U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
for the benefit of the right wing loonies on this board....please put away your desperate accusations about Wright,Ayers and other smears will ya....you cant run with them in 2012......think up some new creative ones....you boring lying gits.

We'll have plenty of things to moan about in four years time, don't you worry about that.
Obama wants to crack down on International tax havens including British territories (sort of) such as Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man. Prime Minister Gordon Brown's government is apparently showing a luke warm reaction to the proposal.

It's started by the looks of it, the path to Socialism. We'll be back in 2012.


If you watched something other than FOX News, you might know that Congress has already been calling in people that have used these tax-havens to dodge taxes.

By means of illegal intention...

Your King George Bush, has supported this effort. Besides, I believe the Swiss are tired of the legal troubles, and are moving towards more transparency. (I recall reading something about it in the Washington Post)

Nice try, in attempting to blame it on Obama... you musta picked it up from the ROVE News channel, huh?

If you hurry, you might be able to buy your sixth or seventh automatic assault rifle to protect yourself from the tax-man.

If you watched something other than FOX News, you might know that Congress has already been calling in people that have used these tax-havens to dodge taxes.

By means of illegal intention...

Your King George Bush, has supported this effort. Besides, I believe the Swiss are tired of the legal troubles, and are moving towards more transparency. (I recall reading something about it in the Washington Post)

Nice try, in attempting to blame it on Obama... you musta picked it up from the ROVE News channel, huh?

If you hurry, you might be able to buy your sixth or seventh automatic assault rifle to protect yourself from the tax-man.

Or trick or treaters.
Obama wants to crack down on International tax havens including British territories (sort of) such as Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man. Prime Minister Gordon Brown's government is apparently showing a luke warm reaction to the proposal.

It's started by the looks of it, the path to Socialism. We'll be back in 2012.

That is the craziest thing I've heard since the election. I suppose you are all for money laundering and tax evasion. You feel people can use yourgovernment and your country without paying their dues - and you are a supposed conservative. I don't know if you have noticed but your economy is going tits up and your national debt is greater than what your population can pay. These are bad things.

Who is this "we" you mention. Are you an active member of the republicans? Have you run a campaign? If not, then I hate to break it to you but they don't give a shit about you. Using the inclusive term 'we' is you pretending that your party gives a shit about the common man (they don't and really, most of the dems don't either). Get in touch with reality and start being critical of your entire system, not just the part you don't agree with.

FFS if you want a single party to rule your country so badly why didn't you move to Iraq when Saddam was in power. He's a perfect example of what happens when one group is left to govern unchecked.

Oh, and do yourself a favour and read a variety of viewpoints.

And last but not least, although it might come off that I don't like posting replies to you, I do, because, unlike you, I see the value of diverse opinion.
We'll have plenty of things to moan about in four years time, don't you worry about that.

You might have a health care system that actually cares about people and not just their wallets. What a thing to protest and worry about. I bet you are a quaking right now. No war monger in the white house - that means you can't encourage the blind use of violence against a group of people (whoever they may be). That means more money available to deal with internal issues such as your economy and debt load - horrible stuff clearly.

You might have a health care system that actually cares about people and not just their wallets. What a thing to protest and worry about. I bet you are a quaking right now. No war monger in the white house - that means you can't encourage the blind use of violence against a group of people (whoever they may be). That means more money available to deal with internal issues such as your economy and debt load - horrible stuff clearly.


hey...he is one one of those who does not give a feck about people who have to make a choice about living and going bankrupt.....compassionate conservatism

Been so busy with work it's been hard to get on here and check out the thread. Surprisingly it's even worse than I thought. No graciousness in victory for the dems I see. And some of the rediculous statements about Lieberman and Palin are pretty funny. FWIW, I hope Obama does follow up with his campaign promises about uniting the country. He's going to have a tough time with that considering Pelosi, Reid, Frank and company will be leading congress. I did notice during his speech a day or two after the election his sign on the podium, "Office of the President Elect".....what the hell is that? I think someones ego needs a check. As for the repubs, time to evaluate the party from top to bottom. They have less of a clue what the common American is more than ever before.
Been so busy with work it's been hard to get on here and check out the thread. Surprisingly it's even worse than I thought. No graciousness in victory for the dems I see. And some of the rediculous statements about Lieberman and Palin are pretty funny. FWIW, I hope Obama does follow up with his campaign promises about uniting the country. He's going to have a tough time with that considering Pelosi, Reid, Frank and company will be leading congress. I did notice during his speech a day or two after the election his sign on the podium, "Office of the President Elect".....what the hell is that? I think someones ego needs a check. As for the repubs, time to evaluate the party from top to bottom. They have less of a clue what the common American is more than ever before.

nice to see you back Cali Red ;)
stop bitching will ya....

hurting still are ya....dont know what you are referring to re...Palin...but if you are promoting her for 2012...you will have my full support...about the dog shite Lieberman....so if the tables were turned....you lot would welcome him back with open arms?
nice to see you back Cali Red ;)
stop bitching will ya....

hurting still are ya....dont know what you are referring to re...Palin...but if you are promoting her for 2012...you will have my full support...about the dog shite Lieberman....so if the tables were turned....you lot would welcome him back with open arms?

I'm not hurting at all really. My guy only got 400,000+ votes. As for Lieberman I thought it was about taking the country in a new direction and reaching across the isle? So the first order of business is to shitcan some one that doesn't agree with your policies? I'm confused, I thought it was change not business as usual. Even if my guy doesn't win I can say good on him. He's my president and I hope he does what's right for the country.

I need a shower.....

Obama wants to crack down on International tax havens including British territories (sort of) such as Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man. Prime Minister Gordon Brown's government is apparently showing a luke warm reaction to the proposal.

It's started by the looks of it, the path to Socialism. We'll be back in 2012.

Socialism :lol:

It's the way you tell em.
Been so busy with work it's been hard to get on here and check out the thread. Surprisingly it's even worse than I thought. No graciousness in victory for the dems I see. And some of the rediculous statements about Lieberman and Palin are pretty funny. FWIW, I hope Obama does follow up with his campaign promises about uniting the country. He's going to have a tough time with that considering Pelosi, Reid, Frank and company will be leading congress. I did notice during his speech a day or two after the election his sign on the podium, "Office of the President Elect".....what the hell is that? I think someones ego needs a check. As for the repubs, time to evaluate the party from top to bottom. They have less of a clue what the common American is more than ever before.

I believe it is and has always been an official office.

It's just that this new president has a tough task cut out for him so everyone is focusing on him. I seem to remember seeing Bush at one of those podiums in 2000....although that was ages ago my memory is fading on that matter.

EDIT: I'm guessing you were going for McCain, but aren't bullheaded about the whole thing?
I'm not hurting at all really. My guy only got 400,000+ votes. As for Lieberman I thought it was about taking the country in a new direction and reaching across the isle? So the first order of business is to shitcan some one that doesn't agree with your policies? I'm confused, I thought it was change not business as usual. Even if my guy doesn't win I can say good on him. He's my president and I hope he does what's right for the country.

I need a shower.....


I have always respected McCain...thought he ran a very stupid campaign...but he wants to work with Obama...never doubted that....
Lieberman is a bitter opportunist....its not about getting even....its about paying the price...there are no free lunches.....Leiberman has destroyed his legacy...whatever happens....and I for one would like to spit on his grave.

Palin... now if that is where the GOP goes...I will be laughing my arse off....not because I think she is a dumb bitch....but because that would be the signal that the GOP is trapped in its courting of the Confederate past....to me its a bit like Hotel California....except it is Hotel Dixie...."you can check out but can never leave" ;)
I have always respected McCain...thought he ran a very stupid campaign...but he wants to work with Obama...never doubted that....
Lieberman is a bitter opportunist....its not about getting even....its about paying the price...there are no free lunches.....Leiberman has destroyed his legacy...whatever happens....and I for one would like to spit on his grave.

Palin... now if that is where the GOP goes...I will be laughing my arse off....not because I think she is a dumb bitch....but because that would be the signal that the GOP is trapped in its courting of the Confederate past....to me its a bit like Hotel California....except it is Hotel Dixie...."you can check out but can never leave" ;)

Agreed. The man was good, what he was surrounded with was his problem. I have no doubt he truly wants to work with Obama for the betterment of the USA. My hope is that they work together in a positive way to unite the country again.

Perhaps even WWITT won't have to worry about becoming a socialist state:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
just wanted to add. Cali Red...if you want to see where the GOP is headed, see what has happened to the GOP in New England......

your party going south...has destroyed the party there...the Real GOP.....if this continues...it will become a Regional Party......
Agreed. The man was good, what he was surrounded with was his problem. I have no doubt he truly wants to work with Obama for the betterment of the USA. My hope is that they work together in a positive way to unite the country again.

Perhaps even WWITT won't have to worry about becoming a socialist state:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

WWITT watches Fox....I mean really how can anyone watching anti Semite Hannity, druggie Lambaugh and Billo the Clown and not have his head turn into mush.....
I believe it is and has always been an official office.

It's just that this new president has a tough task cut out for him so everyone is focusing on him. I seem to remember seeing Bush at one of those podiums in 2000....although that was ages ago my memory is fading on that matter.

EDIT: I'm guessing you were going for McCain, but aren't bullheaded about the whole thing?

If it is, I've never heard of it and I can't find anything with a quick search. I wasn't going fo McCain. I was registered a Republican but changed a while back because the party had become a circus. I'm currently registered a Libertarian but I don't fall under any one party idealogically. I have a hard time with anyone that goes along with something just because a party leader tell them too. Jim Jones anyone......;)
The socialist argument as made by Joe the Plumber below and a few muppets in this thread really speaks to how devoid the Republican Party is of ideas and substance to where their only hope of carrying elections is to discredit the opposition. The voters have finally become wise to this and its one of the main reasons McCain got trounced in the election.

just wanted to add. Cali Red...if you want to see where the GOP is headed, see what has happened to the GOP in New England......

your party going south...has destroyed the party there...the Real GOP.....if this continues...it will become a Regional Party......

I wouldn't get too awefully excited about that if I were you. In the end it's still politics and parties change. We'll have 8 years of demos I believe and then everyone will be tired of their shit. It's all cyclical.
The socialist argument as made by Joe the Plumber below and a few muppets in this thread really speaks to how devoid the Republican Party is of ideas and substance to where their only hope of carrying elections is to discredit the opposition. The voters have finally become wise to this and its one of the main reasons McCain got trounced in the election.

The main reason McCain got "trounced" was that he is in the same political party as the current president who is enjoying near unprecedented unpopularity.
A good old bit of government regualtion and oversight might have avoided the financial crisis anyway. So this "socialism", as anything to the left of Genis Kahn was labelled, could have saved the republicans. How anyoe can't see why some basis non-intrusive regualtion requiring lenders to make basic assesment of wheather borrowers can afford the loan is beyond me. When loans of over 100%, with no credit checks and no income proof are available it doesn't take a genius to see the potential downfalls. And that is just at the "Main Street" end of town.

And the lack of a socialised health system in the US is plainly a huge success.
I wouldn't get too awefully excited about that if I were you. In the end it's still politics and parties change. We'll have 8 years of demos I believe and then everyone will be tired of their shit. It's all cyclical.

the point I was making is....the GOP by courting the evangelicals and their agendas are cutting off the rest of America....all the BS about Real America and Fake America.....and you cannot win the election with only a third of the party...which this group is....look Palin scared the shit out of working class whites in PA.....she pushed them into Obama's arms....

to address your theory.....

the young voters who volunteered and voted for Obama will remain Democrats for a generation.....and they will remain a solid part of the party....

Obama had 4 categories of voters...

AA rock solid...
Liberal/Progressives - educated whites
and the youth vote...

The Republican party cannot beat that.....all they have now solid is the white evangelicals......even the white working class vote was split....Ohio and PA.... in spite...or perhaps of Joe the moron... :lol:

heck even those earning more than $200,000 voted more for Obama.....the group Obama is going to tax... :D

boy I love George Bush :)
The main reason McCain got "trounced" was that he is in the same political party as the current president who is enjoying near unprecedented unpopularity.

His lack of popularity can be attributed to his lack of success as a President, which is a direct result of a lack of creative policies and ideas from him and his party. People like to rationalize McCain's failure as being due to Bush's lack of popularity or the economic crisis in order to blunt the disappointment that Obama won because he truly connected with American voters and now has a carte blanche mandate via an even more Democratic Congress than before, to execute his agenda.

I remember I was watching the CNN post debate webcast after 'Joe the Plumber' had featured so heavily, and they actually had his on telephone link to talk about it. The unbelievable duplicity of it is that he tried to pretend he was just a regular swing voter, not sure who to vote for, but when pressed he said possibly leaning towards McCain. Leaning my arse, it was an act of duplicity which frankly the Republican campaign was built on this time round. They gambled that people were stupid, but eventually realised there just aren't enough stupid people out there. Not willing to vote anyway

Cali Red said:
The main reason McCain got "trounced" was that he is in the same political party as the current president who is enjoying near unprecedented unpopularity

Made it very hard for him, although it probably meant he was the only Republican with a chance also. He was tight in the polls only a couple of months before the vote though, so I'm not sure its just down to his party, although that's certain to have (rightly) influenced many voters. I think the way he acted when the economy issue broke nailed him. He seemed like a man who didn't know what he was doing, suspending his campaign one day, campaigning again the next. And his 'fundimentals of the economy are sound' soundbite was the great gaff of this election for me, there's no coming back from looking out of touch at the beginning of such a major crisis that effects everyone. He should have been able to use his 'experience' card much more effectively on that issue, but he shot himself and as the economic crisis got bigger, so his electorial credibility diminished
His lack of popularity can be attributed to his lack of success as a President, which is a direct result of a lack of creative policies and ideas from him and his party. People like to rationalize McCain's failure as being due to Bush's lack of popularity or the economic crisis in order to blunt the disappointment that Obama won because he truly connected with American voters and now has a carte blanche mandate via an even more Democratic Congress than before, to execute his agenda.

And hopefully he'll do the right thing, what he said he'll do. But the sceptic in me says it'll be business as usual in DC. Also, I'm not saying McCains loss was solely due to Bush but it was clearly a factor. As the Obama campaign kept reminding everyone. The other part was he might hve run one of the worst campaings in history, certainly in recent memory.
Made it very hard for him, although it probably meant he was the only Republican with a chance also. He was tight in the polls only a couple of months before the vote though, so I'm not sure its just down to his party, although that's certain to have (rightly) influenced many voters. I think the way he acted when the economy issue broke nailed him. He seemed like a man who didn't know what he was doing, suspending his campaign one day, campaigning again the next. And his 'fundimentals of the economy are sound' soundbite was the great gaff of this election for me, there's no coming back from looking out of touch at the beginning of such a major crisis that effects everyone. He should have been able to use his 'experience' card much more effectively on that issue, but he shot himself and as the economic crisis got bigger, so his electorial credibility diminished

Good point.
And hopefully he'll do the right thing, what he said he'll do. But the sceptic in me says it'll be business as usual in DC. Also, I'm not saying McCains loss was solely due to Bush but it was clearly a factor. As the Obama campaign kept reminding everyone. The other part was he might hve run one of the worst campaings in history, certainly in recent memory.

look McCain could have struck out in a totally different direction from the outset...meaning away from Bush....OK he did vote 90% with Bush...in his own words...but being a 'maverick' he could have pulled it off...people would have believed him.....but I think in his heart, McCain actually agreed with Bush on fundamental issues...and it was not just the war.....and he would have found it difficult to run on something he did not believe in....

in the end he lost because.....he did not believe in the tactics he was advised to use by Schmidt and Davis.......

for McCain...the presidency was a prize....not a goal....Obama won because he Believed the American people needed his vision.

...he was betting on us.
sign on the podium, "Office of the President Elect".....what the hell is that? I think someones ego needs a check.
I had never heard of it either, but apparently it's nothing new. Here are some references to it following the elections of 1980, 1988, 1992, and 2000. Apparently Michelle Malkin and her ilk will need to find something else to be incensed about, but something tells me that won't take long.
I'm not hurting at all really. My guy only got 400,000+ votes. As for Lieberman I thought it was about taking the country in a new direction and reaching across the isle? So the first order of business is to shitcan some one that doesn't agree with your policies? I'm confused, I thought it was change not business as usual. Even if my guy doesn't win I can say good on him. He's my president and I hope he does what's right for the country.

Uh, no. He called Obama a socialist, questioned his patriotism and attacked him at the RNC - after promising his fellow Senators he would not.

There is reaching across the aisle and there is bending over to take it in the ass from a douchebag. Lieberman is a douchebag, plain and simple. He only cares about himself, not his country, not his state. He cares about Joe.

And don't get confused about "reaching across the aisle." It means he will just pick up the necessary moderates. All the extreme right wing Republicans will get nothing - as they deserve. They had their shot and failed miserably.
Just watching some youtube clips on Obama, Jews, Illuminati, the Rockefellers and the New World Order. More entertaining than Match of the Day.
just was reading about the inevitable Irish connection to O'Bama.

supposedly a vicar in a tiny village of Moneygall in county Offaly unearthed some info on Baracks mothers ancestors.
be a bit funny if the Offaly types were related to the Kenyan side, mind ;)

I had stopped off in that area while I was back in Ireland in the summer, long before I heard about this "connection". I even visited a small proddy church there with the kids. the exact same one probably.
Maybe it's a bad angle. :lol:



In what alternate universe is Michelle Malkin attractive ? This thread has clearly hit rock bottom.