U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well, seeing the alternatives of Hillery and Barak, I'm aboard that band wagon.

I stay busy with meth dealers, pseudoephedrine buyers, and running the office March Madness pool. I should probably go over to the main office building and spend more time politicking for a promotion, as those higher positions tend to go to the loud and obvious rather than the diligent and competent.

How's life in the fast lane?

After making some money decided to kick around for a while, woke up one morning with an urge to buy a motor bike.

Mid life crisises are not for me, so I thought i'd throw myself back into work.

Still alive and kicking.
Robert Bryd is the former Grand Dragon of the KKK (but he's 90 now, so doesn't have long left) - was Strom Thurmond the Dixiecrat cum Republican?


It has been disgusting, how the media has exploited the crazy priest of Obama story.


jason...if you ran for President I would vote for you...even if you are a Republican ;)


Jason, it seems you're twisting every story in Obama's favour much like Red Dreams.


no delegates for HRC in MI and FL I fear :D

Sen. John McCain just spoke in Santa Ana, CA.

Looks like he's taking the lead from CNN...

He didn't breath a word about the mess in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Nor did McCain discuss the crippling effect of the rising cost of fuel.

These are the (not $)#1 Issues (not $) that should be discussed on CNN, but they are not on their agenda for some reason.
If Bam Bam and Hils keep fannying about, how much time will they have between the decision and the election?

I just imagine McCain is sat in an office somewhere, laughing. A year ago the democrats could have put a monkey up for the nomination and it would have won.
If Bam Bam and Hils keep fannying about, how much time will they have between the decision and the election?

I just imagine McCain is sat in an office somewhere, laughing. A year ago the democrats could have put a monkey up for the nomination and it would have won.

Hillary and the legions of lobbyists that back her would sooner prefer to destroy the Democrat party than allow anyone like Obama win the Party.

Don't fool yourself into thinking that it's the Democrats that are imploding. The Democrats are infested with wolves in sheep clothing. In Hillary's case- she's a lobbyist pig in sheep's clothing.

The minute she takes office, she will continue the policies of George Bush - the war will beat forward (to a stand-still), education will be more difficult to come by, and healthcare will suffer greatly.

The US healthcare will be worse than many 3rd world countries. Americans will be begging for care from Doctors Without Boarders. Truthfully, this is the present condition... only the voices will get louder under another Clinton Admin.
I prefer MSNBC coverage...Chris Matthews and Olberman are OK....and of course Tim Russert....

if these networks stick to the issues we would have the public much better informed...but that is too much to ask of the media which are only interested in ratings....

I don't like Mathews at all... check his new book. He justifies the liar atmosphere in Washington DC.

The final straw in Tim Russert was this past fall... one full month of Clinton coverage, 4 consecutive Sundays - during the peak of primary season. The first week it was Hillary, the next week it was Bill, and the following two weeks it was a bash Obama build-up Hillary fest.

Russert is all about the propaganda, as well as CNN and FNC. Just watch how he lets the politicians off with lame answers. Sure he'll ask an occaisoinal tough question, but he will not press the politician to answer it clearly and to the point.

Keith Oberman is the only news guy that I have respect for... he's an even-keel kinda person that says it's bullshit when it's bullshit. No other tv news/pundit show has that.
I laugh so much when Oberman is on...great guy...especially love his 'comments' which he now and then comes out with...the last two being on Bush HRC....the man tries and call things as fair as possible...and absolutely does not mince his words....very refreshing.
If Hillary wins the nomination I''d prefer a McCain win.
First Choice - Ill be voting for Ralph Nader (again) if he runs again the guys a consumer advocate and has done nothing but try to help people his whole life

2nd - Ron Paul I just like him he seems to know what hes talking about and really impressed me every time I heard him speak (side note I hate libertarians so this says alot)

3rd - Barack Im not as big of a fan since he quit smoking I wanted to see him puffing away on the campaign trail but he seems like an ok candidate if he gets edwards as his VP he will be probably bumped up to second

4th - I vote for the communist party, at this point there is no point I really dont like hilary and I used to like mccain but his pandering to retarded special interest groups and really stupid recent statements has completely turned me off

I live in NY so I can be almost sure that it will stay blue but if I lived in a red state or swing state Barack would be my first choice as we dont need more conservatives really fecking this country up
Hillarywatch: This Week's Errors, Lies, and Dirty Tactics

1) Return Of The Snipers - she misremembered, after claiming she never said it, after claiming she was joking. Or something. This story won't go away for months. It's a perfect encapsulation of her and her desire to say anything to win.

2) Poverty Czar - Clinton announced on Friday morning that she would appoint a cabinet level Poverty Czar to help represent the voice of the poor. Five hours later she released her tax returns showing 109m worth of income since 2000. Presumably that's her husband out of the running for Poverty Czar.

3) Charitably Ours - Clinton was praised for donating 10% of her 109m income over the last seven years to charity, at least until it turned out that these donations were - wait for it - to the Clinton Foundation. She got a tax exemption for donating to herself.

4) Nocturnal Rendezvous - for once this doesn't describe Bill and a dozen hookers, but Hillary's new 3AM phone ad. "It's 3AM and the phone rings, this time the crisis is economic", the commercial says. One problem - just how shit would the economy have to be and how negligent would the government have to have been during regular business hours to have to wake up the President with an 'oh shit' call about the economy?

5) Columbian Free Trades - Mark Penn, her brilliant strategist, was revealed to have met with the Columbian government to plot lobbying strategy for the passage of a free trade agreement which Clinton allegedly opposes. She fired him. Problem solved? It depends on what the definition of the word "fired" is. They just changed the name of his role, and he was right there on the daily press conference call Monday morning. This isn't isolated for her either. Another high advisor was "fired" for claiming Barack Obama sold cocaine, and her current Campaign Manager is on the board of a bankrupt shady mortgage firm.

6) Space Reserved For Something Else She's Done That We Might Not Find Out About For A Few Days

7) Hospitalization Needed - Clinton has been telling a story on the stump for the last few weeks in which a woman is allegedly turned down for vital health care because she didn't have the $100 admission fee. Her baby then died, and she died 15 days later - all for the want of $100. Except of course that hospitals don't have cover charges. No one is ever turned down for life saving care at any time. This woman was in hospital. She also wasn't one of the hopeless and helpless uninsured - she had insurance. So the entire story was completely manufactured out of whole cloth. Again.

8) Campaign On Life Support - while on the subject of health care, and Hillary's promise of 100% universal health coverage - it came out this week that "universal" is not actually "universal". She's been running behind on fundraising compared to Obama, so her campaign has been making what it called "business decisions" to run more ads with the money and allow bills to go unpaid. The campaign may be as deep as 20m in debt. She's been stiffing people all over the country, but of all the people to stiff, you would think she would be paying her employee's health insurance benefits. She wasn't. The campaign was more than 3 months in arrears for health care premiums. They stressed that no one was denied coverage during this period. Do you think you or I would be able to go 3 months without paying premiums and still have coverage? It's nice to be a Clinton.

9) I Have A Dream - on the anniversary of MLK's assassination, Hillary gave us a stirring recollection of her memories of finding out about the assassination. She nearly cried she was so emotional, and it was clear from her words that she firmly believes that we are finally reaching a point in America where the issue of race is not a divider or barrier. Then her campaign releases another press statement - this time comparing snippets of MLK's speeches to controversial snippets from Obama's ex-pastor Jeremiah Wright.

That's this week's Hillarywatch. At least until I remember a few others that have temporarily slipped my mind.
No. 2 is pandering to Edwards
No. 3 a lot a people don't know this... excellent jason :D
No. 7 OK I am going to shock you Jason...but it sounds like she was right about that. the first hospital she went to denied her service until she paid $100.00 cause she owed them unpaid bills. the second hospital that denied Clinton's story took her in...she did die subsequently...still someone who talks about healthcare should be fined for No. 8
no. 9 I did not know this....burn bitch.
Ummm, since when does emergency admission call up the admin office to check out someone for whether or not they owe a bill?

"Excuse me, but we've got a patient here holding his intestines as they leak yellow puss on the floor...can you take a look in the books and see if there is a financial hold for him?"

She's a snake. If she bought that story as she was telling it, then it shows she's more out of touch with how medical care works for those of us who actually live in the real world than Bush was for not knowing the price of milk in 1992.

I just don't buy it.
Ummm, since when does emergency admission call up the admin office to check out someone for whether or not they owe a bill?

"Excuse me, but we've got a patient here holding his intestines as they leak yellow puss on the floor...can you take a look in the books and see if there is a financial hold for him?"

She's a snake. If she bought that story as she was telling it, then it shows she's more out of touch with how medical care works for those of us who actually live in the real world than Bush was for not knowing the price of milk in 1992.

I just don't buy it.

apparently a sheriff told her that story and she grabbed it cause it was too wonderful a 'gift' not to tell on her stump speeches...but yeah what you say makes sense...just saw it on MSNBC this morning thats all....

after all we dont want to be called Clinton bashers ;)
DAVIS (CBS13) ― Bill Clinton may have charmed the crowd at UC Davis in January, when 7500 people showed up to see him, but charm has not covered the Clinton campaign bill.

The University of California in Davis is ready to take the Clinton presidential campaign to a collection agency if they do not pay back the thousands of dollars they are still owed.

Here's a breakdown of expenses:

- The UC Davis Marching Band cost $500.
- Cleanup services after the rally cost $250.
- UC Davis Police officers didn't come as cheap. The security bill is more than $5,600.

"I'm more than willing to be held accountable for it, because that's the way life is," Hillary Clinton said to a Montana crowd on Monday. There is no word whether she'll apply that philosophy here, or if she even knows about the outstanding debt.

Her Sacramento campaign office closed its doors after Super Tuesday, and her campaign spokespeople didn't return my calls.

UC Davis is planning to put its final bill out this week, and if the debt has not been settled within a month, they are going to turn the matter over to a collection agency.

saw this snippet of news.

They're doing that all over the country.

I hope they do end up going into collection, but the Clintons will probably sense the Public Relations disaster that would be and go ahead and make a "business decision" to pay that and instead stiff upcoming vendors whose bills won't become past due until after June.

If I were a vendor for them I would want cash upfront and one of those little pens to check bill authenticity before I lifted a finger.
$109m income since 2000...

Is this for her only or for both of them? If it was for both I'm surprised at the low figure.
How's Barack doing in Pennsylvania with his recent comments?

One thing's for sure it seems the press has latched on to it so much more vigorously than Hillary's blatant lying about landing in Bosnia. Or so I think....What are Americans' views?
One thing's for sure it seems the press has latched on to it so much more vigorously than Hillary's blatant lying about landing in Bosnia. Or so I think....What are Americans' views?

Not sure if i'd go along with that actually, although i too am not in the US, from what i could gather she did seem to take a fair pasting in the media for it.

In the ABC debate last night in Philadelphia there was a question from someone who claimed to have supported Hillary until the Bosnia comments and what could she say to win his vote back.

Personally speaking, if that was the issue that made him turn away from her i don't think the answer that he received will have bowled him over particularly.

I called it a debate but it wasn't really much of one if you ask me, and the hosts were angling toward media scandal over policy areas for most of the time i was following it. During which Obama probably lost out however that is JMO of course.

I think Obama siad that the race had been going on for 15 months! How do the Americans put up with it?

You know we should have done a sweep on the Caf on the amoun of times that Hillary refers people to visit her website. ;)
ABC and it's hosts are taking huge heat from the viewers on a Clinton Bias. The appearance, as I choose to not call it a debate ~ as much as an ambush, of the two candidates leaned more towards a Carl Rovian attack and smear campaign against Obama.
ABC and it's hosts are taking huge heat from the viewers on a Clinton Bias. The appearance, as I choose to not call it a debate ~ as much as an ambush, of the two candidates leaned more towards a Carl Rovian attack and smear campaign against Obama.

George whatshisname is on the Clinton payroll...he is a worthless journalist who asked questions that were given him from extreme right wing radio.

most people were fed up that they did not talk about issues...Clinton is done...all she is doing is trying to make sure Obama does not win this election so she can run again in 2012....cause after that the hag's loss of memory would have got even worse....
Hillary needs to win big in Pennsylvania, looks like she's doing it. :)
I've heard some reports that even if she wins by 10-12% it still might not be enough to save her.
I've heard some reports that even if she wins by 10-12% it still might not be enough to save her.

More then enough in a lead like that [or near it] to keep the race going, both in her mind and the superdelegates.

All the while McCain stands happily on the sidelines raising money and support. I heard some commentators say on Monday how surprised they were with his current standing in the polls.
I can't see anyway she drops out at all no matter if she wins or loses. She'll stay in it to the detriment of her own party. Her and Bill will just get nasty and prepare all the lawsuits.
I've heard some reports that even if she wins by 10-12% it still might not be enough to save her.

As far as I understand it neither Clinton nor Obama can get majority from regular delegates. The name of the game is to finish strongly to convince enough superdelegates that you can beat McCain. She is unlikely to quit as long as she get reasonable results.
I heard that a double digit win might be enough to help her persuade enough super delegates to back her. 5% leaves everything in limbo. Less and particularly an Obama win could see here drop out
and she's got the double digit win she desperately needed...

The gap on the "popular vote" is rapidly closing and as one commentator noted on Fox News last night, her trouble is that she didn't have a Caucus strategy, if she did, she'd have wrapped it up...
and she's got the double digit win she desperately needed...

The gap on the "popular vote" is rapidly closing and as one commentator noted on Fox News last night, her trouble is that she didn't have a Caucus strategy, if she did, she'd have wrapped it up...

she won by 8.6% to be exact...of course that would be 'double digit' :D

she is dead in the water...the Dems better get rid of her carcus before it stinks too much...as for her caucus strategy...she had an idiot for her campaign strategist...Penn :lol: what a tool...and she still owes him money for his great advice....
The Clintons are just slimy, greasy politicians, in my view.

Obama will definitely change things, whether for better or worse, I don't know. But if I could vote, I'd be voting for that risk of change.

BTW, I hate it when someone votes for Hillary just to be a good feminist. I thought feminism was about the equality of the sexes, and not women are better at everything, men suck, let's choose women for everything regardless of whether they are actually trustworthy or not. Girl power! Go Hillary!