Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I wished I hadn't watched The Hobbit. Why couldn't Jackson just kept it to one film? 2 1/2 hours of an absolute aimless adventure that lacked any sort of character development. It just seemed like a collection of action scenes without any real purpose. Also, I didn't like the airbrush effect some of the characters had, sure they wanted some of them to appear as if they hadn't aged but it made them appear CGI-like. One film would've made sense from a creative point of view, but I suspect not from a financial one. Talk about stretching...
The Woman in Black
I was looking for a decent horror movie the other day and a friend recommended this. Not at all bad I must say, I thought Radcliffe's presence would be distracting because I'm so used to him as Harry Potter, but he did a good job. Very tense for extended periods of time with no breaks, which almost dulled the effect really. All in all enjoyable though, decent story and an unexpected ending, plus some undeniably "holy shit!" moments.


Three Idiots
Bollywood film I watched with some cousins last night. Stars Aamir Khan, who is unquestionably the shit and very, very talented. Fun comedy that's artificially happy in the end, like most Bollywood fare. While it came off annoyingly childish and naive at times, it still managed to be charming and ultimately entertaining. Not usually a fan of Indian movies but this one is an exception.


Didn't really like it. The first 45 minutes or so were really boring and the film took way too long until something interesting happened. I am glad I saw this at the cinema because visually, the film was a treat but the film was like a really well wrapped birthday gift (in silk wrapping paper) with a shitty present inside (Man City jersey).


Evil Dead (2013)

Loved it. Had a solid cast, decent plot, enough scary moments, the right amount of humour and excessive gore minus CGI overkill. A really good effort from débutante Fede Alvarez. It had me engaged throughout and there was enough subtle nods to the original for nostalgics like me. Thoroughly enjoyed it and definitely lived up to the hype.

I wished I hadn't watched The Hobbit. Why couldn't Jackson just kept it to one film? 2 1/2 hours of an absolute aimless adventure that lacked any sort of character development. It just seemed like a collection of action scenes without any real purpose. Also, I didn't like the airbrush effect some of the characters had, sure they wanted some of them to appear as if they hadn't aged but it made them appear CGI-like. One film would've made sense from a creative point of view, but I suspect not from a financial one. Talk about stretching...

I was sooo disappointed. Now imagine if you hadn't seen the LOTR trilogy and then saw this? Think it would be panned
I really enjoyed this movie but then I had read the book beforehand which helped immensely, fantastic story. The only letdown for me was the "Timothy Cavendish" story as the film didn't quite capture the comical aspect as good as in the book. I pissed myself reading of his exploits as he was wrongly held against his will in the old folk home whilst reading the book. Overall though the film was a fine adaptation considering the intricacies of merging six different but intertwining stories.

Ah that's funny, I actually liked the comical aspect the Cavendish story brought to the film, but I guess that if it's really a lot funnier in the book, that could cause disappointment.

Would you recommend the book after seeing the film? I'm pretty tempted, I really liked the film and I guess it could probably flesh out some of the stories and explain some parts I may not have completely understood.

Evil Dead (2013)

Great remake / reimagining of a cult classic.

The tagline "The most terrifying film you will ever experience" is taking it a bit far - it's not really scary, just brutally gory and OTT - but very entertaining nonetheless. This time there is an actual reason for 5 people going to the cabin in the woods other than to "party down" and the same reason keeps them there despite all manner of evil shit going on, and it works.

The set pieces / self-mutilation scenes are true works of art, with hardly any CGI used - pretty much all practical, old school effects and tricks.

Acting is about as good as it's gonna get in a horror film. Jane Levy (Mia) is excellent and the supporting cast are OK.

It starts with a bang and a shock, slows down for a bit for character development and as soon as the demons are let loose, it doesn't let up until the very end - and the ending is f***ing superb.

Strangely, some of the people I watched it with said it lacked the humour of the original - however, in my opinion, any humour in the original film "The Evil Dead" (1981) was unintentional and derivative of the low budget / poor acting. It was actually supposed to be a balls-to-the-wall scary horror. The comedy element was made intentional in the second and third films, so I have no idea what they're whining about. There are plenty of one-liners and ridiculously OTT scenes to ease the tension, and it really doesn't take itself too seriously. And it has loads of nods and references the the original 3 films for fans to look out for.

It really is a fun watch, if you have a strong stomach. 8/10

Looking really forward to this, it's released in 10 days in France, and I love seeing horror films at the pictures, it's usually good fun. I won't really care about it being less fun than the original (I don't think the first Evil Dead is all that, though I love the two following ones where Raimi went completely OTT), and what you say is interesting, I'd never really thought about it. It's obvious that in the following installments, Raimi is going for humour, but yeah I guess the fun of the first Evil Dead might have been unintentional, I'd always thought Raimi meant to do so because of the tone of the following ones, and well the fact it's Raimi and he seems to have a sense of humour, but you could be right, it could just be an accident, and seeing the success it had because of that aspect, he decided to go down the road of gore and fun full throttle for the next two ones.

Mummy 3 Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.

OMG why am I watching this rubbish, I loved the first 2 films, that could of been because of Rachel Weisz :drool:, mind you even she could not of saved this film.

Its a Mummy film with no mummy in it, it is dreadful and stupid.


You didn't enjoy the yetis? :smirk:
Jack Reacher Since the hero of the piece in the books is so unlike Tom Cruise it is hardly surprising that fans of the books hated this film. The silly plot, strange slightly odd acting and constant dramatic music and even more dramatic looks even when no drama is ensuing should make this a total and utter disaster but in fact it comes out as just a bit rubbish. Worth a watch if short of things to watch as a midweek brainless filler. 5/10

Yeah I cant get my head around how the blond 6 foot 5 inch Reacher could possibly be played by Cruise. Maybe The Rock would be a better option.
Yeah I cant get my head around how the blond 6 foot 5 inch Reacher could possibly be played by Cruise. Maybe The Rock would be a better option.

Should have been Dolph Lundgren :lol:

The only good thing about that movie is when some bad guy punched a girl so damn hard she instantly died. It was like a finishing move from Mortal Kombat :lol:
I was sooo disappointed. Now imagine if you hadn't seen the LOTR trilogy and then saw this? Think it would be panned

he would've done a better job had he done it before the trilogy. He also relied far too much on CGI, not unlike Lucas and his much maligned SW prequels.
Ah that's funny, I actually liked the comical aspect the Cavendish story brought to the film, but I guess that if it's really a lot funnier in the book, that could cause disappointment.

Would you recommend the book after seeing the film? I'm pretty tempted, I really liked the film and I guess it could probably flesh out some of the stories and explain some parts I may not have completely understood.

yes but keep at it for the first 80-100 pages, then you won't be able to put it down its that good :)
Having watch Evil Dead yesterday, I need to watch the original. Really enjoyed it, not particularly scary like they have marketed it, but it's so brilliantly gory.
The Cloth.

It is a possession film , but not like any other possession film I have seen before.
In this the devil turns its victims in to zombie like creatures.
The film starts out with what you would come to expect in an entire 90 minute film dealing with this sense the Exorcist had Linda spitting up soup, then the film goes bat-shit crazy
The story is about a god less man who is let into a secret organization called the Cloth, to hunt out all the possessed.
The Cloth do this will the aid of magical armor and guns that change when being shot and holy water granades, does it sound stupid? , well it is.

The film is dreadful on all levels, the acting, the plot, everything.
It is on a par with that bird film I saw a while ago, maybe even worse :eek:

I can give this film anything, there is nothing good to say about it.

The Cloth.

It is a possession film , but not like any other possession film I have seen before.
In this the devil turns its victims in to zombie like creatures.
The film starts out with what you would come to expect in an entire 90 minute film dealing with this sense the Exorcist had Linda spitting up soup, then the film goes bat-shit crazy
The story is about a god less man who is let into a secret organization called the Cloth, to hunt out all the possessed.
The Cloth do this will the aid of magical armor and guns that change when being shot and holy water granades, does it sound stupid? , well it is.

The film is dreadful on all levels, the acting, the plot, everything.
It is on a par with that bird film I saw a while ago, maybe even worse :eek:

I can give this film anything, there is nothing good to say about it.


:lol: I know for a fact you downloaded this after seeing the poster on the torrent site (to report it of course). I made the same mistake but switched it off as soon as I saw the first 20 seconds
yes but keep at it for the first 80-100 pages, then you won't be able to put it down its that good :)

Cheers, thanks for the feedback, it will be my next acquisition then!

No, not even they could make me watch it again.

It's a truly dreadful film, at least the first two were mildly entertaining but the third was was terrible.
Should have been Dolph Lundgren :lol:

The only good thing about that movie is when some bad guy punched a girl so damn hard she instantly died. It was like a finishing move from Mortal Kombat :lol:

Ah yeah Dolph! I was walking through stockholm airport a while ago and he was staring down on me from some big poster!
Reading the book at the moment and believe it or not you can aparently kill someone with a single punch to the head if you are built like a brick wall and hit someone in the right place when they're not suspecting a hit.

Insert sceptical hippo image here......
Surrogates: Thought this was shocking waste of time. Really pointless and I kept asking myself why would you bother with surrogates unless you had to work in a nuclear power station or on an oil rig or something. Very bad.

Revolution Road: Was watching this lastnight and it put me in fowl humour. Not sure why as it seemed ok but just fierce depressing.
he would've done a better job had he done it before the trilogy. He also relied far too much on CGI, not unlike Lucas and his much maligned SW prequels.

For me, when Guillermo Del Toro dropped out, it signaled big problems. He seemed amped, and who wouldn't, to do this project. From there, it was one controversy after another
Evil Dead (2013) 8/10- Freaking awesome it's like Saw and the Exorcist had a baby, enough gore to make you sick and enough scare factor to make you jump out of your seats more than once
Trouble With The Curve

Pretty run-of-the-mill film about baseball. Quite the opposite in it's message to Moneyball, which was quite amusing. Clint Eastwood is as good as ever doing his grumpy old man act, which I love. Amy Adams was also decent in it but Justin Timberlake's 'acting' left a lot to be desired. Although it begins quite well, in the end, too many convenient acts makes the film very predictable and takes away from any emotional attachment that the film is desperately trying to convey.

Ip Man - A martial arts tale of the teacher of Bruce Lee. It is a story of wing chun master Ip Man in troubled times of Japanese conquest of China. Very nice movie and the fight scenes are well choreographed. A trifle long/slow, but worth a watch.

Rating: 8/10
Ip Man - A martial arts tale of the teacher of Bruce Lee. It is a story of wing chun master Ip Man in troubled times of Japanese conquest of China. Very nice movie and the fight scenes are well choreographed. A trifle long/slow, but worth a watch.

Rating: 8/10

I really like that film. There is also a part 2 with Donnie Yen and Sammo Hung. The bad guy in that one is Darren Shahlavi, who plays the funniest English boxer I have seen.
Yup. Saw that too and it si equally good as well. Seems there is a Part 3 as well!

Yeah but no Donnie Yen and I hear that it's not so good so I wont be watching that. Would have loved them to make a film on Yip's relatinoship with Bruce Lee with Donie Yen reprising his role one last time. Would have been epic :(

About the Israeli response to the shooting at the 1972 Olympic games,
I really enjoyed this film , it was a bit to long but it worked well.
The acting was decent enough, story was well told.



I dont really like vampire films, only watched oit because it was on my freeview and nothing else was on, but it was OK, not the best film I have seen but not the worst.
James Wood was good has the head vampire hunter, the rest of the cast did there roles OK, apart from Daniel Baldwin who was just dreadful, any more wooden and they could of used him has a cross..
The film did not change my mind out vampire films.

Ip Man - A martial arts tale of the teacher of Bruce Lee. It is a story of wing chun master Ip Man in troubled times of Japanese conquest of China. Very nice movie and the fight scenes are well choreographed. A trifle long/slow, but worth a watch.

Rating: 8/10

Watched and really enjoyed it, one of the best not Hollywood movies I have seen in recent times. The second part is as good as the first one.

Heard that the third one is a separate story with another main actor and is a shit movie.

Yeah but no Donnie Yen and I hear that it's not so good so I wont be watching that. Would have loved them to make a film on Yip's relatinoship with Bruce Lee with Donie Yen reprising his role one last time. Would have been epic :(

Read that this was the original idea for the second movie, but Bruce Lee's family wanted a ton of cash and the negotiation fall, which resulted with an entire change of the writing.

I really should watch more of these old films, this was excellent.
Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck were both very good.
Cracking story and acting, the fact it was made in 1945 means nothing, stood the test of time very well.

Looking really forward to this, it's released in 10 days in France, and I love seeing horror films at the pictures, it's usually good fun. I won't really care about it being less fun than the original (I don't think the first Evil Dead is all that, though I love the two following ones where Raimi went completely OTT), and what you say is interesting, I'd never really thought about it. It's obvious that in the following installments, Raimi is going for humour, but yeah I guess the fun of the first Evil Dead might have been unintentional, I'd always thought Raimi meant to do so because of the tone of the following ones, and well the fact it's Raimi and he seems to have a sense of humour, but you could be right, it could just be an accident, and seeing the success it had because of that aspect, he decided to go down the road of gore and fun full throttle for the next two ones.

Yeah, remember seeing an interview with Bruce Campbell where he said as much - they wanted to scare people, but it turned out kinda campy. This new one is great though, I love the darker tone - and it still captures the spirit of the original. Could've been a bit scarier though - I only jumped or winced a few times.
Husbands - John Cassavetes (1970)

Three guys basically go on a binge after a friend's funeral. While you can see Cassavetes directorial genius that was very influential in a generation of filmmakers, the whole rah-rah buddy buddy relationship of these three guys was really boring and the crap they talked about was extremely uninteresting and at times uncomfortably misogynist. And considering this film was built on their dialogue, I thought it kind of sucked. But I did enjoy the direction and the 1970s "indie" feel to it. I was expecting a lot more out of this.

6 cocks up
We Are What We Are

Decent horror film without the usual tactics to make viewers jump or being too reliant on gore. The cinematography is some of the best I have seen in a modern horror film and the acting is above what you would expect. However, none of the characters are really likeable and you can't really connect with any of them. The story plot is quite original but the potential this film has isnt really met in my opinion.


The Host (2013)

fecking Shit

Only got round to seeing Children of Men last night. Thought it was excellent. The action sequences were brilliant and the depiction of earth in the future is realistic and gritty. The story is also gripping and there are some interesting themes going on. Some flaws but they are minor. 8/10

Its a very good film all right. Just shows what you can do with sci fi without the need for huge CGI sequences and with a good script.

The same for Los Cronocrímenes (TimeCrimes).

I kind of agree to a point about Children of Men. Not a badly thought out plot, and the action scenes are fairly believable.

However, if you go bac and pay more attention to the acting from the middle aged "spiritualist" type bint who looks after the young lass with the big belly, you'll belly laugh at how bad her acting is and at how you missed it the first time round.

Los Cronocrímenes - Not seen it, maybe I'll acquire a copy this week andd see what the hoopla is all about.
Place Beyond the Pines - Hard film to discuss without giving spoilers away. Overall I'd say it was decent... with the first 45 minute being fantastic and the rest of the picture going downhill from there... but I liked the first 45 minutes enough that I could forgive the rest of the film for a lot of its misgivings.

How I spent my Summer Vacation - I was actually pleasently surprised by this. True, my expectations going in were very low, but I had a good time with it. The Mexican prison setting is really well realised and the film does a good job of making you believe the world and Mel Gibsons role in it. The story is a bit daft, but the script is pretty solid, and Gibson is a fun lead... and at little over 90 minutes, it doesn't over stay its welcome.

The Imposter - Very good documentary of a rather incredible story. Baffling, mental, thrilling, crazy and entertaining all in equal measure.