Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Star Wars.
I wanted to re watch this and started with the new trilogy.

The Phantom Menace.

It was not good, I was expecting better, after waiting god know how many years for it.
The story was weak and acting was just rubbish. Lian Neeson was dreadful has was Ewan McGegor.
Portman was OK and the lad playing Anakin did a good job with what he had.
Jar Jar Binks, who ever thought up him wants a a slap, maybe the most annoying thing ever.
I did like the pod racing, but even that was poor.


Attack of the Clones.

Dreadful and only watchable because I love Star Wars, if this was a standalone film,it would never get watched.
Again you have McGregor but this time add Christoper Lee, Samual L Jackson and Hayden Christensen , you have 4 really bad performances.
Portman was again OK and I did like Ian Mc Diarmid has Palatine.
There was one plus about the film, no Jar Jar Binks.


Revenge of the Sith.

Far better than the other 2.
I enjoyed this one just as much has the original trilogy.
The acting of McGregor, Lee, Jackson and Hayden Christensen was not any better, I just enjoyed it more.
Portman was again maybe the best out of the lot, I think she is a good actress.
I was disappointing at the way Anakin's turn to the dark side was handled, it could of been better
The last 30 mins was by far the best, the fights between Yoda and Palapatine and Anakin and Obi-Wan were good, mind you the I have the higher ground line and then chopping Anakin's legs of was just stupid.
The way Anakin was turned in to Darth Vader was OK.


The 3 way lightsaber fight and the duel of the fates music saved the Phantom Menace film for me.

I didn't like Revenge of the Sith. That "dramatic" climax where they have a fight whizzing above lava on those flying platforms was stupid. As for Darth Vader's hissy fit, feck knows what Lucas was smoking there?
The last 30 mins was by far the best, the fights between Yoda and Palapatine and Anakin and Obi-Wan were good, mind you the I have the higher ground line and then chopping Anakin's legs of was just stupid.
The way Anakin was turned in to Darth Vader was OK.


Yep... the last 10 minutes of that movie are just a shower of shit. The "higher ground" nonsense being the worst offender.

And surely you can't be a fan of the "where is Padme?" and "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" from Vader?!
cinc thinks it's as good as the Godfather.

To be fair to E-wan and the other thespians, George Lucas is clearly just a terrible director.

From 7.30 - 10.00-ish

cinc thinks it's as good as the Godfather.

To be fair to E-wan and the other thespians, George Lucas is clearly just a terrible director.

From 7.30

You do have a point, I do think that Jackson , Lee and some of what McGegor have done, is excellent.
McGregor was just dreadful in all 3 films, but maybe that was more to do with the dreadful script he had to work with.
Considering the one everyone considers the best was the one he had the least involvement in, not directing or writing (he wrote the story but not the dialogue) and is apparently also his least favorite, I'd say the whole franchise is one great big practical experiment proving empirically he shouldn't actually have any input in anything he comes up with beyond the conception stage.
My favourite part was in Episode II when Hayden Whatshisface is courting Padme on Naboo, and they have this conversation about how she loves water and he hates sand (I think). It's meant to be an important part of the film, they're opening up to each other (giggity), but it's so terribly written (and acted) that I just can't stop laughing everytime I see it. And by everytime, I mean both times, never again shall I subject myself to that film.

I think you're pretty harsh with McGregor, his performance isn't oscar worthy but I think he grows into Obi Wan's part in episodes II and III pretty well. I agree the script of all three episodes (and, as Mockney pointed out, all of them except episode V) is dreadful.

But I feel that the Star Wars franchise as a whole is very mediocre and though I recognize its importance (well at least the initial trilogy) in cinema history, I think its inherent worth is largely overvalued by its hord of geek fans. There's only Episode V that I can watch over and over (and not even that often to be fair) and actually enjoy it. Far too much crap scattered accross the other ones.
They're kids films that captured a zeitgeist. Nothing wrong with that, so is Jurassic Park, but talk of them as amongst the greatest films ever is very silly.
Considering the one everyone considers the best was the one he had the least involvement in, not directing or writing (he wrote the story but not the dialogue) and is apparently also his least favorite, I'd say the whole franchise is one great big practical experiment proving empirically he shouldn't actually have any input in anything he comes up with beyond the conception stage.

Episode 4 proves he can write and direct perfectly well. That was the toughest one considering he barely had any support. And, when you consider all the production/post production problems he faced, it's a miracle he managed to get out a great film.

I think he's simply become a bad director/writer with age. Lost touch with his art or whatever. It would be like asking Copolla to make a new Godfather movie now; you just know it would be rubbish.
My favourite part was in Episode II when Hayden Whatshisface is courting Padme on Naboo, and they have this conversation about how she loves water and he hates sand (I think). It's meant to be an important part of the film, they're opening up to each other (giggity), but it's so terribly written (and acted) that I just can't stop laughing everytime I see it. And by everytime, I mean both times, never again shall I subject myself to that film.

I think you're pretty harsh with McGregor, his performance isn't oscar worthy but I think he grows into Obi Wan's part in episodes II and III pretty well. I agree the script of all three episodes (and, as Mockney pointed out, all of them except episode V) is dreadful.

But I feel that the Star Wars franchise as a whole is very mediocre and though I recognize its importance (well at least the initial trilogy) in cinema history, I think its inherent worth is largely overvalued by its hord of geek fans. There's only Episode V that I can watch over and over (and not even that often to be fair) and actually enjoy it. Far too much crap scattered accross the other ones.

Maybe dreadful was a bit harsh and to be far he did OK with what he was given, and yes I do agree that he did make the Obi Wan part his own in 2 and 3.
I am by no means a geek but I love Star Wars and can watch them over and over again, yes even the bad ones.
Episode 4 proves he can write and direct perfectly well.

I don't want to have a debate about how "great" Star Wars is as I'm not really a fan, but I'd contest that of the things that make it so in the eyes of it's many fans, writing isn't one of the biggies. The production design of that film was far more important to it's success than it's - really rather average - story.
My favourite part was in Episode II when Hayden Whatshisface is courting Padme on Naboo, and they have this conversation about how she loves water and he hates sand (I think). It's meant to be an important part of the film, they're opening up to each other (giggity), but it's so terribly written (and acted) that I just can't stop laughing everytime I see it. And by everytime, I mean both times, never again shall I subject myself to that film.

Ahhh, that's a classic scene. To be fair sand DOES get everywhere... gosh, it's so annoying.

I think my favourite scene also comes from Episode II... it's the, quite frankly absurd, scene that takes place in an American Diner (why is there an American Diner?) with Ewan McGregor and a big Lizard called Dex. Cue some of the worst dialogue, acting, and plausibility in the entire Star Wars franchise... BUT WHAT DO YOU MEAN DEX?!?

It is my belief that George Lucas is a man who possess some decent ideas but, when no one is around to reign him in, will turn it into shit.
They're kids films that captured a zeitgeist. Nothing wrong with that, so is Jurassic Park, but talk of them as amongst the greatest films ever is very silly.
If you're a critic, sure, but I'd have thought that for most people greatest ever just equates to most meaningful/enjoyable. Trying to objectivise art is often sillier, I think.
The best thing about star wars was always the ideas in it. Lightsabers, electric flying out of peoples fingers and Darth Vader being a brilliant villian. The story is just standard.

At the time if first came out, most of the those watching it would of been in there early teens, I know I was and all the space ships and The Force stuff was fantastic and the following carried on for the next 3 films.
Then when the new trilogy came out those same fans that watched it were older and saw it different.
Watched the Nitro Circus movie. Some good stunts but almost all of the talky bits feel forced. The whole thing builds up to the live Vegas show, then they only show about 5 minutes of it. Not as good as the TV show.
Identity Thief - God awful, in every single way. I paid nothing to see this film, yet I should still be entited to a refund. I have no idea what the feck this film is trying to do... it's not a comedy, because it doesn't even attempt to be funny (It is possibly trying to get by on the idea that Melissa McCarthy is just funny to look at? But then, she's not, so that's a stupid idea), and on the rare occassions it even attempts humour, it falls totally flat.

Other then that, it's filled with stupid characters, who make horrible decisions, and everyone in this film comes away look like an idiot. There is also one, rather incredible scene, where a character who I think, I think you are meant to like, is racist towards two characters you are definitely not meant to like... what the actual feck.

Avoid at all costs.
Well now I just really, really want to see it.

If you're a critic, sure, but I'd have thought that for most people greatest ever just equates to most meaningful/enjoyable. Trying to objectivise art is often sillier, I think.

In the sense of "this is my favorite film", yes, of course. In the sense of Empire/IMBD/Total Film/Sight&Sound's Greatest Films Of All Time lists, no. No one ever applies that sentiment to The Godfather. It's always used to excuse flawed films from criticism.

Besides, art itself is a broad, subjective term. Not everything creative deserves it's protection. Otherwise people could just say "Movie 43 is better than Apocaplyse now, art is subjective, NAH!" I enjoy Jurassic Park more than a ton of films that I would objectively rate as better than it if I were asked to make a proper, objective list.

The best thing about star wars was always the ideas in it. Lightsabers, electric flying out of peoples fingers and Darth Vader being a brilliant villian. The story is just standard.

Pretty much exactly. Even standard is pushing it, the story to the first one is cardboard.
Hannah Takes the Stairs - Joe Swanberg (2007)

Lots of talk and banter, very lo-fi, as three creative, smart, funny, indie 20 somethings live through the hottie Greta Gerwig going through them as boyfriends. Without much false pretense and technical crap, the film say loads about short term relationships. Swanberg is a very likeable director and he gets so much out of simple scenes and has a nice rhythm with his lo-fi camera work. Very theatrical in his use of small objects to liven up a scene. You always feel like it's just natural actors and some geezer with a small camera in front of them instead of some giant production of smarmy cnut technicians all over the place just to get a 30 second take that looks "professional." Very refreshing.

8 1/2 cocks up
Sightseers - A dark comedy about a couple on a caravan holiday in Yorkshire,Chris an aspiring writer and Tina a simple girl suffering from arrested development their trip soon takes a dark and fatal turn. Like a cross between Bonnie and Clyde and Fargo but with Brummie accents the blurb called it 'the best British comedy since Four Lions' which I agree with, although I've not seen a British comedy since I don't think, still I found it very funny at times but the story did wobble a bit in the middle.

714 bagels our of 986
Just on a sad note, Richard Griffiths who played "Uncle Monty" in Withnail & I
and Harry Potters uncle in the Harry Potter series of movies has died aged 65.
Rest well Uncle Monty you terrible cnut.
Star Wars Original Trilogy

Star Wars

First watched when I was 13 and I loved it then and I still love it now, for me it has lost none of the excitement from the first time I watched it.
OK some of the lines are chessey and some of the acting is not good but I don't care, the story is excellent.
The love triangle between Solo , Luke and Leia works well.
Alex Guinness and Ford both excellent.
It has everything you could possibly want: action, romance, midgets, cool creatures, quotable dialogue, midgets in bear suits, a great score and many more midget. All this in a non-violent, non-racy, perfect-for-your-wee-ones package.


The Empire Strike Back

For me this is Sci-Fi at its best.
Everything that is needed to make a sci-fi classic is here: intense and dramatic battles, memorable dialogs & quotes, superb acting, and an excellent story.
Harrison Ford was even better in this and the chemistry between him and Luke and Leia was clear to see.
The fight scene with Vader and Luke was the best part of the whole film, ending with the classic line given at the end.
Sometimes it is good that the bad guy wins.
Perfect film for me.


Return of the Jedi

Yet another cracker, slightly better than the first Star Wars but not quite up to Empire Strikes Back.
It was a fitting end to a cracking trilogy.
The parts with Luke and the Emperor on the new Death Star when the fleet is trapped and beaten is very intense, and the end fight with Luke and Vader is fantastic, when I first saw it was not expecting it to end the way it did.
My only really problem was with the Ewoks, expecting them to over power the Storm troopers is a bit daft. Mine you there was some good ideas in the final battle.
I watched the touched up one and the lame ending of the original was replaced by a huge victory celebration spanning the entire galaxy, instead of just a small Ewok village, which was the case of the original and that didn't really end a story this big the way it deserved.

9.5/10 only missing a 10 because of the Ewoks.

I think it is the best Trilogy made, but that is only my option and I know many other will disagree with me very strongly.

I really hope the new Star Wars planned do the original Trilogy justice and are not crappy like 1-3 were.
I am hoping that they show what happened right after the war ended and how the Federation was put back in place
I only watched the Original trilogy for the first time the weekend before the Phantom Menace was released. I always thought they where pure stupid shite from the clips I had seen. Ended up watching them back to back and have loved them ever since. The new movies where poor enough, but Natalie Portman's character and general hotness went a long way to saving them for me. She's stunning in them.
I only watched the Original trilogy for the first time the weekend before the Phantom Menace was released. I always thought they where pure stupid shite from the clips I had seen. Ended up watching them back to back and have loved them ever since. The new movies where poor enough, but Natalie Portman's character and general hotness went a long way to saving them for me. She's stunning in them.

I agree , she was excellent in them and just got better in each film.
Hugo 6.9/10

I thought it was good but I expected a lot more, it looks good, the acting is good and I liked the homage to old school cinema but it never really took off. It dragged on at times and that's a rare for a Scorsese film.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - 7.5/10

I wasn't expecting much going into this film but it was surprisingly very good, I thought the lead actor Logan Lerman was good and Emma Watson co-stars which is a bonus :drool:. It's a nice drama/romance movie that has a few good twists than your average clique movies we usually see in the same genre.
G.I. Joe: Retaliation 3/10

What little plot there was was bad. I award one point for each of the following: Lady Jaye's hotness, the RZA making an appearance, and the Rock starring. And there's sure to be a sequel!
Watched Princess Mononoke for the first time after a decade+... and it's much better than I remembered. Truly great film.
Just watched Watchmen. What the feck was that? An absolute waste of 3 hours of my life. Three-fecking-hours, that film was. Piece of shit.

Also watched both of the Bad Boys movies. Now that was entertaining. Both of them were good and the combo of Smith and Lawrence was brilliant.
Just watched Watchmen. What the feck was that? An absolute waste of 3 hours of my life. Three-fecking-hours, that film was. Piece of shit.

Also watched both of the Bad Boys movies. Now that was entertaining. Both of them were good and the combo of Smith and Lawrence was brilliant.

I watched it all and could not understand any of it, will never watch it again.
I thought Mononoke was by far the best Ghibli when I watched a bunch of them back to back last year. It's the most adult, and the way they present Lady Eboshi as a rounded character rather than a straight villan is nice.

Mononoke is a poor character though, and any motivation surrounding her or the boy desperate to help her (for no apparent reason) is a bit thin.
Just watched Watchmen. What the feck was that? An absolute waste of 3 hours of my life. Three-fecking-hours, that film was. Piece of shit.

The intro is better than the film.
I thought Mononoke was by far the best Ghibli when I watched a bunch of them back to back last year. It's the most adult, and the way they present Lady Eboshi as a rounded character rather than a straight villan is nice.

Mononoke is a poor character though, and any motivation surrounding her or the boy desperate to help her (for no apparent reason) is a bit thin.

I thought the folk of her town were brilliant too, especially the non stereotypical Japanese women. I suspect it was a nod to hard working Japanese folk of the post war/industrial era. As for the boy wanting to help Mononoke, I'll put that down to a massive crush and a potential slice of the apple pie. So much for natural urges eh.
Just watched Watchmen. What the feck was that? An absolute waste of 3 hours of my life. Three-fecking-hours, that film was. Piece of shit.

Also watched both of the Bad Boys movies. Now that was entertaining. Both of them were good and the combo of Smith and Lawrence was brilliant.

It was complete garbage.
Robin Hood - nice movie that. Always a fan of Crowe.

Star Trek - I really liked this one. Never seen the TV show or any other films. First film watching anything Star Trek and I was impressed. Can't wait for the 2nd one, the trailer looks amazing.