Film Star Wars: Pogue One

The early fan reviews for BvS were good too, but I still can't help getting excited by all the things I'm hearing. BvS looked OK in the trailers, not spectacular, and you knew it had a shitty director. But this, good director, and the trailer looks fantastic. Setting myself up for a fall, but:
Third act, so...Vader. I can believe that, to be fair. You know he's not gonna get screwed up like Luthor and Joker were, gonna be James Earl voicing a giant samurai with magic, JUST AS WE WANT IT.

Disney can have my money, again.
I actually didn't know there was a new one coming out until I saw the commercial on the telly the other day.

SW heavily suffers under the plague of the 00's, they simply can't recreate the "feeling" of the good old times.

I fecking loved Awakens, the third act wasn't as good as act 1 and 2, but I can forgive them for having some great moments. That moment Rey using force pull on the lightsaber... chills.

Worth pointing out that those are not fan reactions, but critics and journalists for the most part.
White Supremacists boycotting.:lol:

Only took them four decades to realise the bad guys might sort of reflect them.
I don't normally get hyped about movies enough to bother going to the cinema, but I've taken a half day on Friday and I'm going to a morning showing. Please be awesome.
All the reviews were positive for TFA , but it was totally rubbish, didnt feel like a Star Wars movie, too much cliche, and like every single action movie out these days. They use excessive CGI, and totally disregard the story in the process, and instead of dialogue , they tried to hard for unwitty one liners.

I`m a massive stars wars fan, but so so dissapointed from the garbage that was TFA, and its funny how every review was overwhelmingly positive for it
All the reviews were positive for TFA , but it was totally rubbish, didnt feel like a Star Wars movie, too much cliche, and like every single action movie out these days. They use excessive CGI, and totally disregard the story in the process, and instead of dialogue , they tried to hard for unwitty one liners.

I`m a massive stars wars fan, but so so dissapointed from the garbage that was TFA, and its funny how every review was overwhelmingly positive for it
I am not sure I understand. The Force Awakens is basically a remake of A New Hope.
Some people just didnt want to like it regardless. Flawed but TFA was more than fine and brought back the magic for most die hards....its not gonna end up going the way of the prequels though with time its flaws will be more known.
I feel like people are slowly coming around the realisation that TFA was a bit shit. I walked out of the cinema underwhelmed and gave it 6/10 then, it's probably dropped even lower now. I'd need to rewatch it to say for sure but there's nothing about it that makes me want to sit through it again. Don't want to speak for everyone of course, but we did see a very similar thing with the prequels.

Hopefully Rogue one is better.
All the reviews were positive for TFA , but it was totally rubbish, didnt feel like a Star Wars movie, too much cliche, and like every single action movie out these days. They use excessive CGI, and totally disregard the story in the process, and instead of dialogue , they tried to hard for unwitty one liners.

I`m a massive stars wars fan, but so so dissapointed from the garbage that was TFA, and its funny how every review was overwhelmingly positive for it
It wasn't rubbish, it definitely felt like Star Wars, all Star Wars movies had cliche. The biggest problems were that it was a reboot of A New Hope labelled as a new story, and that Rey went from zero to hero in a space of three seconds. But it was a decent movie (for most part) although won't be remembered in the same height as the first two Star Wars movies.
Never believe the first reactions - the people coming out that cinema will be tweeting within minutes after reliving their childhood, no doubt just having seen Vader do some awesome shit and it ending with the beginning of A New Hope.

But most of all, they tend to be the 'softer' fanboy critics and people in the public eye known for being (in this case) big fans of the series - who are just really desperate to let the public know that they've seen it before anyone else.
Never believe the first reactions - the people coming out that cinema will be tweeting within minutes after reliving their childhood, no doubt just having seen Vader do some awesome shit and it ending with the beginning of A New Hope.

But most of all, they tend to be the 'softer' fanboy critics and people in the public eye known for being (in this case) big fans of the series - who are just really desperate to let the public know that they've seen it before anyone else.
yeah i think the type of people who go to a premiere or first showing will tend to be more easy to please and will overlook the flaws.

I liked TFA in real time, got a buzz from all the nods and winks to the past. It didn't stand up to repeated viewings though, the second time I watched it i found the film pretty thin and way too close to the story of A New Hope.
So much negativity. Film making is less story telling these days and that's something I've already accepted. I'm going in with an open mind and I'm absolutely sure it will be a fun and exciting watch. Can't wait :)
Some people just didnt want to like it regardless. Flawed but TFA was more than fine and brought back the magic for most die hards....its not gonna end up going the way of the prequels though with time its flaws will be more known.

Indeed feckin hipsters. I've seen it twice and enjoyed it both times, not a masterpiece but not shit. Had plenty of charm for me and all of us star wars geeks loved it at the cinema. The first 30minutes in particular were excellent, loved it.
In what seems to be a minority opinion here, I really enjoyed TFA, and have watched it a few times. It's really good bubblegum film, well shot, pretty well acted, fun, lightweight and excellent family viewing. My 8 year old, for example, loved it... and since I was 6, 9, and 12 when the first 3 came out I can understand why.

I'm really looking forward to this one also, and just hope that its a worthy addition
TFA is a terrific film. Yes it basically mirrors ANH but the new characters are likeable, it sets up the next 2 films nicely & they went back to the basics after the dreadful prequels which focused more on CGI than story. I enjoyed it & have seen it again a few times.

Looking forward to Rogue One.
All the reviews were positive for TFA , but it was totally rubbish, didnt feel like a Star Wars movie, too much cliche, and like every single action movie out these days. They use excessive CGI, and totally disregard the story in the process, and instead of dialogue , they tried to hard for unwitty one liners.

I`m a massive stars wars fan, but so so dissapointed from the garbage that was TFA, and its funny how every review was overwhelmingly positive for it

I find these criticisms strange. TFA was the first Star Wars film that felt like a Star Wars film to me since the 80s. Whilst the dialogue was hardly tremendous, it was surely a huge step forward from the clunky prequels. I accept the cliche point, but surely the last three Star Wars movies were heavily CGI and they certainly struggled with their plotting. Whilst sentimental nostalgia is clearly a factor (I was there the first time around as a kid), I think it's an enjoyable and solid movie, made with clear affection for the originals. It's not an amazing film by any standards, but compared to the preceding three, I found it joyous.
TFA is a terrific film. Yes it basically mirrors ANH but the new characters are likeable, it sets up the next 2 films nicely & they went back to the basics after the dreadful prequels which focused more on CGI than story. I enjoyed it & have seen it again a few times.

Looking forward to Rogue One.

I find these criticisms strange. TFA was the first Star Wars film that felt like a Star Wars film to me since the 80s. Whilst the dialogue was hardly tremendous, it was surely a huge step forward from the clunky prequels. I accept the cliche point, but surely the last three Star Wars movies were heavily CGI and they certainly struggled with their plotting. Whilst sentimental nostalgia is clearly a factor (I was there the first time around as a kid), I think it's an enjoyable and solid movie, made with clear affection for the originals. It's not an amazing film by any standards, but compared to the preceding three, I found it joyous.

Yeah I'm the same. Can't understand people hating on it, it's like they don't realise they're 40 years older than when they saw the first one. It's a great movie, similarities annoy but not enough to make it poor. The awakening of Rey was handled very well imo, despite being rapid, she's obviously very powerful.
I enjoyed The Force Awakens very much in the cinema, 8-9/10 for me.
Should I be excited for this one?
The Force Awakens was great fun, loved seeing it in the cinema.

Why aren't the reviews of Rogue One yet available though? Will they come out today, considering tomorrow's release?
For TFA my son and I booked VIP tickets for the early showing at 8am. We were two of 5 people in there, it was fantastic. This time we are going at 2pm on a Saturday because we are taking my friends daughter who couldnt go until then. I already know im not gonna enjoy a packed cinema.
Im glad more people liked TFA in this thread than not given how the recent posts just switched. I enjoyed it. The problem is every overanalyses movies nowadays, and im sure the first three would have been the same had the internet / reddit, forums, etc been around back then.
I didnt enjoy ep1 on first viewing though except maybe 1 or 2 scenes.
First time I saw TFA I was disappointed, mainly because the hype was so excessive that I was expecting too much. People seemed so pleased that it didn't plumb the depths of the prequels that they over-compensated and made it out to be a classic. And it wasn't a classic it was, in hindsight, just a really entertaining film that basically used the structure of A New Hope to reboot the series. It was the type of shallow, throwaway fun that JJ Abrams specialises in and now I've accepted that I can see it for what it is - breezy, nostalgic entertainment.

I'd like this one to have some more substance but I'll settle for more good, solid entertainment.
Took me a while to recognise who this was.
TFA was overrated. A good popcorn flick, but rather like the Avengers in that it is forgettable and not a 'great' film. The trailer for this film does look promising though.
TFA was overrated. A good popcorn flick, but rather like the Avengers in that it is forgettable and not a 'great' film. The trailer for this film does look promising though.
I image this one(as with TFA)will be as good as it's director. Decent but forgotten in a few years time.
All the reviews were positive for TFA , but it was totally rubbish, didnt feel like a Star Wars movie, too much cliche, and like every single action movie out these days. They use excessive CGI, and totally disregard the story in the process, and instead of dialogue , they tried to hard for unwitty one liners.

I`m a massive stars wars fan, but so so dissapointed from the garbage that was TFA, and its funny how every review was overwhelmingly positive for it

If TFA wasn't Star Wars neither was the original.
The genuine criticism was that it was too close a copy and that Rey was Superman combined with God once her powers got activated.

Edit: still had some awesome moments, including the first shot of the Falcon, but that was driven by nostalgia.
I am not sure I understand. The Force Awakens is basically a remake of A New Hope.

I mean it wasnt orginal, the orginal and the new trilogys were not copies of each other, they were totally original. So from TFA I expected a new branching out and exploring of a post Luke Skywalker era
I have loved every star wars films (prequels included), TFA was very much a new hope for the next 3 films and I enjoyed it and I have re-watched plenty of times and still enjoy it.