U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The Republican National Com. has spent the day destroying Sarah Palin...

Newsweek Mag. has released all kinds of dirt on Ms. Palin and her family...

- The campaign spent $40,000 on clothing for her husband.

- The campaign spent $20,000 on the children's clothing.

- The best quote is 'They've been like hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus, from coast-to-coast.

- (In an attempt to distance McCain from Palin's 'Going Rogue') They are now saying, McCain and Palin barely spoke with each other throughout the campaign.

- According to Staffers from the McKooky campaign, Palin thought 'Africa' was a country. :p (True Fact)



The Democrats have been meeting with Sen. Joe Leiberman (the traitor, that supported McFailure), and it is starting to look as if the Democrats are going to tell him to feck-off and find another party.
That would be silly, would it not?

It's important to be as bipartisan as possible. Lots of problems need fixing.

No. He controls a committee that he has done dick all with. He should be kicked off that and hold no power, other than being a Senator.

He has not been voting with Democrats on national security issues, but he votes with them on other issues.

But he crossed the line when he gave a speech at the RNC. The Democratic base would be pissed if he were allowed to stay.
feck Lieberman. was for the Iraq war when most of his constituents were against it. what arrogance!
and then hanging around McCain all the time.

seriously Lieb, feck off!
feck Lieberman. was for the Iraq war when most of his constituents were against it. what arrogance!
and then hanging around McCain all the time.

seriously Lieb, feck off!

it is one thing to support McCain...but another thing to smear Obama in the worst way...he also apparently campaigned against a democrat in a house seat.

if he is not 'punished' in some way...the democrats will look weak...

imo he will not win the re election of his seat...CT went solid for Obama...
Here's a good article on the Lieberman situation. He's been an an independent for a couple of years now, but caucused with the democrats on most issues (although not the war in Iraq), giving them a small majority the last two years. But now the Dems don't need him to hold a majority, and he chairs a committee they'd probably like to have one of their own run, especially since it will conduct oversight of the Obama administration. Many also feel he crossed a line during the campaign, not just siding with McCain, but acting as his close advisor, and also being sharply critical of Obama's qualifications for the office. And some of those criticism were, in my opinion, stretching the truth. Anyway, many Democrats would like to see him punished.

I can't remember what it was he said about Obama, but I remember not liking it one bit. This was at the Republican convention, if I remember correctly.
His plans are written in extensive detail on his website. Anyone who wants to know what he plans to do only has to read.
Yes, but that constitutes an unnecessarily steep barrier to entry, wouldn't you say? Seriously though, neither candidate went into much detail in their public speeches. My favorite was McCain's super double secret plan for capturing Osama bin Laden. "My friends, I know how to get bin Laden." And will you tell us how, Senator? "Only once I'm elected." And why haven't you shared your obviously deep insight with the Bush administration? I would think they might have been very interested. "Next question. Preferably about Joe the Plumber."
Yes, but that constitutes an unnecessarily steep barrier to entry, wouldn't you say? Seriously though, neither candidate went into much detail in their public speeches. My favorite was McCain's super double secret plan for capturing Osama bin Laden. "My friends, I know how to get bin Laden." And will you tell us how, Senator? "Only once I'm elected." And why haven't you shared your obviously deep insight with the Bush administration? I would think they might have been very interested. "Next question. Preferably about Joe the Plumber."


what a joke. he seems like a decent enough bloke so I'll have to blame his handlers for things like that.
it is one thing to support McCain...but another thing to smear Obama in the worst way...he also apparently campaigned against a democrat in a house seat.

if he is not 'punished' in some way...the democrats will look weak...

imo he will not win the re election of his seat...CT went solid for Obama...

Unfortunately, Leiberman lives in the richest state in the US, with all the big money behind him... he just might win, again.

Connecticut people are stupid, like that. They believe anything they read or hear about politicians. A great example of North Eastern elite democrats are the Kennedy's. Teddy had been such a screw-ball for so long... and he got re-elected year after year.
It's pretty simple. If they get the 60, they'll let him keep the chairmanship with a promise to tow the line if there's danger of a filibuster.

If they don't, they feck him off, and rightly so. You don't want to enforce party loyalty to the point of excess, but Lieberman has been taking the piss of late.
Yes, but that constitutes an unnecessarily steep barrier to entry, wouldn't you say? Seriously though, neither candidate went into much detail in their public speeches. My favorite was McCain's super double secret plan for capturing Osama bin Laden. "My friends, I know how to get bin Laden." And will you tell us how, Senator? "Only once I'm elected." And why haven't you shared your obviously deep insight with the Bush administration? I would think they might have been very interested. "Next question. Preferably about Joe the Plumber."

That Joe The Plumber came round to look at a leaky tap I had, all it needed was a washer tightening but he made up some cock n bull story about needing new parts and the work taking all day, tried to charge me £800. (He was on holiday in the UK, still trying to stiff people out of their hard earned money.)

Typical Republican-voting twat.
Has this been posted before?

Denys Hatton, from Guildford, added: "If your life is such that you're placing all your hopes in a politician, then may I humbly suggest you get yourself a crate of superlager and a cardboard box and stop wasting everyone's time."
Obama during election night, watching the news on TV. Dunno what station mind


Obama during election night, watching the news on TV. Dunno what station mind
Can't imagine what that would be like. I was nervous as hell but it was nothing compared to what he was going through I'm sure. If I would have been in his shoes, I don't think I'd have been able to watch.

Bye the way, congratulations on the engagement Brad.

Edit: Nevermind on the last part, just read your post in the other thread
Can't imagine what that would be like. I was nervous as hell but it was nothing compared to what he was going through I'm sure. If I would have been in his shoes, I don't think I'd have been able to watch

Especially given all the work you've put into it. Almost 2 years solid work all comes down to one night, and the difference between victory and defeat is absolutely incredible. And to be fair he looks nervous. Surely when Ohio was called he knew like the rest of us, even if it was another 2 hours for confirmation

A lot easier than John McCain, who's done all the same work, has had to act for a couple of weeks pretending he was still in the race, and knowing that barring something astonishing, he was facing defeat. All you can do from there is be the most gracious in defeat as you can, and he certainly didn't dissapoint. Was bittersweet for me, that's the John McCain I was familiar with seeing before. Why did he turn himself into a nasty attack dog for his campaign?
Why did he turn himself into a nasty attack dog for his campaign?

Toeing the party line unfortunately. He's on the wrong side, the Republicans have no place for moderate right wingers, not whilst they're chasing the warmongering / religious vote rather than actual policy.
The candidate knows whether they've won or not from their own private polling on the day, especially when it's such a clear win.

More good acting though, congrats. Bitter? Very much so.
How so? I don't understand the private polling at all.

What is it about Obama that turns you off so much? It doesn't seem like it's just the party affiliation for you but more with the man himself. I understand your bitterness - I was that way in 2000 and 2004.
The candidate knows whether they've won or not from their own private polling on the day, especially when it's such a clear win.

More good acting though, congrats. Bitter? Very much so.

You're assuming his expressions in those pics are tied to his not knowing whether he won or not when he could just be watching TV.
What is it about Obama that turns you off so much?
Other than being a Marxist-Leninist who hates Freedom, and plans to either destroy America from within or turn it into a big gay Sweden (same thing really), WWITT has very little against Mr. B. Hussein Osama. Although there is also the fact that after bringing the troops home in disgrace from Iraq, he will make a point of showing up in person whenever planeloads of our boys come home, in order to spit on them. All of them. This last bit will be conducted in front of the assembled television news cameras, and also the video crew from his soon-to-be-announced reality show on MTV2 entitled, "I'm Barack...bitch!"

But other than that? No idea. I'm looking forward to that show though, I hear Dave Chappelle is going to be involved.

what a joke. he seems like a decent enough bloke so I'll have to blame his handlers for things like that.
I invented the last bit of dialogue of course, but the "My friends, I know how to get bin Laden" bit is a direct quote, and a line he used several times during the campaign. If I remember correctly, I last heard it at the debate where he got to wander around the stage flapping his arms, grinning like a loon, and saying "my friends" about fifty times. Now that, I do blame his handlers for.

Edit: Here's a clip, with follow-up commentary.
Any ideas as to what he was watching instead? ''Friends'' repeat maybe?

He could very well be watching the election results but that doesn't speak to whether or not he knew the results based on "internal polling". McCain claimed his internal polling had him competitive and he ended up losing in a landslide.
He could very well be watching the election results but that doesn't speak to whether or not he knew the results based on "internal polling". McCain claimed his internal polling had him competitive and he ended up losing in a landslide.

Politicians always pull out the old ''our internal polling shows us competitive'' card to make it seem like the race is tight. The candidate has to say that otherwise people won't bother going out to vote for him if they think there's no chance of him winning.

The exit polls conducted by his own team will definitely have shown Obama that he had it in the bag. Anyone who saw that Ohio exit poll that showed late deciders broke for Obama 60-40 surely knew the result was a formality.
How so? I don't understand the private polling at all.

What is it about Obama that turns you off so much? It doesn't seem like it's just the party affiliation for you but more with the man himself. I understand your bitterness - I was that way in 2000 and 2004.

The candidate has his own team of people conduct polling, in this instance exit polling.

As for Obama I don't like the fact that he's had close relationships with the likes of Bill Ayres and Reverend Wright. Put that together with his far left voting record in the Senate and it's not hard to see why people are concerned about which direction he'll take the country. He'll come under significant pressure from the ''MoveOn.org'' crowd and liberal senators to go to the left.

The good news to come out of any significant move to the left is that we'll have Congress and the ''Black House''* back under our control in four years time. The bad news would be just how much damage they'll have managed to do in that intervening period.

If he's stays relatively close to the centre then it's going to be eight years of mild misery but nothing to get too worked up about and the 2016 election will probably be very close like Bush-Gore was in 2000 after the Sex Pest's eight years.

* A joke btw (admitedly not a very good one.)
Other than being a Marxist-Leninist who hates Freedom, and plans to either destroy America from within or turn it into a big gay Sweden (same thing really), WWITT has very little against Mr. B. Hussein Osama. Although there is also the fact that after bringing the troops home in disgrace from Iraq, he will make a point of showing up in person whenever planeloads of our boys come home, in order to spit on them. All of them. This last bit will be conducted in front of the assembled television news cameras, and also the video crew from his soon-to-be-announced reality show on MTV2 entitled, "I'm Barack...bitch!"

But other than that? No idea. I'm looking forward to that show though, I hear Dave Chappelle is going to be involved.

You know me too well Chris. Fancy replying for myself more often?
Politicians always pull out the old ''our internal polling shows us competitive'' card to make it seem like the race is tight. The candidate has to say that otherwise people won't bother going out to vote for him if they think there's no chance of him winning.

The exit polls conducted by his own team will definitely have shown Obama that he had it in the bag. Anyone who saw that Ohio exit poll that showed late deciders broke for Obama 60-40 surely knew the result was a formality.

Great. Now tell me where the acting part comes in ? How do you know when the shot was taken and what was going through his mind at the time ?
Other than being a Marxist-Leninist who hates Freedom, and plans to either destroy America from within or turn it into a big gay Sweden (same thing really), WWITT has very little against Mr. B. Hussein Osama. Although there is also the fact that after bringing the troops home in disgrace from Iraq, he will make a point of showing up in person whenever planeloads of our boys come home, in order to spit on them. All of them. This last bit will be conducted in front of the assembled television news cameras, and also the video crew from his soon-to-be-announced reality show on MTV2 entitled, "I'm Barack...bitch!"

But other than that? No idea. I'm looking forward to that show though, I hear Dave Chappelle is going to be involved.

When is the debut of this show... Definately, a must see!
(As I dive for the DVR controls to do a search)

The candidate has his own team of people conduct polling, in this instance exit polling.

As for Obama I don't like the fact that he's had close relationships with the likes of Bill Ayres and Reverend Wright. Put that together with his far left voting record in the Senate and it's not hard to see why people are concerned about which direction he'll take the country. He'll come under significant pressure from the ''MoveOn.org'' crowd and liberal senators to go to the left.

The good news to come out of any significant move to the left is that we'll have Congress and the ''Black House''* back under our control in four years time. The bad news would be just how much damage they'll have managed to do in that intervening period.

If he's stays relatively close to the centre then it's going to be eight years of mild misery but nothing to get too worked up about and the 2016 election will probably be very close like Bush-Gore was in 2000 after the Sex Pest's eight years.

* A joke btw (admitedly not a very good one.)

Wasn't he just a kid when he knew Ayres? I mean the Bush family had dealings with the Bin Laden's, I don't see you getting all uppity about that.


After 8 years of Bush you are dreading Obama? I don't understand how you can possibly say that. Your nation is falling apart financially, global opinion at an all time low, and you thing Obama is a bad thing. People were celebrating everywhere. Already opinion is changing and aside from an historic election nothing has happened.

I tried too appeal to centrist views where you are concerned and you ignore those posts. The only conclusion that remains is that you don't have any center views.

It is unwise to be blindly far right (or left).

And that joke was beyond terrible, but at least you tried.
As for Obama I don't like the fact that he's had close relationships with the likes of Bill Ayres and Reverend Wright.

Did you object to McCain on the basis of his close relationships with Oliver North, who actually did supply weapons to proper terrorists?

Put that together with his far left voting record in the Senate

Far left? I looked at his voting record. Please point out what is "far left", when taken as a whole, about it.
for the benefit of the right wing loonies on this board....please put away your desperate accusations about Wright,Ayers and other smears will ya....you cant run with them in 2012......think up some new creative ones....you boring lying gits.
When is the debut of this show... Definately, a must see!
They're going to start two weeks before the inauguration with all the footage they've shot up to that point, then mostly put things together on a week-by-week basis after that. So they've only scheduled the first three episodes, which will air Tuesdays at 9pm on ABC. Asked about the show's time slot, Chappelle has been quoted as saying "America's Got Talent can kiss my ass". Although only four episodes have been greenlit, the network has already considered extending the show's run after advance ad sales were more robust than expected.

Episode 1, January 6: "Looking back: A long, strange trip" Highlights from the twenty-month long campaign are assembled for the show's debut, a two-hour special. Bill Ayres guest stars as "The Big Boss".

Episode 2, January 13: "Points in transition" The cabinet is assembled. A simple misunderstanding leads to trouble with Mr. Roper. A biological weapon is scheduled to go off somewhere on the Eastern Seaboard, and Barack has only 60 minutes to find and deactivate it before the toxins are released. The girls have a Christmas Pageant at their school, but both Michelle and Barack have other commitments.

Episode 3, January 20: "Hurry up cracker, I've got a country to run" A special live episode to coincide with the Inauguration that evening.

Episode 4: Air date TBD
Obama wants to crack down on International tax havens including British territories (sort of) such as Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man. Prime Minister Gordon Brown's government is apparently showing a luke warm reaction to the proposal.

It's started by the looks of it, the path to Socialism. We'll be back in 2012.