight years of Mr. Bush and his eloquence, the Democrats would be taking the White House without opposition. The fact that the polls suggest a close race makes one question not only the voters (dumb)and the candidates (greedy), but the process by which we spend 2 years and a billion dollars so that advertising agencies can, through the process of 30 second puff pieces, libelous accusations, and outright lies, tell us who to vote for. The political ads are done with less thought, artistic merit, or talent than the average laundry soap commercial, which might tell us something about the experts view on the intelligence and attention span of the great unwashed.
It's still not official yet; that'll happen when Obama sends a text message out to all of his supporters: "itz bdn lol"

Obama really has looked like an idiot during this process, I mean give me a break why play such a game to name your VP, we are electing a president not a clown
I kinda lost track of this since the democratic nomination was decided.

Quick question, is McCain another religous extemist like Bush?