Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

A pretentious movie that's been done better hundreds of times before seems like exactly the kind of movie I'd want to avoid.
A pretentious movie that's been done better hundreds of times before seems like exactly the kind of movie I'd want to avoid.

You are welcome to. As I said you wouldn't be missing much, but just because a movie has been done before and better that doesn't make it terrible and that is my argument. its simply a very average movie.
Sometimes a movie being average can be worse than being terrible for me. I'd rather watch an utter car crash of a film than a completely forgettable one.

That said I thought Only God Forgives was a car crash.
Sometimes a movie being average can be worse than being terrible for me. I'd rather watch an utter car crash of a film than a completely forgettable one.

That said I thought Only God Forgives was a car crash.

Its an interesting point.

I am the opposite. I would prefer watching a movie where I can see what its trying but not succeeding in doing rather than a train wreck of a movie where I simply can't understand why the director/actors have made any of the choices on display.

I don't think only God forgives is a train/car wreck, it just doesn't work as a movie as well as it could have.
I was thinking more of films that don't reach particularly high and still just miss the mark, making for 90 minutes of complete mediocrity. If a film has ambition but falls short, like Place Beyond The Pines for instance, I still appreciate what it was trying to do.
I was thinking more of films that don't reach particularly high and still just miss the mark, making for 90 minutes of complete mediocrity. If a film has ambition but falls short, like Place Beyond The Pines for instance, I still appreciate what it was trying to do.

Again a very good point, I hope people don't think I was suggesting that Only God Forgives is a good movie, just not a terrible one. There has to be something in between good and terrible for me that is average, and OGF is a very average movie.
The Iceman (2012) 7/10

The True Story of Richard Kuklinski, a mob hitman - a lot of reviews point out how much is the movie behind the book. Which might be the truth. However the acting of Michael Shannon takes it a level or two up. It is worth to watch it solely for his performance.
I remember your inexplicable love for it. If that movie was any slower, Mertesacker would've overtaken it.
Indeed. I loved the way he went flat on his face. Obviously in slow motion.

And there's the montage with Rocky running in the Russian mountains and training in barns and stuff isn't there?

I get you Spoony, it's a dreadful film but there's something fascinating about it.
So, I finally got around to watch Beasts of The Southern Wild this morning.

Let me start of by saying that it certainly wasn't a horrible film, but I really don't get all the praise either. The performance from the little girl who plays Hushpuppy was nothing short of amazing for a little girl though.

It's a really forgettable film to be honest. I mean, nothing happens the whole fecking film ffs. When I watch a film I want to be told something more than the relationship between two people. In fact, I could tell the film in two sentences without spoiling anything, because there isn't anything to spoil in the first place.

A very poor family father from New Orleans raises his daughter like a prick because she lost her mother already and he himself is dying. That's his way to prepare her for the future.

There you go, the biggest effort clearly goes to the director for stretching this for +90 minutes. But yeah, I guess I'm not a film specialist and some of the scenes are shot very artistically or some other crap I and most others don't really care about.

The plot was a bit of a mess to be honest, I mean, what the feck was the prostitution boat scene all about near the end? What was the purpose of that? I can't get my head around it.

Oh, yeah. There's also some giant wild boars that make even less sense than four kids visiting a boat full of prostitutes.

RiP, watch the film and tell me what you think, don't expect very much from it though or I bet you'll be pretty disappointed.

Certainly not a 7 or 8/10 film at all, I'd actually struggle to give it 5/10 if it wasn't for that kid's performance.

Not a big Terrence Malick fan then, I presume?
I will be watching Rope tonight to review it for that site. It's always been highly recommended on here so I'm expecting big things. It's also the editor's favourite film. No pressure.
Not a big Terrence Malick fan then, I presume?
Not exactly no, If I can compare BOTSW to a film it would be Tree Of Life, which was another overhyped giant pile of crap. Actually Tree of Life was much worse than this because it had a much bigger budget.

I honestly do believe there are people out there who think many of these films are garbage too but still rate them to keep their image as film buffs.
Not exactly no, If I can compare BOTSW to a film it would be Tree Of Life, which was another overhyped giant pile of crap. Actually Tree of Life was much worse than this because it had a much bigger budget.

I honestly do believe there are people out there who think many of these films are garbage too but still rate them to keep their image as film buffs.

To be fair, we all like different things. That said, I fell asleep watching BOTSW, but I love films you'd probably describe as boring. The Colours Trilogy is a must watch for moviephiles, by the way.
To be fair, we all like different things. That said, I fell asleep watching BOTSW, but I love films you'd probably describe as boring. The Colours Trilogy is a must watch for moviephiles, by the way.
I fell asleep at my first try aswell, altough it was the morning after a nightshift so I was knackered.

I'll give the coulours film a watch to see if there's still hope for me.
I fell asleep at my first try aswell, altough it was the morning after a nightshift so I was knackered.

I'll give the coulours film a watch to see if there's still hope for me.

Blue might be a difficult watch for you, whereas Red and White are more accessible. What types of films are you into?
I honestly do believe there are people out there who think many of these films are garbage too but still rate them to keep their image as film buffs.

Well, such people may probably exist but I think it's more common with people of mainstream tastes not getting more eclectic films because they're too used to the formulaic.
Blue might be a difficult watch for you, whereas Red and White are more accessible. What types of films are you into?
I like all types of films; westerns, science fiction, horror, drama, thriller,... you name it. I'm not that much into action films though. If anything I want a film to have a good story with actual things happening in it. Unlike 'Before Sunset' where Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy just walk around for two hours and the film is basically just their conversation. I can't fathom how that film can have such a high score om imdb. I must have missed something in there aswell I guess.

I'll have a look at those three colors films. Blue is the first one, right?
I like all types of films; westerns, science fiction, horror, drama, thriller,... you name it. I'm not that much into action films though. If anything I want a film to have a good story with actual things happening in it. Unlike 'Before Sunset' where Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy just walk around for two hours and the film is basically just their conversation. I can't fathom how that film can have such a high score om imdb. I must have missed something in there aswell I guess.

I'll have a look at those three colors films. Blue is the first one, right?

The "Before" films really depend on how much you like the characters, because they're essentially ninety minute interviews. It's one of the things I thought was so great about them, that they really had no right to be so good because their concept was so silly. But if you don't like them then it would be like stuck in a long car ride with a couple of navel gazing teenagers, so it doesn't surprise me that they polarize.

Tree of Life was muck though.
The "Before" films really depend on how much you like the characters, because they're essentially ninety minute interviews. It's one of the things I thought was so great about them, that they really had no right to be so good because their concept was so silly. But if you don't like them then it would be like stuck in a long car ride with a couple of navel gazing teenagers, so it doesn't surprise me that they polarize.

Tree of Life was muck though.
Yeah, that's basically how it felt. It's almost a film you could play on the radio. I thought it was boring and long winded as I kept waiting for something to happen, but to each their own offcourse.
That was pretty much what I got out of Before Sunrise too.

What is it you mean by waiting for something to happen though, Vato? Does there need to be some build-up of suspense for a climax of action/thrills/drama at the end of things to be worth watching?
It's hard to go wrong with Hitchcock.

I don't really rate the 3 Colours trilogy that much. Good films but far from masterpieces. The Decalogue is much better.

Red is OK, White is great but an acquired taste and Blue is genius.
That was pretty much what I got out of Before Sunrise too.

What is it you mean by waiting for something to happen though, Vato? Does there need to be some build-up of suspense for a climax of action/thrills/drama at the end of things to be worth watching?
Not necessarily at the end of a film, but some kind of event anywhere in the film is always welcome surely, I mean, the film has got the give me the feeling it's going somewhere.

I want to live a film, not be told one and have to use my imagination. If I want that I'll read a good book instead.

If you know what I mean?
That was pretty much what I got out of Before Sunrise too.

What is it you mean by waiting for something to happen though, Vato? Does there need to be some build-up of suspense for a climax of action/thrills/drama at the end of things to be worth watching?
The first one is dull, the second duller and the third beyond dull.