Solskjær press conference vs West Ham (A)

I must have taken a wrong turn. This seems to be the kiddie's forum?
Always been. This is nothing to Jose's press con threads. People were losing their minds over every word he spoke. Why he said this, why he didn't say that? Why did he use this particular word. Isn't it a dig on club.. Blah blah.
What would he have gained? Would some supporters sleep better at night?
Yep, because he bangs on about fans every fecking time. He blamed the lack of supporters for bad performances by the team when things weren't going our way. Bangs on about full stadiums. Bangs on about the Stretford end. Bangs on about fan culture.

The least he can do is have some respect and tell the truth to the fans youre so dismissive about.
Hello Ole,

I didn't know you visited the caf. I would like to point out that the idea that you don't need tactics against 9 out of 10 teams is utter nonsense, as evidenced by your dismal mangaerial performance against Young Boys. I would also like to remind you that in the 15 games you managed against Arsenal, City, Liverpool, Leicester, Spurs & Chelsea last season you managed 3 wins, 6 draws & 6 losses so no you definitely don't have even remotely close to a decent record against big teams. Hope you turn things around Ole, once again, nice to see you on the Caf.
I was talking about title challengers - City, Lpool, and Chelsea. Ole's record against those three is decent. Also, btw, last season's loss against Leicester and Liverpool was understandable given how we had to play 4 games in a week, and had second place wrapped up. Also, the 1-6 home defeat against Spurs was due to a player losing his head (the basics).

I think the only fair criticism against Ole is the team's performance against Villareal - we should have won that game. That loss is on Ole and his staff.
Jesus Christ, half the people in here are fecking Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime.

They sail from orgasmic euphoria after tearing Leeds a new one to suicidal depression in the space of a week. There's no middle ground.

To say Ole isn't "tactical" is bollocks. He has his way of setting up the team that is there for all to see. A solid defence, 2 holding protective midfielders and then unleash the front 4 on the counter. It's hardly rocket science. Just because he didn't use "word of the day" terms like Trequartista or Regista, or wave his arms about on the touchline like a chimp on drugs, or gurn about with shit teeth, or you know, tell some no mark reporter who basically asked a loaded question to generate "news", the ins and outs of his system.

Not a single one of you (or me) knows what they are coached, or how. We're top of the league (granted after 4 games), unbeaten away in 28 games, finished 2nd in the league last year, got to a major european final last year, and only lost on the lottery of a penalty shootout. We're miles an miles ahead of where we were just 2 seasons ago, both in terms of results, the general environment about the place, the first XI. It goes beyond what you see in the 90 minutes on the pitch, which lets be honest, is 99% on the players, not the manager once they cross the white lines, and that's notwithstanding red cards in the first 30 minutes, or brainless backpasses, neither of which the managers tactics have any effect on.

Some of you need to wake up and realise that you can't win every game, you need squad players such as Lingard who while they aren't world beaters, they can help the squad at times.

Get behind the manager, support the team, because from reading this, 90% of people seem to be happy for him to fail, so they can get some other "tackticul" manager like say a Conte or a Simeone in, who will alienate the players, play boring football and the fans will then start to moan about that.

Grow up ffs.

You’re sufficiently angry and insulting, so you must be right :wenger:

You've just gone and proven exactly what I was saying.

You're arguing about the idea that Ole only builds his team about passion. But that's not what he said. He only said that it was a factor in the bigger picture.

I could strawman your post just as easily by claiming that you think technique is the only thing that matters and that effort is irrelevant.
He said precisely that. I have no idea what you're talking about:
"Overarching philosophy… I don’t sit here and claim and talk... football is a simple game and it's about making good decisions and being in a team.

Sometimes we look too much into the all intricacies and it’s passion, it's desire - who wants to win the ball? Which one of the striker has the desire to get on the end of crosses?

You can talk about all sorts, it looks nice on paper. But when you go out on that pitch, it's who wants to win, that’s one of the big things. "

The basic gist of it is - who gives a feck about tactics or plays, it's all about heart. Ok, fecking hell, I give up. Ole has some secret masterplan that he doesn't want to share with us. Fine. But it's time to show us this masterplan because this is his make or break season. If he can't win with this bunch of players, he can't win with anything and that's a fact, whether you like it or not. And scrappy victories like Newcastle or Wolves is simply not gonna do. And before anyone goes about "well, we beat Newcastle 4-1", yeah sure - we did. But we were largely non-threatening and once AGAIN it was all down to individual brilliant moments. The only real impressive teamwork play of ours was Shaw-Ronaldo's combination. We were largely toothless just like any other game. And btw, Newcastle looked far more dangerous in the couple of attacks we had than we did the entire game. Even in the Young Boys game. People like to harp about the red card, but we were again not exactly threatening them much before it. Ronaldo had his goal, but again - it was simply a great individual play. We could hardly keep possession, we lost the ball, we couldn't press, they were non-threatening, but so were we.

We'll largely coast to top 4 given our batch of players, that much is a given. But we'll never win anything unless massive luck is involved. We'll continue to win games on individual brilliance and wonder what world class player is the final (more like pre-final) missing piece of the puzzle. And that my friends is the kind of complacency that managed to turn that Invincible Arsenal who went toe to toe with us for a decade into a joke of a club.
His very position as United manager is the definition of reactionary.

I don't think you're terribly wrong about that. Did he get his permanent contract back in March 2019 because Ed Woodward - the well known football visionary - saw greatness in him? Probably (meaning definitely) not.

More likely that Ed Woodward - the well known football non-visionary - saw that the initial fan reaction to Ole was overwhelmingly positive, considered the whole narrative (Ole - the hero of '99 - in charge at OT) profitable, and...there you are.

But that's neither here nor there in terms of his current status. He has improved us on the whole. Only bitter idiots furiously defending their initial position will deny this.

He has done much better - in every respect - than the people who called him a PE teacher envisioned.
I don't think you're terribly wrong about that. Did he get his permanent contract back in March 2019 because Ed Woodward - the well known football visionary - saw greatness in him? Probably (meaning definitely) not.

More likely that Ed Woodward - the well known football non-visionary - saw that the initial fan reaction to Ole was overwhelmingly positive, considered the whole narrative (Ole - the hero of '99 - in charge at OT) profitable, and...there you are.

But that's neither here nor there in terms of his current status. He has improved us on the whole. Only bitter idiots furiously defending their initial position will deny this.

He has done much better - in every respect - than the people who called him a PE teacher envisioned.
He has improved us, we were rock bottom. I'm glad we've gotten away from rock bottom but now we're stagnating and he's so clearly not the man to keep improving us. There's nothing wrong with thanking him for the progress he made & parting ways so that we can keep making progress rather than stagnating out of loyalty.
I was talking about title challengers - City, Lpool, and Chelsea. Ole's record against those three is decent. Also, btw, last season's loss against Leicester and Liverpool was understandable given how we had to play 4 games in a week, and had second place wrapped up. Also, the 1-6 home defeat against Spurs was due to a player losing his head (the basics).

I think the only fair criticism against Ole is the team's performance against Villareal - we should have won that game. That loss is on Ole and his staff.
Is 2 wins, 2 losses & 4 draws decent? That's 10 points from a possible 24. Seems pretty poor to be honest.
Yeah I'm the miserable one, not the posters bitching and complaining about the managers incessantly. I have absolutely no idea who you are, but I think I can safely surmise you're another that finds no joy in actually watching football, but rather bitching about someone a manager may or may not have said. Football is meant to be enjoyable. If you cant find enjoyment in it then you might want to leave it to those who can?

Edit: just had a swift look at your posting history. My god. The hypocrisy. :lol:

Have a nice weekend mate, maybe take a test from Redcafe eh :)
Have a nice weekend mate, maybe take a test from Redcafe eh :)
Will do, and you. You might want to take a rest from football. We'll let you know when you're winning again. ;)
Is 2 wins, 2 losses & 4 draws decent? That's 10 points from a possible 24. Seems pretty poor to be honest.
Its just the new standards fans have gotten used to in last 8 years. If you are not downright miserable, its called "decent" these days.
Decided to take a break from Redcafe but logged in (wish I hadn't) and seen this thread and couldn't resist responding. Its pretty obvious that so many of Ole's comments around passion and desire are aimed at the team and not the fans. I don't think we are a lazy team but we do start too many games slowly and this is clearly something that is talked about privately and then reiterated in situations such as press conferences. He knows the team will see those comments.

Sidenote - just when you think the cafe can't sink any lower there's a 460 post thread on a press conference comment. I mean, seriously, what the feck has happened to this place? I think the mods have always done a brilliant job with this forum but its getting ridiculous now. I feel that cutting the cord is now necessary for me because of the incessant negativity and I can't help but wonder how many feel the same or have already made that decision. It has to stop. This is the best forum available for our club and frankly I've become embarrassed about how this now looks in terms of being a representation of this club and it's fanbase. You would seriously think we were Arsenal the way this place reads.

How arrogant are you to pass comment on what fans want to discuss and that somehow YOU are embarrassed about Utds fan base? Really go and check yourself.

The comments made by the manager himself reflected the worst fears of a lot of fans- that despite the talent and attitude in the squad...our performances suggest we are a long way off being consistent or dare I say nice to watch in the same way other top teams. This is because our manger, as confirmed at said press conference, places less emphasis on tactics and more emphasis on attitude. Because of this approach, I for one cannot hand on my heart say we play good football or are a good watch which baffles me considering the level of talent in our squad. Our results flatter to deceive a lot of the time and I am perfectly entitled to discuss that through logic and reasoned discussion on a fan forum. All of the achievements you highlighted in your post mean precisely fuk all if, as a fan, You don’t enjoy watching the team for the majority of games. Even the most bias fans know our second place was the result of a large slice of good fortune as opposed to scintillating football! Our first halves are notoriously bad but let’s not pretend we come out in the second and play teams of the park- we grind out results through sheer will and the odd bit of genius by one of the lads. So why can’t I or anyone else who has had that opinion for the last two years...discuss our concerns - on a FAN forum...without some holier than thou “proper supporter“ like yourself trying to belittle it?

I don’t care if you are embarrassed. 30 years, every weekend and midweek gives me enough grounds to have an opinion. engage with the argument, for or against, or simply go to another thread where posters make you proud![/QUOTE]
Here's hoping the last disappointing result will give a kick that the squad need to perform better. Its better to have it early in the season than to get carried away getting dodgy results without actually deserving them.
Is 2 wins, 2 losses & 4 draws decent? That's 10 points from a possible 24. Seems pretty poor to be honest.
I think so. But reasonable people can disagree. I think prior to this season we have lacked options from the bench to convert those draws into wins. I think and hope we will have a better record against our competitors this season. I will judge Ole based on where the team is at in January both in CL and PL.
Here's hoping the last disappointing result will give a kick that the squad need to perform better. Its better to have it early in the season than to get carried away getting dodgy results without actually deserving them.
Unfortunately, its not 1 disappointing result. That "we are an awfully coached team" thread has existed for a long time. Managers comments today only validate what a lot of us feel and know to be true that no amount of individual talent would push us to PL/CL title. This is the most stacked squad in the league and I feel comfortable in saying we won't win PL/CL this year and its primarily for 1 reason and it has nothing to do with talent in the squad.
There's nothing wrong with thanking him for the progress he made & parting ways so that we can keep making progress rather than stagnating out of loyalty.

No, there's nothing wrong with that - in theory.

Three questions, though:

1) Is there an obvious candidate to take over, at this particular stage, given United's particular situation?

2) Do you trust the people above Ole to correctly identify that candidate?

3) Do you think the fact that we have - undoubtedly - strengthened both the squad and the starting XI immensely over the last few transfer windows has a) nothing or b) little to do with Ole?


Should be discussed elsewhere, really.

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Unfortunately, its not 1 disappointing result. That "we are an awfully coached team" thread has existed for a long time. Managers comments today only validate what a lot of us feel and know to be true that no amount of individual talent would push us to PL/CL title. This is the most stacked squad in the league and I feel comfortable in saying we won't win PL/CL this year and its primarily for 1 reason and it has nothing to do with talent in the squad.
True. To be fair outside of the Leeds game we didnt look very convincing. But those didnt look too bad because we won the games (drew one). Now after losing against Young Boys as a bunch of adults in a CL match, nobody gets to hide anymore. Bad performance and bad result. Its either they come out of hiding or keep hiding.
Is 2 wins, 2 losses & 4 draws decent? That's 10 points from a possible 24. Seems pretty poor to be honest.
My goodness, I've just seen your previous posts and literally every single post of yours for like 4 pages worth is a negative pessimistic post! Feck sake, you are a miserable sod.
*mindless rant snipped*

We'll largely coast to top 4 given our batch of players, that much is a given. But we'll never win anything unless massive luck is involved.
You really don't help yourself with yet another unhinged rant, and statements like this. Are you Alan Hansen?

One decent run and you'll slink back into the shadows
Unfortunately, its not 1 disappointing result. That "we are an awfully coached team" thread has existed for a long time. Managers comments today only validate what a lot of us feel and know to be true that no amount of individual talent would push us to PL/CL title. This is the most stacked squad in the league and I feel comfortable in saying we won't win PL/CL this year and its primarily for 1 reason and it has nothing to do with talent in the squad.
You really think we have the best squad in the league?

Our XI is excellent, however I feel both City and Chelsea have better and bigger squads.
We are an injury/suspension away from a huge drop in quality if one of Maguire, Varane*, Shaw or Bruno get injured.
I can't think of a single Chelsea or City player that is as valuable to the team as these 4 are for us. Maybe Diaz at City.

*Yes, Lindelof / Bailly are that bad IMO.
Apart from hearing who’s fit and available pressers are a bunch of nonsense.

I agree. It is entertaining how managers respond to questions. Tuchel was asked today if having an extra day gives Chelsea an advantage? He said he doesn't think so. He said it is nice to have an extra rest and recovery day, but he tries to keep the build up to the game the same so the team stays in a rhythm. He said the two days before the game they will train and go over the tactics for the game. I do think had Tuchel been asked the same question he will give a lecture of how he sets up the double pivot, actually going as far as how many meters they should be in both attack and defense. They are just different in how they approach both games, and press conference for that matter. Tuchel's football nerd always comes out. I wish the journalist at our press conferences asked better questions. Tuchel often laughs at the questions he receives.
You really think we have the best squad in the league?

Our XI is excellent, however I feel both City and Chelsea have better and bigger squads.
We are an injury/suspension away from a huge drop in quality if one of Maguire, Varane*, Shaw or Bruno get injured.
I can't think of a single Chelsea or City player that is as valuable to the team as these 4 are for us. Maybe Diaz at City.

*Yes, Lindelof / Bailly are that bad IMO.
Ridiculous. To united fans grass is always greener elsewhere. We have a best starting 11 and also plenty of depth. And no, Chelsea aren't better, neither starting 11 nor depth wise. They do have a much superior you know what.
Ridiculous. To united fans grass is always greener elsewhere. We have a best starting 11 and also plenty of depth. And no, Chelsea aren't better, neither starting 11 nor depth wise. They do have a much superior you know what.
You really think we have the best squad in the league?

Our XI is excellent, however I feel both City and Chelsea have better and bigger squads.
We are an injury/suspension away from a huge drop in quality if one of Maguire, Varane*, Shaw or Bruno get injured.
I can't think of a single Chelsea or City player that is as valuable to the team as these 4 are for us. Maybe Diaz at City.

*Yes, Lindelof / Bailly are that bad IMO.
Name me the Chelsea/City players you'd pick over our players. KDB, Kante and who?
Ridiculous. To united fans grass is always greener elsewhere. We have a best starting 11 and also plenty of depth. And no, Chelsea aren't better, neither starting 11 nor depth wise. They do have a much superior you know what.
Name me the Chelsea/City players you'd pick over our players. KDB, Kante and who?
That wasn't my point. The point was depth quality.
I feel we only have quality depth in our forward positions.

To answer your question though, I'd take Mendy/Ederson, James/Walker and quite alot of midfielders from their sides.
Jesus Christ, half the people in here are fecking Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime.

They sail from orgasmic euphoria after tearing Leeds a new one to suicidal depression in the space of a week. There's no middle ground.

To say Ole isn't "tactical" is bollocks. He has his way of setting up the team that is there for all to see. A solid defence, 2 holding protective midfielders and then unleash the front 4 on the counter. It's hardly rocket science. Just because he didn't use "word of the day" terms like Trequartista or Regista, or wave his arms about on the touchline like a chimp on drugs, or gurn about with shit teeth, or you know, tell some no mark reporter who basically asked a loaded question to generate "news", the ins and outs of his system.

Not a single one of you (or me) knows what they are coached, or how. We're top of the league (granted after 4 games), unbeaten away in 28 games, finished 2nd in the league last year, got to a major european final last year, and only lost on the lottery of a penalty shootout. We're miles an miles ahead of where we were just 2 seasons ago, both in terms of results, the general environment about the place, the first XI. It goes beyond what you see in the 90 minutes on the pitch, which lets be honest, is 99% on the players, not the manager once they cross the white lines, and that's notwithstanding red cards in the first 30 minutes, or brainless backpasses, neither of which the managers tactics have any effect on.

Some of you need to wake up and realise that you can't win every game, you need squad players such as Lingard who while they aren't world beaters, they can help the squad at times.

Get behind the manager, support the team, because from reading this, 90% of people seem to be happy for him to fail, so they can get some other "tackticul" manager like say a Conte or a Simeone in, who will alienate the players, play boring football and the fans will then start to moan about that.

Grow up ffs.
Totally agree
Jesus Christ, half the people in here are fecking Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime.

They sail from orgasmic euphoria after tearing Leeds a new one to suicidal depression in the space of a week. There's no middle ground.

To say Ole isn't "tactical" is bollocks. He has his way of setting up the team that is there for all to see. A solid defence, 2 holding protective midfielders and then unleash the front 4 on the counter. It's hardly rocket science. Just because he didn't use "word of the day" terms like Trequartista or Regista, or wave his arms about on the touchline like a chimp on drugs, or gurn about with shit teeth, or you know, tell some no mark reporter who basically asked a loaded question to generate "news", the ins and outs of his system.

Not a single one of you (or me) knows what they are coached, or how. We're top of the league (granted after 4 games), unbeaten away in 28 games, finished 2nd in the league last year, got to a major european final last year, and only lost on the lottery of a penalty shootout. We're miles an miles ahead of where we were just 2 seasons ago, both in terms of results, the general environment about the place, the first XI. It goes beyond what you see in the 90 minutes on the pitch, which lets be honest, is 99% on the players, not the manager once they cross the white lines, and that's notwithstanding red cards in the first 30 minutes, or brainless backpasses, neither of which the managers tactics have any effect on.

Some of you need to wake up and realise that you can't win every game, you need squad players such as Lingard who while they aren't world beaters, they can help the squad at times.

Get behind the manager, support the team, because from reading this, 90% of people seem to be happy for him to fail, so they can get some other "tackticul" manager like say a Conte or a Simeone in, who will alienate the players, play boring football and the fans will then start to moan about that.

Grow up ffs.
Hear hear! I couldn’t have put it better myself. I completely agree with all that has been said (except for the first line). People here are losing their sh!t over nothing. I mean just because a manager doesn’t discuss his tactics with the press doesn’t mean he is tactically inept or just sends his team out and asks them to play with passion.
No, there's nothing wrong with that - in theory.

Three questions, though:

1) Is there an obvious candidate to take over, at this particular stage, given United's particular situation?

2) Do you trust the people above Ole to correctly identify that candidate?

3) Do you think the fact that we have - undoubtedly - strengthened both the squad and the starting XI immensely over the last few transfer windows has a) nothing or b) little to do with Ole?


Should be discussed elsewhere, really.


1) I personally, despite my complete belief that Ole will fail to win anything, wouldn't sack him at this point in time. If he fails to make it out of the group stage I'd sack him on the spot. If not I'd wait until the end of the season and sack him if we've won nothing come that point. Right now I'd aim for Zidane as I don't think Conte would be the great fit that a lot of people think he'd be.

2) No. I think there's no real football people above the manager and that has plagued the club since SAF departed as both Mourinho and LvG have alluded to or just outright stated. SAF maybe didn't need anyone above him because he sort of ran everything but times are different now and there needs to be more experience throughout the club, like how Bayern are run for example.

3) Whilst I think our squad has improved immensely, I don't actually think Ole has been so instrumental in the changes in personnel.
  • He spent 10m on Ighalo loan which was a waste of time & money.
  • £50m for AWB who is one of the weak links in the team, exceptional at one on one defending but has real shortcomings elsewhere.
  • £55m for Bruno but we should have got him in the summer, especially as he claims he nearly went to Spurs in that window but we risked it going to January. Bruno was also hardly a stroke of genius given that he had been involved in 79 goals in his last 79 games for Sporting.
  • Maguire is a great addition in my opinion, I'm not a fan of all the stick he gets but we were already in for him as Mourinho was trying to get him and it was hardly a steal at £85m.
  • Dan James, oddly one of our best bits of business. I don't mind taking a punt on a player for cheap & when they don't work out sell them for a good profit. Good business here.
  • van de Beek has been a disaster so far. Lots of suggestion that he wasn't Ole's signing, idk if that's true but he certainly hasn't been a hit with Ole.
  • Diallo, we have to wait and see what happens here but decisions like bringing Jesse back into the fold is only going to prevent Diallo from being a success.
  • Pellistri, we have to wait and see but they can't all succeed with us I suppose.
  • Cavani was a last minute panic buy that thankfully worked out.
  • Telles was sensible at the time because of Shaw's injury woes. Unfortunate for Telles that Shaw seems to suddenly be indestructable but I think Telles is still good cover.
  • Varane was forcing his way to us and would have done with or without Ole. He always had a thing for us ever since he was 18 and SAF nearly got him. Obvious signing.
  • Ronaldo, don't personally think Ole was relevant to this deal happening or not.
  • Sancho will come good I'm certain of it but he actually is the opposite of how Ole plays so I think he will be a success but not while Ole is with us.
  • Finally, the GK situation has been an absolute mess made by Ole. Bringing Dean back but not letting Romero go to Everton, turning down £10m and paying Romero £5m in wages to sit in reserves & show him total disrespect was a disgrace. Then we unsettle both Dean and de Gea and get shaky performances from both. Then we bring in Heaton as a #2 but fail to ship out Dean or de Gea so now we have two first choice GKs, a 2nd choice in Heaton and 3rd choice Grant. Utter mess.
So, overall I think we're better off than when Ole started in terms of squad but I also think a lot of these situations could feesibly have occurred without Ole's influence. What do you think about his role with our incomings?
Top of the table after 3 games is such a ridiculous statement to begin with. I can't believe anyone with an IQ above room temperature would even use this in an argument.

Hahaha, I'm stealing that line!

It's still too high for some though.
Jesus Christ, half the people in here are fecking Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime.

They sail from orgasmic euphoria after tearing Leeds a new one to suicidal depression in the space of a week. There's no middle ground.

To say Ole isn't "tactical" is bollocks. He has his way of setting up the team that is there for all to see. A solid defence, 2 holding protective midfielders and then unleash the front 4 on the counter. It's hardly rocket science. Just because he didn't use "word of the day" terms like Trequartista or Regista, or wave his arms about on the touchline like a chimp on drugs, or gurn about with shit teeth, or you know, tell some no mark reporter who basically asked a loaded question to generate "news", the ins and outs of his system.

Not a single one of you (or me) knows what they are coached, or how. We're top of the league (granted after 4 games), unbeaten away in 28 games, finished 2nd in the league last year, got to a major european final last year, and only lost on the lottery of a penalty shootout. We're miles an miles ahead of where we were just 2 seasons ago, both in terms of results, the general environment about the place, the first XI. It goes beyond what you see in the 90 minutes on the pitch, which lets be honest, is 99% on the players, not the manager once they cross the white lines, and that's notwithstanding red cards in the first 30 minutes, or brainless backpasses, neither of which the managers tactics have any effect on.

Some of you need to wake up and realise that you can't win every game, you need squad players such as Lingard who while they aren't world beaters, they can help the squad at times.

Get behind the manager, support the team, because from reading this, 90% of people seem to be happy for him to fail, so they can get some other "tackticul" manager like say a Conte or a Simeone in, who will alienate the players, play boring football and the fans will then start to moan about that.

Grow up ffs.
As if you've been reported ffs!

Agree with every word. The caf has gone to the dogs from what it used to be back in the early to mid-noughties.
As if you've been reported ffs!

Agree with every word. The caf has gone to the dogs from what it used to be back in the early to mid-noughties.
Imagine comparing it to a time where United were winning everything. Use your head.
1) I personally, despite my complete belief that Ole will fail to win anything, wouldn't sack him at this point in time. If he fails to make it out of the group stage I'd sack him on the spot. If not I'd wait until the end of the season and sack him if we've won nothing come that point. Right now I'd aim for Zidane as I don't think Conte would be the great fit that a lot of people think he'd be.

2) No. I think there's no real football people above the manager and that has plagued the club since SAF departed as both Mourinho and LvG have alluded to or just outright stated. SAF maybe didn't need anyone above him because he sort of ran everything but times are different now and there needs to be more experience throughout the club, like how Bayern are run for example.

3) Whilst I think our squad has improved immensely, I don't actually think Ole has been so instrumental in the changes in personnel.
  • He spent 10m on Ighalo loan which was a waste of time & money.
  • £50m for AWB who is one of the weak links in the team, exceptional at one on one defending but has real shortcomings elsewhere.
  • £55m for Bruno but we should have got him in the summer, especially as he claims he nearly went to Spurs in that window but we risked it going to January. Bruno was also hardly a stroke of genius given that he had been involved in 79 goals in his last 79 games for Sporting.
  • Maguire is a great addition in my opinion, I'm not a fan of all the stick he gets but we were already in for him as Mourinho was trying to get him and it was hardly a steal at £85m.
  • Dan James, oddly one of our best bits of business. I don't mind taking a punt on a player for cheap & when they don't work out sell them for a good profit. Good business here.
  • van de Beek has been a disaster so far. Lots of suggestion that he wasn't Ole's signing, idk if that's true but he certainly hasn't been a hit with Ole.
  • Diallo, we have to wait and see what happens here but decisions like bringing Jesse back into the fold is only going to prevent Diallo from being a success.
  • Pellistri, we have to wait and see but they can't all succeed with us I suppose.
  • Cavani was a last minute panic buy that thankfully worked out.
  • Telles was sensible at the time because of Shaw's injury woes. Unfortunate for Telles that Shaw seems to suddenly be indestructable but I think Telles is still good cover.
  • Varane was forcing his way to us and would have done with or without Ole. He always had a thing for us ever since he was 18 and SAF nearly got him. Obvious signing.
  • Ronaldo, don't personally think Ole was relevant to this deal happening or not.
  • Sancho will come good I'm certain of it but he actually is the opposite of how Ole plays so I think he will be a success but not while Ole is with us.
  • Finally, the GK situation has been an absolute mess made by Ole. Bringing Dean back but not letting Romero go to Everton, turning down £10m and paying Romero £5m in wages to sit in reserves & show him total disrespect was a disgrace. Then we unsettle both Dean and de Gea and get shaky performances from both. Then we bring in Heaton as a #2 but fail to ship out Dean or de Gea so now we have two first choice GKs, a 2nd choice in Heaton and 3rd choice Grant. Utter mess.
So, overall I think we're better off than when Ole started in terms of squad but I also think a lot of these situations could feesibly have occurred without Ole's influence. What do you think about his role with our incomings?
Without replying to everything as according to this logic no manager should ever get credit for a signing as the player was coming anyway or something like that.

We know that United managers have a say in the signings. At least he tells the club the kind of profile he likes. For example I don’t think Mourinho would have bought Bruno (takes too many risks) or Sancho (too young, does not defend, etc.).
Equally Ole has not spent huge money on someone who never wanted to be here (AdM).
So Ole does indeed deserve much more credit for our squad building than people are willing to admit.
100%. We should have thanked him for his work and parted ways. The thing that annoys me the most about these staunch Ole defenders is that when you say he's not good enough after yet another abysmal performance they scream "ohh you're so reactionary!!!". I'll tell you what's reactionary, hiring a mid to low-tier manager and full set of backroom staff on a permanent basis on the back of a champions league result in Paris. His very position as United manager is the definition of reactionary.

It's the same people who defended Moyes, LGV, and Maureen till the bitter end even though the signs were there right away. I thought Moyes was a bad hire when it happened, I gave LVG the benefit of the doubt as his 2014 Dutch team left a lot to be desired (even though they did well in the World Cup), and I was totally against hiring Maureen. His brand of football and his personality is not something that is for United, but his hiring was something that was done to counteract the hiring of Pep at City. Ole has done what he was brought in for, no idea why he was given the permanent job, and then to extend him as well? The definition of mediocrity.