PSP or DS?


Full Member
May 13, 2004
The City of Salford.
I'm probably going to be in a position in the next couple of months where I'm going to have a 45 minute commute to work. Thinking about getting a PSP or a DS to keep me entertained.

Which one would you guys recommend?

I'm leaning towards the PSP, seems to be a better choice of games, and of course there's the movies as well.
It highly depends on the types of games you like really.

This. I like the fun, silly games on the DS, but if you're into much more "hardcore" gaming then the PSP is much, much better.

For example, my friend currently plays Final Fantasy VII and Grand Theft Auto 3 on his PSP; I play Pokémon: Pearl and Lego Star Wars!
Pokemon is actually a class, class game, and a great time waster. I have used it for 2 years in a row on my holiday to America on the plane.
Pokemon is actually a class, class game, and a great time waster. I have used it for 2 years in a row on my holiday to America on the plane.

One day they'll bring out an adult version where Misty is dead fit and sports a camel's toe, and Brock will have a schlong down to the knee. Remember you heard it here first on the caf. Venereal diseases. gotta catch 'em all.
You can play videos etc on the DS, you just need an R4 or equivalent and the homebrew application. You will also have access to all the old snes/megadrive etc games too. I've been playing Monkey Island recently.
I don't use either that much but of the two the PSP gets more use. Tekken, Final Fantasy I/II/Crisis Core/Tactics, God of War, love all those, just bought Motorstorm for it the other day too. Bought Final Fantasy VII off the PSN Store and played through that on my PSP a couple of months ago too. DS has some good games too just not the sort I like, although I'll be getting Scribblenauts when its out.
Pokemon is actually a class, class game, and a great time waster. I have used it for 2 years in a row on my holiday to America on the plane.

Personally I adore the Pokémon games, but I would never admit to that in public!

Having said that, one of my best friend's girlfriend is having a childhood cartoon characters themed birthday party in December, and I'm going to go as Ash Ketchum :D

Edit: Although an epiphany and some research might see me go as James from Team Rocket instead, as I'll be more recognisable.