Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Now You See Me - 4/10

What an utter waste of a half decent idea and a good star cast. Loses the plot quite literally with liberal sprinkles of deus ex machinas all through making this a very pointless movie. Entertaining enough first half gives it some points.
There's just something I don't like about Jesse Eisenberg. I really liked Zombieland, but it would've been better with anyone else in the role. Other than Shia LeBoof anyway.
It was great for a while before Zemeckis decided to go all Disney. I don't know about "wtf Denzel", the guy makes a lot of turkeys.

This was one of my major beefs with the film. Amongst others:

- Lack of subplots: What happened to the third Vodka bottle/ lead actress' struggles/ the politics and blame game behind the crash/ Washington trying to coerce flight crew, his co-pilot's testimony of him reeking of alcohol. All initiated and then dropped as if they never existed. As a result the movie went something like - First instance of alcohol driven pathetic behaviour, second instance of the same, third instance of the same, glimmer of recovery. Fourth instance of the same etc etc. We get it. He was addicted and it fecked him up. Anything else?
- Waste of great actors: Seriously? Cheadle and Goodman have been trivialised and wasted.
- Poor acting: Washington with the "I'm an alcoholic and hence don’t need to act" beyond that since all alcoholics feel is the bottle and have no shades beyond that. Obviously not helped by the fact that every scene was essentially him passed out.
- Poor ending: So freakin predictable. Especially that bit at the hotel where they show a cut of the bottle and then his hand suddenly entering the picture to grab it. feck off with the childish theatrics.
Apparently, I've just learnt that After Earth is a "Scientoloy propaganda peice" because it features - an abandoned Earth, spaceships, and white uniforms.

God I love the internet.
Safe House - Decent action film, nothing ground-breaking but it still kept me pretty engaged throughout despite following most action movie cliches. Denzel and Ryan Reynolds were both pretty good but the 'twist' was ridiculously obvious from the start. 7/10.

Brendan Gleeson was obviously a traitor from the beginning
I'm A Cyborg

I'm not the biggest fan of romantic films but this is definitely an exception. With all the cliche ridden romantic garbage that comes out of hollywood, this is such a breath of fresh air. The films has such a touching story about love, and not the 'american love' we are all force-fed by shit such as Dear John. The camera work, music and performances are all brilliant. I would recommend this to fans of off-beat films that want something a little different. 8/10
After Earth:

A pretty good demonstration of the importance of occasionally not reading reviews before hand (including this one if you like) and also how the internet gradually has become littered with hyperbole. A perfectly decent movie with a pretty good performance from Jaden Smith (opening narration aside). I have to say that whilst the plot is pretty bog standard Sci-Fi, and there is far too much techno-jargon I actually enjoyed this. Its nothing special but works as a kind of Sci-Fi coming of age tale. As for Smith Jr's acting; when he was supposed to be angry he looked angry, when he was supposed to be upset he looked upset and when he was supposed to look scared he looked scared. Not sure you can really expect much more from a 14 year old child actor. A decent 100 mins entertainment, just don't go expecting anything ground breaking or overly intelligent.

As for Smith Jr's acting; when he was supposed to be angry he looked angry, when he was supposed to be upset he looked upset and when he was supposed to look scared he looked scared.
Now You See Me - 4/10

What an utter waste of a half decent idea and a good star cast. Loses the plot quite literally with liberal sprinkles of deus ex machinas all through making this a very pointless movie. Entertaining enough first half gives it some points.

The ending was so shite...I bet they thought it was going to be a legendary reveal like Usual Suspects
This is 40 - 2/10

Absolute drivel from Judd Apatow. It basically consists of Leslie Mann (one of the most annoying actresses ever, who also happens to be Apatow's wife) screaming at Paul Rudd (whom I used to like as an actor, but now hate solely for his participation in this) for over two hours. Meanwhile, the two daughters (played by Apatow's real life daughters - think he's trying to say something here?) take turns being forcefully annoying and cloyingly sweet. Really one of the worst movies I've ever seen (2/10 is probably generous,) with little redeeming about it.

There is absolutely zero sympathy, zero humour, and zero pathos generated in this sad, overlong, bloated excuse for a movie.

I enjoyed The 40-year-old Virgin; found Knocked Up to be overrated; and was repulsed by this. I can't imagine ever watching another Judd Apatow movie.
After Earth:

A pretty good demonstration of the importance of occasionally not reading reviews before hand (including this one if you like) and also how the internet gradually has become littered with hyperbole. A perfectly decent movie with a pretty good performance from Jaden Smith (opening narration aside). I have to say that whilst the plot is pretty bog standard Sci-Fi, and there is far too much techno-jargon I actually enjoyed this. Its nothing special but works as a kind of Sci-Fi coming of age tale. As for Smith Jr's acting; when he was supposed to be angry he looked angry, when he was supposed to be upset he looked upset and when he was supposed to look scared he looked scared. Not sure you can really expect much more from a 14 year old child actor. A decent 100 mins entertainment, just don't go expecting anything ground breaking or overly intelligent.

I haven't seen it, but the fact that M. Knight Shamalan (sp?) directed it leads me to approach with extreme caution.
I haven't seen it, but the fact that M. Knight Shamalan (sp?) directed it leads me to approach with extreme caution.

Exactly, Shyamalan has conned me out of too much money previously! I've concluded that he makes good trailers and awful movies. I wanted to watch After Earth having seen the trailer, but refused to go see it once I realised he'd directed it.
I haven't seen it, but the fact that M. Knight Shamalan (sp?) directed it leads me to approach with extreme caution.

I would say you are right to do so, but its a pretty bog standard Sci-Fi movie that doesn't really attempt to do anything amazing but should be reasonably entertaining, and as above I really didn't find Jaden Smith to be a problem.

M Night's problem is that his imagination is bigger than his IQ(which really isn't saying much) thankfully here he doesn't really attempt anything too complicated.
Shyamalan actually does some cool stuff shot-wise in the movie... a lot of the scenes around the crash are done quite well I thought.

The problem with this film is, it's really hard to know what was his influence and what was Will Smith's influence (as he had a massive hand in this film - it's his story as well) so the weird accents (which didn't bother me it has to be said) or plot elements may or may not be Shyamalan's doing.
This is the End

Really funny actually, the type of jokes you'd expect with the cast that includes Seth Rogan, Jonah Hill, James Franco, Craig Robinson, Danny McBride, and many other huge stars. Of course there's also Emma Watson which only makes it better. One of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time, and the type of jokes are similar to the like of Pineapple Express (same director). Well worth it.

The Book of Eli.

I did watch this when it first came out and enjoyed it then, watched it again tonight and I thought it was even better than the first time.
When you know the twist you see things you did not notice the first time.
The ending could of been better but I thought it worked well.

This is the End

Really funny actually, the type of jokes you'd expect with the cast that includes Seth Rogan, Jonah Hill, James Franco, Craig Robinson, Danny McBride, and many other huge stars. Of course there's also Emma Watson which only makes it better. One of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time, and the type of jokes are similar to the like of Pineapple Express (same director). Well worth it.


Evan Goldberg wrote Pineapple Express.
The Last Exorcism 2

I knew this would be bad, but FFS I did not think is would be that bad, no plot, rank bad acting and WTF was that ending all about, it was just dreadful.
It was even worse that the first film and that was bad, it was just full of all the things you would expect in a possession film , flies , blood , twisted bodies, other people speaking in the devils voice, FFS the only thing missing was the spinning head.

Why can't people make a scary film any more, I would even settle for one that was even semi scary, yeah there was a couple of bits that made me jump, but if they was in any film I would of jumped.
There is talk of a 3rd, for god sake just NO.
This is possible the worst film I have watched so far this year.

Invasion of the Pod People

A very bad , rip off remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
I knew this would be really really bad.
It was like somebody had given a camcorder to a high school kid and told them to see what they could do.
At one stage is was like a very bad 80's porn film.


The Last Exorcism Part 2

I watched the first one and was pleasantly surprised. It was ok and surpassed my extremely low expectations. However, this one was not only one of the worst horror films I have seen this year but one of the worst films I have ever seen period. It was full of horror cliches, awful acting, an absurd plot (ESPECIALLY when it reveals what the demon wants from the girl), the most stupid ending I have seen, non-stop attempts to 'jump-scare' which fail miserably and the list can go on for a few more pages... It had one instance of good SFX. 1/10
The Book of Eli.

I did watch this when it first came out and enjoyed it then, watched it again tonight and I thought it was even better than the first time.
When you know the twist you see things you did not notice the first time.
The ending could of been better but I thought it worked well.


I actually watch this again last night, the blu-ray is bloody lovely.

It's a supremely well made film, it looks amazing and some of the camera work is fecking fantastic. Shame people just dismiss it outright because of the religious overtones (though I still maintain it's actually a film about faith, believing in something, mainuplation and the two extremes of this - not neccesrily religion/Christianity)
I actually watch this again last night, the blu-ray is bloody lovely.

It's a supremely well made film, it looks amazing and some of the camera work is fecking fantastic. Shame people just dismiss it outright because of the religious overtones (though I still maintain it's actually a film about faith, believing in something, mainuplation and the two extremes of this - not neccesrily religion/Christianity)

I enjoyed it more the second time, maybe because I knew the twist at the end.
I agree with you, the film was about faith.
Some of the music was excellent and gave the film just the right feel.
I think it is one of Washington's best films.
So, I just got back from 3d IMAX SuperMan - Man of Steel.

Too excited and still running with arenalin to write a proper review .... all I can say is bad ass monkey woweee!

The overly intellectual critics miss the point ... superman is all about doing super things.
What I'd hoped for and so so so much more. The best 3d film I have seen so far and wonderful contextualises this grand old story in a contemporary and recognisable setting successfully utilising all the modern day computer technology is post production.

Will win oscars and awards and be remembered as an epic; perhaps not as the best film this year only because perhaps the story telling could have been abit more emotionally involving.

Man of Steel - 9/10

Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic summer blockbuster.

Poor critics. Year after year, beaten into senselessness by nearly a decade of summer crapfests to the point where they fail to recognize it when "Hey, that movie pretty much nailed it," comes along.
I can understand if it isn't getting great reviews. It's a Superman origin movie. That's about as boring as it gets for an action hero because not only is he the most boring superhero of all the main ones but this story has been done to death already.

I'm going to see it because of Goyer and Zimmer, despite of Snyder, but not in the theater. I probably won't like it too much like so many critics.
Man of Steel - 9/10

Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic summer blockbuster.

Poor critics. Year after year, beaten into senselessness by nearly a decade of summer crapfests to the point where they fail to recognize it when "Hey, that movie pretty much nailed it," comes along.

It's received more positive reviews than negative reviews.
Man of Steel

Fantastic film, radically different to the original Superman films but it's brilliant. The story and structure have flaws and I think the intense action in the last 3rd has almost led some of it's critics so forget the more tender moments and all the heart the first part had, but it was an experience watching it, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, the cast are just brilliant, especially Crowe and Cavill.

Those poor critics who have given great reviews to the Blockbusters that deserved them recently.....Nolans stuff, Skyfall, the new Star Treks,'s not like they've into a habit of reviewing shit for the sake of it. Many general film goers are mixed on Man of Steel too.

Hopefully I'll see it at the weekend.
They're always up nolans ass though. Snyder has a hell of a lot if critics. Ps the reaction from the general audience is very positive, from what I've seen and heard anyway
Well I instantly discount the people who randomly love overblown Michael Bay films, just basically go from the few friends I know who've seen it and a few other forums I post on. Generally mixed, no ones slating it at all really, mostly from good to great really.

And yeah Nolan is just far superior to Snyder.....though Nolans overrated anyway. But still the class difference between the two and their set of films thus far is blatant. He's earned his right to a few cheap reviews on name power alone.
Nolan's definitely over-rated, might be controversial but I think he owes a lot to Ledger's death. He's a talented film maker, but he's not what I think others make him out to be. I though the Prestige was a good film, I thought Batman Begins was excellent, I thought TDK was very good but very over-rated, I thought the Dark Knight Rises was fun.

I think if Nolan's name had been on MOS as director you'd have more critics trying to make excuses for him the way many do when Speilberg makes a bad film.

Man of steel isn't just an over blown Michael Bay type film, the last 3rd might lead you to believe that, but there's a good few genuinely moving moments in the first 2/3 of the film and I think the intensity of the action in the last part has almost led people to quickly forget what went before it.

I do find it kind of funny that Snyder did his bit so well, and the film's flaws actually lie with Goyer and Nolan's story!

Bottom line is, its a Superman film, I can't believe anyone would walk away disappointed and getting to see him battle another super powered Kryptonian, utilizing all his powers.

people who want to complain about a lack of humour are either fresh out of Iron Man where you get all your humourous one liners, or are just too attached to the Reeve films and can't let go enough to have a good look at a different version.
Nolan was rated much before TDK so Ledger's death has nothing to do with his reputation. Most of those who rate him highly, would list Memento as his best movie as well.

My personal opinion is that he is a very good director and could have made more unconventional movies like Memento. But he has consciously taken the decision to go mainstream now but is still able to put in some different shades in his movie. I thought TDKR was average but Inception and TDK were good fun.

Also I reckon a lot of people now just refuse to rate mainstream directors. I think Nolan is a bit like Hitchcock, who also went mainstream but put out some really good movies. I think he will go back to stuff that he really wants to do once he is done making another 3-4 billion dollar movies
Nolan went onto another level after TDK actually, quite obviously so and really, it was deserved too, both TDK and Inception were big saviours for the dying summer blockbuster.....the money his films generates shows that. Should be noted I don't think he's as overrated as some make out, just some saying he's the best around(he's not, and probably never will be, maybe one day the best mainstream hollywood guy though). I still think he has a way to go before he reaches the Spielberg level, though he's capable of getting there.

Wouldn't mind him doing a few low key films though, stuff that aren't just epic blockbusters again every now and then. Though I've been interested in this Interstellar ever since Spielberg wanted to do it.
I'll have to disagree strongly there. Never heard so many people harp on about Nolan until after TDK and I remember the hype for TDK increasing ten fold after Ledger's death.