Film Star Wars: Pogue One

What's up with his helmet? His neck sticks out way too far.

I'm not sure if you're being facetious, but regardless your post is both subtle and great commentary on the (lack of) creativity of the Star Wars plots :lol:

Still, I'm a sucker for Star Wars, and I can't wait to get another dose. Trying not to read too much about it, as I find it better to go in with as few expectations as possible. Is really Jake Lloyd reprising his role though? Not that it matters who's in the suit, as James Earl Jones is voicing Vader again.
Spencer Wildling is going to play him, with likely James Earl Jones voicing him.

Lloyd doesn't even make movies anymore, and apparently hates Star Wars. Christensen would have been my favorite but he was never going to get the role considering that he is a few inches shorter and his name itself would have made many Star Wars fans kill themselves.
Spencer Wildling is going to play him, with likely James Earl Jones voicing him.

Lloyd doesn't even make movies anymore, and apparently hates Star Wars. Christensen would have been my favorite but he was never going to get the role considering that he is a few inches shorter and his name itself would have made many Star Wars fans kill themselves.
That I picked up on, which is why I thought that perhaps it wasn't considered very important who donned the suit.
Spencer Wildling is going to play him, with likely James Earl Jones voicing him.

Lloyd doesn't even make movies anymore, and apparently hates Star Wars. Christensen would have been my favorite but he was never going to get the role considering that he is a few inches shorter and his name itself would have made many Star Wars fans kill themselves.
He was shit in the second movie, but decent in the third one considering the hand he was served.

And yep, I quite liked the prequels.

Liked the prequels AND Christensen?

Anything you dislike must be truly god-awful then.
Anybody booked their tickets yet?

I was really looking forward to watching this on IMAX, but it seems every IMAX cinema outside of London is only showing it in 3D. :(

Much prefer watching movies in 2D so think I'll have to skip the IMAX experience this time around.
What's up with his helmet? His neck sticks out way too far.


Vader's helmet has actually varied slightly from movie to movie. The one you're seeing in the trailer is closer to that of the helmet in A New Hope. The one they used for Revenge of the Sith was a recast in parts and then the sculptor built up the helmet as he went along. It had a better neckpiece than the above but I'm assuming that the reason the helmet is like this is for continuity purposes seeing as its about 18 years after he began wearing the suit and with the movie being based days\weeks away from A New Hope its more in line with the originals. The above helmet to me is more sinister looking as it has a widows peak on the brow compared to the one from Revenge of the Sith which gives Vader's mask an angry expression.

I really need to get out more often.....
Vader's helmet has actually varied slightly from movie to movie. The one you're seeing in the trailer is closer to that of the helmet in A New Hope. The one they used for Revenge of the Sith was a recast in parts and then the sculptor built up the helmet as he went along. It had a better neckpiece than the above but I'm assuming that the reason the helmet is like this is for continuity purposes seeing as its about 18 years after he began wearing the suit and with the movie being based days\weeks away from A New Hope its more in line with the originals. The above helmet to me is more sinister looking as it has a widows peak on the brow compared to the one from Revenge of the Sith which gives Vader's mask an angry expression.

I really need to get out more often.....
This is a very good post. I noticed the difference too!
Vader's helmet has actually varied slightly from movie to movie. The one you're seeing in the trailer is closer to that of the helmet in A New Hope. The one they used for Revenge of the Sith was a recast in parts and then the sculptor built up the helmet as he went along. It had a better neckpiece than the above but I'm assuming that the reason the helmet is like this is for continuity purposes seeing as its about 18 years after he began wearing the suit and with the movie being based days\weeks away from A New Hope its more in line with the originals. The above helmet to me is more sinister looking as it has a widows peak on the brow compared to the one from Revenge of the Sith which gives Vader's mask an angry expression.

I really need to get out more often.....
Oh wow :lol:
Vader's helmet has actually varied slightly from movie to movie. The one you're seeing in the trailer is closer to that of the helmet in A New Hope. The one they used for Revenge of the Sith was a recast in parts and then the sculptor built up the helmet as he went along. It had a better neckpiece than the above but I'm assuming that the reason the helmet is like this is for continuity purposes seeing as its about 18 years after he began wearing the suit and with the movie being based days\weeks away from A New Hope its more in line with the originals. The above helmet to me is more sinister looking as it has a widows peak on the brow compared to the one from Revenge of the Sith which gives Vader's mask an angry expression.

I really need to get out more often.....

Is it just me or is there a lack of hype around?
Compared to last year it's pretty quiet.
Is it just me or is there a lack of hype around?
Compared to last year it's pretty quiet.
I don't think that it was ever going to generate the same interest as 'The Force Awakens', and I think that a lot of people (like me) got a bit disappointed with 'The Force Awakens', so are less excited about it.

I got the tickets for this Thursday, and I am hoping it will be a good movie (in either case, I would watch even the Room as long as it has Star Wars branding on it), but not being anywhere as exciting as I was last year.

Still, despite the lack of interest, I think that the movie will reach 1b quite easily.
Is it just me or is there a lack of hype around?
Compared to last year it's pretty quiet.

The hype also comes with the lack of marketing. Couldn't get away from The Force Awakens last year, where as i can't remember the last time i saw a trailer or TV spot.

Hopefully it doesn't reflect the execs opinion of the film...
The hype also comes with the lack of marketing. Couldn't get away from The Force Awakens last year, where as i can't remember the last time i saw a trailer or TV spot.

Hopefully it doesn't reflect the execs opinion of the film...
I've started to assume that it does - there's been so little promotion of it (obviously in comparison to similar films).
I watched ANH last night and forgot how you can only see the new tinkered-with versions. fecks me off every time.
Is it just me or is there a lack of hype around?
Compared to last year it's pretty quiet.

Maybe because it's not a main episodic film & we know what is going to happen in the film so there's unlikely to be any major shocks (rebels get the plans & that sets up ANH).

I'd have preferred if they did a film concentrating on Vader instead.
Refuse to trust fan reviews after the shitshow that was Batman vs Superman.
The early fan reviews for BvS were good too, but I still can't help getting excited by all the things I'm hearing. BvS looked OK in the trailers, not spectacular, and you knew it had a shitty director. But this, good director, and the trailer looks fantastic. Setting myself up for a fall, but:

I actually didn't know there was a new one coming out until I saw the commercial on the telly the other day.

SW heavily suffers under the plague of the 00's, they simply can't recreate the "feeling" of the good old times.