Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

According to NetFlix, it's a "Feel Good Movie" ...

EDIT: Thats Cabin in the Woods... not this shit film Bill is on about...
It thinks it's much cleverer than it actually is. How am I supposed to root for the guy who is quite clearly Shaggy from Scooby-Doo? It was just shit. Trying to de-construct the horror genre but it just comes across as smug.
I just watched Let The Right One In. Good film but what was up with that CGI cat scene? :lol:
World War Z

I was really excited when I saw the trailer for Brad Pitt's latest movie. Looked like a fantastic doomsday movie and I was expecting realism, albeit enthused with CGI to enhance the 'awesomeness' and a 'pants on yer seat' thriller.

Instead we got a bizarre and at times comical .... zombie movie. Even then, it was a zombie film with no blood! I've no idea what the zombies were doing half the time as just run around a lo trying to bite other people. Audience was laughing along the film ... at bits which were meant to be tense and scary.

Not sure who is responsible, but someone took a great idea and hacked it into a incredibly poor script that could have been knocked together in an evening. The result was a disjointed and bizarre humanitarian philosophy lesson which lacked any semblance of reality of relevance.

Frankly, apart from some amazing CGI, a waste of time and money.

This is the first time in, well ever, I get to say the following sentence:... "It won't be as good as the book"

feck yeah, i've actually read a book!
The book was great but yeah it was obvious from the first trailers they'd taken the interesting concept Max Brooks had, the multiple point of view, chucked it out and made a big blockbuster tailored for Brad Pitt, taking out all the originality of the source material. Real shame, maybe could've been made better with a TV miniseries.
WWZ is odd, almost everything hyping it was so awful, some absolutely hideous looking teasers, brutally bad posters, and well getting reshot after it initially wrapped up......yet it's randomly getting half decent feedback despite all the ridicule.

Though it'll probably still struggly to make it's overall budget back I assume.
Jaws 3

Why was this abomination of a film made, it was just appalling, the special effects were bad.
The acting was dreadful and the story was poor.
Jaws is excellent, Jaws 2 is very good, but that's where they should of stopped.

The shark won a BAFTA for that performance, mind.
Man of Steel - All flashes and no bang - Being generous with a 6/10 rating.


- No twist in storyline.
- Lack of emotion. Example..cannot emphathize with Russel Crowe's death and no spark in emotion between superman and Lois.
- Zod is not villainy enough.
- Kevin Costner, Diane Lane & Lawrence Fishburne are completely wasted!
- OVerdose of graphics in the climax. All you see is flying debris and not the actual fight.


+ Henry Cavill
+ Nicer superman outfit
+ Sporadic slapstick humour dialogue's
My Winnipeg - Guy Maddin (2008)

Very unique Canadian film that's sort of a surreal documentary melodrama concerning the city of Winnipeg and the actual life of Guy Maddin, who narrates the film in a long prose-ish poem. It's in black and white and as usual, in Maddin's silent movie style. Seems like it would be an easy movie to feck up, but in reality it's really well done and super creative. Kept my attention the whole time and the narration was brilliantly written. Some bizarre facts from Winnipeg's history including the "If Day" in 1942 where the government staged a fake Nazi invasion in order to raise money for war bonds, which I understand was quite successful. Sometimes in this day and age it's hard to believe the weird shit that really went on in the past. And of course there's a lot of hockey lore. Maddin's father was a big wig with the old Winnipeg Maroons. The film weaves a masterful mix of Maddin's real home life with the actual and sometimes fantasy history of Winnipeg. This movie is the work of a genius. Such a shame the masses obediently lap up and consume the corporate suit Hollywood crap so enthusiastically when there are so many independent masterpieces and true works of art out there that go virtually unnoticed.

9 1/2 cocks up.
I Confess - Another Hitchcock under my belt and another enjoyable one, albeit not one of my favourites. The idea of a Priest being implicated in a murder that the real killer has confessed to him is an interesting one but I felt the way it was dealt with was underdeveloped and aged. Maybe if they had kept the original ending it would have helped.

Also, Montgomery Clift was too good looking to be a Priest, although the choir boys would have loved him.

3 hail marys out of 5

War Witch - Canadian film about a 12 year old girl in the Congo who is kidnapped into becoming a soldier in a rebel army. Inevitably tragedy is never far away in the film although there is a surprisingly light hearted section in the middle. The way they deal with death in the film is hauntingly beautifuil I thought. Definitely recommend this, just not for a first date.

4 Konys out of 5
Star Trek: Into the Darkness. Better than the first. I really liked it. And Alice Eve was just :drool:. She is freaking amazing. Good storyline as well and I cant wait for the third one. First proper movie J.J. Abrams has done. His best work after Lost. 9/10
The Hunt (2012)

Once in a while a movie comes along and blows you away. The Hunt is one of them. It is a simple story, man is maligned and ostracised. But the beauty of it was the way it portrayed some very depressing and difficult subject matter. Mads Mikkelsen was a tour de force, a performance that will leave you emotional drained and gutted.
