Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Just found this, which sums up my feelings of Drive :lol:


The trailer for the new Refn/Gosling film looks almost identical.

Also, Roger Ebert has apparently passed away, only just this morning announced that he's lowering his workload. Shame.
That sucks, he was a lexicon of knowledge, and a good writer and critic as well.
The Wicked
Could of been a very good film, I thought the story had potential, but the acting was dreadful.

The story is about this witch who has been kidnapping kids for generations and it has become on of those stories handed down to scare kids, even down to the old house that nobody likes going to. Anyway a group of kids go up to the woods and predictably the The Wicked returns. This witch could vanish into think air and would use a massive meat grinder to,grind up bodies so she can cook and eat, and she was defeated by some snot nosed kid with a 99p lighter and an old can of hair spray, very poor ending

The was a few good bits in it and some suspense and only very little horror.


Dark Skies

I liked this a lot, family's peaceful suburban life is rocked by an escalating series of disturbing events, they come to learn that a terrifying and deadly force is after them.
It was better than I thought it would be, the music made the film feel very creepy, which I liked.
It was a bit like Insidious but with aliens.
It was a bit slow in parts but it was in keeping with the film and I felt worked well.
It will not be for everybody, but if you like this sort of film well worth watching.

Dark Skies

I liked this a lot, family's peaceful suburban life is rocked by an escalating series of disturbing events, they come to learn that a terrifying and deadly force is after them.
It was better than I thought it would be, the music made the film feel very creepy, which I liked.
It was a bit like Insidious but with aliens.
It was a bit slow in parts but it was in keeping with the film and I felt worked well.
It will not be for everybody, but if you like this sort of film well worth watching.


I am glad you have said this, I think we spoke about horror films before and you seemed to have good tase in the genre. I have been deliberating whether or not to watch this film on the weekend. The trailer looks quite good but so did this Directors other two films (Legion and Priest), both of which turned out to be very mediocre. I will now give it a watch on Saturday.

By the way, check out the trailer for The Conjuring, it's by the James Wan, the Director of Saw 1 and Insidious.

Just a note, his name is most likely Paul Dyson. Though I too read it as Pauldy Son.
I wish to comment on two things from the last page

I like the Watchmen... it's a bit of a mess, but there's a ton of stuff in there to get enjoyment out of, not just the opening credits.

I hated almost every second of The Impossible. The fact that all the members of this family were actually alive (and you're told this from relatively early on in the movie) means you find it bloody hard to have sympathy for them whilst almost everyone else in the film has a loved one who's died. This is at its very worst when Ewan McGregor is the one to break down into tears after some poor German bloke tells him that his family are dead.

So yeah, that annoyed me... as did the fact that it didn't even really bother to talk about the local impact... and then there was the film itself, it's full of lazy, shortcut film making/story telling... it's a bag of shit basically.

It's Spanish. What do you expect? The Spanish are not heavily renowned for their film-making talents are they?

I watched it at the cinema here. The effects were great, and the action in general at the beginning of the film was excellent. The story was ruined as you say.

I was glad to be watching it in a language other than my mother tongue. That gave me something to concentrate on.

Not as bad as you seem to think, was my opinion at the time.
It's Spanish. What do you expect? The Spanish are not heavily renowned for their film-making talents are they?

I watched it at the cinema here. The effects were great, and the action in general at the beginning of the film was excellent. The story was ruined as you say.

I was glad to be watching it in a language other than my mother tongue. That gave me something to concentrate on.

Not as bad as you seem to think, was my opinion at the time.

I think the Spanish are comparable to any other European country, except for maybe France. Almodovar, Medem, Amenabar, De la Iglesia, Icíar Bollaín, to name a few. There's a lot of great Spanish cinema, especially post Franco.

First time watching this and WOW what a cracking film.
Al Pacino and Robert De Nero both excellent, I even liked Val Kilmer but there was many really good performances.
I cant fault this film , for me it was perfect.
A couple of scenes really stand out the one where they are sat in the Coffee Shop having a conversation was just excellent and the shoot-out after the bungled bank raid was outstanding.
I thought with the film being 3 hours long it would be too long but far from it, the 3 hours was just about right, I was not bored even slightly once.
Shame on me for not watching it before now.

I was reading though this thread and saw decent things said about Seconds a 1966 film and
Collateral staring Tom Cruise, I like Cruise in a few thing but not much, are they worth watching, a few has said Collateral is better than Heat.

First time watching this and WOW what a cracking film.
Al Pacino and Robert De Nero both excellent, I even liked Val Kilmer but there was many really good performances.
I cant fault this film , for me it was perfect.
A couple of scenes really stand out the one where they are sat in the Coffee Shop having a conversation was just excellent and the shoot-out after the bungled bank raid was outstanding.
I thought with the film being 3 hours long it would be too long but far from it, the 3 hours was just about right, I was not bored even slightly once.
Shame on me for not watching it before now.


One of my favourite films and I'd go as far to say the greatest gunfight ever.

First time watching this and WOW what a cracking film.
Al Pacino and Robert De Nero both excellent, I even liked Val Kilmer but there was many really good performances.
I cant fault this film , for me it was perfect.
A couple of scenes really stand out the one where they are sat in the Coffee Shop having a conversation was just excellent and the shoot-out after the bungled bank raid was outstanding.
I thought with the film being 3 hours long it would be too long but far from it, the 3 hours was just about right, I was not bored even slightly once.
Shame on me for not watching it before now.


What a lot of folks don't realise is its actually the second time it was made. The original is called L.A. Takedown, even the majority of the script is identical.
I was reading though this thread and saw decent things said about Seconds a 1966 film and
Collateral staring Tom Cruise, I like Cruise in a few thing but not much, are they worth watching, a few has said Collateral is better than Heat.

Collateral is immense. Same director as Heat, coincidentally. One of Cruise's very best roles.
Hangover 2 Despite a few funny moments this is a really really terrible and predominantly unfunny film that makes the original seem like an Oscar winner. That the photos shown with the titles at the end are by far the best thing about the film tells you something. 2/10
Seven Psychopaths - 7/10

It's not nearly as clever or quirky as it thinks it is, but it's pretty good fun nonetheless. None of the characters are much of a stretch for the actors, Walken particularly (isn't he bored of doing the same thing, over and over?) but there are plenty of good lines and a few nice setups.
Hangover 2 Despite a few funny moments this is a really really terrible and predominantly unfunny film that makes the original seem like an Oscar winner. That the photos shown with the titles at the end are by far the best thing about the film tells you something. 2/10

I just saw a trailer for Hangover 3.
Seven Psychopaths - 7/10

It's not nearly as clever or quirky as it thinks it is, but it's pretty good fun nonetheless. None of the characters are much of a stretch for the actors, Walken particularly (isn't he bored of doing the same thing, over and over?) but there are plenty of good lines and a few nice setups.

I thought it was really good. Nothing revolutionary, but I can't really fault it. I have one question though, are Tom Waits' girlfriend and Walken's wife the same character?
Come and See - Elim Klimov (1985)

Epic war film dealing with the Germans in Belarus during the second world war. Apparently the Germans pulled off quite a holocaust against the people of Belarus, destroying and slaughtering the people of over 600 villages. Klimov wrote the screenplay with Ales Adamovich who as a teenager fought with the Belarus partizans against the German occupation. It's about a youth and his experiences with the Partizans, and it's sort of divided into two halves, the first being a surreal treatment of the youth joining the partizans, and the second part concentrating on the German horrors. The scene of the Germans herding villagers into a church and throwing in hand grenades before torching it was one of the heaviest scenes I've ever seen on film. I guess this was a common modus operandi for the Germans in Belarus.

The film is an absolute masterpiece. Idiots like Paolo di Canio should be forced to watch this to see if they still want to flash their fascist bollocks to supporters.

9 1/2 cocks up
Just watched Margin Call. A clever, well-made film about the start of the 2008 financial crisis with a great cast. Not much happens though, its a realistic peak into company culture. its a very strange film in that I think the author deliberately written the script in a way that there's no emotional connection with the characters or the story. Its an intresting film, but dont know if its good - if it makes any sense.

What is astonishing however, that it was made from about 3.5 million dollars and among others it has Jeremy Irons, Kevin Spacey, Stanley Tucci, Paul Bettany, Demi Moore in its cast. The cinematography is superb, too-

Watched this today and thought it was surprisingly good actually. It is a bit cold and detached but that's in keeping with the cold, cynical nature of the business that's being looked into.
Come and See - Elim Klimov (1985)

Epic war film dealing with the Germans in Belarus during the second world war. Apparently the Germans pulled off quite a holocaust against the people of Belarus, destroying and slaughtering the people of over 600 villages. Klimov wrote the screenplay with Ales Adamovich who as a teenager fought with the Belarus partizans against the German occupation. It's about a youth and his experiences with the Partizans, and it's sort of divided into two halves, the first being a surreal treatment of the youth joining the partizans, and the second part concentrating on the German horrors. The scene of the Germans herding villagers into a church and throwing in hand grenades before torching it was one of the heaviest scenes I've ever seen on film. I guess this was a common modus operandi for the Germans in Belarus.

The film is an absolute masterpiece. Idiots like Paolo di Canio should be forced to watch this to see if they still want to flash their fascist bollocks to supporters.

9 1/2 cocks up

Probably the most powerful film I've ever seen. Def in my top 10 of all time.
Capote - Very good and intriguing look at the creation of In Cold Blood. Hoffman was brilliant and it helped that I had already watched the 1967 film adaptation.
Watched this today and thought it was surprisingly good actually. It is a bit cold and detached but that's in keeping with the cold, cynical nature of the business that's being looked into.

Jeremy Irons and Kevin Spacey notably are brilliant in it. Irons' first scenes and then the ones between those two are a delight to watch. Really enjoyed that film.

Finally got to see this and was pleasantly surprised. Despite its critical acclaim, for some reason, I just thought it would be boring drab about Baseball statistics. It turned out to be anything but. Good performances from Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill (who surprised me quite a bit here). The story doesn't stray from it's goal and the fact that the director didn't just throw in random baseball footage of the team in the story really helped the film set itself above the mediocre films we tend to get based around american sports. I didnt agree with everything in the content of the film but it was a well written, well made film and definitely worthy of anyones time. Only fault is that sometimes I found myself having to rewind a lot because the baseball lingo confused me a little but that is obviously due to my lack of knowledge on the sport. 8/10
The Hunt (Jagten) - Thomas Vinterberg 2012

I haven't been as affected by a film in a good long while. Mads Mikkelsen's performance is just that perfect, and I haven't had as vicarious experience with a protagonist since The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. Amazing film.

The Hunt (Jagten) - Thomas Vinterberg 2012

I haven't been as affected by a film in a good long while. Mads Mikkelsen's performance is just that perfect, and I haven't had as vicarious experience with a protagonist since The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. Amazing film.


Good to know, been meaning to see this

Mads Mikkelsen is an excellent actor, whom I had only known previously from the Bond villain role he played - until After the Wedding, quite a gem in it's own right
Jeremy Irons and Kevin Spacey notably are brilliant in it. Irons' first scenes and then the ones between those two are a delight to watch. Really enjoyed that film.

Yep. I've only seen Jeremy Irons in this and Brideshead Revisited but loved him in both, but he doesn't seem to have done much else of note. Anything to recommend? I might watch Kafka sometime just to remind myself how much I hate Steven Soderbergh.
Silver Linings Playbook

Big fat meh. Read lots of reviews saying how well they captured the reality of mental illness. Did they feck. The plot was frigging ludicrous too. With loads of really poorly drawn characters it was impossible to take seriously.

Jennifer thingy was sexy though. And Bradley Cooper was kind of charming. Bit of a waste of two hours though. Would not recommend.
Oblivion - I went in with fairly low expectations and came away pleasently suprised. Quite the enjoyable experience I would say... some of the settings and backdrops are superb (a glimpse of the statue of liberty possibly being my favourite, but it's generally a very good looking film), the story was decent (bar the epilogue which was daft), if not predictable and all in all I thought it was a well drawn out film... a little long perhaps, but it didn't rush itself. Oh and I like Tom Cruise... and the more people hate him, the more I quite enjoy the bloke.

It also constantly reminded me of loads of different Sci-Fi films/games (Portal, Moon, Wall-E, The Matrix, Independence Day, Mass Effect...the list goes on) ... but I don't think that neccesarily is a negative. So yeah, all in all, decent popcorn sci-fi.
Forced to watch Seeking a Friend for the End of the World by the wife. Would have been a 5/10 (largely for poor script and woeful miscasting of Kiera Knightley, not to mention wild over-acting by her eyebrows). But gets an extra point for a surprisingly sensitive performance from Steve Carrel and a cameo appearance by one of my favourite actors. So a squeaky 7/10.