U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Obama offers Secretary of State to Hillary.

US President-elect Barack Obama is said to have offered former rival Hillary Clinton the post of Secretary of State, the American equivalent of foreign secretary.

There are reports in the USmedia that the pair met to discuss whether Senator Clinton would be interested in taking the role.

Mrs Clinton is said to have left the meeting under the impression that the job was hers if she wanted it.

Appointing her to such a high-profile post would help to heal some of the rifts in the Democratic Party following the bitter fight for the presidential nomination.

Many Democrats were upset that Mr Obama chose Joe Biden as his running mate rather than Mrs Clinton, who won 18 million votes in the race for the nomination.

However, she went on to campaign enthusiastically for Mr Obama.

The former First Lady would not be the first woman to get the job and would follow in the footsteps of the current holder, Condoleezza Rice, and Madeleine Albright, who served under Bill Clinton.

Mrs Clinton, 61, has extensive foreign policy experience, having travelled widely when her husband Bill was president from 1993 to 2001, and from her time in the Senate, where she serves on the Armed Services Committee.

According to the Washington Post, Mrs Clinton's name emerged as a possible Secretary of State because the Obama camp "is not overly happy with the usual suspects" mentioned for the job.

These include Senator John Kerry, a former presidential candidate, former US representative to the United Nations Richard Holbrooke and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson.

Republican Senator Richard Lugar, whom Mr Obama admires, has made clear he does not want to serve in the administration.

Chuck Hagel, another Republican Senator and a moderate on foreign policy, is also said to be in the mix for a national security job after touring Iraq and Afghanistan with Mr Obama earlier this year.

Speculation has also swirled around the post of Defence Secretary, with rumours that current incumbent Robert Gates might be asked to stay on.

I thought this said everything you stated:

Even if Obama and the Clintons don't agree on the details of how to govern, Barack Obama would benefit enormously by having them close to see their style within the political circles unfamiliar to Obama.

Only without the gushing appreciation that you have for her.

Not particularly gushing, more that I think she has the characteristics, knowledge and weight you want in a foreign secretary. I think the stuff about 'style within the political circles unfamiliar to Obama' is secondary.
An Isreali doctor says "medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of a man , put it in another, and have them looking for work in six weeks."

A German doctor says that's nothing; we can take a lung out out of a person, put it in another, and have them looking for work in four weeks.

A Russian doctor says "in my country medicine is so advanced that we can take half a heart out of person, put it another, and have them both looking for work in two weeks."

The Texan doctor not to be outdone, says "you guys are way behind, we recently took a man with no brains out of Texas, put him in the White House for eight years, and now half the country is looking for work."
Haven't heard anything recently about the investigations into Acorn. Is it being brushed under the carpet?

Can you kindly inform us how many fake voters the investigation found?

If Fix News and their moronic audience had really analyzed the Acorn 'boogie man' the GOP created so they could try and disenfranchise Americans from voting per their attempt in OHIO, which they failed because we had a honest Secretary of State...they would have realised even if all these fake voters had got to the polling booth...guess what they could not have voted.....

...but guess what Fix news with the anti-semite Hannity and and shoot me up junkie Limbaugh and Billo the Clown are able to push this garbage because they have a lowly educated audience that makes Joe the Plumber look like a genius....

...must try harder...
An Isreali doctor says "medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of a man , put it in another, and have them looking for work in six weeks."

A German doctor says that's nothing; we can take a lung out out of a person, put it in another, and have them looking for work in four weeks.

A Russian doctor says "in my country medicine is so advanced that we can take half a heart out of person, put it another, and have them both looking for work in two weeks."

The Texan doctor not to be outdone, says "you guys are way behind, we recently took a man with no brains out of Texas, put him in the White House for eight years, and now half the country is looking for work."

...but tbf half the country that did not have brains voted for him.....
Can you kindly inform us how many fake voters the investigation found?

If Fix News and their moronic audience had really analyzed the Acorn 'boogie man' the GOP created so they could try and disenfranchise Americans from voting per their attempt in OHIO, which they failed because we had a honest Secretary of State...they would have realised even if all these fake voters had got to the polling booth...guess what they could not have voted.....

...but guess what Fix news with the anti-semite Hannity and and shoot me up junkie Limbaugh and Billo the Clown are able to push this garbage because they have a lowly educated audience that makes Joe the Plumber look like a genius....

...must try harder...


Keith? Keith Olbermann? Is that you?

As for Fox News viewers, I'd actually bet they are fairly highly educated. Uneducated watch American Idol and such. That's the only reason it can possibly still be on tv.
Cali Red what do you think of this whole Prop 8 things?

Seems as though the homos are truly the biggots in this case. I understand they wanted gay marriage, but the way they are trying to persecute people for voting yes on Prop 8 is disgusting. They lost fair and square, yet I reckon a CA Supreme Court Justice will strike down the ban

"No matter what you think of Proposition 8, we ought to respect people's right to participate in the political process. It strikes me as quite ironic that a group of people who demand tolerance and who claim to be for civil rights are so willing to be intolerant and trample on other people's civil rights."

I found this quote very accurate
Haven't heard anything recently about the investigations into Acorn. Is it being brushed under the carpet?
Yes. The executive branch of government, headed by left-wing extremists bent on overthrowing the Constitution, has prevented a thorough investigation of the greatest threat to the fabric of American democracy since...well, since...drawing a blank, this is definitely the worst. Electoral malfeasance. Ever. It is a known fact that over 15,000 ballots were cast in Ohio by Democrat Party operatives wearing mouse ears and fake noses, and carrying fraudulent forms of identification issued to Mouse, Michael M, DOB: 1/1/01. But will the liberal media ever report this fact? Hells no!

In obstructing a proper investigation by either officials of the Justice Department, or better yet Sean Hannity and a torch-wielding mob, Richard Cheney and George W. Bush have shown themselves to be the anti-American elitists that we have always known them to be. Have they no shame? They have truly earned this Wag of My Finger.:nono:
Cali Red what do you think of this whole Prop 8 things?

Seems as though the homos are truly the biggots in this case. I understand they wanted gay marriage, but the way they are trying to persecute people for voting yes on Prop 8 is disgusting. They lost fair and square, yet I reckon a CA Supreme Court Justice will strike down the ban

"No matter what you think of Proposition 8, we ought to respect people's right to participate in the political process. It strikes me as quite ironic that a group of people who demand tolerance and who claim to be for civil rights are so willing to be intolerant and trample on other people's civil rights."

I found this quote very accurate

I personally do not care who people are having sex with. I have no problems with any lifestyle. What I do not want is legislation from the bench, and California is probably the worst of all the states about this. It seems as though any activist group can find a judge to block or strike down a law that they don't like. Tolerance is word that has lost meaning through over use. It seems anymore if you don't agree with a different perspective you are suddenly an intollerant bastard.
I completely agree, they are treating the mormons terribly, I mean who cares if they donated money to the campaign, its not like they killed a gay person of something
Yes. The executive branch of government, headed by left-wing extremists bent on overthrowing the Constitution, has prevented a thorough investigation of the greatest threat to the fabric of American democracy since...well, since...drawing a blank, this is definitely the worst. Electoral malfeasance. Ever. It is a known fact that over 15,000 ballots were cast in Ohio by Democrat Party operatives wearing mouse ears and fake noses, and carrying fraudulent forms of identification issued to Mouse, Michael M, DOB: 1/1/01. But will the liberal media ever report this fact? Hells no!

In obstructing a proper investigation by either officials of the Justice Department, or better yet Sean Hannity and a torch-wielding mob, Richard Cheney and George W. Bush have shown themselves to be the anti-American elitists that we have always known them to be. Have they no shame? They have truly earned this Wag of My Finger.:nono:

I always like how people defend this by brining up the few odd ball registrations. How about the ones registered as something like John Smith. There is also this thing called absentee ballots where you don't have to show up at a polling place but don't let that bother you. I'm sure no voter fraud could ever take place, unless of course it was repubs, right? Are the repubs fixing it in Minnesota for Franken? Ballots in attics and trunks of cars.....what a joke. Obama won fair and square, no doubt, but let's not act like some fishy things weren't going on.
"No matter what you think of Proposition 8, we ought to respect people's right to participate in the political process. It strikes me as quite ironic that a group of people who demand tolerance and who claim to be for civil rights are so willing to be intolerant and trample on other people's civil rights."
Here's the Time article the quote comes from, to give folks a little background. I think the quote is a bit like the debate over abortion. Those who say abortion should be legal say that it's a woman's right to have control over her body, and those trying to ban abortion should respect that right. But those against abortion say that terminating a pregnancy isn't a right, it's murder. And anything done to prevent that murder is justificable.

Those now crying foul in Calfironia (read the article if you haven't already) are saying that they are being victimized by gay people who are persecuting them for exercising their right to free speech, and to engagment in the democratic process. Angry gay citizens says feck you, your free speech involves taking away from me something that is a basic human right, something that should belong to everyone, and we'll do whatever we have to to keep it.

It's a fundamental difference of opinion that will not be resolved in the short term. Shouting at random black people in public (read the article) isn't going to help matters though.
Chris I have seen this shit going on in front of me, their behavior is absolutely unacceptable
Yes. The executive branch of government, headed by left-wing extremists bent on overthrowing the Constitution, has prevented a thorough investigation of the greatest threat to the fabric of American democracy since...well, since...drawing a blank, this is definitely the worst. Electoral malfeasance. Ever. It is a known fact that over 15,000 ballots were cast in Ohio by Democrat Party operatives wearing mouse ears and fake noses, and carrying fraudulent forms of identification issued to Mouse, Michael M, DOB: 1/1/01. But will the liberal media ever report this fact? Hells no!

In obstructing a proper investigation by either officials of the Justice Department, or better yet Sean Hannity and a torch-wielding mob, Richard Cheney and George W. Bush have shown themselves to be the anti-American elitists that we have always known them to be. Have they no shame? They have truly earned this Wag of My Finger.:nono:

Maybe, since Sen. Joe McCarthy's & J. Edgar Hoover attempted to flush the First Amendment of 'free speech' down the toilet, with the assistance of the a majority of Congress.

This has been the most cited comparison to what we Americans have endured under the Bush/Cheney admin.
Maybe, since Sen. Joe McCarthy's & J. Edgar Hoover attempted to flush the First Amendment of 'free speech' down the toilet, with the assistance of the a majority of Congress.

This has been the most cited comparison to what we Americans have endured under the Bush/Cheney admin.

It might be a comparison, but there is no way what Bush and Cheney did was anywhere near the level of what McCarthy did, not in any sort of way
It might be a comparison, but there is no way what Bush and Cheney did was anywhere near the level of what McCarthy did, not in any sort of way

Alex, you are delusional if you think Bush/Cheney hasn't been worse.

McCarthy and Hoover frightened lots of people and destroyed the careers of a few hundred, if not a few thousand people in the entertainment industry.

Shall I list the ways Bush/Cheney were worse:

1. Directed what many see as International Crimes of Torture.

2. Invaded a country upon Unlawful premise... causing the death of 100,000's of people that had nothing to do with terrorism.

3. Wiretapping (Writer Mr. Hersh of the New Yorker says on Jan. 20th we will learn the full extent of the unlawful span of this problem)

4. The excelloration of the environmental decline

5. The judicial system that has been turned on it's ear, with zero accountability.

I could go on all night... but as it approaches 2am, I find it pointless to explain this to the King of Spammers.;)

I always like how people defend this by brining up the few odd ball registrations...
According to John McCain, ACORN was "on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy". If you're going to say that in the middle of the campaign, you need evidence of serious malfeasance, and so far...I just don't see it. The fraud they were accused of was in voter registration, the most notable - not "oddball" - having been the massive amounts of registration cards filled out in identical handwriting, with identical names, such as, to use the example most often cited in the media, Mickey Mouse. That made The Economist for feck's sake, which is hardly a left-wing attack outlet.
I'm sure no voter fraud could ever take place, unless of course it was repubs, right?
Where is the voter fraud? To begin with, ACORN has been accused of voter registration fraud, which is not the same thing at all. And yet despite a Republican-headed executive branch of government with the power to direct investigations and find wrongdoing....where is the evidence of deliberate wrongdoing? Where are the criminal indictments? There aren't any indictments as far as I know, and I don't expect there to be any. And this is not because "the media" is trying to have it "swept under the rug", as Mr. TWITT has posited, but because the allegations were not intended to produce criminal indictments. They were intended to undermine voters' confidence in the integrity of the Democratic candidate for President, which I'm happy to say they failed to do. In addition, the media doesn't have the ability to sweep it under the rug - that only lies with the authorities who have the power to investigate, and to pursue criminal charges if they are warranted. Until that happens, there is no story to report any more.

If there really was criminal wrongdoing, do you think that authorities in Republican controlled states would just be letting them off the hook? Of course they wouldn't. So until those criminal charges get filed, let's just move along, because there really is nothing to see here.
Are the repubs fixing it in Minnesota for Franken? Ballots in attics and trunks of cars.....what a joke.
It is a joke, just not the kind you think it is. Because the "ballots in the trunk of the car" story is a complete fiction, according to Minneapolis Elections Director Cindy Reichert. And Coleman lawyer Fritz Knaak, who originally "broke" the story, cited no source for the tale, and was actually backing away from it at the same press event from which it began it's sordid journey over the airwaves. As a Minnesota paper reported the same day, "Knaak said he feels assured that what was going on with the 32 ballots was neither wrong nor unfair." Yet Minnesota's Republican Governor, Tim Pawlenty, has been on Hannity's Fox show saying that the 32 ballots were in Reichert's car (even though they weren't) unattended for several days (even though they spent election day through recount day in secure facilities), and Hannity later "reported" that all 32 votes were for Franken (even though only 18 were).

Oh, it's a joke alright. It surely is.
Obama won fair and square, no doubt, but let's not act like some fishy things weren't going on.
Yes, let's not. I personally have decided not to post my outrage over the numerous reported instances of phone calls and fliers directing Democratic voters across the country to show up at the polls on Wednesday, November 5th. Why? Because it would be undignified. Not quite as undignified as TWITT's appeal for justice over the democratic-fabric-rending lawlessness of ACORN, or your whining about my attempt to make him look like silly for trying, but undignified nonetheless. So let's just keep moving, shall we, because once again there really is nothing to see here.
Alex, you are delusional if you think Bush/Cheney hasn't been worse.

McCarthy and Hoover frightened lots of people and destroyed the careers of a few hundred, if not a few thousand people in the entertainment industry.

Shall I list the ways Bush/Cheney were worse:

1. Directed what many see as International Crimes of Torture.

2. Invaded a country upon Unlawful premise... causing the death of 100,000's of people that had nothing to do with terrorism.

3. Wiretapping (Writer Mr. Hersh of the New Yorker says on Jan. 20th we will learn the full extent of the unlawful span of this problem)

4. The excelloration of the environmental decline

5. The judicial system that has been turned on it's ear, with zero accountability.

I could go on all night... but as it approaches 2am, I find it pointless to explain this to the King of Spammers.;)


That has nothing to do with your original comparison to do McCarthy though, as for the environment several presidents have been worse imo
Cali Red what do you think of this whole Prop 8 things?

Seems as though the homos are truly the biggots in this case. I understand they wanted gay marriage, but the way they are trying to persecute people for voting yes on Prop 8 is disgusting. They lost fair and square, yet I reckon a CA Supreme Court Justice will strike down the ban

"No matter what you think of Proposition 8, we ought to respect people's right to participate in the political process. It strikes me as quite ironic that a group of people who demand tolerance and who claim to be for civil rights are so willing to be intolerant and trample on other people's civil rights."

I found this quote very accurate

Shockingly stupid comment. Their rights were taken away. They are angry. The "bigots" would be the people who took away their rights because of their religious beliefs. The Mormons and their like deserve any horrible shit that is coming their way.

"Lost fair and square" is the most fecking retarded comment to stripping away people's right's ive ever heard of. Remember when blacks lost their rights to be free fair and square? They should have just accepted it and moved on.
Who is to say what is wrong with polygamy then, I wouldnt mind multiple wives; ITS MY feckING RIGHT
Who to say something is wrong with marrying a 14 yr old then
Oh thats right depending on these arbritrary boundaries it is some places but isnt in ohters
Oh thats right depending on these arbritrary boundaries it is some places but isnt in ohters

Yes, totally.

Here's your brilliant reasoning.

Courts uphold the constitution and agree people of the same sex can marry.

Religion that was based on polygamy sends 20 million from another state to take away that right. Law is passed. (Democracy)

Gay people protest and start boycott against people who sent money. (Democracy)

Gays are out of line. Mormons are not.

fecking brilliant.

Please, keep going.
I always like how people defend this by brining up the few odd ball registrations. How about the ones registered as something like John Smith. There is also this thing called absentee ballots where you don't have to show up at a polling place but don't let that bother you. I'm sure no voter fraud could ever take place, unless of course it was repubs, right? Are the repubs fixing it in Minnesota for Franken? Ballots in attics and trunks of cars.....what a joke. Obama won fair and square, no doubt, but let's not act like some fishy things weren't going on.

minnesota state law requires that votes be counted in the ward (we call them wards, feck knows what you call them), so absentee ballots delivered to a central place were then driven to the wards by 15 (something like 7 dems, 4 independants and 4 republicans) officials, some though were sent out too late to be counted (the cars left at half 7 and the wards closed/stop counting at 8) so they were driven back to the central point and then stored securely.

As for the attic thing it just happens that their fully secured room for storing the ballots is in an attic.

I find it amazing that an Englishman who has never been to the US can find this out in 5 minutes but you prefer to just spout Fox news bollocks without taking the time.

As for the 'fishy things going on' I'm afraid you'll require some sort of evidence, any sort will do, on a scale to have any effect on the outcome of any election to be taken seriously on a board with a large number of european contributors.

You know the basis of a democracy isn't just having a vote, it's having an informed electorate...
minnesota state law requires that votes be counted in the ward (we call them wards, feck knows what you call them), so absentee ballots delivered to a central place were then driven to the wards by 15 (something like 7 dems, 4 independants and 4 republicans) officials, some though were sent out too late to be counted (the cars left at half 7 and the wards closed/stop counting at 8) so they were driven back to the central point and then stored securely.

As for the attic thing it just happens that their fully secured room for storing the ballots is in an attic.

I find it amazing that an Englishman who has never been to the US can find this out in 5 minutes but you prefer to just spout Fox news bollocks without taking the time.

As for the 'fishy things going on' I'm afraid you'll require some sort of evidence, any sort will do, on a scale to have any effect on the outcome of any election to be taken seriously on a board with a large number of european contributors.

You know the basis of a democracy isn't just having a vote, it's having an informed electorate...

The only two institutions that call their facilities 'Wards' in the USA...

1. The Mormon religous meeting halls

2. And Psyco-Wards

3. Oh... can't forget the sectioned neighborhoods of New Orleans. (Hard to forget that one)

Strange that, eh?

Just a thought... ;)

Keith? Keith Olbermann? Is that you?

As for Fox News viewers, I'd actually bet they are fairly highly educated. Uneducated watch American Idol and such. That's the only reason it can possibly still be on tv.

..that was an insult :smirk:

anyone who listens to the like of Limbaugh and Hannity are arseholes....cause these people are racists and bigots....