Rocky Boxset

I wish they had a similar deal on the first two High School Music films. God how I love them.
That would be a great deal if the Rocky films weren't so desperately shit.

I preferred HSM (that's why we fans call it). The sequel just seems like a sell-out after the fresh, insightful and dare I say it, cute first movie.

I'm pretty sure you didn't.



It's your fault I just punched the cat in the face, just so you know. And I don't even have a cat. My neighbour's going to be really annoyed.
i picked up the rocky boxset about 6 weeks ago from hmv for £15, still not got round to watching them again yet, IV was always my favourite, ivan drago was a monster
i picked up the rocky boxset about 6 weeks ago from hmv for £15, still not got round to watching them again yet, IV was always my favourite, ivan drago was a monster

Vidic would have him for breakfast :devil:

Seriously, I love the Rocky films. I have 1-5 in a boxset, and the 6th one on it's own. I love the 3rd one with Mr.T :D
I think I paid £30 for my 1-5 boxset ages ago, got Balboa on its own. I could watch those films all day, £50 would be a bargain as far as I'm concerned they're awesome.

You can pickup the Aliens boxset dirt cheap now too, (£13 on amazon) and its amazing, even if 3 and 4 are a bit shit the extras for all the films are worth it. One of the best boxsets I've ever seen.
take number 6 and burn it.

technically its 4 films for the price of one.
6 was wank. should have left it at 5 and called it a day.