Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Warm Bodies

This film has a bit for guys (zombies) and a bit for girls (romance) but fails to tie the two together due to the lack of comedy. It's trying something different and that's nice and it nearly works but the films in the end seems more like a missed opportunity 5/10

The Hitcher (2007)

What a pile of shit. The two protagonists have worse decision making skills than a 5 year old and everything just seems to happen out of coincidence. The portrayal of the Sheriffs department was also farcical. How the hell did this crap get commissioned? Gets couple of points for Sean Bean. 2/10

Not seen this one,but I have watched the original with Rutger Hauer and I thought that was really good.
Not seen this one,but I have watched the original with Rutger Hauer and I thought that was really good.

Yes I have seen that one too and imagine that film minus all the suspense and grit and then you are left with this remake. Sean Bean's character seems intimidating for only the first 10 minutes and then becomes a joke who pops up where and when he pleases with no attention paid to continuity whatsoever. The film is so formulaic and lacks any real tension due to its flat storyline, boring premise and unlikeable leads. It's just awful filmmaking.
Only God Forgives. Was really looking forward to this. Loved Drive. Love Gosling. Although not a huge fan of Refn's other stuff. Probably could never live up to the hype and was a bit disappointed (quite a bit). I know Drive was a bit Marmite because plenty of people thought it was too arthouse and didn't deliver what the trailers suggested - well, they're going to hate this. The trailers suggest a kung fu Drive. It's not. 6/10 but nothing more.
Star Trek into darkness - I liked the movie more than the first one, the story was much better and more intense. Cumberbatch is a great actor and a great villain, while both Pike and Quinto delivered. The only downside was that Zoe Saldana was in reduced capacity. Oh, and thanks goddess this time there weren't time travel and Abrams didn't feck the rule of general theory of relativity. 8/10, cocks up.
Evil Dead 7/10

I think this was meant to be a serious one but there were still pouts of it which made me laugh. Especially the bloke that was pretty much indestructible! Loads of violence and gore though, so if you're into that then it's a good film. I always find it stupid when demons swear though, just makes me laugh.
I think that even though the overall tone was 'serious' in the sense that it wasn't comedy-horror like Evil Dead 2 and 3, the funny parts were actually meant to be funny. The indestructible guy and the nail-pistol fight for example were incredibly over the top and were meant to bring up a few giggles from the audience I think. I think Fede Alvarez did this as a kind of little hommage to the original series by showing that you can mix both without affecting the overall quality of the film.
Only God Forgives. Was really looking forward to this. Loved Drive. Love Gosling. Although not a huge fan of Refn's other stuff. Probably could never live up to the hype and was a bit disappointed (quite a bit). I know Drive was a bit Marmite because plenty of people thought it was too arthouse and didn't deliver what the trailers suggested - well, they're going to hate this. The trailers suggest a kung fu Drive. It's not. 6/10 but nothing more.

The first reviews coming in for it are terrible which is disappointing. I'm a big fan of the Pusher films and Drive, and even Valhalla Rising, but looks like Refn might've fallen on the wrong side of that fine line he treads.
The first reviews coming in for it are terrible which is disappointing. I'm a big fan of the Pusher films and Drive, and even Valhalla Rising, but looks like Refn might've fallen on the wrong side of that fine line he treads.

Pretty much spot on. It almost feels like a student film at times. Completely up its own arse. There are some great moments, but you forget about them really quickly because of all the other stuff. I think if he had someone with a bit of back-bone giving him a bit of guidance (or more accurately someone he's working with who had the balls to say "you're kidding me right, this sucks!") he'd be absolutely brilliant.
The first reviews coming in for it are terrible which is disappointing. I'm a big fan of the Pusher films and Drive, and even Valhalla Rising, but looks like Refn might've fallen on the wrong side of that fine line he treads.

Heard it was booed at the Cannes festival.

I finished my Evil Dead binge last night watching the 3rd instalment Army of Darkness. Absolutely ridiculous; a fitting end to the trilogy with some great laughs.
Watched Fast Six the other day. It was just pure utter garbage. I know it is supposed to be an action movie but the plot was just so ridiculous. It felt as if Justin Lin stole the idea from a six-year old action junkie. I like how they even coined the term "vehicular warfare".:wenger::lol:

Went home later that night and the late night movie was Predator, the 1986 one. Now that is what I call a real action movie.
hated Fast & Furious 6. Its as though they tried there best to gut the film with brazen incompetence.

Must be the fault of the production team as this ensemble of actors have proven they can make a great film

If you're concerning yourself with 'plot' or 'script' when watching Fast Six, you're watching it for the wrong reason. The film knows what it is (Big, Loud, Stupid) and never tries to be anything else, and I give it credit fo that.

It's a big stupid action movie that is entirely comfortable being a big stupid action movie. Sure some people might see that as a terrible thing for cinema, but personally I found all the fighting, non-acting, explosions and terrible one-liners entertaining... in a, this is totally ridiculous kind of way.
Heard it was booed at the Cannes festival.

I finished my Evil Dead binge last night watching the 3rd instalment Army of Darkness. Absolutely ridiculous; a fitting end to the trilogy with some great laughs.

Everything gets booed at Cannes.
Dark Circles

I didnt expect too much from this low budget horror film and I was quite pleasantly surprised. I loved how the story focused more on the breakdown between a couple who have just had their first child rather than too much on spooks. Had some scary moments but the film was a little let down by the ending. 6/10

Oh yes!
Star Trek into Darkness : Epic ..Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto did a stellar job. It was funny and serious at the same time. Khan has to be one of my favorite villain of all time. 8/10
Drag Me to Hell.

Cheesey horror at its best.
There is a curse , a medium that is trying to lift the curse, a partner that wants to help her lift the curse, blood and a the spirit of an ugly old women who likes to vomit various fluids, and a talking goat.

It was not the best horror I have seen but also not the worst, it had it moments, if could of been so much better and the last 15 mins was just predictable rubbish.

I reckon it could've been better if the director played it seriously, and not as a pseudo-black comedy; it might've been very scary then. Also, the film has racist undertones (IMO).
I reckon it could've been better if the director played it seriously, and not as a pseudo-black comedy; it might've been very scary then. Also, the film has racist undertones (IMO).

Yeah it could've been very scary, the talking goat was just taking the piss, and what was that with the hankie trying to get down her throat! did not see any racist undertones to be honest.
Saw Princess Mononoke again after a long time. Still Ghibli's best film to come out IMO. The art is just so beautiful.

Drag Me to Hell.

Cheesey horror at its best.
There is a curse , a medium that is trying to lift the curse, a partner that wants to help her lift the curse, blood and a the spirit of an ugly old women who likes to vomit various fluids, and a talking goat.

It was not the best horror I have seen but also not the worst, it had it moments, if could of been so much better and the last 15 mins was just predictable rubbish.


I reckon it could've been better if the director played it seriously, and not as a pseudo-black comedy; it might've been very scary then. Also, the film has racist undertones (IMO).

Yeah it could've been very scary, the talking goat was just taking the piss, and what was that with the hankie trying to get down her throat! did not see any racist undertones to be honest.

One of my favourite horror films of these past few years! To be fair, I knew what to expect as it was Sam Raimi directing, but I thought it was a nice throwback to 80s horror flicks, hardly scary (but not really intended to be), just a couple of moments that make you jump in your seat, but overall it's meant to be a bit cheasy, funny, and disgusting (the moment where the gypsy woman attacks her and loses her teeth :lol:). I thought it was overall very well directed, with a good tempo to the film, and I think Alison Lohman was very good in the main part, basically carrying the film herself.
Fast 6 was unadulterated wank. Vin Diesel is fecking useless.

Didn't mind it myself. Haven't seen any since the one where they are in Japan and while the plot was predictably just an excuse for various explosions to occur I thought the action was very good, certainly better than 'Olympus has fallen' which I saw recently. That had s shit plot and shit action sequences.
Watched Withnail and I and thoroughly enjoyed it.
God Bless America

Great film to be honest, I really loved it.

One of my favourite horror films of these past few years! To be fair, I knew what to expect as it was Sam Raimi directing, but I thought it was a nice throwback to 80s horror flicks, hardly scary (but not really intended to be), just a couple of moments that make you jump in your seat, but overall it's meant to be a bit cheasy, funny, and disgusting (the moment where the gypsy woman attacks her and loses her teeth :lol:). I thought it was overall very well directed, with a good tempo to the film, and I think Alison Lohman was very good in the main part, basically carrying the film herself.

I was expecting a decent horror film, but I never got it.
It was a decent film, the gypsy women did make me laugh, the best bit was at the wake and she was knocked over.
Maybe 5 was a bit harsh.
She scared the crap outta me. :lol: Obviously, I'm more easily frightened than you people. :D
Happy Go Lucky - Mike Leigh (2008)

Pretty much exactly what you expect from a Mike Leigh film - Great script, great characters, great actors, fantastic direction and loads of subtle social commentary from a progressive viewpoint. From the get go of the opening credits you can tell it's a work of a special artist as one follows the admirable bubbly optimism of Poppy, the main character, in the travails of her life as a single teacher in London. The cockney-ish accents were a bit difficult for me at times, but the film was excellent, right up there with Leigh's best work. Really one of England's and the world's premier film directors.

8 1/2 cocks up
Not sure if this has already been posted but you can currently get Now TV Movies for 3 months for only £3 as a celebration of them launching the PS3 app. Seems to be some good films on there if anyone is interested. You can watch it on 4 devices I think, make sure to cancel before the 3 months are up though (turn auto-renewal off) or you'll be charged full price after that.