The Host was very good indeed. Save the Green Planet! was even better. Although, it touched every genre known to man.
watched this again last night. I've decided it's brilliant. The creatures still look shit but the acting's terrific (especially Toby Jones and Marcia Gay Harden)....Mrs Carmody is one of the most dislikable people in any movie ever. Stephen King likes his evil ladies. When she was shot it was the most satisfying thing that had happened to me all day...until my afternoon wank
The ending would have been a lot better, but the guy didn't seem to put on a great performance. His eyes didn't seem to show anything, he just looked like some bloke shouting.

I loved Punisher though, but then again he didn't need to show much emotion then.
I'd also like to state for the record that I liked the Star Wars prequels. And hated Watchmen.

I'd also like to go on record saying that I'm standing by the setting for this being a Doom ripoff, despite the novella being published over a decade before Doom came out.
enjoyable. Ending had 1 too many twists but dug the bleak tone. Just didn't like the extra kick in the nuts when the Army showed up. Leave me with the apocalypse instead.

film though.
Sharky McShark has the worst taste in films imaginable...if he hated it I can feel quite comfortable in my assurance that it's a good film
Watched this tonight on Sky movies, I cant believe most of you liked it! I thought it was terrible.

Basicaly, the army are trying to get into other realms and it backfires meaning all the wierd creatures somehow come out into our realm. But they can only do this with a huge fog? Right, ok.

The ending was ridiculous. Why didnt anyone think "Hey, lets get out of the car and just keep walking and see where we get?" Nope, instead they all decide they need to commit suicide but, oh noes, there are only four bullets so the dad decides to kill them all but himself (including his fecking kid!!! No parent would EVER shoot there own kid ffs and what happend to the last 1hr 1/2 of him trying his hardest to save his kid eh?)

Then after the poorly acted shouts he gets out the car and hey presto here is the army with flame throwers and goodbye to the big fog and everything around. How convienient.

However there were some good bits and it did keep me watching, i did like it when the old woman threw the peas at the religious girl :D

Overall, 3/10 from me.

Absolutely spot on spud.

The dad shooting his son was fecking ridiculous.
Erm... big "SPOILER ALERT" in the title kind of gives it away.