This Twilight shite


Can Anderson score? No.
Aug 13, 2006
Jog on
The Twilight series of books/movies.

The girlfriend is well into them.

Good, or a load of shite ? I've heard nothing. Apparently it has vampires. I was a fan of Buffy. For obvious Alyson Hannigan related reasons.

If I offer to see it with her will I want to gnaw off my own arm or is it good ?
All girls seem into them nowadays - went and saw the movie with the gf and found it a bit too average. She said the books were a lot better than the movie.
My sister tells me the books are better than the movies. SHe is 16 and spent every second of the better part of two weeks reading through the 4 books which I bought her for Christmas. Saw the movie with her and thought it was shit
Saw the film with my ex, only good bit was the fight scene at the end, mainly because there is snapping of necks and shit.
Have no idea what all the rage is about.

Maybe someone should show these teeny boppers what vampirism is all about...
Went to the movie with 3 female friends, all of them kept telling each other how hot the main character was for the entire movie and 2 following hours.
Haven't read the book, but I did read Interview with a Vampire and a couple of other Anne Rice novels, quality. Girls have no place in vampire tales.
I read the book. It's fecking shite. The sort of shit that stupid girls love. When the Vampires go out in the day, they don't burn they feckING SPARKLE.
What anyone sees in that weak faced nerd Robert Pattison is beyond me.
he is obviously lyk, the hottest guy on da planet rite nao. jeez... :nono:

Text talk is not encouraged on here. In fact, it's not permitted if I remember correctly.
I read the book. It's fecking shite. The sort of shit that stupid girls love. When the Vampires go out in the day, they don't burn they feckING SPARKLE.

:lol: You read them :lol: I dunno whats funnier sparkling vampires or you humorously admitting to reading them.
The film is shit. They really balls'ed it up. The book is alright i have to admit. But with the movie, you really do get a sense of cheesy american teen romance. Its Vampires ffs. It should of been much darker.
I had no idea about these books until I read this thread, but then I thought I'd look into them somewhat.

I know four people who have read them and three of those have seen the film. All four are women, and all four absolutely adored the books.

As someone said, it's just chick lit dressed up with fangs, there's nothing new here. Vampires are meant to be dark, evil and fecking powerful. They don't fall in love with humans; they eat them.

Sickening. Maybe I'll take Hello Kitty and turn it into a series of violent, mafia tales.

Here's some quotes from the author so you know how shit these books are:

It's a "suspense romance horror comedy."
However, it's "romance more than anything else".
Luckily for everyone, she's not written it like normal books: "It isn't that kind of dark and dreary and blood-thirsty world." Listen, mate, if you think that vampire tales are dreary then keep fecking away from them, don't make them GLITTER IN DAYLIGHT.

It's also set in a high school. Oh, and they don't drink human blood, they only drink animal blood and even then they rarely kill the animal. Trash!
Also, it has many disturbing implications, where things that normal people would find creepy the characters find romantic.

Give me The Dresden Files any day.
Only birds could possibly find reading about faggot-vampires interesting.
When the Vampires go out in the day, they don't burn they feckING SPARKLE.

Exactly! I saw this film with no preconceptions as I knew nothing about the books. I saw it with 3 female friends and we spent most of the film laughing. At first I thought the vampires must have been wearing sunblock like in Blade. When he starts sparkling I almost left the cinema. There are also some cringe-worthy scenes where the camera pans round the couple lying on the floor staring into each others eyes that seem to last an eternity.

The film is pretty dire, I can't comment on the books as I haven't and will not read them.
At my mates house we started a fire with her collection of twilight books.

Not heard from him since.
Watched this with my girlfriend last night. What a load of shite. Worst plot ever. Its all too simple and stupid. Weak weak movie.
Watched it on the plane on the way back from Thailand on Monday (long flight and I'd seen everything else)

Utter wank..nothing happens and everyone speaks to each other in the kind of long protracted profound sentences they did in Dawsons creek! No on ever speaks to each other like this except in the head of 13 year old girls which is precisely who it's aimed at i'd imagine

There's a lot of tortured whinging about how tortured and full of suffereing they both are when in fact they seem to have rather decent lives free from much trouble (untill the last 20 minutes or so)...It's a bloody EMO film...STAY AWAY!
What anyone sees in that weak faced nerd Robert Pattison is beyond me.

I think it's the tash.

It's basically a fan-fic written by a teenage girl, except done by a professional author. It's like My Immortal.
The first one was so bad that my female friends and I are thinking about going to see the sequel for a laugh. I also got one of them the book for her birthday (for a laugh) and she refuses to read it.

It hasn't escaped me that Stephanie Meyer is the one that is really having a laugh because she is profiting from my fun!
Stephanie Meyer earned $50million dollars in 2008. Absolutely fecking sickening. My mum works in a girls grammar school and says that nearly every single student there is reading these books.

They're ruining a whole generation of women, though. A friend of mine was chatting up this girl for a few weeks and they were getting really into each other until suddenly she started giving him the cold shoulder. Turns out he didn't instantly respond to one of her whining texts, and that's "not what Edward would have done". :lol: