Pogue Mahone

Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
Watched this flick last night. It's based on a Stephen King novella and is a fairly standard sci-fi horror, albeit much better than the average. Reasonably gripping plot, slightly dodgy FX but competent acting all round and very well-paced plot.

But feck me, how dark was the ending? Best ending to a movie I can think of in a long, long time. Left me proper shook up for a minute or two.

Can anyone else think of a better final scene in this sort of movie?
Haven't seen it til the end, but the bit where the girl gets stung and it all swells up is nasty. Need to get a copy of this movie and finish watching it. Also, I'd really like to punch that religious lady.
I've not seen it. Were there any good tit shots?

I was always disturbed by the ending of Easy Rider.
Essentially its the opposite of the ending to Shawshank, directed and written by the same bloke, it is the consequence of loosing hope.
I watched it one night when I had a mate around... I told her that we should sleep but she said "let's watch one more movie"... ended up finishing watching it at 6 30am... had to watch 15 minutes of a comedy DVD before I felt comfortable sleeping in honesty, such was the depression of the ending
The ending was shite. I hate it when directors/writers take the viewer on an emotional rollacoaster for the sake it. Cheap cheap ending.
fecking Awesome movie :cool:

Bad weather terrorizing the local supermarket it is not. Some of you guys should try watching the film and not the trailer :D

Since when is being taken on an emotional roller-coaster a bad thing?

Makes a refreshing change from the bland indifference you feel watching 99% of movies from this genre.

It's cheap. Green Mile's another film I hated, and it was even worse in that respect. I just don;t understand why they needed to end The Mist the way they did. They should've ended it with them all dying in the car or whatever. Look, OMG! they shouldn't have been so hasty to kill themselves, help was around the corner! Refreshing my arse. Jacob's Ladder had a brilliant ending, but there was a reason behind it. . .and it fitted in well with the plot/storyline.
I'm kind of with Spoony on this one, though I thought the film was pretty decent. The real ending (from the novel) is great and exactly what should've been done.

Don't know about Green Mile but the Shawshank ending was also dodgy. Frank Darabont likes to mess up with the endings obviously.
This reminds me that St. Kings stories also more often than not fall a bit flat at their ends. But not in "The Mist" case.
It's cheap. Green Mile's another film I hated, and it was even worse in that respect. I just don;t understand why they needed to end The Mist the way they did. They should've ended it with them all dying in the car or whatever. Look, OMG! they shouldn't have been so hasty to kill themselves, help was around the corner! Refreshing my arse. Jacob's Ladder had a brilliant ending, but there was a reason behind it. . .and it fitted in well with the plot/storyline.

Yeah, cause group suicide is a completely predictable way for a flick like this to end.
Yeah, cause group suicide is a completely predictable way for a flick like this to end.

I suppose aliens could've come out of the sky and saved them all. . .and then decided to eat them on their UFO. That would've been pretty unpredictable and all. IMVHO.
Watched this tonight on Sky movies, I cant believe most of you liked it! I thought it was terrible.

Basicaly, the army are trying to get into other realms and it backfires meaning all the wierd creatures somehow come out into our realm. But they can only do this with a huge fog? Right, ok.

The ending was ridiculous. Why didnt anyone think "Hey, lets get out of the car and just keep walking and see where we get?" Nope, instead they all decide they need to commit suicide but, oh noes, there are only four bullets so the dad decides to kill them all but himself (including his fecking kid!!! No parent would EVER shoot there own kid ffs and what happend to the last 1hr 1/2 of him trying his hardest to save his kid eh?)

Then after the poorly acted shouts he gets out the car and hey presto here is the army with flame throwers and goodbye to the big fog and everything around. How convienient.

However there were some good bits and it did keep me watching, i did like it when the old woman threw the peas at the religious girl :D

Overall, 3/10 from me.
Yeah I fecking hated the ending. Completely contrived just to be shocking.

And the religious lady was the most annoying cnut in history, what's worse is that for some strange reason she gathered a load of support and followers, I guess it was some attempt to show what can happen when people are trapped? I wasn't buying it. People don't just de-evolve 400 years and in the space of 2 days because some religious nutter spouts some crap.

What about that douche that wouldn't believe the kid got killed? Been a while since I seen it but didn't he remain completely ignorant despite the testimonies of like 4 people saying they saw something murder the kid? Oh well, massive douche somehow manages to round up more douches to go douching about into the wilderness. This film was just full of retarded and annoying people.
agree totally with the slating of the religious girl - i would have loved to have hit her a boot up the hole!

the movie was spoiled by the ending and felt more like a twilight zone than a movie cos of it
Hmmm...Very divisive this aint it..

I'm with Pogue on this, I liked it. I thought a lot of the creature stuff was hokey and pointless and not very well done...Ditto the unexplained sub plot about the army, but all in all I think it worked

The acting was very good, the quick escalation of mob rule, over reaction etc etc was done well and paced perfectly..I thought it was a good little suspense thriller...A little out there and OTT, but well done and tense

As for the ending, which seems to be the most divisive bit..I really really liked it...There are a lot of ways in which it's simply there for the sake of it and, of course, that probably wouldn't happen, but I think it made an impact. It was shocking, but in a good way for me

People trying to rationalise it is pointless...people only do that when they have an irrational dislike of something, and then try and justify it...Take the Usual Suspects, generally agreed to be one of the best endings in film. Well, rationally, it's a complete cop out of an ending, akin to saying it was all a dream. It essentailly says, everything you've just watched didn't happen and it's contrived because the writer obviously wanted it to be shocking rather than logical...It's still feckin awesome though...

Apples & Pears and what not...I thought it was different to the general mulch of american horror movies these days
Still, it's a good story and a decent film, better than any horror crap in the last decade or so.

Basicaly, the army are trying to get into other realms and it backfires meaning all the wierd creatures somehow come out into our realm. But they can only do this with a huge fog? Right, ok.

It's a Sci-Fi movie, potatohead. They can come into our realm via waves of dogshite. Doesn't matter.
Oooh I dunno about that. American Horror yes...Spain & Japan have brought out some corkers in the last few years

maybe, but if you're talking about [rec] it wasn't all that...and I really dislike all grudge/the ring shite.

Though The Audition was pretty decent from what I remember.
Dads kill their kids all the time, every few months their are stories of a dads going through divorce who kills himself and his children
maybe, but if you're talking about [rec] it wasn't all that...and I really dislike all grudge/the ring shite.

Though The Audition was pretty decent from what I remember.

More The Orphanage...but I liked rec too. Even if it wasn't very original.
maybe, but if you're talking about [rec] it wasn't all that...and I really dislike all grudge/the ring shite.

Though The Audition was pretty decent from what I remember.

I didn't think much of [rec]. But the Audition was brilliant. The Koreans made a couple of decent horrors too - A Tale of Two Sisters was fantastic. But you're right about Grudge and the others. . .that said, I did enjoy Ringu and the Yank remake.
He's probably the brains behind Lost.

If so the island will be all part of his mental conciousness and needs to be saved in order to save him, which in turn will save the word because he's so amazing and his writing will change the world....Then they'll all turn out to be ducks or some shit
I didn't think much of [rec]. But the Audition was brilliant. The Koreans made a couple of decent horrors too - A Tale of Two Sisters was fantastic. But you're right about Grudge and the others. . .that said, I did enjoy Ringu and the Yank remake.

The Host was another good Korean horror...they've done better stuff than the japs in the last 3 or 4 years

The Grudge was laughed all the way through it...which probably wasn't their intention