True Blood

So whats up with Godric?

I wasn't to sure whether the episode was implying Eric set him free at the end or that Godric might have some sort of plan, (fake getting captured to start a war maybe?)

A week is to long to wait!

spoiler alert..only read if you really want to know

In the book Godric is there because he is fed up being a vampire and wants to die. He has surrendered to the Church

btw this whole angle with Jason being at the Church never happened in the books
Such a good series with brilliant writing. The characters are also near perfect. As a viewer who is not familiar with the book series, I find myself never knowing what to expect, and eager as ever for Sunday night to approach.
Yeah he was Vinnie in Home and Away. Can't believe I didn't recognise him til someone told me.

Apparently he's also gay in real life, which is funny considering his character in True Blood!
I was bored and bought Season 1 a few weeks ago, still haven't unwrapped it though
Does the second season end after the 11th episode? I haven't found a new one for a while.
Can't wait for the finale, less than an hour away.

Season 2 has been fecking unreal
I hope we get to see a Ware tonight although I doubt it will happen, but the Queen did mention them in the previous episode, probably will play a part in Season 3 though.
Ive just started watching the first season, and so far it isn't much different from what i would perceive twilight to be like. Bit dissapointed so far, but assuming it gets better.
It gets much better, to compare it to Twilight is blasphemy. Season 2 is much better than Season 1 though.
Can't wait for Season 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I'm a waitress what the feck are you" -Sookie to Mary-Anne
I managed to watch about 30mins of the first episode before I got bored and switched it off. Admittedly I was quite tired before I started watching it. Might give it another go since it has got rave reviews.
I'm about 6 episodes in, and I can safely say, its a load of bunk.

Did it feel like a soap opera to you? Because it did to me, in the half an hour I managed to see :lol:

Also, that blonde, from x-men, she annoys me.
I thought it was shit, stuck with it and got into it a bit. OF course it's a load of bunk, it's about a world with vampires and supernaturals who are out in the open... clearly a farce but entertaining nonetheless.

"you reckon sam ever turned himself into a chicken, laid and egg then ate it!!!????"