Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I couldn't get into Dog Day Afternoon when I watched it, one of the few films I haven't seen through to the end. It didn't feel like it worked at all.

Have watched quite a bit of animation recently, which should probably go in a different thread, but hey. Have slowly been working through what I haven't seen from this collection of Soviet and Russian animated shorts. The overtly political ones (which make up most of volume 1) don't make for great viewing out of context I think, but so much great stuff is included. All discs are on veehd & each individual short is on youtube, I'm more than happy to pick out a few favourites as recommendations.

I'm now really excited for Hoffmaniada, the latest Soyuzmultfilm animation out May next year. The first 20 minutes were apparently released over 6 years ago (& are on youtube without subtitles), delays due to lack of funding seem par for the course. It's bad enough waiting for Yuriy Norshteyn's next film, which I fortunately only found out about a few years back. 32+ years in the making!

I didn't realise until I recently rewatched them, that all the Shakespeare Animated Tales were outsourced to Russia (the director of Hoffmaniada worked on The Tempest & The Winter's Tale). They're an amazing achievement I think, great efforts to try to get children into the texts. I remember being scared as hell by the Macbeth one as a child. The stop motion puppet animations stand up really well, Hamlet is a work of art, same for As You Like It if it wasn't such an awful play.

Other stuff I've seen:
The Red Shoes - I don't think time has been kind to it, as while the dated/stylised nature adds a lot of comedy to old films (as it does here), it really takes away from the dramatic bits. Still a good watch & the ballet scenes are absolutely incredible.

Miller's Crossing - really enjoyable but I think something about hardboiled/pulp fiction just doesn't translate to the screen fully (maybe Justified's an exception because of how long it had to develop). Have never really warmed to Gabriel Byrne, he probably doesn't think much of me either.

I also rewatched the 70's versions of The Three Musketeers, which are classics.

Tale of Tales is a masterpiece, one of the greatest animated things ever.
Tale of Tales is a masterpiece, one of the greatest animated things ever.
Yeah it is, everything he's done is brilliant. Hedgehog in the Fog was the first russian animation I was shown. I love the Seasons that he worked on with Ivanov-Vano that I put in the classical music thread. There's only a 2 minute clip of The Overcoat without sound on youtube, but looking at it it's easy to see why it would take so much time (if not 32 years).

The opening to Midnight Express is so well done.
Its one of those films, I have been told is good just never fancied watching it.
I have got it sat on my HDD, so I will give it ago.

I'm sure you'd like it. I reckon it'd be a good remake too in the right hands. Walter Hill had a string of hits that are worth checking out. I like Streets of Fire even though many think it's awful.
Yeah it is, everything he's done is brilliant. Hedgehog in the Fog was the first russian animation I was shown. I love the Seasons that he worked on with Ivanov-Vano that I put in the classical music thread. There's only a 2 minute clip of The Overcoat without sound on youtube, but looking at it it's easy to see why it would take so much time (if not 32 years).

The opening to Midnight Express is so well done.

You knew he was screwed, when the bloke checking his bags asked him to take his glasses off and saw how sweaty he was.
I'm sure you'd like it. I reckon it'd be a good remake too in the right hands. Walter Hill had a string of hits that are worth checking out. I like Streets of Fire even though many think it's awful.

Cheers I will watch it, everything you have recommended has been good.

Another film I have been meaning to watch is , all quiet on the western front , it has good reviews.
Radio Days - I loved it, completely all over the place but hilarious at times and very watchable with the added bonus of a sneaky Larry David role.

Other stuff I've seen:
The Red Shoes - I don't think time has been kind to it, as while the dated/stylised nature adds a lot of comedy to old films (as it does here), it really takes away from the dramatic bits. Still a good watch & the ballet scenes are absolutely incredible.

That is probably a fair assessment on The Red Shoes, it does have some genuinely beautiful moments in it though I agree. A Cantebury Tale and A Matter of Life and Death are both great by Powell and Pressburger.
28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later

28 Days was on TV , so had to watch 28 weeks after it.
I like both, but 28 days is the better film.
The trouble with films like this is it can only go one way, something is infected, it infects the population and they either all die or go crazy.
28 Days had a twist with the solders wanting women and 28 weeks trying to get the UK populated again but still it ends with the same result.
I enjoyed both films, both well acted and well written, I also think Danny Boyle is a good director, weeks would of been better if he had of directed it

28 Days 7.5/10
28 weeks 6.5/10
My Brother The Devil The best British film in at least a decade. If you like The Prophet then this might be the film for you. Not a cookie cutter for that film but the multicultural themes are there. That said this film is more about family and is probably less cliched. If James Floyd isn't a huge star in the next decade then something is very wrong. 9/10

Just saw this now, would also give it a 9/10. What a fantastic film, James Floyd was excellent. Also pretty impressive from the younger brother too, Fady Elsayed, who hasn't actually acted in anything before this.
I'm sure you'd like it. I reckon it'd be a good remake too in the right hands. Walter Hill had a string of hits that are worth checking out. I like Streets of Fire even though many think it's awful.

Streets of Fire is a classic, if not, definitely a cable classic. Can't go wrong with Southern Comfort either.
Just saw this now, would also give it a 9/10. What a fantastic film, James Floyd was excellent. Also pretty impressive from the younger brother too, Fady Elsayed, who hasn't actually acted in anything before this.

Agreed. And they even avoided a really stupid ending.
Agreed. And they even avoided a really stupid ending.

You know I was expecting a stupid ending, I thought of three ways it was going to end and all would have been terrible, but I was immensely satisfied with how it actually did and completely surprised they went down that route, it was exactly in line with the whole film so I probably shouldn't have been. Brilliant all-round.
Harvey What a fantastic performance from James Stewart and a superb film, the ending was a bit neat to say the least but it doesn't detract from the overall quality of the film. Miss Kelly was a total babe too.
The Grey - I put off watching this film for ages after hearing quite negative things about it from various people, but finally got round to watching it this evening and thought it was bloody great.

It's an excellent bit of survival horror that also attempts to elevate itself above what you'd generally expect from the genre. It's tense throughout, has some excellent set-pieces, Liam Neeson is great, and the supporting cast do their part too, the majority of which have excellent "resolutions". Also, the sound and editing in this movie are terrific... especially the sound, they could have probably got away with showing less of the wolves then they actually just based on the sound.

So yeah, not sure why people didn't like it so much. I suppose if you were expecting Liam Neeson to fight wolves for 2 hours you'd be disappointed... and sure, the wolves arn't realistic... but then this isn't a realistic movie. It's clearly a work of fiction and the wolves are exacerbated for a story purpose to provide a credible threat. Probably why they went a bit over the top with the CGI for the wolves - just to make them look more threatening and blood thirsty then they actually are.

So yeah, I'm glad Joe Carnahan (A United fan according to imdb...) has made a good film again... I really like Narc quite a bit, but then Smokin Aces and A-Team that followed were shite.
Ended up watching The Devil's Rejects after randomly stumbling across the end credits while looking to listen to Seed of Memory on youtube. Not a fan of horror films but it had some funny moments and passed time spent working nicely enough. Great soundtrack.
Think I'm going to have to try to rewatch as it was too long ago for my sucky memory to recall. I'm sure there's no need to spoiler since I can't remember much, but I'll do so just in case.
I just remember being completely taken out of the film the first time Pacino's character stepped out in front of the tv cameras. I know it's meant to be absurd but the rah-rah-ing of the crowd [edit: the dialogue, the way it was done] felt incredibly contrived & took all seriousness out of the film, completely ruining the mix between drama and farce for me. I couldn't get back into it after that early point.
Cheers, I will do. Had I watched it by myself I would definitely have seen it through to the end, which may well have completely changed my opinion on it.
My Brother The Devil The best British film in at least a decade. If you like The Prophet then this might be the film for you. Not a cookie cutter for that film but the multicultural themes are there. That said this film is more about family and is probably less cliched. If James Floyd isn't a huge star in the next decade then something is very wrong. 9/10

Didn't really like this film. Wayyyy too scripted and featured a virtual checklist of troubled ethnic youth movie cliches. I started scoffing at some scenes as this movie drifted on and on. Better suited for television this stuff, really.
At the weekend I watched two movies.

Notorious - I thought it was pretty good. Seemed very much to have made up a huge amount of the details because they couldn't have possibly known and also to have made him out to be totally innocent in the West Coast East Coast battle. Despite that the film was good and the acting was OK. Some great music and rap battle type scenes and some hotties. 6.5/10

28 days later - Watched this eventually on the back of a recommendation in this thread. I had seem some of it before but had forgotten all about it. Post apocalypse type films tend to freak me out, I think it goes back to reading a book very young that was possibly too much for a child to take on-board. Anyway, it was a decent enough movie and I guess if this is your genre you'll like it more than me. 6/10
Didn't really like this film. Wayyyy too scripted and featured a virtual checklist of troubled ethnic youth movie cliches. I started scoffing at some scenes as this movie drifted on and on. Better suited for television this stuff, really.

Having lived in tower blocks in Peckham and (very very briefly) Moss Side it rang reasonably true to me.
Bachelorette The girlfriend promised to watch The Wicker Man (Nic Cage version) if I saw this with her. In the end, I think I enjoyed it a little more than she did :lol: It seemed a little more aimed towards the male demograph with crude an vulgar comedic set-pieces. The film wasn't your usual rom-com and all the better for it in my opinion. James Marsden was funny in it too, and I'm beginning to think that Comedy is slowly becoming his forte. She refused to watch Wicker Man in the end :mad: 5/10

Eden Watched this with the hope of seeing me some naked Jamie Chung :D but it didn't happen :mad: A film about kidnapping and sex traficking but to be honest, they make the trade look more glamarous than horrible. I mean, they still protray it in a nasty and horrible way but nowhere near what say Taken did with the subject. Was quite a run-of-the-mill film and no naked Jaie Chung :mad: 4/10
End of Watch - Very good stuff. Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena do a good job of building a buddy cop relationship you can believe in and get behind, and that in-turn builds a solid basis for a very good and gritty cop drama - probably the best cop film I've seen for a while.

The found-footage, element originally put me off seeing this in cinema, as it looked really overly shaky, but I actually quite enjoyed the camera work for the most part. I liked how, for the most part it was from the POV of the cops (and I was fine with their justification for cameras being around), and that it could go to external/non-found footage shot when it needed to and it wasn't brought attention to. My only criticism was that I thought it was a little bit jarring when any of the Gang members were also filming things... I can see why the did it, but I don't think it worked quite as well, and the fact that non of the gang members seemed to very good at acting probably didn't help.

Finally, I have an irrational hatred of Anna Kendrick... I think she's a terrible actress, and weird looking.
This is 40: Tried to watch this but got about half an hour in and hadn't laughed once so switched on

The Town: Really enjoyed this. Good story and definitely worth a watch.
End of Watch - Very good stuff. Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena do a good job of building a buddy cop relationship you can believe in and get behind, and that in-turn builds a solid basis for a very good and gritty cop drama - probably the best cop film I've seen for a while.

The found-footage, element originally put me off seeing this in cinema, as it looked really overly shaky, but I actually quite enjoyed the camera work for the most part. I liked how, for the most part it was from the POV of the cops (and I was fine with their justification for cameras being around), and that it could go to external/non-found footage shot when it needed to and it wasn't brought attention to. My only criticism was that I thought it was a little bit jarring when any of the Gang members were also filming things... I can see why the did it, but I don't think it worked quite as well, and the fact that non of the gang members seemed to very good at acting probably didn't help.

Finally, I have an irrational hatred of Anna Kendrick... I think she's a terrible actress, and weird looking.

great movie, can't remember if I reviewed it but it would get very good marks. One of the most interesting cop dramas in years. Also Anna Kendrick has a very very cute smile.

This is 40: Tried to watch this but got about half an hour in and hadn't laughed once so switched on

The Town: Really enjoyed this. Good story and definitely worth a watch.

Both correct, although there was some fine hottie action in This is 40 which just about made up for the loss of an hour and a half from my life.
This is 40 was only 90 minutes? Felt like it went on for hours.

The thing is, Appatow usually manages to combine a sort of 'social study' of so and so situation with (sometimes great) comedy. This was basically just a documentary about a boring married typical American couple as their life drifted into routine. There were a couple of smiles along the way, but nowhere near enough to justify a recommendation to anyone who hasn't seen it. Also, some of the storylines was awful (notably the ones involving each character's parents) and made those scenes tedious. The finale was ridiculous as well (when he gets on his bike).

Yeah pretty poor film by all accounts.
Olympus Has Fallen : 7/10

Saw this today. Well its not a brilliant film by any means as this has all been done many times before. Just the settings and abckground have changed. However, doesn't disappoint even if we have seen such movies many times before. The good part is we always always know what is going to happen next and could guess the whole movie after the first 15-20 minutes, but it still holds your interest and doesn't bore you at any time.
Star Wars.
I wanted to re watch this and started with the new trilogy.

The Phantom Menace.

It was not good, I was expecting better, after waiting god know how many years for it.
The story was weak and acting was just rubbish. Lian Neeson was dreadful has was Ewan McGegor.
Portman was OK and the lad playing Anakin did a good job with what he had.
Jar Jar Binks, who ever thought up him wants a a slap, maybe the most annoying thing ever.
I did like the pod racing, but even that was poor.


Attack of the Clones.

Dreadful and only watchable because I love Star Wars, if this was a standalone film,it would never get watched.
Again you have McGregor but this time add Christoper Lee, Samual L Jackson and Hayden Christensen , you have 4 really bad performances.
Portman was again OK and I did like Ian Mc Diarmid has Palatine.
There was one plus about the film, no Jar Jar Binks.


Revenge of the Sith.

Far better than the other 2.
I enjoyed this one just as much has the original trilogy.
The acting of McGregor, Lee, Jackson and Hayden Christensen was not any better, I just enjoyed it more.
Portman was again maybe the best out of the lot, I think she is a good actress.
I was disappointing at the way Anakin's turn to the dark side was handled, it could of been better
The last 30 mins was by far the best, the fights between Yoda and Palapatine and Anakin and Obi-Wan were good, mind you the I have the higher ground line and then chopping Anakin's legs of was just stupid.
The way Anakin was turned in to Darth Vader was OK.
