Film Star Wars: Pogue One

Even then, there's a weird canon problem. None of these rebels show up in the original trilogy. So either they all die, or the movie will have to explain why we don't see them again in episodes IV - VI.

Part of the crew of Leia's ship? That's the only option I can see.
And shoehorn them into ep 3 too because for some reason in Lucas' eyes, the characters stood still in their positions between the end of 3 and the start of 4.
Return Of The Jedi re-release screen capture:

Ah, it's hard to keep track. Thanks man.

To put this film into a rough timeline...

Episode 3 - Return of the Shit Sith
Star Wars - Rogue One (this happens very shortly before Episode 4)
Episode 4 - A New Hope
Episode 5 - Empire Strikes Back
Episode 6 - Return of the Jedi
To put this film into a rough timeline...

Episode 3 - Return of the Shit Sith
Star Wars - Rogue One (this happens very shortly before Episode 4)
Episode 4 - A New Hope
Episode 5 - Empire Strikes Back
Episode 6 - Return of the Jedi
Thanks, I was starting to think I was losing my mind reading this thread expecting it to be about the next episode of the saga :lol:
To me the third trailer is the one where they step over the line and show too much footage, but the teaser is the one that actually makes me interested in the movie. Recent ones from memory that did this were Godzilla, Interstellar, and The Force Awakens.

The Interstellar teaser is my favourite ever teaser. The use of old stock footage of iconic moments in space exploration with the voiceover by Matthew McConnaugey and Hans Zimmer's brilliant score was just brilliant.

The Force Awakens teaser was very good as well. Made me so excited for the movie.
The Interstellar teaser is my favourite ever teaser. The use of old stock footage of iconic moments in space exploration with the voiceover by Matthew McConnaugey and Hans Zimmer's brilliant score was just brilliant.

The Force Awakens teaser was very good as well. Made me so excited for the movie.

Disney are just milking this franchise for all its worth, theres been tonnes of stuff between episodes 3 and 4, use your imagination, and continue on the story, make something new

Personally for me the force awakens did not feel like a Star Wars movie, more like a bad parody, totally copied Episode IV
Trailer 2

Fair amount of plot shown so potential spoilers, etc.
I wasn't a fan of force awakens because it was dripping with fan service instead of trying to be it's own film. I think I'll enjoy Rogue One much more.
I wasn't a fan of force awakens because it was dripping with fan service instead of trying to be it's own film. I think I'll enjoy Rogue One much more.
I think it will be more of the same. Vader is back, there's gonna be so many nods to ongoing events in Ep IV etc.
Trailers these days reveal too much of the movie. Major plot points, action scenes and characters are shown to generate interest in the movie. I like seeing all these things for the first time in the theatre while watching the movie, not in a trailer. How cool would it have been to see the stadium pitch blowing up scene in Dark Knight Rises for the first time in the theatre, instead of in the trailer?

Rogue One might end with Darth Vader entering the Rebel ship as shown in the start of A New Hope. Even then, there's a timeline problem as none of these characters appear in New Hope. It would be cool to have Lando Calrissian and Wedge Antilles in this. Also, it felt great to see AT-AT walkers and all those tanks again. They probably weren't shown in TFA because it's not the Empire again, it's Ren and Snoke. Also, it will certainly be weird to see a Star Wars flick without John Williams on the score.
Trailers these days reveal too much of the movie. Major plot points, action scenes and characters are shown to generate interest in the movie. I like seeing all these things for the first time in the theatre while watching the movie, not in a trailer. How cool would it have been to see the stadium pitch blowing up scene in Dark Knight Rises for the first time in the theatre, instead of in the trailer?

Rogue One might end with Darth Vader entering the Rebel ship as shown in the start of A New Hope. Even then, there's a timeline problem as none of these characters appear in New Hope. It would be cool to have Lando Calrissian and Wedge Antilles in this. Also, it felt great to see AT-AT walkers and all those tanks again. They probably weren't shown in TFA because it's not the Empire again, it's Ren and Snoke. Also, it will certainly be weird to see a Star Wars flick without John Williams on the score.

I don't think the Rogue One characters not being in ANH is a problem, I can think of three ways they get round it:

• My preference: Vader lives up to his reputation of being a complete badass by murdering all the heroes after they bravely steal the Death Star plans.

• They go on holiday to Alderaan after the job is done.

• They remain with the alliance but the explanation as to why they aren't in ANH is because they simply don't need to be - the rebels have enough personnel to not be seeing the same faces in every movie.
Trailers these days reveal too much of the movie.

I agree with this hence why Ive stopped actively searching (didnt watch the trailer posted above though I kinda want to). Even started going to cinemas 20 minutes after "start time" as I know they normally play all those ads and then the trailers.
I agree with this hence why Ive stopped actively searching (didnt watch the trailer posted above though I kinda want to). Even started going to cinemas 20 minutes after "start time" as I know they normally play all those ads and then the trailers.

Same, i'm really trying hard not to watch trailers.
Though to be fair, the plot for this is more or less obvious, the real anticipation is for Vader and they've guarded his appearances pretty well, only two brief shots and no dialogue.
Haven't watched the last one yet as it just seems like the usual Disney shit to sell merchandise.
Though to be fair, the plot for this is more or less obvious, the real anticipation is for Vader and they've guarded his appearances pretty well, only two brief shots and no dialogue.

He'll probably just be in about 10 minutes of the movie, though. Which is fine, obviously, since they've marketed him as more of a background menace as opposed to central character/villain, but I'd be disappointed if the movie as a whole is average with a couple of good Vader scenes.
He'll probably just be in about 10 minutes of the movie, though. Which is fine, obviously, since they've marketed him as more of a background menace as opposed to central character/villain, but I'd be disappointed if the movie as a whole is average with a couple of good Vader scenes.
Yeah but I was meaning more in terms of the trailers giving stuff away, far happier for it to be the plot outline than his scenes.
Where is the tension if you already know that the mission is successful and the Death Star is killed by Lando?

I'm not sure if you're being facetious, but regardless your post is both subtle and great commentary on the (lack of) creativity of the Star Wars plots :lol:

Still, I'm a sucker for Star Wars, and I can't wait to get another dose. Trying not to read too much about it, as I find it better to go in with as few expectations as possible. Is really Jake Lloyd reprising his role though? Not that it matters who's in the suit, as James Earl Jones is voicing Vader again.
I'm not sure if you're being facetious, but regardless your post is both subtle and great commentary on the (lack of) creativity of the Star Wars plots :lol:

Still, I'm a sucker for Star Wars, and I can't wait to get another dose. Trying not to read too much about it, as I find it better to go in with as few expectations as possible. Is really Jake Lloyd reprising his role though? Not that it matters who's in the suit, as James Earl Jones is voicing Vader again.
Think he's in prison or summat at the moment. Some large person is in the suit.
Just going on the trailer Rogue one has a different feel to it. It feels more serious and tense. Very much looking forward to this.
Felicity Jones has the screen presence and charisma of a piece of cardboard.