Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Kick-Ass 2 was indeed pretty poor. It wasn't even that good looking, the fight scenes notably were horrible to watch. The whole Hit Girl growing up and trying to belong to a clique thing was stupid, and Chloé Grace Moretz, even though I like her, still lacks the subtetly needed to carry that storyline. The whole first part felt incredibly disjointed also. I did enjoy Carrey's character, I was just disappointed we didn't see more of him.

Overall disappointing, I saw it 2 weeks ago and I've forgotten most of it, definitely not memorable.
Damn Kick Ass 2 doesn't sound good at all. People are giving various reasons as to why but it ultimately comes down to not having Nic Cage in the film I'm sure :)

Best blockbuster type movie of the year for me. Sharito Copley was a fun baddie, I gave a shit about Mattt Daaamoonn and the underlying tones of the film about the rich and the poor etc wasn't rammed down my throat too hard. A decent companion for District Nine and it'll be interesting to see if Blomkamp's next film follows similar themes.
Damn Kick Ass 2 doesn't sound good at all. People are giving various reasons as to why but it ultimately comes down to not having Nic Cage in the film I'm sure :)

That is indeed part of it. But they severely under used Carrey, and as said above, the whole thing is disjointed and is like a load of short films cobbled together. It's laughable at how bad they are at just throwing as much at it as possible and getting nothing to stick.
That is indeed part of it. But they severely under used Carrey, and as said above, the whole thing is disjointed and is like a load of short films cobbled together. It's laughable at how bad they are at just throwing as much at it as possible and getting nothing to stick.
They must have hired the same writers as Dexter :lol:
Kick Ass 2 missed both Vaughn and's just really ordinary, plus ultra cheap, I get it's got a fairly low budget and all, but Vaughn made it work. Your telling me you couldn't at least find the money for decent puke effects(though they didn't need that at all, cheap humour). Wadlow is out of his league with it, though the the graphic novel is a set down too, but the film didn't have to be that bad.
Watched The Iceman the other night. Enjoyed it, very good movie, Kaklinski is some special character, but man I had some problems differentiteing the two characters until Kaklinski groved mustache(around half of the movie). Michael Shannon and Ray Liotta really look similar, especially because first half of the movie before he groved moustache were mostly scenes with low light.
I was watching Jack Reacher-round on a plane a while back but fell asleep bored. Just seen an ad for it on Sky.
'I'm a drifter with nothing to lose and if you are smart, that scares you.' Oh my, great dialogue.
Before Sunrise I keep being told that this is a classic film and I should watch it so I finally did. Classic? Probably not IMO despite brilliant performances from Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. That said the film held my attention for the full running time which is no mean feat given that it is one long conversation after the two main characters meet on a train in Europe. So well worth a watch if your tastes extend to slower arty films. 8/10
Before Sunset The 2004 sequel to Before Sunrise set (and filmed) nearly a decade after the first film. In many ways I preferred this to the original, partly because the characters are now closer to my age. If this is the case the last of the trilogy will hopefully work even better for me. I'll watch it tonight and let you know. The basic format is the same, a long conversation between two people who click with each other but only have a very short time to make sense of their feelings and done at least as well as in the first film. You cold also tell that the stars had a greater input to the script because it felt even more natural than the first film. They even managed to use a plausible set of circumstances leading to them meeting again, this time in Paris. So again, if you like slow arty films this is a must watch. 8.5/10
Probably the best movie I have seen this year. 9/10

The Conjuring

Having read a load of hype over this haunted house horror movie, the missus and I decided to give it a look tonight. I gotta say, it's definitely over-rated. Sure it's scary, but the way some people were going on about it you'd swear that it was the most refreshing, piece of horror brilliance in decades.

Personally I found The Exorcist of Emily Rose scarier. The Conjuring just doesn't do anything new, and the happy ending as if nothing had happened?

The Conjuring

Having read a load of hype over this haunted house horror movie, the missus and I decided to give it a look tonight. I gotta say, it's definitely over-rated. Sure it's scary, but the way some people were going on about it you'd swear that it was the most refreshing, piece of horror brilliance in decades.

Personally I found The Exorcist of Emily Rose scarier. The Conjuring just doesn't do anything new, and the happy ending as if nothing had happened?

Did you get to see it at the pictures by any chance? Cos a few of the people I know that have seen it at home in shitty rip versions have been disappointed, it's hard to be engrossed in such a film when the quality is poor.

Apart from that:
- I wouldn't say it's refreshing, there's absolutely nothing new about it (then again, none of those that liked it have said it did anything new, we just pointed out it takes a formula that has existed for donkey years and makes it work, the latter part being subject to each and everyone's own subjective view of course);
- The Exorcist is a classic in that at the time it was made, it was definitely new, and set down all the codes for the genre;
- even though it ends like that, I wouldn't compare it to the exorcism sub-genre, it's more in the vein of Poltergeist, Amytiville, Insidious, haunted house movies; in any case, I enjoyed it more than Emily Rose, which I didn't find scary at all, but then again fear is so subjective...

I maintain that it's an excellent haunted house movie that uses all the tricks of the genre successfully, and brings a few scares. I also think it's well shot and well acted which makes for an enjoyable ride.
Another thing about the Conjuring, I agree that it was fairly formulaic and not that scary (albeit well acted), is how poorly behaved the audience were where I went to see it. Apparently this has been fairly common of crowds that have gone to see it, presumably because they're not the normal demographic of people who go to see horror films.

Alan Partridge - Alpha Papa
As a big Partridge fan going to see this with a couple of friends who never watched the TV show, I feared from the start that the film would work for me but they wouldn't be interested. As I turned out I was right, they enjoyed bits of it without getting anything like the enjoyment out of it that I did. The humour starts basically straight away and continues steadily throughout, it's not in anyway the funniest Partridge material I've ever seen but it was still brilliant to see such a wonderful character for 90 minutes on the big screen.
Another thing about the Conjuring, I agree that it was fairly formulaic and not that scary (albeit well acted), is how poorly behaved the audience were where I went to see it. Apparently this has been fairly common of crowds that have gone to see it, presumably because they're not the normal demographic of people who go to see horror films.
How were they acting poorly?

Part of the reason why I loved it myself was because of the audience (which is why it's great to see these kind of films at the pictures), everyone was really immersed in the film, there were a few people squeaking after a scary moment, some funnier reactions... It was all part of the experience!
How were they acting poorly?

Part of the reason why I loved it myself was because of the audience (which is why it's great to see these kind of films at the pictures), everyone was really immersed in the film, there were a few people squeaking after a scary moment, some funnier reactions... It was all part of the experience!

That's true but where I was it went a bit further than that, I may have just been unlucky (although my cousin said he had a similar experience). One bloke reacted to a scary scene by shouting out 'feck that' while 2 girls kept screaming and then chatting once they'd stopped and the man right of front of me kept looking away whenever he was a bit scared and began mucking about on his phone. As I say it may well be that I was unfortunate, but it was a shame that the desired experience at a horror film where the audience are engaged and maybe do act a bit strangely when tense was replaced by people just being dickheads.
Oh of course, it depends on each audience, I have no doubt. I went to see in a cinema in a trendy part of Paris, in a theater that usually shows auteur films and hipster stuff, so the audiences are usually "civilized". But I can understand how the audience could spoil the film, I've seen other ones with crap audiences like what you experienced (sounds horrible!), it really ruins it.
Oh of course, it depends on each audience, I have no doubt. I went to see in a cinema in a trendy part of Paris, in a theater that usually shows auteur films and hipster stuff, so the audiences are usually "civilized". But I can understand how the audience could spoil the film, I've seen other ones with crap audiences like what you experienced (sounds horrible!), it really ruins it.

I can imagine them being more civilised than at a late night screening in Stratford.
Pain & Gain - It's too long and there probably aren't enough laughs, but Michael Bay has made a watchable film for the first time in about 15 years. 6/10
Pain & Gain - It's too long and there probably aren't enough laughs, but Michael Bay has made a watchable film for the first time in about 15 years. 6/10

Considering the source material, the fact that they went the comedic route at all is staggering. The victim's families were understandably not amused.
World War Z
A lot better than I thought, maybe because of my low expectations from critic reviews I read before watching it. There was quite a few tense scenes, the zombies running at full pelt in masses was really pleasing visually and the 'turn' in to Zombies was amazing. It was a film where the zombies seemed threatening, which I prefer to the slow dumbass zombies in something like Walking Dead. Ending seemed a but rushed though. 7/10
Riddick: Was really looking forward to the opportunity to write a dismissive one word review of this (Riddickulous, HA HA!) however it isn't, instead it's just pretty much what you'd expect from a movie of this sort; entertaining, non-taxing big dumb sci-fi action fun. Nothing groundbreaking for the genre and overuse of CGI but enjoyable none the less in a 80's/90's action movie way. Has plenty of decent one liners and set pieces to keep things ticking along, although the monsters aren't really on par with those in Pitch Black neither are the final scenes. I also couldn't figure out whether Katie Sackhoff (yes that's her real name) was sexy or a bit too manly, I decided to go with sexy in the end. Worth seeing if you have time to kill and aren't looking for anything too deep. Don't go out of your way to see it however.

Now You See Me. It was a very good movie. The magician movie that brings together 4 random magicians and makes them work together. They perform tricks like robbing a bank and stealing from a big insurance agent all while performing from the stage itself. Its an intriguing movie and they also try and evade the police from start to finish. A sequel has been announced since it did pretty well in the box office.8/10
World War Z. Was not bad. Some people on here berated it like it was the shittiest movie ever. It was suspenseful and that was helped due to the fact that the zombies were fast because its harder to kill them. A lot of bullshit but again what do you expect in a zombie movie. 7/10
Been a long time since I saw a new film that was genuinely fantastic.....

Probably going back to Django
The East

Such a generic name for a film, no wonder it didn't do well at the box office. How do you market a film with that name? Anyway, the film was ok, had decent acting and also had something to say on society and the role of conglomerates on society of today. The film felt a little long and a bit too preachy at times and there was a random love story thrown in because that's what American films tend to do. Was enjoyable albeit a little flawed. 6/10

Short docu about the dangers of texting and driving. Herzog is just a master of the art of documentary filmmaking.

That's a bit of a tearjerker alright. Shame they have the "my message to America is..." tacked onto the end of a Herzog doc but it's a good watch. Though that blond woman on the right is so stupid and ignorant you feel less sympathetic for the family, but I suppose you feel more sympathetic for her sister.

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) - 6
It's pretty good but I expected better. Thought the same about Sam Rockwell's other big movie Moon. Though I think I might've just fell asleep during Moon. Worth a watch but I didn't find it particularly gripping, thrilling, moving, funny, interesting...just a decent way to pass the time.