Massive Spanner
The Football Wrench
I find Eric equally as annoying.
You wha'?
Eric is the best character in the show!
I find Eric equally as annoying.
he is British.......
and Jason is Australian.
You wha'?
Eric is the best character in the show!
Is he hell. Andy, Jason, Lafayette and the Tao of Terry are far more entertaining. Eric just comes across as some wooden cliche. Tara was brilliant in the frst series, she just ended up being an annoyance this season.
Talk about conflicting opinions.
I'll agree about Andy and Jason, they're both hilarious, jason more so. lafayette is good, not great, but good.
I've always disliked Tera, always. She's a whiney, selfish bitch who contributes nothing of use to the show, and I don't see how you can think she was brilliant in series 1, everything she did pissed me off, her and her stupid mum.
Season 2 only:
You really should spoiler tag the Jessica and Hoyt thing, that only happens mid season 2 after all. As for 'sweet', meh, didn't really give 2 shits about them, neither were very central characters and it was just a crappy plot that ran in the background to fill up space. The only interesting part of it was the finale of season 2 when Jessica went off with that trucker guy.
Hoyt isn't a great character, if anything he's far more of a cliche than Eric, a mummies boy rebelling. Seen it all before.
How you can think Eric is a 'wooden cliche' is beyond me, he's the most terrifying and downright entertaining character in the show, and some of the lines he comes out with, i.e:
Season 2 again.
"Mini-humans" in S2 was hilarious.
His relationship with Godric was brilliantly done too, I mean, if anything Eric is the shows most intricate character, one minute he's a cold hearted (scuse the pun) bastard who manipulates people and such, and the next we see the other side to him as he grieves over Godric. Best actor in the show.
Line for line Jason wins the season on that. Eric just always has a gormless look on his face, i keep expecting him to suddenly say 'Dude!'.Eric grieving for Godric just didn't work for me. I'm more convinced by Bills simmering rage, also Bills performance with his maker, was a far better performance than the Eric Godric one.
Bill is the shows most one dimensional character, seriously, he's awful, the acting from Stephen Moyer is awful. He says nothing funny, his voice sounds awful, all he does is go around saying "Sookeh, I am vampire". The stuff with his maker was good, but not because of him, I didn't get a sense of anger from him at all, he was just ... dull. The maker herself was far better.
This thread is a nightmare, I don't dare opening any of the spoilers as I don't know which of them contain info from the book, yet I still want to discuss season 2.
I see, well you won't believe the stuff were putting in there, all the juciest bits from the second season.By discuss I mean lurking in the shadows observing the rest of you discussing season 2...
Jazz, please indicate what your spoiler is about, when you you no longer talk about what has been shown on TV, I don't want to suddenly read about the books.