Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I had no idea about the earlier movie's scene, but this one was surely just a little nod to it more than a major plot device. Nothing to get so emotional about at least.

Trust me, If you watch the earlier movie then you'll know it's more than a nod, and it was such a cringe inducing rip off that it spoilt the film for me. I'm not emotional about it, I just rammed home the point because I didn't like the lack of originality.
Haha, fair enough. I thought it was largely vacuous entertainer, much like most big budget movies have been for the past decade or so.
I saw it the other day.

It was alright. Too much nerd pandering and too many cheesy lines again...though the annoyance of the later was more down to so many people in the cinema laughing at every single one.
Oslo, August 31st - Joaquim Trier (2011)

Brilliant film. Spot on portrayal of the depression of trying to stay off drugs as the protagonist drifts glumly through situations and people from his druggy past. Could hardly find any weakness in this film as it was so well written and directed, and sensational, down to earth acting.

What was kind of strange is that this appeared to be a second part of Trier´s other film, Reprise (which I thought was even better than Oslo August 31st). It had the same lead actor in both films, and both were writers, and they acted so similar that they seemed to be the same character. In Reprise the guy was dealing with mental illness, in Oslo August 31st he was trying to stay off drugs. But in reality, they were two different characters in two different films. Weird that. Don't think I've ever seen a director do that with two films.

Joaquim Trier is a fantastic new talent. Can't wait to see his future work.

9 cocks up

(9 1/2 cocks up for Reprise)

Stoker - Like a more explicit, modern take on Shadow of a Doubt (it was written by the dude from Prison Break of all people!). I really enjoyed it. I was initially a bit worried that Park Chan-Wook wouldn't be able to make the transition to the west but he did, with aplom p too, even ending up being a lot better than his recent last couple of films. Atmospheric with really fine cinematography. Mia Wasikowska :drool:
I also really liked it. It's a fairly average script that Park Chan Wook makes his own and transcends thanks to his skills as a director. It's really well put together and some scenes border on brilliance. The duo of Mia Wasikowska and Matthew Goode works very well and emits strong levels of sexual tension, as intended, though I wasn't quite convinced by Nicole Kidman who's decent but acts too appalled all the time. But very good film nonetheless, one of the best I've seen this year.
Side Effects

Loved the movie. Soderbergh latest (and hopefully not last) film tells a great story and lets the story drive the film rather than relying on cheap tricks and effects. The performances by Rooney Mara and Jude Law are brilliant and their characters seem very believable. I was initially a bit weary as it was written by the guy that wrote Contagion, which I didn't like but was pleasantly surprised. One of my favourite films of the year so far. 8.5/10


The film has got many bad reviews but I thought it was quite good. Yes, the plot was paper thin, there was no character development and the whole film in the end seemed quite hollow but while it lasted, it was quite a ride. Some good action scenes, a snowmobile chase scene, Olivia Wilde looking as hot as ever, even in a snow blizzard :drool:

The acting was quite good, even from Eric Bana and I think Charlie Hannum is destined to be a star in the future. 7/10
Oslo, August 31st - Joaquim Trier (2011)

Brilliant film. Spot on portrayal of the depression of trying to stay off drugs as the protagonist drifts glumly through situations and people from his druggy past. Could hardly find any weakness in this film as it was so well written and directed, and sensational, down to earth acting.

What was kind of strange is that this appeared to be a second part of Trier´s other film, Reprise (which I thought was even better than Oslo August 31st). It had the same lead actor in both films, and both were writers, and they acted so similar that they seemed to be the same character. In Reprise the guy was dealing with mental illness, in Oslo August 31st he was trying to stay off drugs. But in reality, they were two different characters in two different films. Weird that. Don't think I've ever seen a director do that with two films.

Joaquim Trier is a fantastic new talent. Can't wait to see his future work.

9 cocks up

(9 1/2 cocks up for Reprise)

Wow. Just watched this, it's probably the best film I've ever watched. Utterly captivating from start to finish and one of the most relatable and thought-provoking pieces of art I've ever experienced. feck.
Wow. Just watched this, it's probably the best film I've ever watched. Utterly captivating from start to finish and one of the most relatable and thought-provoking pieces of art I've ever experienced. feck.

Going to have to check this out.

Flame & Citron (2008) - Ole Christian Madsen

Rigid and perfunctory account of the Danish resistance in Copenhagen during WW2. Mads Mikkelsen does his best with a limited role, Thure Lindhardt is ok. Everythng bar the production costs makes this feel like a TV movie, and the third act is completely lacking the required flair and tension. Pretty disappointed. 5/10
Battlefield Earth. Best. Film. Ever.

More seriously, films I think he's okay or good in: Grease, Staying Alive, Look who's talking (but that's only cause I saw those films when I was a kid and used to watch them over and over with my brother), Thin Red Line (tiny role), Primary Colors, and of course Pulp Fiction. But overall I agree, he's meh-ish.
Yeah I did.

The problem is I don't much care for John Travolta. He's good in Pulp Fiction. I'm struggling to think of anything else. I hate him in Get Shorty. I've struggled with him ever since seeing that film.

Not due to him, but Basic is an ok film.
Have you seen Battle for Haditha ? Superior movie to the Hurt Locker.

Tough to watch in parts although thats probably because I knew it was based on a true story. I think its excellent.

Tried to find this on a stream last night but couldn't anywhere in English. :(

Ended up watching hoop dreams instead.
Place Beyond the Pines: Christ I thought that was awful, people were raving about it too much. I think they left a lot of stories unasnwered, and it was too broken up in terms of character development. I'd give it a 5 out of 10, only because I liked the soundtrack.
Beautiful Creatures

This was my punishment from the missus after making her watch the Europa League final followed by Face/Off. Was total trash, slightly better than the Twilight Saga but still shit. I cant even be bothered to say why... The lead male was ok and quite natural but can't believe Jeremy Irons and emma Thompson lent their namse to this garbage, their "southern american" accents were like year 9 drama GCSE level... 3/10
I watched Star Trek Into Darkness again, enjoyed it a lot more the second time around... it's just a shed load of fun. It's not especially dense or thought-provoking, but I don't think it has to be. It's just spending time with these fun characters in a bunch of very good looking and well acted scenes.

Also re-watched Hanna last night. I really like this film even despite it's flaws... (which are several, mainly around plot and some supporting characters) the character is interesting and really well acted (why this girl went to do the empty vacum of a film that was The Host I have no idea... well apart from a massive pay-off I imagine), the soundtrack is great, the settings are interesting, the poor characters (the Family) are outweighed by the interesting ones (Hanna, Eric Bana, Cate Blanchett hamming it up, Evil whistle guy) and it's all handled and very well shot by Joe Wright. Certainly not for everyone, but I got a lot of enjoyment out of it.
I had build Hanna up to be something that was going to be excellent before I watched it and was really disappointed. Saoirse Ronan looks to be a real talent and she's also developing into a true beauty.
Place Beyond the Pines: Christ I thought that was awful, people were raving about it too much. I think they left a lot of stories unasnwered, and it was too broken up in terms of character development. I'd give it a 5 out of 10, only because I liked the soundtrack.

It was a bit of a mess I thought; like 2 or 3 short films rather than one cohesive film!

Over the last few nights I got round to watching the the original Evil Dead films (1 & 2} - really enjoyable and hilarious at times. 2 in particular is just ludicrous :lol:
Side Effects very good look at the pharmaceutical industry and how they induce doctors to prescribe their drugs, excellent slow-burning storyline with a terrific ending. Jude Law and Rooney Mara are excellent in the lead roles and Catherine Zeta Jones plays a lezzer psychiatrist so you can't go wrong !

7.5 / 10
The Great Gatsby

Bear in mind I've never read the book. Personally thought it dragged on for too long and I found the soundtrack a little anachronistic which ruined it for me somewhat. Enjoyable enough though.

Battlefield Earth. Best. Film. Ever.

More seriously, films I think he's okay or good in: Grease, Staying Alive, Look who's talking (but that's only cause I saw those films when I was a kid and used to watch them over and over with my brother), Thin Red Line (tiny role), Primary Colors, and of course Pulp Fiction. But overall I agree, he's meh-ish.

Blow Out (1981), directed by De Palma, was pretty good, too, although not necessarily because of Travolta's acting, it's just a good movie.
Fast and Furious 6

Just when you thought it couldn't get even more ridiculous... Don't expect anything particularly deep here. It's an adrenaline rush and exactly what the trailers suggest. All out, high octane, testosterone fuelled vehicular warfare with some hard hitting fight scenes for good measure. This continues the recent trend of the better sequels in the series and I just thought it was a lot of fun throughout. Tyrese ended up as the funniest guy in this movie. Almost every scene he's involved in seemed to be a comedy moment. One good thing is that this movie feeds into all the others with it's backstory, and ties up some unexplained plot holes quite well.

Also look out for the extra scene after the movie ends. Everyone in the cinema cheered when they saw what, and who's coming in F&F 7.


Had a few scary moments, not Guillermo del Toro's best though.

Ending was a bit meh but all in all, well worth a watch.

I liked the atmosphere of Mama, but I agree it wasn't quite as good as what I hoped. Still better than most of the garbage of the genre.

As for Del Toro, sure he's put his name on quite a lot of shit films, but I guess he tries to help up and coming young directors in which he sees potential and you get the best and the worst. But once in a while, you get a brilliant little film like The Orphanage, I'm sure Del Toro's name helped Bayona do the picture as he wanted to.
I liked the atmosphere of Mama, but I agree it wasn't quite as good as what I hoped. Still better than most of the garbage of the genre.

As for Del Toro, sure he's put his name on quite a lot of shit films, but I guess he tries to help up and coming young directors in which he sees potential and you get the best and the worst. But once in a while, you get a brilliant little film like The Orphanage, I'm sure Del Toro's name helped Bayona do the picture as he wanted to.

Yeah no doubt, I was just pointing out that having Del Toro attached as a producer isn't really an indicator of quality, in the way him as director would.
Great Gatsby - Disappointed by the end of it. Theres some stuff to enjoy here, namely the look and feel of the film, and the performances of Di Caprio and Edgerton, but that bad far outweighs the good for me.

I did not like Toby Maguire at all, I don't think he's a good actor (he can just about manage shock and awe, but thats about it), and his voice over is, in the main, pretty bad (and often pointless). It dragged on a bit too much (for such a simple story, it takes its time telling it) and, whilst I get it was based on a book, I really wasn't all that invested in this seemingly "great mystery" as to who Gatsby is/was... when the film tells you I wasn't all that bothered.

Finally some of the Baz Luhrman-type thinks really graded on me, mainly the soundtrack, which just did not work for me. We get it Baz, you like to throw in contemporary songs into old style things 'cos it's "cool" and "hip" ... but when you throw random black people into a scene in order to justify using Jay-Z, it becomes hilariously bad.

Fast & Furious 6 - If you enjoyed Fast 5, then it's basically more of the same. Terrible acting, cheesy one liners, awful life-motto's, and some totally ridiculous action set-pieces that are both mind-boggling and throughly entertaining at the same time. It should'nt work as a film, but it does. In fact, all the terrible things come together to make it all the more entertaining... yes, these films would be worse if these people could actually act... films like this don't need gravitas... just explosions, and side boob.

So yeah, theres fast cars (in which people can get into big crashes without much of a scratch on them) fisticuffs, defying of gravity, The Rock sweating for no apparent reason, London policemen looking like idiots, really it has everything. It even has incredibly weird plot points (Vin Diesel and Walker investigating a Prawn Brokerage for no apparent reason, Walker "risking it all" by flying over to America, infiltrating a prison, and questioing some form of drug lord, all to find out feck all) that don't make any sense, or need to be there, but when a film is this daft, you forget all that and just wait for the next scene where the Rock punches someone in the face.

Unless it hasn't come across, I had a great time with this... sometimes, you just need a stupid action film to make you think less about yourself. Also, the post-trailer bit was great...

Tyrannosaur - Genuinely one of the most depressing films I've seen for quite some time. Extremely well acted, bitterly real, and very well directed by Consadine.
Monsieur Lazhar - Philippe Falardeau (2011)

French Canadian film of an Algerian refugee who comes to teach a primary school class in Montreal after the class' teacher had hung herself. Thought it would degenerate into the cliche of new teacher > conflict > resolution > group hug etc etc, but it turned out quite nice, and had much thoughtful comment on children dealing with suicide, immigration, education, parenting and political correctness. Was carried out very much as if it were a play. Also had some moments that weren't very believable, and did fall into cliche queerness a couple of times, but all in all, an enjoyable watch. Some fantastic kid actors as well. Good ending.

8 cocks up
The Number 23

Read people bash this as one of the worst films of 2007 and how awful it is so never really watched it. Yesterday, I was struggling to find a film to watch and thought I'd finally give it a go. I don't know why people hate this so much. Yes, it's not the amazing but it's better than some horse shit films that I have seen in the past. It fails at being 'intricate' but that doesn't make it awful. It was a decent 90 minutes or so for me, and the twist did have me fooled. 5.5/10

The Last Stand

Really enjoyed this. It surpassed my expectations a lot. It was an action film that was directed with some finesse, which is understandable as it was directed by Jee-Woon Kim. It was shot well, had a fitting soundtrack and who doesn't love seeing Arnie back on the screen? Thought it was very enjoyable. 7.5/10
The Last Stand

Really enjoyed this. It surpassed my expectations a lot. It was an action film that was directed with some finesse, which is understandable as it was directed by Jee-Woon Kim. It was shot well, had a fitting soundtrack and who doesn't love seeing Arnie back on the screen? Thought it was very enjoyable. 7.5/10

I enjoyed this too, Arnie was his usual wooden self but thats Arnie and it works. Much better than I had expected, an enjoyable actioner.

Outrage Beyond - I was a bit suprised at this as I was pretty skeptical if Kitano's earlier effort really warranted a sequel, but I enjoyed this. Full of intrigue that kept me interested to the very end, but despite this I couldn't help but wanting the old ethereal Kitano back instead of this more colder, calculated one.
Schindler's List

I have been meaning to watch this for years just never got round to it, I wish I had seen it before, a harrowing film about being a Jew in WW2.
Liam Neeson as Schindler is incredible, Ralph Fiennes was even better.
The scenes where they are clearing the ghetto was just brutal, the one scene that stood out for me was the one, where the Jewish girls was telling Ralph Fiennes, that the foundations needed to but ripped up and started again, and he had had her shot on the spot and them ordered his men to do what she wanted.
The ending was very moving when you see how many he did save and how many Jews are alive because of him.

I cant give this film anything other than.

Warm Bodies

This film has a bit for guys (zombies) and a bit for girls (romance) but fails to tie the two together due to the lack of comedy. It's trying something different and that's nice and it nearly works but the films in the end seems more like a missed opportunity 5/10

The Hitcher (2007)

What a pile of shit. The two protagonists have worse decision making skills than a 5 year old and everything just seems to happen out of coincidence. The portrayal of the Sheriffs department was also farcical. How the hell did this crap get commissioned? Gets couple of points for Sean Bean. 2/10