Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Should be noted I don't think he's as overrated as some make out, just some saying he's the best around(he's not, and probably never will be, maybe one day the best mainstream hollywood guy though)

Well yeah okay if people are saying he's the best director around I guess you could say he's overrated (even though I guess it depends on people's tastes mostly after all, and what crappy said about refusal to rate mainstream stuff has a part of truth), but I've never heard that claim before, very honestly. But if around you that's what you hear, then I understand your initial post.
I have just seen Silver Linings Playbook and really enjoyed it. I liked the way that the film wasn't afraid to make it's characters peculiarities part of the comedy. It's a film that celebrates their quirks and the absurdities of the situations. And it's that sense of absurdity that gave it a feeling of authenticity, even when the individual portrayals of mental illness felt less accurate. The final act does see the film fall into a rather formulaic pattern, with the contrived, all at stake dance off. Also the progress Pat seems to make in the final week (particularly the serenity he shows at the dance competition) were niggling problems for me. Overall though I thought it was a charming and funny film.
Really enjoyed Star Trek: Into Darkness. It's not spotless and at times I felt it dragged on a bit but overall it's good entertainment with solid acting from both Quinto and Cumberbatch (the latter especially is superb I thought), great action and some really good special effects, the film looks great. I like Giacchino's theme for the film and I thought the last 30 minutes were really enthralling. I had a good time watching it and would recommend it if you're looking for some good fun action entertainment.
Really enjoyed Star Trek: Into Darkness. It's not spotless and at times I felt it dragged on a bit but overall it's good entertainment with solid acting from both Quinto and Cumberbatch (the latter especially is superb I thought), great action and some really good special effects, the film looks great. I like Giacchino's theme for the film and I thought the last 30 minutes were really enthralling. I had a good time watching it and would recommend it if you're looking for some good fun action entertainment.

Glad to hear it, going to see it tonight.
Hope you enjoy it!

I did enjoy it thanks. It was very standard and cliched action film but didn't take itself too seriously and was definitely an entertaining watch. Benedict Cumberbatch was fantastic and Simon Pegg was ridiculous/hilarious. I do think, however, that I'm a bit bored of the typical action movie plots where the 'twists' or revelations are obvious and predictable. The humour was good, the action scenes were excellent and the homages/tributes to the show were appreciated. Overall I'd give it a 7/10.
The Hangover III - 4/10

I quite liked the first one, as a throwaway comedy flick, the second one was a really shit version of the first and this wasn't all that much better. There weren't a massive amount of funny moments and they're now totally reliant on Alan and Chow for laughs. Which isn't a great idea when they're both extremely limited characters. I hope this is the last Hangover movie they do, but, inevitably, they'll make another one in a few years and it'll be worse again.
I just watched Con Air for the first time since I was young lad. I can't decide if it's the best or the worst movie ever

Went to see Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing tonight. It was fun. They new how to use the staging, actors body language etc to bring the comedy out of them old-timey funny words.
Man of Steel - I touched on this in the Man of Steel thread, but, it's an utter mess of a movie. I found the pacing of the film to be pretty terrible, with some scenes feeling incredibly rushed, and others taking way too long. It jumps around quite a bit - especially in the first hour - which I found to be quite jarring... and the film seems in such a rush to tell the origin story, it skips over emotional beats that should be present in some scenes in order to get to the crux of the matter.

The action scenes were well done if you like that sort of thing (That sort of thing being a lot of destruction) and the music/sound design was excellent... but this film had too many problems for me to find much enjoyment. Some nitpicks:

- The scene where Kevin Costner dies is fecking ridiculous. Everyone in that scene makes such poor decisions, that any dramatic impact that is meant to come from the scene gets lots, because you just can't help but think that they all could have survived that fairly easily, without Clark having to use his powers .
- The relationship between Clark and Louis seemed totally rushed, and incredibly forced - and as a result, a bit unbelievable - in fact, the film relies on the fact that you know he's Clark Kent and she's Louis Lane to take shortcuts in my opinion.
- Secondary characters - The only reason you give a shit about Laurence Fishbourne is because he's Morpheous... if he wasn't Morpheous, I can't imagine you'd give two shits about his plight on the streets of metropolis. Then theres this girl called "Jenny" who I'm also fairly sure we're meant to care about... yet I cant remember her even being in the film until she conveniantly gets trapped under something.
- There are so many bad lines in this film, especially in the final third... which is littered with shit dialogue.
- Giant metal snakes? What?
- Anything that Superman crashes into automatically sets on fire for some reason.
- Creating a blackhole on earth sounds pretty dangerous... but hey, well informed general (who somehow managed to get that they were turning the planet into Krypton - how I do not know) was pretty keen on the idea...

True a lot of these are daft nitpicks, but some are general annoyances I had with the film (especially with regards to script and characters).

Overall, I left the cinema very, very disappointed.
So, I just got back from 3d IMAX SuperMan - Man of Steel.

Too excited and still running with arenalin to write a proper review .... all I can say is bad ass monkey woweee!

The overly intellectual critics miss the point ... superman is all about doing super things.
What I'd hoped for and so so so much more. The best 3d film I have seen so far and wonderful contextualises this grand old story in a contemporary and recognisable setting successfully utilising all the modern day computer technology is post production.

Will win oscars and awards and be remembered as an epic; perhaps not as the best film this year only because perhaps the story telling could have been abit more emotionally involving.

Exactly! I don't get all this "Superman is overrated" talk either.

Oh, and you review has made me more excited than I already was for this film by the way, which I didn't think was possible.

Edit - And then I read AN's review :lol:
Exactly! I don't get all this "Superman is overrated" talk either.

Oh, and you review has made me more excited than I already was for this film by the way, which I didn't think was possible.

Edit - And then I read AN's review :lol:

There is no doubt that the film has flaws .... its Superman FFS - the whole premise is flawed!

its a rip-roaring smorgasbord of the craziest action you have ever seen!
But most of the critics(and just normal people) aren't really moaning about the Superman character at all.....mostly on the film being disjointed and bloated action. But that's also not the point of all really. Well to most comic book readers it isn't, maybe some film fans go to watch his films for him to the super stuff.
Ebert was always of the opinion that you should compare films against similar films; so you'd compare Superman to the other superhero films rather than cinema as a whole. People don't go to see Superman for the same reasons they go to see a Terence Malick film, so he has a point.
Iron Island - Mohammad Rasoulof (2005)

Bizarre Iranian film about this old captain geezer who lords it over a community of down and out folks who inhabit an abandoned tanker docked somewhere in the Persian Gulf. They sell off the material as they strip the ship and suck out any oil left in it, and have created their own community. The lead creates a brilliant character as the sometimes benevolent, sometimes despot, captain taking care of everything. The rest are pretty much natural actors. Very poetic film that lets its subtlety speak volumes. Can't recommend it enough.

9 cocks up
The brilliant, brilliant Aguirre: Wrath of God has underwent a new restoration and is now available on blu ray.

Werner Herzog's 1972 film starring Klaus Kinski as a 16th-century Spanish conquistador looks more magnificent and mad than ever

Werner Herzog's Aguirre: The Wrath of God (1972) was last rereleased here more than 10 years ago; now, with a new restoration, the sound of gobs being smacked will resound in British cinemas once again. It looks more magnificent and mad than ever, one of the great folies de grandeur of 1970s cinema, an expeditionary Conradian nightmare like Coppola's Apocalypse Now. Just as for that film, the agonies of its production history have entered into legend, almost equivalent to the movie fiction itself. (Herzog's 1999 documentary My Best Fiend, about his leading man Klaus Kinski, tells the incredible story of the insanely dangerous shooting conditions and near-murderous rows between director and star.) It is based loosely on the true story of 16th-century conquistador Lupe De Aguirre (Kinski), the second-in-command of a Spanish force journeying down the Amazon in search of the mythical riches of El Dorado. Driven half-mad by the heat, hunger and danger from native attack, the commander declares a retreat – but Aguirre mutinies, kills the leader and announces they must carry on. Kinski's piercing, china-blue eyes are those of a natural-born tyrant, a visionary who can see only his delusions.
Pulled a double-feature today at the theater.

This is the End - Easily the funniest movie I've seen this year. It has all of the actors playing themselves, with some tweaks. I don't want to spoil too much, but it's awesome. 9/10

Man of Steel - I had high hopes for a new Superman movie until Zack Snyder was given the reins. That dramatically lowered my expectations and it was justified. The first half of the movie is solid even if it is lacking in some areas. Superman is bumming around at different odd jobs and happens to hear about this super-secret find in the Arctic circle. There's almost no real development of him as an adult.

The second half of it is basically an extended fight scene of Superman and the bad guys smashing up everything within sight. Think of Michael Bay with explosions but double it. I know fight scenes with Superman are difficult since he's nearly invulnerable, but come on. Once you've seen him and General Zodd go through one building, you've seen him go through 100. 4/10
Man Of Steel:

A film of 2 halves. The first half deals with The fall of Krypton and touches on Superman's back story and shows a somewhat nomadic lifestyle. The second half goes a bit Michael Bay.

The problem, which has been touched on by a few people, is that Superman is invincible and Zod and the Kryptonians are invincible. Therefore you get people smashing each other through buildings etc, but there's never any sense that they're achieving anything other than wrecking a city and there's no sense of peril for the main character. It washed over me in a carnage overload and I was numbed by it. A bit like the Transformers films.

There are also a couple of silly bits in the story which really shouldn't happen when you're spending x million dollars on a movie.

They make a point about people being bred for certain roles, scientists, warriors, builders etc. Zod later tells Superman that he's been trained his whole life to be a warrior, yet the opening sequence of the film shows him having the shit beaten out of him by a scientist!

Superman telling the Army General at the end of the film that they'll never find him etc. 10 minutes earlier, Louis Lane and the army picked up the pod that superman landed in from his mum's house.

Superman goes to their ship and breathes their atmosphere and it makes him weak. The Kryptonians are on earth wearing special masks to breathe their preferred atmospheric conditions and they're as strong as superman. We establish that Superman has to breathe, yet he was fine talking to his computer ghost dad when there was a giant hole in the space ship, and flying back though space to earth without a mask to rescue Louis Lane.

The giant metal snake things were a bit silly too, but Russel Crowe got to ride a Dragon, so all arguments are rendered invalid.

Overall, watchable hero film but don't go into it expecting to be blown away.
Man Of Steel:
It washed over me in a carnage overload and I was numbed by it. A bit like the Transformers films.

Yeah, I was constantly thinking of Transformers whilst watching it as well.

As an aside, hundreds of thousands of people must have died in this film surely?
They make a point about people being bred for certain roles, scientists, warriors, builders etc. Zod later tells Superman that he's been trained his whole life to be a warrior, yet the opening sequence of the film shows him having the shit beaten out of him by a scientist!

Jor-El had his super battlesuit on innit'. Nah, good point that, but I think it was just meant to show Jor-El was prepared to fight to get his son off the planet.

Superman telling the Army General at the end of the film that they'll never find him etc. 10 minutes earlier, Louis Lane and the army picked up the pod that superman landed in from his mum's house.

He hadn't gone back to live with his mum, I think it was meant to coincide with fact he had got a job at the Daily Planet and he'll be living in the city now – they obviously couldn’t locate him as soon as he put his master disguise on!

Superman goes to their ship and breathes their atmosphere and it makes him weak. The Kryptonians are on earth wearing special masks to breathe their preferred atmospheric conditions and they're as strong as superman. We establish that Superman has to breathe, yet he was fine talking to his computer ghost dad when there was a giant hole in the space ship, and flying back though space to earth without a mask to rescue Louis Lane.

He could fly in space no problems, he did that earlier on in the film. It was only on board the Kryptonian ship that he couldn't breathe correctly because the atmosphere had been set to match that of Krypton - which Supes hadn't yet adapted too.

It should be noted that the Kryptonians could cope with Earth's atmosphere perfectly fine when their masks were damaged, they didn't cough up blood, lose abilities or pass out like Supes did on their ship. They adapted straight away, didn’t lose any powers and were pretty much instantly able to cope with the change (except for Zod’s little discomfort when he could hear more and gained his x-ray vision!). So it took Superman most of his life on Earth to gain his powers and to adjust to the change, yet it took Zod and his troops just a matter of minutes of being on Earth to learn it and control it.
@Gaz regarding Superman.

With regards to his mum, my point was that they know who his mum is, they just have to kidnap her or put her under surveillance and they'll have access to him quickly enough.
EDIT: Plus he goes to the daily planet as Clark Kent, the name he grew up with! It's not going to be hard for them to track him down.

With regards to the space breathing, there is no atmosphere in space so he won't be able to breathe. However, he clearly has to breathe because they make a point of it! Very odd.

Good point about Zod's quick control too.
@Gaz regarding Superman.
With regards to his mum, my point was that they know who his mum is, they just have to kidnap her or put her under surveillance and they'll have access to him quickly enough.
EDIT: Plus he goes to the daily planet as Clark Kent, the name he grew up with! It's not going to be hard for them to track him down.

With regards to the space breathing, there is no atmosphere in space so he won't be able to breathe. However, he clearly has to breathe because they make a point of it! Very odd.

Good point about Zod's quick control too.

Haha, totally forgot about him going to work under the name Clark Kent - yeah they didn't really think that surveillance part through! They might get confused when this Clark Kent has glasses on, they'll never be able to tell it's him.

Yeah the breathing thing doesn't work either way, so he can fly in space with no atmosphere yet he's fine, but if he's in a Kryptonian atmosphere it messes him up! If it was some sort of chemical element in the Kryptonian atmosphere that was doing it to him then that would of made more sense, but that wasn't touched on at all!
Haha, totally forgot about him going to work under the name Clark Kent - yeah they didn't really think that surveillance part through! They might get confused when this Clark Kent has glasses on, they'll never be able to tell it's him.

Yeah the breathing thing doesn't work either way, so he can fly in space with no atmosphere yet he's fine, but if he's in a Kryptonian atmosphere it messes him up! If it was some sort of chemical element in the Kryptonian atmosphere that was doing it to him then that would of made more sense, but that wasn't touched on at all!

The idea in the comics was always supposed to be that he holds his breath for much longer, and does so when in space, where as on the ship was a kryptonian atmosphere, where he actively allowed himself to breath and ofcourse he had to speak too.
Yeah, I was constantly thinking of Transformers whilst watching it as well.

As an aside, hundreds of thousands of people must have died in this film surely?

I laughed when Krypton bitch said his morality made him weak, after Superman throwing her through buildings and blowing up trains, no doubt killing dozens of bystanders.
just returned from the cinema.

the fighting scenes from man of steel are quite bad actually. superman and general zod are like two ping pong balls trying to hit one another and we as the audience had to idea what actually happened, apart from knowing that loads of 50 storey buildings are hit and damaged. not sure about the metal snake as well. :lol: 4.5/10
some of the movies that i've watched over the last 2 weeks (while on my study week of course :smirk:)

the hangover part 1
a nice introduction to the franchise and i enjoy this really. every lead actor played their role well and the story was funny and enjoyable. 8/10

the hangover part 2
a carbon copy from part 1, the story line is similar, the only thing changed is that this time it is stu's wedding, in thailand instead of vegas, and so on. chow's role kind of grew in this film and i find him quite irritating rather than funny actually. the hilarious moment was stu's reaction when the prostitute reveals himself. 6/10

the hangover part 3
the weakest of the 3 movies, got nothing to do with a hangover anymore and chow's role keeps on getting bigger. i managed to watch this movie without fast forwarding it so it deserve at least a 5. 5/10

hansel and gretel
watch this mainly because of gemma arterton and my god she is so fine. story was kind of so and so but thanks to gemma it is a 6/10

fast n furious 6
watched this at the cinema and it was fine. some unthinkable and unrealistic stunts at the end but was kept entertained throughout the movie. roman pearce was hilarious!! 8/10 ending up watching fast n furious 1 to 5 after that.haha

i love jason statham but he needs a better story now.something like the transporter. parker is just another typical jason statham movie these days and it is getting boring. 4/10

only downloaded this movie because of charlize theron. struggled to understand the motif of the story from the first minute. watched this about 10 days ago and i've almost completely forget the storyline now. 2/10
the prestige
watched this about 3 weeks ago and it is a great movie. marvelous story line and great acting by batman and wolverine. 9.5/10

a true story about a father helping up his convicted son reducing his sentence by setting up a trap for a major drug dealer. a good story but when it is a story involving dwayne johnson @ the rock, you just wanna see him kicking butts. and he actually didn't in this movie. 3.5/10